Mini-guide on choosing targets

Aya__ - Heavens Tear
Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
edited October 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
As sometimes new players venture by accident from their starting areas and are surprised to meet monsters 40 lvls above them, or they are exactly where they are supposed to be but suddenly meet wandering boss and attack it like any other target they met before I decided to post this mini-guide, so they will have some idea of what they are trying to kill before landing first hit
Before you attack something click it once and look at its name tag.
1) Regular monsters have normal label (brown, smooth edges) with level and species name on it. The colour of name tells you what level – compared to yours – that monster is and how safe it is to attack.
• White or light green – you can kill it, no problem
• Dark green – you can kill it easily but its not worth it, you will get little exp or drops, better look for white/light green targets
• Yellow – you can try it if you like challenge
• Orange, dark orange – leave it alone, better not even come close. [note: this guide is intended for inexperienced players, not for those who attack lvl 105 mobs for kicks and win... ]
2) Elite monsters - their label has little spiky ornaments on borders, level and species name. They are much harder to kill than regular monsters, have more life and hit harder, they are aggressive and will chase you if you try to run. Often they have group aggro too (you hit one, 4 come to hit you). Generally add 5 levels to level on their tag to know what you are fighting against... First elites you will see are probably monsters in your fb 19 dungeon or darkbreed wolfkins for daisy quest.
3) Miniboss – like elites only worse. Their label has little ornaments, and they have a name. Add 7-10 levels (First that comes to mind is Terrorclaw near Silver Pool, and he isnt that hard actually…)
4) Full boss – like miniboss only worse. Label has big swirly ornaments and they have name. Add 10-15 levels. And they often have few elite monsters as guards too, to make fight more challenging (advice: take down these adds first). Usually they are not soloable, squad other people and do boss together. First boss you meet at the end of fb 19.
5) World boss – like full boss only worse, much worse… Has ‘?’ instead of level, and skull symbol on its label, ofc big ornaments and name are a must. Not doable unless you are high level, have lots of time and bring friends. First you meet would be probably Sword Tamer, hes big and ugly, stands under Heavens Tear, try to not fly / run into him as its 1 shot death.
6) Twilight Temple bosses – labels look like these of world bosses, but they are doable, some even soloable. You meet them in Twilight Temple , usually at lvl 60.
That’s almost it, now two more notes:
• Monsters / bossess have their element (or lack of element) described on their label too, it shows what they are vulnerable against and what they are especially tough against, if they are magic its often the element of their attack. [wood – weak against metal, metal – weak against fire, fire – weak against water, water – weak against earth, earth – weak against wood, non-element – no special bonus but also no disadvantage.
• They sometimes have special features – look for yellow description under label. Weak – easy to kill but half exp, other types give almost double exp, but are harder to kill / more dangerous: sacrificial assault – low defense but high attack, increased attack/ increased magic attack – they hit harder, increased life – about 3 times more hp, increased defense – they are harder to kill with physical attack, increased magical resistance – they are harder to kill with magic, increased movement speed – they will get to you faster. Increased life boss is definitely unfair...
Hope this helps a little.
And for specific description / advice on monsters and bosses read great Ence’s guide in ‘Quest tips’ section
Post edited by Aya__ - Heavens Tear on


  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    id like to suggest here that "miniboss" and "elite mobs" are basically the same difficulty from my own experience. And I can tell you that I regularly kill normal mobs 5 levels or more above me with no problem. A same level elite mob or miniboss on the other hand is more difficult than you suggest of adding only 5-10 levels.


    wicked pirate:
    level 44 elite
    Life 36 575
    Physical Attack 329 - 402
    Magic Attack 461 - 564
    Physical Defence 1401

    quilhog demonblade:
    level 49 regular regular mob (ie adding 5 levels to the level of the elite)
    Life 11 481
    Physical Attack 311 - 380
    Magic Attack 436 - 532
    Physical Defence 1042

    here we see that the attacks are nearly the same (slightly lower on the quillhog) and that the pdef of the quilhog is 359 points less than the wicked pirate. But, the Wicked pirate has 3 times the HP as the quillhog does.

    lets now look at the bloodshot hexweb master:
    level 57 regular mob
    Life 13 020
    Physical Attack 370 - 452
    Magic Attack 518 - 633
    Physical Defence 1214

    pdef is closing in on the wicked pirate, hp still doesnt touch it, and attack is slightly higher. even still, the wicked pirate is tougher to kill than either of the aforementioned normal mobs, due to its much higher HP.

    now lets compare Dodopod (a level 40 miniboss)
    Life 34 056
    Physical Attack 175 - 347
    Magic Attack 175 - 348
    Physical Defence 613

    it has almost the same HP as the wicked pirate, but practically half the attack and defenses. By comparison to the wicked pirate, this mob is much easier to kill (though im inclined to suspect if it were same level as the wicked pirate things would probably be more evenly matched). Still it takes longer to kill than a level 57 mob.
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I know lots of people who were playing their first char here, just learning the map and their skills, and lost their way and ended in place quite dangerous to them. Or flew straight into swordtamer, or went solo into fb and were surpised at how hard mobs were to kill / how fast they died.
    My intention wasnt to make a calculator for comparing levels of elites and bossess, but to let new people know what to look for and that they should be vary when they see ornaments or name on monsters name tag. That they probably should turn back when they see that everything around has orange names... Also to know that increased magical resistance monsters should be avoided if you are a low level wizard, and sacrificial assault will hit bm or barb really hard before it dies.
    Later they will know their chars, and know the links to databases and guides and such - and they will be able to check what to do. And / or they will have faction and friends to ask about details.
  • Naquia - Dreamweaver
    Naquia - Dreamweaver Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    There is one problem though, by the time the people you're aiming at
    will read this guide, they will have figured that out the hard way already.
    Because people who attack any mob in sight and stumble into fbs and bosses
    totally unprepaired, usually don't have the tendency to read through
    guides in forums. Nice idea nevertheless.
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    There is one problem though, by the time the people you're aiming at
    will read this guide, they will have figured that out the hard way already.
    Because people who attack any mob in sight and stumble into fbs and bosses
    totally unprepaired, usually don't have the tendency to read through
    guides in forums. Nice idea nevertheless.


    I can see the virtue of what you're out to accomplish. I on the other hand (and not to flame you at all here) am a proponent of learning by experience. for instance - I was on an FB run for a lower cleric friend of mine. I asked for a veno to pull and someone brought in a level 78 herc veno. Then this herc veno starts telling her that "you cant do an fb with people your level" - to which I promptly replied to her that you most certainly can. Its how I do all my own FB runs. Hell, I did fb 51 with a few members under my level. Save for some minor hitches at the start due to a needing fill in members we werent used to playing with - no one died at all. This herc veno on the other hand couldnt even use her herc to hold agro off herself - much less clerics. I'd hate to see what it would have turned out to be without me there. So the long and short of it is that learning how to do things well (or bad) by experiencing it first hand is much better than to have someone tell you "can't be done".