Routine Checkup!

JaneGray - Lost City
JaneGray - Lost City Posts: 200 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Wizard
I was going to post this on beginner's forum but then I realized I want serious answers from wizzies that know what they are talking about. :P b:chuckle

Anyways I'm level 42 now, I have 2 headless horsemen items and a wheel of fate that I am SO excited to use in one more level :D:D:D:D, but I noticed with my new spells it takes about 4 shots or 5 sometimes to kill a mob, and usually it only takes 3.

Anyways I was just wondering if yall high level wizzies (especially the ones that are good at PVP) could take a glance at my current spell levels and let me know if I'm headed in the right direction, and if not, what direction I should be headed in. :D


(Keep in mind I'm going for as much raw damage as possible, as I like to RPK/PKK, so I want to only use about 3 spells if possible to kill someone...)

Attack Spells: (yes, I call them spells not skills o.O)
Pyrogram - Level 9
Stone Rain - Level 8
Gush - Level 8
Divine Pyro -Level 4
Dragon's Breath - Level 3
Crown of Flame - Level 1
Will of Phonix - Level 1
Hailstorm - Level 1
Pitfall - Level 1
Sandstorm - Level 1

Helpful Spells:
Stone Barrier - Level 7
Pyroshell - Level 5
Glacial Embrace - Level 5
Distance Shrink - Level 2
Wellspring Quaff - Level 2
Morning Dew - Level 2
Frostblade - Level 1

:D Also, what about those fire, earth, and water masteries? Worth it?

And YES, one more thing, since I want to minimize the amount of spells and time it takes to kill mobs/pvp, what order should I cast my spells? I'm thinking something very powerful followed by Will of Phoenix since it is powerful and has knockback, and then one more spell, any suggestions? Thanks! b:victory
Post edited by JaneGray - Lost City on


  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    well, I dont' know what weapon u have now, but as soon as you can wear the WoF everything will change.
    And 5 shots to kill a mob...are u LA? If you are then it's normal. You're going to suck for a while until u can stack some crit. If not, you're doing something wrong.
    Anyway, at 43 mobs that u have element advantage over should be down in 3 shots, using a nuke-gush-hit with 2 of the elements the mob is weak on. Normal mobs should be 4 shots prolly nuke-gush-pyro-gush.
    For grinding/questing purpose try to get some -channel belt and necklace, will help u immensely if u have another -6 channel beside the -3 from glaive. -10 is not much, not really visible, but where u will see it is that .3 of a second faster drop of the mob without him being able to hit you. Sometimes is just annoying when u can drop a mob in 3 hits, but he's always able to hit you ( I'm talking about ranged ones) right when he dies. For melee it's either WoTP or drop it before it hits you.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Blds - Lost City
    Blds - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Pyrogram - Level 9 Max this
    Stone Rain - Level 8 Max this Honestly theres a big debate about stone rain over sandstorm, once i was able to level sandstorm i left stone rain at level 8 or w/e. then i went back at level 85 and maxed it out as well
    Gush - Level 8 Max this
    Divine Pyro -Level 4 Dont max this yet, you're not anywhere close to the pvp level (when you get sutra, this starts getting better)
    Dragon's Breath - Level 3 Get it to 5 if you can spare the spirit, not a necesity, when you do RB if you're well geared and with masteries you will steal aggro too much from the lurer/tank and you'll just die; dont pump it too much IMO
    Crown of Flame - Level 1 BAWHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
    Will of Phonix - Level 1 Max this
    Hailstorm - Level 1 Maybe once you get higher
    Pitfall - Level 1 Useless
    Sandstorm - Level 1 Max this

    Helpful Spells:
    Stone Barrier - Level 7 Max this
    Pyroshell - Level 5 Don't waste any more points on this
    Glacial Embrace - Level 5 max it when you max divine pyrogram
    Distance Shrink - Level 2 Leave this here for now
    Wellspring Quaff - Level 2 Get this to five eventually for Sutra
    Morning Dew - Level 2 Only level up if you have a ton of extra spirit
    Frostblade - Level 1 Leave this here

    :D Also, what about those fire, earth, and water masteries? Worth it?
    Yes those masteries are well worth it

    And YES, one more thing, since I want to minimize the amount of spells and time it takes to kill mobs/pvp, what order should I cast my spells? I'm thinking something very powerful followed by Will of Phoenix since it is powerful and has knockback, and then one more spell, any suggestions? Thanks!

    Pay attention to the mob's elements, shooting a fire mob with pyrogram will be a LOLFAIL moment. Let's assume this is a non-element melee mob, this is how i would proceed.

    When you shoot pyrogram from max range, you can almost get off a whole gush before the pyrogram hits and deals damage. Therefore i suggest using pyro-> gush to maximize damage and time before mob reaches you

    I suggest pyro-gush-pyro-nix/at higher levels FoW-gush-pyro (they should be dead by now) if not b:surrender

    If you're full AA there's a great chance they'll be dead on the nix or the gush after the nix

    Also if you're doing a timed quest where its heavily farmed mobs, dont be afraid to use one of the most damaging combinations available


    deals absolutely massive damage per second and it'll assure you get a good chunk of the hp off the mob if someone is trying to ks you

    Good luck and enjoy that WoF; its a great weapon
    9x Sage Wizard

    Free to play! b:laugh
    Pay to win.b:cry
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Leave Dragon's Breath be for now. If you want to PvP, just don't use it (target walks 10m and is out of range, than sits and decides what he's going to do)
    For PvE, don't use it unless you're with a squad with tank, or you just kill yourself (4+mobs at close range aggroed while you can't move =baaaaad)

    Will of phoenix is great, deals much more dmg than your basic skils and is just as fast as gush (and the knockback range increases as it lvls up). However, it's terribly expencive.

    Try to always either use gush WotP, or WotP gush. The first one will mean the mob is already slow as it begins to move towards you, the second means you can shoot WotP faster (example, if the mob is already hitting you)

    For Dpyor vs Sandstorm, I'd say max Dpyro first, as you'll have added range so it's safer to use that as an opener. However, in the water sandstorm is better. So I'd say that's up to preference.

    Hailstorm is nice at higher lvls, but don't bother with it now as you have better things to leave your spirit.

    A personal favorite of mine, glacial embrace. It is effectivly a never ending self buff equivilant to the cleric regen buff, and stacks. 10mp/sec doesn't seem much, but combined with cleric buf and meditating increase, you can get your mp back in no time. So I use it all the time when I'm grinding and know I won't die unless I do something really stupid.

    If you start to attack a mob, use your nuke. Preferebly the one with the highest range (highest lvl), as more range will alow you to get off an extra attack before the mob reaches you.

    Mastery's are good. As you are aproching the lvl area where you'll be spending alot of time in the water, I'd sugest lvling earth mastery abit higher than the rest. Though that's up to you
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Mahdust - Harshlands
    Mahdust - Harshlands Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I was going to post this on beginner's forum but then I realized I want serious answers from wizzies that know what they are talking about. :P b:chuckle

    Anyways I'm level 42 now, I have 2 headless horsemen items and a wheel of fate that I am SO excited to use in one more level :D:D:D:D, but I noticed with my new spells it takes about 4 shots or 5 sometimes to kill a mob, and usually it only takes 3.

    Anyways I was just wondering if yall high level wizzies (especially the ones that are good at PVP) could take a glance at my current spell levels and let me know if I'm headed in the right direction, and if not, what direction I should be headed in. :D


    (Keep in mind I'm going for as much raw damage as possible, as I like to RPK/PKK, so I want to only use about 3 spells if possible to kill someone...)

    Attack Spells: (yes, I call them spells not skills o.O)
    Pyrogram - Level 9
    Stone Rain - Level 8
    Gush - Level 8
    Divine Pyro -Level 4
    Dragon's Breath - Level 3
    Crown of Flame - Level 1
    Will of Phonix - Level 1
    Hailstorm - Level 1
    Pitfall - Level 1
    Sandstorm - Level 1

    Helpful Spells:
    Stone Barrier - Level 7
    Pyroshell - Level 5
    Glacial Embrace - Level 5
    Distance Shrink - Level 2
    Wellspring Quaff - Level 2
    Morning Dew - Level 2
    Frostblade - Level 1

    :D Also, what about those fire, earth, and water masteries? Worth it?

    And YES, one more thing, since I want to minimize the amount of spells and time it takes to kill mobs/pvp, what order should I cast my spells? I'm thinking something very powerful followed by Will of Phoenix since it is powerful and has knockback, and then one more spell, any suggestions? Thanks! b:victory

    For mobs you want to at least throw 1 gush in, the slow effect makes a dramatic difference to how many hits you can get off. My normal approach for melee mobs is gush -> SR -> gush -> WotP.

    I don't like starting with a high damage spell right off because it doesn't have as much range as my basic spells.

    For water mobs i usually go SR -> gush -> SS -> WotP and they'll die just as fast.

    For ranged mobs i use gush -> SR -> gush -> DS backwards -> gush etc.

    it really depends if you like pyro or SR better, i prefer SR cause its supposed to be higher dps than pyro (dont quote me on this lol) but it really just comes down to how you like your timing, the movement speed of the mob and element. Don't be afraid to spark a lot when grinding/questing, i always find myself with an access amount of chi if im not DSing it up, it'll save you a lot of mana/hp.

    For PvP i'd say start off with a heavy hitter like SS then spam gush and WotP (if they're in range, if its an archer use Pyro/SR)
    SS -> gush(preferred for slow)/sr/pyro -> WotP/sr/pyro/gush (depending on distance/what you used for second spell) and most classes will be dead if you're arcane and they're not charmed. If they are charmed just spam keep spamming gush and WotP, they're your highest dps skills and they cast fast so you'll less likely be interrupted.

    SO for pvp level:

    Pyro/SR (truly depends on preference, these should be lowest priority of these 6 imo)
    Stone Barrier

    DS (lvl 1 or 2 is fine at this point actually, i just LOVE it so i have to throw it in :D)

    Other than these just level what you use for grinding (glacial embrace) as a second priority and you should be just fine.

    EDIT: revisions
  • JaneGray - Lost City
    JaneGray - Lost City Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    well, I dont' know what weapon u have now, but as soon as you can wear the WoF everything will change.
    And 5 shots to kill a mob...are u LA? If you are then it's normal. You're going to suck for a while until u can stack some crit. If not, you're doing something wrong.

    nope im pure

    Anyway, at 43 mobs that u have element advantage over should be down in 3 shots, using a nuke-gush-hit with 2 of the elements the mob is weak on. Normal mobs should be 4 shots prolly nuke-gush-pyro-gush.
    For grinding/qu immensely if u have another -6 channel beside the -3 from glaive. -10 is not much, not really visible, but where u will see it is that .3 of a second faster drop of the mob without him being able to hit you. Sometimes is just annoying when u can drop a mob in 3 hits, but he's always able to hit you ( I'm talking about ranged ones) right when he dies. For melee it's either WoTP or drop it before it hits you.
    esting purpose try to get some -channel belt and necklace, will help u

    OKAY :D
  • JaneGray - Lost City
    JaneGray - Lost City Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    well, I dont' know what weapon u have now, but as soon as you can wear the WoF everything will change.
    And 5 shots to kill a mob...are u LA? If you are then it's normal. You're going to suck for a while until u can stack some crit. If not, you're doing something wrong.
    Anyway, at 43 mobs that u have element advantage over should be down in 3 shots, using a nuke-gush-hit with 2 of the elements the mob is weak on. Normal mobs should be 4 shots prolly nuke-gush-pyro-gush.
    For grinding/questing purpose try to get some -channel belt and necklace, will help u immensely if u have another -6 channel beside the -3 from glaive. -10 is not much, not really visible, but where u will see it is that .3 of a second faster drop of the mob without him being able to hit you. Sometimes is just annoying when u can drop a mob in 3 hits, but he's always able to hit you ( I'm talking about ranged ones) right when he dies. For melee it's either WoTP or drop it before it hits you.
    How do you know what creatures you have an elemental advantage too?
  • Mahdust - Harshlands
    Mahdust - Harshlands Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    How do you know what creatures you have an elemental advantage too?

    wood is weak to metal
    metal is weak to fire
    fire is weak to water
    water is weak to earth
    earth is weak to wood

    The element of the mob should be displayed with their name and hp bar at the top of the screen when you select them. Some mobs are have no element and it says [non]
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    when u select a mob, u see in the mob avatar one of the following:

    If u hover the mouse over that text, a popup will be displayed with something like:
    water weak to earth
    earth weak to wood
    metal week to fire
    fire weak to water
    wood weak to metal

    We control 3 elements: Water , fire, earth. Hit the mob with the spells he's weak on: Nuke + gush(slow)+ elem weak hit.

    After a while you will know them by heart.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~