Anniversary Pack Discussion



  • Jhaernyl - Heavens Tear
    Jhaernyl - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    @JOKER_: Seriously, please, GTFO, yourself. Bashing the GMs and Mods ISN'T gonna make them tell you that 'information' they're 'withholding'. Thinking they could do a better job than what they're doing? Sure, do that. I do that. But insulting them does nothing to help your case, just makes you look like an ****.

    Ignore him he's just a RageNerd
  • Kiralsha - Heavens Tear
    Kiralsha - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Devs..>Devs and Devs.....Not GMs. *shakes head* Some people may day...maybe.
  • Dark_kuma - Sanctuary
    Dark_kuma - Sanctuary Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I agree with what you are saying, however, the same way you do not need multiple accounts, you do not need to use cash shop in PW. It is all about options. All the p2p games I have played allow for multiclient, therefore, if one is dedicated to the game, sooner or later, one ends up getting a second or third account so one can level 2-3 characters at the same time. It does come down to want versus need, just like the cash shop.

    On that game, you can also get an edge by using cash, by purchasing gold from one the 10million gold bots in the game. So, it is like this game, the people that chose to spend money, you will get an edge, however, unlike in PWI legit players have no way to catch up, unless they want to break the rules.

    @ opietaylor -Nevermind.. just checked..... bah, AnyPacks still in CS... and now, Platinum Charm sale to go with it... "only" 6 gold...

    1. Those gold bots are seperate companys abusing the game so it does not add to the profits of the actual company/developers.

    2. Even though people have the option to purchase gold, those that do spend far more than enough to make up for everyone else if it was monthly paid. I know several people who spend well over a few hundred bucks on this game monthly, where as it costs as much as ten to twenty bucks a month just to play other games. I'm pretty sure events like this add up to well over ten times what they'd make if it was monthly paid.

    3. Legit players can, it's called "charge gold and level through with oracles".

    Edit: Obviously I'm not saying not to have events like this, my point is they had the event and now they are exploiting it.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    that's not my point!!! if he's a community manager he should just ask a person responsible for cash shop items and give us an answer... so hard to understand??

    Devs are in china. You can't just walk up to them and ask directly. If you request to change things, they're free to ignore you completely. You can't say anything against them since you work for them. In short, no a community manager can't fix everything. The devs are the ones with full control.
  • Tacomo - Sanctuary
    Tacomo - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This is not what the people want... back by popular demand by whos demand??? This whole scenario looks oddly firmiliar with a game I used ta play... that game is now basicly dead. Hopefully somehow this all gets fixed and people can go back to being able to buy gold for 100k or so instead of 500k+. PWE please fix this problem give the people what they really want.... Free to play should mean just that its free ya download and play and can still do good without the use of the cash shop this is becoming pay to win granted its technically still free but those that don't buy zen are getting pwned b:surrender instead of the "2nd anniversary" packs wouldn't charm packs have worked? People buy those like crazy also it somewhat fixes gold prices not to mention it helps lower the price of charms. Or better yet no more cash shop items intill Tideborn comes out. I hope the economy somehow gets fixed so I can go back to haven fun ingame.
  • Bellamontage - Lost City
    Bellamontage - Lost City Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Anniversary packs should have been just a gift released on the anniversary of the game to celebrate its anniversary, not brought back several times over and **** up prices within the game. If it was meant to be an 'anniversary' item, its certainly lost its meaning. I hope that the tideborn expansion will sort out the prices so us people who don't have money or don't want to use money to cash shop all the time can go back to having fun.

    Nerd by Nature
  • Hecklar - Sanctuary
    Hecklar - Sanctuary Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Here's what i have to say about Pwi and the Anni pack re-intoduction. When I first start playing a game, I look for all it's faults, and for all the unique bonuses that the game has over all the other games like it. Pwi was so unique that it had a gold trading system, this system allows people who don't spend real money to be able to buy the same things, with perhaps a little more effort, as the people that do. It allows the non CSers a way to even the odds, to bridge the gap. It's what made me stay, and keep playing, I've used the CS before, but it's not something I can afford to use regularily. Pwi was perfect for me, because I could just work my butt off, and buy all that I wanted without spending my own money.. I Enjoyed it, it was the perfect game, I bought wedding packs with in game money, not CS, It was possible to earn what coins we needed to get what we wished. But now all I see is Pw becoming, maybe not intentionally, what left before. Prices of gold are rising, the very thing that made PW so appealing, so "Perfect" is now failing. People who don't use the cash shop can't come close to the people that do, nomatter how much harder they work, they just can't make up the extra money they need. The Gold exchanger is what makes PW great, it's why you have so many non CSers playing this game. If they can't afford to use it.. To get the things they want.. Say, Mounts, Clothes, Dragon orbs, or wedding packs... Then you're going to make Pw into a P2P game, and you might as well just charge everyone monthly, like every other High end MMO. Gold Exchanger is what makes PW bearable to the people that don't Buy their way through. Fix that, in your next maitenance, and the people will love you like I once did.
    I support true forms :3
  • chatterbox154k
    chatterbox154k Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So when are they going away for good??????b:surrender
  • Jhaernyl - Heavens Tear
    Jhaernyl - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    . Hopefully somehow this all gets fixed and people can go back to being able to buy gold for 100k or so instead of 500k+. PWE please fix this problem give the people what they really want.... Free to play should mean just that its free ya download and play and can still do good without the use of the cash shop .

    What you basically mean is.. You want to play without using the CS but others should use it and only get 100k > $1 so you can have everything cheap... and they call people who charge zen greedy.

    Is 500k to much for 1 gold.. Imo yes but 100k is wayyyy to cheap.. TBH Imo it should be around 300k.
  • Purra_Pearl - Sanctuary
    Purra_Pearl - Sanctuary Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Spoons already said that this isn't a "third release".

    Them being taken out was an accident/mistake.

    Which just makes me wonder.

    What part of November will they be removed then?

    yeah, they were supposed to be in the cash shop UNTIL November, which means once October ended and November started they should have been gone. But I guess what they really meant was that they'd be in the cash shop THROUGH November, which means at the end of November they will be gone.

    And then, hopefully, they will get us some awesome snowmen to kill for mirages and chi stones.

    edited for spelling and grammar errors. ;_;
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Do you guys seriously think some random devs in China control what goes in the CS?

    Oh they make the code for it, sure. But you gotta remember that what the Chinese devs make arrives in most versions of PW - hell, I bet the Tideborn expansion was something that PWE didn't even order. PW China probably decided themselves to make it, thereby making it available to all its licensees (hence, PWE/PWI).

    Now, the anni packs are a little different, because it would stand to reason that no other version of PW would get them (right now, anyway) - after all, it wasn't their anniversiary. Perhaps PWE "special-ordered" them, you could say. But that begs the question, who at PWE holds the reins?

    The answer is, we don't know. We only know it's NOT the devs because the devs aren't part of PWE - they're in China and they just write the code. It's NOT the mods, and it's NOT the GMs either. The mods are volunteers, the GMs are employees who are basically paid to, among other things, keep us "reassured." I sometimes get the feeling that they do this against their better judgement, but hey, a job is a job. The orders come from higher than them.

    The real question is, from whom do the orders come? Who are "they?" Why do "they" pull what strings they pull? Why have "they" shown such gross negligence of this game's economy, or such a lack of caring and understanding for this community (or at best, indiffrence)? And perhaps the most irritating of all, why do "they" flatly refuse to say a word to us? Where's an official statement (that's not given to the GMs to spin)? Where's the honesty?

    And frankly, I'm seriously questioning whether they're right in the head, if they're going to **** the economy up this bad for the sake of a quick profit. Haven't they ever heard of the goose and the golden egg story? -_-
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Midnight - Lost City
    Midnight - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    By any chance is there any admin or mod on. I wanted to ask a question about the packs ;o
  • Samthesmile - Sanctuary
    Samthesmile - Sanctuary Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    By any chance is there any admin or mod on. I wanted to ask a question about the packs ;o

    Don't you think everyone want's that?
  • Midnight - Lost City
    Midnight - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Just wondering...have.t completely read through forums since it expands 20 pages every minute. How long will packs be here? If any1 knows plz tell me and ty~
  • HighlevelEA - Lost City
    HighlevelEA - Lost City Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Until november, they could be removed today, tommorrow, or on the last day of November.

    Hell they could be in the cash shop until November 30th 2010
  • Stepheta - Sanctuary
    Stepheta - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Guys if you're trying to show us how much you dislike your members or how money thirsty you are you're doing a good job.
    I previously quit perfect world international for 2months so I was not involved in them.
    I come back breathing a sigh of relief that they are finally gone and 4 days later they're back.
    Get rid of them.
    I've got friends who I've played this game with from the beginning and they're dropping like flies.
    You're losing your most loyal gamers and if this is what you want, you're going the right way of ending PWI for life.
    This game is your most successful so why're you putting it's economy through this.
    I genuinely do not understand your incentive other than to cash in the money, I appreciate the fact you have to make a living but you've bled this economy dry.
    I no longer appreciate the game as much as i used to, maybe this is for the best.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    It's amusing - I wanted to make some crack joke about packs being taken out on November 2012 and OMGWTFBBQ end of the world tiemz!!! but it would appear that at the rate it's going, PWE will be lucky to last that long with players wh fun are actually fun to play with on an MMO game.

    Anyway, in response to a post I saw earlier but couldn't be bothered to quote, a great number of people want to message mods or GMs for answers. Sadly though, they won't tell you anything more via PM than what they'll say here.
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    The real question is, from whom do the orders come? Who are "they?" Why do "they" pull what strings they pull? Why have "they" shown such gross negligence of this game's economy, or such a lack of caring and understanding for this community (or at best, indiffrence)? -_-

    Marketing departments come up with the ideas & marketing executives pitch those ideas to chief executives in the company such as the CEO & CFO for their approval.

    They pull the strings they pull based on the data they get back from analyzing the game & accounting data from their CFO's branch of the company. They look at all the facts & figures & get advice from their people on the inside of the game. Then decisions are made by executives who are responsible for keeping the game profitable so that the stockholders & board of directors will keep their investments in their company.

    They have not shown gross negligence of the game's economy. Actually players show gross ignorance about how to operate a free market system within the game & do the most damage to themselves by misplacing value of certain objects in the game.

    And why exactly should the top level executives of the company log in & get all chummy with us? That's what they hire employees for. When you go to a movie do you get insulted that the director of the movie isn't in the lobby to talk to you about all your opinions of his work? NO.

    I suggest that everyone start treating PWI as a game more than a glorified chat room & start enjoying the creative & challenging aspects of the game.

    Look at it this way... this is simply another challenge for you to overcome in the game. So adapt & modify your game plan accordingly to accomodate the changes & keep on enjoying this wonderful game.

    They can't make everyone happy. They have to choose a target audience & structure things around what makes them happy. That means the less desireable people will not be catered to & hopefully will move on so there is a better environment for the positive & productive players. Sorry that's just how life works.
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Devs are in china. You can't just walk up to them and ask directly. If you request to change things, they're free to ignore you completely. You can't say anything against them since you work for them. In short, no a community manager can't fix everything. The devs are the ones with full control.

    This is completely incorrect. Developers are just more employees.

    I just simply cannot believe that no one understands who runs companies.

    Executives run companies.

    The End.
  • Nelanther - Lost City
    Nelanther - Lost City Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This is a bad move by PWI unless they WANT the game to die. Then the souless robots in charge are doing a wonderful job stringing us along as they fall into oblivian.
  • Ottogi - Lost City
    Ottogi - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    This is a bad move by PWI unless they WANT the game to die. Then the souless robots in charge are doing a wonderful job stringing us along as they fall into oblivian.

    I can't imagine they want the game to die before they release an expansion. Seems this would be a move to make when you've moved on to other games. Unless the expansion really sucks and they know we'll all quit at that point.

    Can the game exist with solely cashshoppers? If so then it's not as stupid as I might be thinking. I just don't think there's enough cashshoppers to make the servers interesting =\
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Marketing departments come up with the ideas & marketing executives pitch those ideas to chief executives in the company such as the CEO & CFO for their approval.
    I'm aware of this, I was asking more rhetorically because I didn't want to sound like I was pointing fingers. We don't know how they're structured up there... it could be exactly as you say, or it could be a variation of this.
    They pull the strings they pull based on the data they get back from analyzing the game & accounting data from their CFO's branch of the company. They look at all the facts & figures & get advice from their people on the inside of the game. Then decisions are made by executives who are responsible for keeping the game profitable so that the stockholders & board of directors will keep their investments in their company.

    And why exactly should the top level executives of the company log in & get all chummy with us? That's what they hire employees for. When you go to a movie do you get insulted that the director of the movie isn't in the lobby to talk to you about all your opinions of his work? NO.
    This isn't about being "chummy," it's about being honest and transparent. Obviously every company has to keep some aspects of its business model secret, but this is just ridiculous. We've never seen a justification for the return of the anni packs or the inclusion of the chest of coins that wasn't complete bull. The closest we ever get is the GMs being sent in to placate us.

    Eventually if you have enough outcry, you can't not listen to and communicate with your customers if you want to stay afloat.
    I suggest that everyone start treating PWI as a game more than a glorified chat room & start enjoying the creative & challenging aspects of the game.

    Look at it this way... this is simply another challenge for you to overcome in the game. So adapt & modify your game plan accordingly to accomodate the changes & keep on enjoying this wonderful game.
    Well that's what everyone seems to be doing, yes. But why should we just sit back and tolerate a fivefold increase in price on everything in the CS? We'll deal, yes, at least for awhile, but that doesn't mean we don't have the right to hold PWE's feet to the fire in the meantime.
    They have not shown gross negligence of the game's economy. Actually players show gross ignorance about how to operate a free market system within the game & do the most damage to themselves by misplacing value of certain objects in the game.
    They can't make everyone happy. They have to choose a target audience & structure things around what makes them happy. That means the less desireable people will not be catered to & hopefully will move on so there is a better environment for the positive & productive players. Sorry that's just how life works.
    The problem with that theory is, that every one of us was "positive and productive." We either bought ZEN, or we bought gold from people who bought ZEN. By the GMs' admission, there are far more f2p players than CS users. Sure, it's good for the CS profiteers right now, but for the bulk of us, wer're struggling. I don't care what kind of economy you have, they're not built to tolerate 500% inflation over the course of three months.

    Honestly, it's getting hard to humor people who believe the free-market fairy will come and solve all our problems. -_- And even if it did, you have to remember that PWI is a hugely varied bunch. Most of us don't care about free-market principles, we just want to play the game and have enough money to play comfortably on. Hell, a good portion of the community isn't even old enough to understand what you're talking about.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • HighlevelEA - Lost City
    HighlevelEA - Lost City Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I can't imagine they want the game to die before they release an expansion. Seems this would be a move to make when you've moved on to other games. Unless the expansion really sucks and they know we'll all quit at that point.

    Can the game exist with solely cashshoppers? If so then it's not as stupid as I might be thinking. I just don't think there's enough cashshoppers to make the servers interesting =\
    Without people to buy gold from the cashshoppers then the cashshoppers will leave.
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Sorry that's just how life works.

    I'm not here to have a life. I'm here to play a game to get away from real life for a while.

    I trust the majority of everyone is here to do the same. If the game were to emulate real life, what's the point of playing a game?

    Hello? MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game and not as someone had stated Mostly Men Online Roleplaying Girls.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Edit: Obviously I'm not saying not to have events like this, my point is they had the event and now they are exploiting it.

    At this point, I can not disagree with your statement.

    My point on the other isssues was not that the game company made all the money, it was that the players had the option to get an edge by using real money, and while in PW everything was provided by the company, even on that other game, if a player really wanted to "buy their way", they could, by buying gold from the gold botting sellers.
    Without people to buy gold from the cashshoppers then the cashshoppers will leave.

    Have you ever wonder why there is a chest in game that gives you coins when you use a cash shop item?
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I'm aware of this, I was asking more rhetorically because I didn't want to sound like I was pointing fingers. We don't know how they're structured up there... it could be exactly as you say, or it could be a variation of this....

    ...Honestly, it's getting hard to humor people who believe the free-market fairy will come and solve all our problems. -_- And even if it did, you have to remember that PWI is a hugely varied bunch. Most of us don't care about free-market principles, we just want to play the game and have enough money to play comfortably on. Hell, a good portion of the community isn't even old enough to understand what you're talking about.

    1. This notion of "I don't care about how things work I just want them to work automatically to my advantage" comes with it's own set of disabilities for people who adopt it & they need to realize ignorance has it's price.

    2. The same people complaining about inflation & demanding we boycott gold sellers turn right around and sell their own items at high prices just so they get their share of the pie. Most of these people never buy zen/gold.

    3. Free objects that drop from monsters costing outrageous prices like wine mats & DQ play just as large a role in inflation. And it's a total scam. Why the heck should I pay 16k for ONE little hay drop that the person got free just for grinding & got EXP for grinding. And they get rich doing it & they make a whole business of it. So don't blame PWI for the greed that is rampant in the game & causing inflation. The only greed I see is in the players.

    3. Gold still costs the same amount of real life money it always has. So there is no inflation to those who use their real life money. The inflation starts in AH & radiates outward from there. Go look at the gold trade. Buyers make OFFERS. Sellers don't demand prices. So the ones setting the prices are buyers not sellers. And so WHY do the prices go up? Why do players outbid each others' offers for gold? What incentive do buyers have to volunteer to pay more than the last guy? It's totally ridiculous. There is absolutely no reason to make a higher bid on gold. The gold seller is going to sell their gold for whatever rate the buyer chooses. So why doesn't everyone bid $200 & stop out bidding anyone? There is no incentive to outbid someone. It's just outright stupidity.

    4. Your claim that ALL players are/were positive & productive is completely illogical. First of all I know a lot of free players & not one of them even knows how to buy gold on AH. They all use catshops to buy things... there's the problem right there... middlemen. Second of all, gold sellers are not benevolent benefactors... no one ever asks the question "if they have all that zen/gold why do they need my coins". LOL

    5. Gold sellers are a minority. They have financial limitations like everyone...even the rich ones. Therefore the idea of non-payers buying gold from them & thus injecting more real life money into the game is false. There is a limit to how much they can & will purchase. Therefore that limits company profits & harms the game in the long run. Free players are still freeloading to some degree even if they buy gold from sellers.

    Every single economic issue being complained about has it's root cause in player greed, ignorance, laziness & freeloading off paying players. PWI can't fix any of that because all those things are matters within the heart of the player. What do you want? PWI to brainwash everyone & make everyone into logical, intelligent, resourceful & independent people?
  • Aiyamii - Lost City
    Aiyamii - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I believe the event was a good idea at first.. But when it was one month long... all the cash shoppers abused it and gained much of what took many players a long time to earn and have lost a lot of loyal players. The game now is a shadow of it's former self... and I really dislike how the whole game is now centered around getting things with no effort and totally destroying the whole point of earning new gears.

    And what irks me the most is that it's back again and again..? what is PWI thinking? Do they really want to destroy this game?
    No Siggie yet! Q.Q
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I can't imagine they want the game to die before they release an expansion. Seems this would be a move to make when you've moved on to other games. Unless the expansion really sucks and they know we'll all quit at that point.

    Can the game exist with solely cashshoppers? If so then it's not as stupid as I might be thinking. I just don't think there's enough cashshoppers to make the servers interesting =\

    every player is a potential customer. you can't advertise this game as free to play and not have a big f2p playerbase. pwi should not be content to have only cash shoppers around because that would mean they no longer have an expanding source of revenue. sooner or later, some bright mind is going to figure out that regularly cashshopping in this game is more expensive to play than an actual p2p game. i think a lot of players occasionally using the cash shop is what this game aimed for.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    And... I don't believe for one tiny second that most of the players are too young to understand how the PWI economy & market works. I'm not blind. I watch kids wheeling & dealing all the time like little hustlers on the game. They know very well how it works.

    Next you all will tell me no one on PWI knows how to play Monopoly! Give me a break.
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    every player is a potential customer. you can't advertise this game as free to play and not have a big f2p playerbase. pwi should not be content to have only cash shoppers around because that would mean they no longer have an expanding source of revenue. sooner or later, some bright mind is going to figure out that regularly cashshopping in this game is more expensive to play than an actual p2p game. i think a lot of players occasionally using the cash shop is what this game aimed for.

    I completely fail to see any logic in this. That's like saying a grocery store would never have any new customers unless it offered anyone who wanted free food for life to come & just take away their goods free. LOL How do you think ANY business operates & expands to new customers? LOL It certainly isn't by saying you have a choice to pay us or just not pay us for our product! b:chuckle
This discussion has been closed.