Unspoken Cleric Rule



  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The point behind it is that its useless having two cleric healing if its not needed, just a waste of squad room when you could get another DD.
    But for safety ppl take 2 clerics so this "rule" applies.
    Ofc not always, usually in lower lv fb's and on easy TT bosses and ect...
  • Frijolero - Sanctuary
    Frijolero - Sanctuary Posts: 820 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Interesting... I always thought higher cleric = higher heals = more % of survival.

    When doing a squad whit more clerics I always like to ask first each one's role. Unfortunately the one's saying 'I heal tank' ends DDing maing the perfect setup for a party wipe. That's why I always like to do the healing, to make sure i'll survive thruought the entire run, unless they told me to start DD.
    Sliding we go, only fear on our side. To the edge of the wire and we rush with the tide.
    Although I'm still alive, pray to God I survive
    How long on this longest day, 'til we finally make it through.
    - June 6, 1944. The day earth stood still.
  • Sevas - Heavens Tear
    Sevas - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    For some reason I always end up as the squad nurse.... b:cry b:surrender

    I know how you feel. :( My main line isn't to be a support cleric, but I have a feeling I'll end up being that more often than not and it's gonna suck. I hate having to spam heal on my herc so I'm really gonna hate spam healing a barb or bm. (Can't even keep tabs on a boss's HP! b:cry)

    Frij, in theory, that is correct. The higher level cleric should have a better heal and thus grant the squad a higher survival rate but some clerics stay really nub through their 90s which is when they can get some really rude wake up calls. However, most of them seem pretty good by L90+ so maybe they learned in their 70s. High heal levels + high magic points = pro heal once you have that all you need is the skill to back it. Meaning, spam heal, purify if it's needed, smack in some debuffs or an attack then back to healing. Of course, if BB is up, that's impossible for the cleric stuck in the bubble.
  • XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver
    XxLady_XelxX - Dreamweaver Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Never heard of that rule. I like people who go by: "attack when appropriate, heal when needed."

    This is the way I'm used to doing it. At least with people I know well. Because it gets to be too much of a bother when you have a Barb (or, to be fair, ANY tank) wearing a charm (or even without, from time to time...) that's screaming for heals when their HP starts to dip even a little.

    Probably why I don't random squad much... b:laugh
  • Kott - Sanctuary
    Kott - Sanctuary Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Frij, in theory, that is correct. The higher level cleric should have a better heal and thus grant the squad a higher survival rate but some clerics stay really nub through their 90s which is when they can get some really rude wake up calls. However, most of them seem pretty good by L90+ so maybe they learned in their 70s. High heal levels + high magic points = pro heal once you have that all you need is the skill to back it. Meaning, spam heal, purify if it's needed, smack in some debuffs or an attack then back to healing. Of course, if BB is up, that's impossible for the cleric stuck in the bubble.
    <--- LA fail that has less healing than some 70s lol b:sad b:surrender
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Never heard of that rule either... [Aya you n00b ?]
    If im alone i do everything i think is needed (squad doesnt always agree with my priorities btw :P ) if with another cleric(s) i try to talk things out first unless they start healing immediately, then i dd, but still look at squads hp bars to throw some heals or purifys if necessary. bbs and rbs only if agreed before - they tie me up, use spark(s) and burn charm, so better not waste them, only exception when i throw up bb to prevent party wipe.
    but its true that when i was lowest lvl cleric in high instance i usually offered to rb myself (or to bb if my bb was enough) - because my damage there was laughable, so turning full support was simply more effective.
  • The_Mule - Sanctuary
    The_Mule - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Sometimes its easier to reverse the rolls, I often did FB's with a fellow cleric about 10 levs above me we had to swap the norm because he did so much damage he kept stealing aggro.

    My new faction plays using vent so we plan who is doing what, normally we both heal when needed and then one does damage as and when.
  • FooFooKity - Heavens Tear
    FooFooKity - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    When playing on my cleric i have no problems at all doing both healing and attking while being the solo cleric in party. When doing TT runs that require BB with 2 clerics in the squad we establish who will BB and who will be over healing if needed and attking, as far as an unwritten rule they just lead to confusion that leads to party wipes thats why there is a chat window people just need to take the time to communicate with others in the party so everyone knows and understands what is going to be happening...people these days dont take the time to explain things or communicate with each other they are always in a big rush. Slow down take a breath communicate with your party it will save lives.
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    it's not worth QQing over, just ignore it and move on.
  • Chiv - Lost City
    Chiv - Lost City Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    i dont know about yall, but ive always followed this rule except on tough bosses. Never even really considered it before just seemed natural, the higher lvl should DD since he will be better at it if the lower lvl cleric can heal...
  • zombeer
    zombeer Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    higher lvl doesnt always mean higher attacks, it depends on build, equipment and such..
    i'm a pure magic so i know how annoying is to get in squad with another cleric that wants to dd, even if he /her does half or less my dmg..so..to get rid of this kind of situation i just ask for their attack stats..
    and here i go ;)
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    zombeer wrote: »
    higher lvl doesnt always mean higher attacks, it depends on build, equipment and such..
    i'm a pure magic so i know how annoying is to get in squad with another cleric that wants to dd, even if he /her does half or less my dmg..so..to get rid of this kind of situation i just ask for their attack stats..
    and here i go ;)

    Thats true on lvs 90+....but before that not really...
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I play more of the support role if the other cleric is higher then myself.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • LilWolfy - Heavens Tear
    LilWolfy - Heavens Tear Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Okay, I'm a little ticked off, so forgive me if I rant. But I'm seriously curious.

    So I was just in a BH51 run. I was one of two clerics, me lvl 65 and the other lvl 72. The other cleric was fast at the healing and always running ahead, and since the tank was a high lvl that I'm familiar with, I assumed that meant I was going to be in a DDer role. He often says he only needs one healer, rest should DD.

    But then the other cleric would stop and start DDing without warning me. I was getting frustrated but I kept up. At the very end I whined a bit to a friend and was told "Well generally the higher lvl cleric DDs and the lower lvl heals."

    Okay, I've been playing PWI for nearly a year. As a cleric, first on HT, and now on DW servers. Nobody has ever told me that. What ticks me off is that it makes me feel like a total noob, and likely look like one too. So I'm curious...

    Has anyone else had this rule sprung upon them, or is this common knowledge amongst clerics?

    i have never heard someone acutally say it to me but as a cleric ppl (mostly the higher lv cleric unless they like to heal) seem to expect it. my cleric is lv 86 and my main now and i personally like to heal more then DD
  • Sevas - Heavens Tear
    Sevas - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    This rule is very situational because it first depends on the level of the tank and their skill at holding agro, secondly the levels of the clerics and their mag. damage + level of attack skills, and lastly the boss or mobs you're all butting heads with.

    1. If your tank is really good both clerics should be able to DD to a certain extent depending on the boss. That is key. If you are facing an AoE boss, at some point one of you will have to put up BB. ~~ If you have a not-so-good tank then one cleric might have to heal and given that they aren't the best tank, the higher level cleric might want to do the supporting because they might steal agro. Magic classes are very good at stealing agro from melee classes. Not to say this is true for all of them, but in my squads we all like to compete for agro rights (except when it will result in a wipe). ~~ If your tank just sucks you might both have to support (or find a new tank).

    2. Regardless, everything increases with your level and most clerics are nearly pure magic or vit/mag build (though I am seeing an increase in LA build clerics). That said, if the cleric has the majority of their points in magic their "attack" will be higher than a lower leveled cleric. That means their damage and heals will be higher (and hopefully they maxed out plumeshot at least). There is always the danger of stealing agro and Casters do that pretty quick. In my opinion, the higher leveled cleric should be the supporting cleric, just in case.

    3. Archers like to take agro too. Wizzies are agro magnets and tend to squish entirely too fast. That tends to cause problems for the whole squad. Some venos can hold their own, but they can get themselves into too much trouble. (Think of venos like cats. Far too curious and often poking where they shouldn't.) Most BMs I know can handle their own (though I have seen a BM with 4kish HP by his 80s go squish in FB79). BMs are a cleric's headache. So are barbs for that matter.

    No. 1 Rule - The cleric is in charge next to the tanker. A squad will not function without a tank or a cleric. Do not let them be pushy or things can "conveniently" happen so that they do not get buffs, or heals, or resses... Depending on how much you're willing to turn your back on them for being so pompous. As a tanker for some TTs runs, I have to stowed my herc and dropped squad when they have pissed me off too much. Take charge fellow clerics!
  • Llyanka - Harshlands
    Llyanka - Harshlands Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I do a lot of runs with higher lvl clerics, and generally the tank asks me to heal, primarily because they know my healing abilities. I have also been solo cleric for BH89 b:chuckle

    When I do runs with lower lvls, they heal and I DD, unless we are going against a tough boss, then I heal. We do discuss prior to starting the instance.

    **shrugs** Ima healer, I didn't know this was a rule, I just do what I do best b:victory
  • Ewings - Heavens Tear
    Ewings - Heavens Tear Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Umm Having an entire squad wiped cause u r pissed off at sumone...Note to self: Dont squad with such ppl, they need to do Grow up past Junior high.

    Another misconception is that DDing takes less Mp than healing ...BUZZZZ WRONG ANSWER!! Why?

    1)Most dd skills require more or equivalent MP as heals.

    2) In dd mode your MP regen is cut down by half compared to heal mode when you dont have red glow on you, this is even more important when u use Regen pots.

    The lvl based DD selection is not so much of a rule but a norm, its always good to treat ur fellow cleric like ur best buddy and work as a team by deciding such things before hand. Also try and comparing each others debuff lvl since they make things go really fast :)).
  • Vivre - Harshlands
    Vivre - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    At a boss if a BB / one healer is enough, I RB. Way more damage than personally DDing and a lot less mana consumed b:pleased
    What is this 'res' you speak of? b:cute
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    =/ My clerics do both, and are pretty damn pro at it.
    Stack IH & Puri, when they get a few spark they stop a sec to Tempest or 2spark then Atk, IH, Atk, IH, Atk, Puri, etc.

    Anyways. Never heard of that rule.
  • Sir_Martin - Lost City
    Sir_Martin - Lost City Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ya I do that, i stack IH 3 times, Puri, IH 2 times, then Spark, IH, Tempest, then repeat xD
    [SIGPIC]8x Epic Cleric =P[/SIGPIC]
  • Annonrae - Sanctuary
    Annonrae - Sanctuary Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I never heard of that rule, either. Personally, I heal/purify when appropriate, toss seals when I can, attack if there isn't already a horde of DDers beating up the mob/boss and when everyone's HP bars give me room for attacking.

    The only times a pecking order between clerics, imho, SHOULD be established beforehand is when BB or constant purify is called for, for example at bosses like Polearm/Gaurnob/Krimson ( as in, get one cleric to watch the tank's/squad's HP bars like a hawk, healing and purifying, while the other attacks or is BBing or is ready to take over BB when the first cleric's BB gets interrupted ), or when you're a Full Attack Cleric ( and in some cases, LA too ) with sub-par healing skills. That, or when there's a blatant level gap between the clerics.

    And hey, even if two clerics are stacking IH on the tank like crazy and he isn't losing a single point of HP, it's never too late to say in squad chat that you'll switch to attacking, no matter what level you are. Just be ready to switch back to help heal if the situation starts to go south. Things mostly get messed up if you don't communicate.
  • Kirona - Dreamweaver
    Kirona - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    In my opinion the cleric with the most magic attack should be the one to heal since more magic attack = more healing since heals are based on your base magic attack. the one with less magic attack should be the one DDing. unless someone already decides to heal/DD then the other should do the oposite. well at least thats how i see it ^^
  • Slake - Lost City
    Slake - Lost City Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I think you will notice that in most situations, that the lower level cleric (unless there is a huuuge gap) can handle the healing without whoevers tanking's health moving like at all. Some notable exceptions would be bosses with epic debuffs.


  • Angel__sora - Sanctuary
    Angel__sora - Sanctuary Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I've never heard of this rule in any game, though it makes sense. Heals generate aggro and lower level usually equals lower heal (though this should be discussed when the party is formed, just to make sure) which results in the lower level pulling less often than the higher level. The higher level is better suited to picking mobs off the tank and killing them (in this case he's a cleric so he can heal himself, let the lower cleric focus on the tank) as well as being backup for the wizard/archer/veno/bm when things go awry, at least until the tank regains aggro.
    One man's pain is another man's lol.