Chars --Rant--

IDaun - Dreamweaver
IDaun - Dreamweaver Posts: 261 Arc User
edited November 2009 in General Discussion
--Note: I know I should just ignore these idiots, but, just annoys me. Don't read if you don't like it--

I was reading the forums today, and, again, came across a forum with a bunch o' **** posted in it. The main thing I noticed that invalidated his posts and labeled him as stupid was-- "How would someone on a PvE server know what I'm talking about?"

Whenever I see this anywhere on the forums (for it's quite common), the person in question is immediately considered stupid-- which I agree with. Does anyone here actually think I'm only a level 30 wizzie? (don't answer that). Or that my ONLY char is from Dreamweaver? People. Have. Alts. People have MAINS. You can ONLY use ONE char as your forum avatar/name.

Get that through your thick skulls-- just because someone is ON a PvE server doesn't mean they know nothing of PvP. Just because someone is level 30 doesn't mean they know nothing of TT and such. Talk about issues without bringing up the other side's LEVEL or SERVER or CLASS. It may well be that they know more about your class or server than you do. You should be able to 'win' the argument by invalidating their points-- not saying, "Oh look, this person is level 40. They can't know about xxxx."

It just makes you look stupid, not them.
Post edited by IDaun - Dreamweaver on


  • Lyritha - Heavens Tear
    Lyritha - Heavens Tear Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    hehe I'm more bothered about people in the game than on these forums... Specifically when someone demands that we have a barb to tank something that can be tanked by any class b:laugh
  • Devilmaycare - Harshlands
    Devilmaycare - Harshlands Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ehh, it's about the same as calling someone a "noob" in-game, people say such things when they can not inteligently criticize another players skills, or when they're just butthurt because the "noob" killed them or whatever
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lolz, just ignore it.

    It's called morons trying to drag you down to their level.
  • Pegasi - Lost City
    Pegasi - Lost City Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Heh, yeah I've seen that. It's kinda funny because your level doesn't make you young, your server doesn't make you ignorant, and your class doesn't make you a know-nothing.

    It really makes me giggle when people consider low levels to be kids.
    Does that mean when I reach level 70 I've reached puberty or nooberty? Because I seem to wind up around a lot of level 70+ who still haven't figured out how to properly navigate FB 19 or that their skill spammery isn't 1337.
    When Saukey decides she can swim, I know I didn't get the DC pop-up again. Wish she swam when it matters.
  • XbladeXBm - Dreamweaver
    XbladeXBm - Dreamweaver Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Also people tend to think their level = their intelligence level, and if they are higher than others that must mean they know more...... *tuts* thats the easiest way to set yourself up for a big fall.
  • RavinTink - Sanctuary
    RavinTink - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Also people tend to think their level = their intelligence level, and if they are higher than others that must mean they know more...... *tuts* thats the easiest way to set yourself up for a big fall.

    Honestly, and this is just my opinion, a big part of the problem is the oracles. Granted I started playing this game AFTER the oracles were here, but I dont see the challenge in using them to "lvl fast". There is the problem with these ppl. They lvl'd there chars quickly with oracles and such and dont really know how to use their skills, then think they know it all just because they are higher lvl. Alot of them dont realize that lower lvl chars are probably alts and that the person actually has a high lvl main that is just kinda "stuck" at a certain lvl because of the required amount of exp. Thus they create alts to experience more of the game.

    I played another game before coming to PWI where you lvl'd very fast, and very easily. At first it was kinda fun. Its a pvp server and yeah it can be a little entertaining, however it got boring really fast.

    These idiots you are referring to dont know how to play their chars nor do they use what few brain cells they have in their heads most of the time. When they do ask for help or advice, they think anyone who responds is stupid or "noob" if they dont agree.

    Whats funny is, when someone ingame calls you a "noob" simply say "thank you for the compliment" gets em every b:chuckle

    When life gives you lemons...dont make lemonade!!
    Find the fool who got vodka and have a party!!
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    --Note: I know I should just ignore these idiots, but, just annoys me. Don't read if you don't like it--

    I was reading the forums today, and, again, came across a forum with a bunch o' **** posted in it. The main thing I noticed that invalidated his posts and labeled him as stupid was-- "How would someone on a PvE server know what I'm talking about?"

    Whenever I see this anywhere on the forums (for it's quite common), the person in question is immediately considered stupid-- which I agree with. Does anyone here actually think I'm only a level 30 wizzie? (don't answer that). Or that my ONLY char is from Dreamweaver? People. Have. Alts. People have MAINS. You can ONLY use ONE char as your forum avatar/name.

    Get that through your thick skulls-- just because someone is ON a PvE server doesn't mean they know nothing of PvP. Just because someone is level 30 doesn't mean they know nothing of TT and such. Talk about issues without bringing up the other side's LEVEL or SERVER or CLASS. It may well be that they know more about your class or server than you do. You should be able to 'win' the argument by invalidating their points-- not saying, "Oh look, this person is level 40. They can't know about xxxx."

    It just makes you look stupid, not them.

    Agreed 100%. That is why I generally enjoy Trolling them.

  • Argyle - Dreamweaver
    Argyle - Dreamweaver Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol, an archer will call for a barb because barbs keep aggro better, lol, unless it's something the archer can tank himself. b:victory Polearm at 90 while still in 80 gears is i think my best tanking so far, took some help from clerics, debuff happens less but also causes lazy clerics to pay attention less and die sometimes, lol. hmmmm, can't think of anything tuffer then polearm that i've done so far.
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    People. Have. Alts. People have MAINS. You can ONLY use ONE char as your forum avatar/name.

    And this is part of why I use the anon icon to post. I have multiple chars across multiple servers (including MY) and I honestly can't be arsed to switch avatars based on server/class in order to be considered as having a valid point in a discussion with the morons who think that your avatar always is your main.

    Besides, I have a more unusual definition of main, namely I consider it whichever character I'm most active on at the time. Unless I'm playing my higher level characters more often than my lower leveled ones, you'd find me calling them alts and vice versa.