best pk moment you ever had

Meeplk - Harshlands
Posts: 461 Arc User
simarler to my funniest pk excuse you ever heard but instead post the best pk moment you ever had espicaly if it ends with the reddie QQing
mine was when i killed a red lv 35 veno who QQd so much about droping items.
seriously why do red names kill whiteies then they get pked they drop some items like armour wepons ect then they QQ about it and say we deserve to be banedb:surrender
mine was when i killed a red lv 35 veno who QQd so much about droping items.
seriously why do red names kill whiteies then they get pked they drop some items like armour wepons ect then they QQ about it and say we deserve to be banedb:surrender
magic mmmb:dirty
magic mmmb:dirty
Post edited by Meeplk - Harshlands on
The only time i QQ about people pking me while red is if im at low health and grinding.. at least its how it used to be. think of it this way tho meeplk, without red names you dont get awesome drops that make you rich!0
my best PK moment was when i killed an enrage member.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
ಸ_ಸ ~~ Drama-Sauce-Face, 50% ownership to kon ♥♥0 -
Meeplk - Harshlands wrote: »simarler to my funniest pk excuse you ever heard but instead post the best pk moment you ever had espicaly if it ends with the reddie QQing
mine was when i killed a red lv 35 veno who QQd so much about droping items.
seriously why do red names kill whiteies then they get pked they drop some items like armour wepons ect then they QQ about it and say we deserve to be banedb:surrender
Was in PK mode in Secret Passage, deep inside helping a friend get mob kills. All of a sudden I get hit for 100-ish from a level 3x or so wizard Gushing me, and a level 5x-6x archer runs up beside him and starts charging Deadly Shot.
I stun the archer, oneshot the wizard and then drop the archer with a spark > extreme poison > lightning combo + normal shots. b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"I always thought I'd be the only one doing crazy things for people who would never care enough to do it back or to act like idiots or be entirely vulnerable, and making someone fall in love with you is easy, and flying 3000 miles on four days notice because you can't just sit there and do nothing and breathe into telephones is not everyone's idea of love, but it is the way I can recognize it because that is what I do."
Sig pic by Nowitsawn0 -
back when I was 8x... was grinding at fish with a friend from CQ (higher 8x wiz) and my rival 8x wizard from RQ showed up to crash us.. Of course the trash talk started, and my friend and my rival wanted to 1v1 so I let them go at it. It was a pretty awesome fight (lasted like 2-3 mins) with them both kiting after each tick etc. It ended with the RQ killing the CQ, and the RQ started coming at me. I undined -> FoW -> gush and it crit one shotting the RQ. Being that I was the lowest level out of all of them and the worst geared, I thought it was pretty funny (and compared to their really long fight where they couldn't kill each other, my 3 second fight was pretty awesome). I kinda got a gratz out of both of them, and me and the CQ went back to grinding. Fun stuff b:victoryYoutube Channel:
Current gear:
i think my best was while i was still in RH and some one started to flame a bunch of us at toa. since we were doing hh runs i just happend to be with my most pro and coordinated of members. something like Discordia Phina Teddy Ravan me and indi. anyway it was 6 v 12 at first and we were only loosing by a little bit then as more guilds jumped in it got to more like 24 vs 6 (thats not even exaggerating). anyway enough was enough we decided to make one last attack then get back to hh. We all got 2 sparks targeted a barb in the middle of the group and when they went to rebuff we all let off our aoe's. long story short atleast 14 of the 24 died. we didnt "win" but i wouldnt call that a loss either
(oh i think beefums was there too)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
best pk moment i ever had was when i killed my first member of CQ that was 15 lvls above me. second best was when i dropped down from the sky and 2 shot a 8x bm followed by 2 shotting an 8x archer followed by 2 shotting another 8x archer.I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.0
the best pk moment? it was when i helped a guildie do her bh29. when we got out at orchid temple, there was a veno and wiz both 60-70 outside in pk. i told my guildie, who doesnt "believe in" pking, to watch me. i ran out, got in pk mode, and tried one shotting them both. i failed( they were charmed o.o) then i start thinking "oh, ****." then i start attacking them. killed the wiz, used tree of protection(back when it healed full), went after veno, ended up killing eachother. funny b:victoryOne corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them
MS paint ftw. Disclaimer: my suit is actually gray, not black.
♥: The best f♥♥king censor ever. Always remember to show
love to eachother on the forum even when you are cussing eachother out.0 -
I caught some cleric killing a lowbie and took advantage of it to kill him-- he was easily 10-15 levels above me, and I used magic attacks, but I was a lowbie and didn't know any better. I think I got him in 4 shots, and he dropped Watchers of the Skies. This was back when they first came out. He tried to tell me that he was his little brother just pking for the first time on that account, which was a lie, then proceeded to QQ over and over while I offered him my white wings over and over. Finally I blacklisted him. It was a good day.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Your multi-tasking, Stephanie, is EPIC." --Aadi
--DISCLAIMER--"the precceding post is only the opinion of Morganna and is not placing blame or accusation on anyone or anything" THANK YOU Xeian0 -
A 9x archer, whom I will not name because I don't want to be an **** or **** off his guild, tried to kill me at west gate the other day by spamming lightning at me. I hit balance + Will and flew up as fast as I could because I didn't know where the attacks were coming from.
He flew after me, and so I found him. Hit Smack to seal him, then zipped in and hit him with True Emptiness. He got a couple more lightning's off inbetween stuns but he went down pretty easy even with his charm.
Couple minutes later he comes back out and stands next to me. I figure he isn't going to attack me again, but suddenly he demon sparks (This is how I realize he is 9x >.>) and I go b:shocked "AAAHH ****!" and immediately hit balance. He then lightnings me for 25 dmg about 4 times in a row. During this time I stun lock, 2 spark, and Kill him pretty fast. He drops me some pots and a few mirages.
Anyway, he comes back about 3 more times and atk's me. I kill him every single time. Got a few more random drops too. I asked him why he kept coming back, but he wouldn't respond to me.
Eventually he came back, and I chased him back to SZ. I was laughing so hard at this point (because I honestly didn't think that I should have been winning) and started to tell my friend who was in this person's faction what was happening. He then told me that the person was on vent saying I was full of it and that 5 ppl were ganking him.
IDK, that was just a pretty entertaining moment for me. b:victory I love some of these stories.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Demon Spark, AOE a group buffing, 1 shot all of them.0
i attacked a barb who i hated then realized i wasnt doing much damage so i ran with him chasing me and i was red at the time and i dc/ed while he was chasing me
worried that i would lose some stuff then i spawned in town didnt lose anything and found out that my friends killed him when they saw him chasing me
0 -
Me and a few friends were fighting some dragones, i think it was me(cleric) an archer and a wiz against 2 BMs and a cleric. We go at it a couple of times and were beatin them handily. The BMs finally decide to rush me the cleric, duh. So i think im in trouble plumeshield and spammin IH on myself, then my lil wizzy friend, about 10 lvs below us, dives out of the sky hits the ground right next to the BMs and does that aoe wizz thing. Kills both the BMs. It was funny to see.0
i was in the process of PK'ing a random whitename, when a redname archer about 10-15 levels higher than me came up on me from behind. i shook off his initial stun, dragon'd the whitename to finish him off, used my fury powder, then started my SS-GS-DP-tempest combo (essentially guaranteed KO on archer of similar level) but ended up 1shotting him with the SS b:sad
this was on my mage of course lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Ophida for the cute siggy
- retired 11/06/090 -
Pretty much most of the stuff here was fun to pull off:
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One time when I was still lvl 37 and grinding outside of Allies camp, some bm that was lvl 39+ came up to me and started to try to pk me. He eventually gets in a lucky stun and gets me, so I go back to town, heal up etc, but forget to chi up as well so he gets me again and then says he will stop. So I go back to grinding next thing i know 10 minutes later he comes back trying to kill me but this time I am able to put him in his place hard. Then he ends up wanting to join my faction, saying he has a crush on me xDPhoenix to the face bishes!!!0
that 39 bm is evil isent heb:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
magic mmmb:dirty0 -
One time when I was still lvl 37 and grinding outside of Allies camp, some bm that was lvl 39+ came up to me and started to try to pk me. He eventually gets in a lucky stun and gets me, so I go back to town, heal up etc, but forget to chi up as well so he gets me again and then says he will stop. So I go back to grinding next thing i know 10 minutes later he comes back trying to kill me but this time I am able to put him in his place hard. Then he ends up wanting to join my faction, saying he has a crush on me xDAll God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.0
The best moment i had was with my BM and my wife, we were near anglers and hunting some stuff there when 2 blood red names from goodgame pop over us and a BM did a aoe killin my wifes character.
well my fly button and my faint button are right next to each other, i clicked the faint button and fell over. the BM kinda just sat there a moment, guess i confused him, then did a click on my flyer and hauled butt out of there.
Thats when the chase began. both the BM and Barb were hot on my tail, i got lost tryin to find SZ. zig zaging everywhere. since i have high dex on my BM they missed alot. i guess they got frustraded with my faint move and felt i needed to be killed. i was scanning the ground for a safe spot when all of a sudden i seen wicked pirate area. flyin low to the ground i skidded over about 5 players...then noticed i wasn't being chased anymore...thats when i heard the cursing....
I call that one, my faint, run, scrap them off to easier targets move.
b:chuckle0 -
Best pk moment? I have 3 on Harshland server, when PKers totally fail b:chuckle
I remember one archer, she had Brilliant Plumes wings (fastest). Hadn't time to check what lvl she was, I was 50+. She tried to kill me but I dropped down and fly away with my white wings 2m/s to sz. And other mage tried to kill me too with her.
Other time was when barb 60+ (glowing axes) wanted to kill me. Had flyer 2m/s or more and I got my start wings. Again, I dropped down and fly away! xD
Pkers are just too sloooooow or have lags b:shutup*^ My alt ^w^
**^ Horny woman in real playing MALE sexy cleric.0 -
Does DT count?
There was this one time in DT where my guild director told me to assist attack on him so i did and used BIDS. I ended up killing my best friend(who was in our "enemy guild" at the time) and he came out of SZ and 4 shot me o.o
A non-DT moment, I was juggling a 9x BM with GXs and an upper 8x BM with cala axes. I couldn't kill them and they couldn't kill me. So, instead of **** my charm and risking a HF + thunderstorm crit/zerk crit i decided to freeze them with Hailstorm and escape to SZ. My freeze failed so next i used windrage incense and mountain seize. MS crit and killed the upper 8x BM and stunned the 9x BM while i made my get away >:DSins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze0 -
one good pvp moment i had was when i was fighting a charmed hell archer and i was uncharmed. he was shooting his little arrows at me and i used my 1000% evasion skill and he died in 2 shots. at that point i realized my broadland bows relentless prock can actually help me kill other ppl rather than help ppl kill me.I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.0
my best pk moment?
3 days ago a 83 BM drops in Swiftwind and Tries to stunlock me, I use holypath to get out of his way, Stun then Double spark and one shotted him with a 20+ crit :P
he dropped a Black raptor egg :]Registration Date - October 4th, 2008
Pk Kills (485)
Pk Deaths (57)0 -
Me and a faction friend started to attack a GM for fun >> was are first time in pk mode and we did it just to try it out. After some time more and more people started coming to attack the gm lol some people even got wiped out by the aoe. So we ending up with a dead people and even the high lvs trying to take the gm out.
at the start
at the end -
Best pk moment? I wanted to kill an arrogant wiz who killed me at west gate. So I went next to him and cast rainbow myriad. The aoe took out the wiz, other lowbie player and aggroed both guards.. Guards dealt over 100k damage..0
Some lvl 4X veno was blood red picking on lvl 30s and i killed her and she dropped stacks of items >:O Of course all low lvl I wanted to return them to her by pming her after that and the next few days.. but i think the person quit the game after that[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...0
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