TW Predictions: Beginning 10/30/09

krazyness34 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
OK…so I figured why not? Other servers are doing it…..

TW predictions…..

Friday October 30th:

FinalOath versus CQ
--> The new up-in-coming 9x guild. Not part of the “QQ Alliance,” this seems to be an attack of convenience. Who would blame them though? They have a sweet spot for town tele at the end of World Quest, so why not try for more? This just seems like it might be one of those wars where CQ will play.


Spectral versus CQ -->Wondering if this will go the same way that it usually does. The track record of Spectral is sketchy as best. Who gets an HQ crystal down to 5% and then loses? Maybe if they had a different war leader or for once they decided to work as a unit they might be able to pull it off. Only time will tell. Although, you have to give Spectral credit, they leveled their alts pretty quickly and promptly put them in guild. Will be an alt TW? We will see. So what is the prediction for this war?


Harvester versus CQ -->As part of the so-called “QQ-Alliance” and on the payroll, Harvester does not seem to have progressed in any way. They are more focused on PvP it would seem then leveling and gearing their members. There is no doubt that this war will be relatively short, unless CQ decides to “play” a little bit, but this is doubtful. As the last war to start, the time might be pushed slightly depending on how long the Spectral war will last. Does a prediction really need to be mad here?


Saturday October 31st: (Halloween Wars)
This will be interesting considering many will be out and about on this ghoulish night. It will most likely benefit those not playing on server time. But anyways…

NcN versus CQ --> Interesting, an afternoon war. Not all that surprising that another guild seems to have jumped on the payroll of the “QQ Alliance.” The more the merrier in my humble opinion. Seeing that it is in the afternoon, will that make a difference? Doubt it. If they show one might be surprised. High numbers and high levels, not really. Look at the return. Wondering if CQ has even taken this bid seriously.


GZ versus CQ --> Not much to say here. Last weekend one war lasted all of 6 minutes, while the other war was dragged on with CQ admittingly camping the spawn point. More for the lolz I take it. We have all heard of Llama pulling cata and we have all heard of the aoe’s on the spawn point. Does a prediction really need to be made?


RQ versus CQ --> Although RQ seems to hold a good front; they have appeared to be missing on the server. If anyone knows their whereabouts please call into Unsolved Mysteries as the server is concerned. Hopefully we can find them in time for their war.


SG1Owns versus CQ
--> Does anything need to be said here?


Sunday November 1st:

CQ versus RQ
--> Guess CQ will be taking back a good town tele for World Quest. See the above description for the defend against RQ. We all know CQ is better in the attack anyways.


This leaves us with --> 2 non-red lands on the map. Well, at least until the expansion comes out and new lands are available.

Any questions?
Post edited by krazyness34 on


  • Miss_QQ - Lost City
    Miss_QQ - Lost City Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    nope all wrong...
    CQ will lose some lands this time
    b:bye it's halloween.. treat or trick and halloween party
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I don't have a problem with CQ, but I do have a problem with your "Predictions." All of them seem to be PLEASE CQ PLEASE b:beg let me in when I'm in the level range. Go re-edit that so you don't sound like you're just hopping on the bandwaggon.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • krazyness34
    krazyness34 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I don't have a problem with CQ, but I do have a problem with your "Predictions." All of them seem to be PLEASE CQ PLEASE b:beg let me in when I'm in the level range. Go re-edit that so you don't sound like you're just hopping on the bandwaggon.

    Being realistic. Post your predictions then please.

    And I am of level to get in for the record.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I don't have a problem with CQ, but I do have a problem with your "Predictions." All of them seem to be PLEASE CQ PLEASE b:beg let me in when I'm in the level range. Go re-edit that so you don't sound like you're just hopping on the bandwaggon.

    wouldn't he have to show his ingame name for that to work >_>
  • krazyness34
    krazyness34 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    wouldn't he have to show his ingame name for that to work >_>

    Not necessarily. Those who are perceptive would know who I am.
  • Breadbun - Lost City
    Breadbun - Lost City Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    SG1 gonna take over it all. And have girly pink.




  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    TW predictions…..

    Friday October 30th:

    FinalOath versus CQ
    --> Agreed FinalOath will most likely lose although they might be good in the future as most of them do have some TW experience.


    Spectral versus CQ --> CQ won't let Spectral win so they will focus here.


    Harvester versus CQ --> I think to much attention might go toward Spectral. Or they might just give it to them for the week.


    Saturday October 31st: (Halloween Wars)

    NcN versus CQ --> NcN is terrible...the end


    GZ versus CQ --> GZ seems to be struggling as of late.


    RQ versus CQ --> Column will log on because he has to pay his vent bill and I think they will win.


    SG1Owns versus CQ
    --> Does anything need to be said here? (Agreed)


    Sunday November 1st:

    CQ versus RQ
    --> Agreed CQ is better at attacking.

    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • krazyness34
    krazyness34 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I think CQ would give the land to FinalOath before they let Harvester get a land.

    Same might apply to NcN. That would be gag worthy though.
  • phillydip
    phillydip Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    this thread might have been believable had u posted all tw's.
  • Oneshotu - Lost City
    Oneshotu - Lost City Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    CQ is going to win all TWs untill Athran refines all of his gear to plus 12.
    So the Dead guy says "LOL you fail, you didnt even one shot me"
    Nuf said.
  • Ottogi - Lost City
    Ottogi - Lost City Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    whoaaaa the QQ alliance pays? Where do I sign up? o.O
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Now I don't know who Krazyness is but it seems that he is quite accurate with his words.

    Piliener, I'm sorry but yours was totally wrong. If we were to give land to someone it wouldn't be someone on our kos. It would definitely be FinalOath. We don't plan on giving any land but if we really couldn't pull it off I know for a fact that it would go to FinalOath.

    Good prediction Krazyness. Don't exactly know who you are but I think you should try to break out of that alt trend.

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • krazyness34
    krazyness34 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    phillydip wrote: »
    this thread might have been believable had u posted all tw's.

    Why? There was no need to but if you insist.

    PILIPINO versus FinalOath --> A young guild made up of mostly 6x-8x, with a few 9x. PILIPINO is inexperienced in TW and going up against a guild that is composed of mostly 9x that have experience with TW. Do I need to say more?

    PILIPINO < FinalOath

    Prestige versus RageQuit --> Now, considering the slow fallout of RQ, this might be considered a close one at best. The problem though is who the heck is Prestige? The one thing RQ has going for them is knowing how to fight a TW against a guild that does not. Whether that will be enough one can only guess. This might be one of the longer TW's this weekend. Since a prediction needs to be made, experience will override levels.

    Prestige < RQ
    whoaaaa the QQ alliance pays? Where do I sign up? o.O

    The logistics of the payout is something that you will need to discuss with the QQ Alliance Leaders. The money that comes from the land owned has been split between the guilds, whether one owned land or not, for a while now. Sad though that some many of the guild members see nothing of that money. Go talk to the leaders and you too can be a part of the QQ Alliance.
    Now I don't know who Krazyness is but it seems that he is quite accurate with his words.

    Piliener, I'm sorry but yours was totally wrong. If we were to give land to someone it wouldn't be someone on our kos. It would definitely be FinalOath. We don't plan on giving any land but if we really couldn't pull it off I know for a fact that it would go to FinalOath.

    Good prediction Krazyness. Don't exactly know who you are but I think you should try to break out of that alt trend.

    I post on an alt for the same reason others do. The difference is I am not here to take sides, I am simple making predictions that I believe to be true based on past TW weekends. Also, it is fun to see the reaction of others, such as Piliener. I jump on no bandwagons and had I thought another guild might win I would have chosen them as the victors. The problem is that time and time again we have seen CQ win worse 3-way attacks then the ones presented this weekend.

    So far though my predictions have been correct and I am positive that my original predictions will remain correct.

    Oh and Xtacy, you do know who I am and you know what guild I am. You just have yet to figure it out. When and if you realize who I am, let me know.
  • syl
    syl Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    I post on an alt for the same reason others do. The difference is I am not here to take sides, I am simple making predictions that I believe to be true based on past TW weekends. Also, it is fun to see the reaction of others, such as Piliener. I jump on no bandwagons and had I thought another guild might win I would have chosen them as the victors. The problem is that time and time again we have seen CQ win worse 3-way attacks then the ones presented this weekend.

    but the last 3 ways didnt involve jones blessings, which affect tw alot. We thought spectral and harvester would use the blessings to their advantage but apparently they crumbled under them, lack of strategy and drive i guess.

    even w/o the reinforcements from the Finaloath/harvester wars, we were pushing spec into their base. the other cata team that joined after harvester was just icing on the cake.

    Even some spectral members told me that that was the worse tw ever.

    and we were expecting to lose.....
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Why? There was no need to but if you insist.

    PILIPINO versus FinalOath --> A young guild made up of mostly 6x-8x, with a few 9x. PILIPINO is inexperienced in TW and going up against a guild that is composed of mostly 9x that have experience with TW. Do I need to say more?

    PILIPINO < FinalOath

    I dont know.

    Anything is possible - levels arent everything.

    Took Harvester 3 tries to take the land from Nagare in the first place - and they outlevelled them. They had to merge with countless guilds to do it too.

    Then... their suteki - winning week after week despite the odds.
  • Miss_QQ - Lost City
    Miss_QQ - Lost City Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:cry that tw with spec was the worst ever
    what's happened to Athran what's happened to spec cash shop, I saw lots of spec with no hiero...
    b:sad was it because your only land got taken away?
    and i thought athran supposed to distribute hieros to those who attend tw b:shutup
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    CQ is godly because they have kickass DDs. Spectral lasts as long as they do because they have a ****load of blademasters and barbs that have high refined gear so they live longer.

    Who do you think would benefit more from 30% more damage? It's rather obvious. People like Athran are actually a threat without a blessing because he's hard as hell to kill. With Blessing all the mages and archers are killing him without a problem. I really don't see why you people thought Spectral would do better.

    Well, it was that and I was using 2 spark pots all the time to ice dragon and tempest everyone. Hitting large groups of people for 15k is like crack.
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    There's a reason I chose mage D:
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Desdemonaaa - Lost City
    Desdemonaaa - Lost City Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Well, it was that and I was using 2 spark pots all the time to ice dragon and tempest everyone. Hitting large groups of people for 15k is like crack.

    For all of the times you hit me in TW, you did the lowest damage everytime compared to the other mages b:sad
  • Blastoise - Lost City
    Blastoise - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I'm pretty sure i know who krazyness is >.>

    anyway i am sure krazyness's predictions are right. I also have to agree with Xtacy, FinalOath would get the land before Harvester would >.<
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    For all of the times you hit me in TW, you did the lowest damage everytime compared to the other mages b:sad

    Doesn't really surprise me. My gear is rather outdated now and I don't focus on magic attack, I have 14% crit for a reason. Besides, if people didn't get better gear than me by now after all the months I have done nothing, it'd be kinda sad.
  • cashhhy
    cashhhy Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Harvester versus CQ -->As part of the so-called “QQ-Alliance” and on the payroll, Harvester does not seem to have progressed in any way. They are more focused on PvP it would seem then leveling and gearing their members. There is no doubt that this war will be relatively short, unless CQ decides to “play” a little bit, but this is doubtful. As the last war to start, the time might be pushed slightly depending on how long the Spectral war will last. Does a prediction really need to be mad here?

    spot on! as world chat today was full of QQ about Harvester camping Secret Passage. FYI Schooled, 1 shotting lvl 3x is never going to help you beat CQ.
  • Llama - Lost City
    Llama - Lost City Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Have you ever seen an angry ret4rd with a pair of rusty hatchets?

    that's Schooled.

    Anyone who follows him isn't much more intelligent.

    If you get rank 8 you should not be a guaranteed 1 shot.
    Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
  • krazyness34
    krazyness34 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Who doubted my predictions?
  • Pippins - Lost City
    Pippins - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    BLT could have done it...
  • krazyness34
    krazyness34 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Successful Predictions!!
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Doesn't really surprise me. My gear is rather outdated now and I don't focus on magic attack, I have 14% crit for a reason. Besides, if people didn't get better gear than me by now after all the months I have done nothing, it'd be kinda sad.

    ^I feel the same.
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    My predictions; CQ owns the map because LC fails.
    Thanks for playing!

    (map reset pl0x)
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Caldaster - Lost City
    Caldaster - Lost City Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    My predictions; CQ owns the map because LC fails.
    Thanks for playing!

    (map reset pl0x)

    CQ owns the maps coz LC failed a long time ago.

    Now LC try to fight back.

    OFC, too little too late.
    Poor thing ... lucky me b:victory
  • Oneshotu - Lost City
    Oneshotu - Lost City Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    BLT could have done it...

    This is true.
    So the Dead guy says "LOL you fail, you didnt even one shot me"
    Nuf said.