BM 101 Help! (Grinding Tips)

DivineKO - Harshlands
DivineKO - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Blademaster
Alright so I was wondering if BM's have any particular macro or set of skills they use to kill each mob. Usually i'm just spamming random skills. But on archers for instance people choose to use something like: Frost Arrow, Reg. Shots, Knockback, Reg. Shots to finish. Is there anything like that for BM's? Next question...what should i grind on at lvl50 if i can't get a cleric to aoe grind stuff like Shrunkins? I've heard i should do Evolved Vipions, someone even suggested Foxwings at lvl50 o.O. Last question...What skills do you use to AoE grind?

So if you can answer any of these that would be awesome...

Thanks b:victory
Post edited by DivineKO - Harshlands on


  • XShadowx - Harshlands
    XShadowx - Harshlands Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Alright so I was wondering if BM's have any particular macro or set of skills they use to kill each mob. Usually i'm just spamming random skills. But on archers for instance people choose to use something like: Frost Arrow, Reg. Shots, Knockback, Reg. Shots to finish. Is there anything like that for BM's? Next question...what should i grind on at lvl50 if i can't get a cleric to aoe grind stuff like Shrunkins? I've heard i should do Evolved Vipions, someone even suggested Foxwings at lvl50 o.O. Last question...What skills do you use to AoE grind?

    So if you can answer any of these that would be awesome...

    Thanks b:victory

    Aoe grind on schrunkins? No man -_-

    44-50 : do aoe grind on dustwraith at sundown.
    50 : you get a "secret" quest from elder of 1k streams which basically lvls u to 51
    51-54 : are full of quests around kings feast, really easy to level.
    54-57 : Vipons around city of misfortunes, these levels are boring...
    57-60 : supreme foxwings around the main towns!

    Note: There are identical supreme foxwings at black mountain and such but these foxwings aggro and will **** a bm with there long range magic att while supreme foxwings around main towns (ones around ether are my fav) do not aggro until you att them, this means they cannot do there magic att and it will save a lot of charm ;)

    Aoe grinding.. man if u didnt aoe grind 44-50 you missed out, not more aoe grinding for you till lvl68 at least if you get decent cleric.. lvl60-70 is gonna give you hell trust me :-)

    but if you must, this is a little guide i will make for you on aoe grinding;


    F1 - Highland Cleave (39) (max this skill)
    F2 - Drake sweep (42?) (doesnt need leveled till later)
    F3 - Fissure (49) (Level it now and again, but it costs a lot)
    F4 - Aoelin Blade (Just have it incase i got 1 mob left that wont die and use it for some extra stun but you dont need to put this in for aoe'ing really)
    F5 - Roar of Pride (22?) ( MAX IT ) ( A must for aoe grinding, helps keep ur charm alive and stop you from dieing in big pulls )

    Other skills I use;

    Physical Marrow - Many ppl hum and ha over wither to max this skill or leave at lvl3, advice from 9x is to get this skill lvl10 same for magical marrow. You gonna need it for pvp later trust me and it will also save a lot of your charm / let you pull more mobs in aoe grinding.

    Cloud Sprint - Level this now and again until you can max it. You gonna be using this skill constantly, this skill should constantly be in "cool down" if you want to get the best xp out of your grind. Lvl10 will give you
    9.4m/s as a bm.

    Heavens Flame (59) - You gonna want to try level this when you can although its expensive, i had mine about level 4 through my 7x. It will help you cut down mobs faster.

    Genie Skills

    Genies arnt just there to look pretty, or for pvp. They can help a lot with aoe grinding aswell ;)

    Tangling Mire - At level 10 is reduces the enemies physical defence by 30%, it is also a massive aoe. When used with dragons all mobs within ur aoe will die within seconds ;)

    Holy Path - Increases your speed to 15m/s , at lvl10 it lasts for 6 seconds. Use this when your Cloud Sprint is in cool down to pull faster :)

    Also never AOE without an xp scroll.. your going to be burning some hell of charm and you want to get the most xp you can ;) that is why you use skills to speed you up, so you can get more xp per hour.

    Well I hope that answers all your questions... maybe I should make an aoe grind guide b:chuckle

    If you make it to 7x this game is aoe grind heaven... trust me from 7x-100 you will never be at a lose to find a mob you can aoe on b:victory
  • DivineKO - Harshlands
    DivineKO - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Thankyou! b:victory
  • Anus - Harshlands
    Anus - Harshlands Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    you didnt ask me for help divab:sad

    got somethings to addb:pleased
    you can make hella xp and money by aoe grinding at lvl66+ on seaweed pirates (lvl72) around sanctuary. (remember to have a good cleric around your lvl)

    marrow run in, stun, dragon and watch half the mobs die to tempestb:pleased
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    boo4u wrote: »
    dont forget tree of protection for your genie..i dont use gold hp charms so this is a money saver on hp charms.But still trying to figure it out..why in the hell does top take away hp then give it back...can a GM answer this???This genie skill will tick charms and that dont make sence..hell it dont even say it will take hp when used..

    It increases it, not takes it away. First it bumps your max HP up a certain % (so, say if you have 2000/8000, it might bump to around 2000/10000, thus making it look like you have less lifebar left.) After that it restores a set percentage of your new total and your max hp reverts to normal.
  • Heihachii - Heavens Tear
    Heihachii - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Just an insert, you can also aoe grind in your 50's.

    Up in Dragon's End, to the west of Omnipotent Drake (around 315, 595), there's a small gathering of Feligar Champions (lvl55) and Feligar Generals (lvl56) which are both physical. Just make sure not to stray into the Feligar Masters/ Hexocelot Deadeyes that surround them.

    Was a nice little spot, didn't see anyone else there the whole time i was.