Wondering about a couple of things. Oh and HAI

Freqflyerdnt - Harshlands
Freqflyerdnt - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
edited October 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Ok so I started playing PW 2 days ago.
Been reading a little on the forums and here and there. Still wondering about a few things though.

1. Are mounts a Premium Option only ?
2. About socketed items, I see that most (if not all) quest rewards don't have socket space on them. Can sockets be added or is this only for crafted/looted gear ?
3. Having hit level 10 last night, I am still stuck with the dual hammers I got from a previous quest, think it was at level 5 or something. Pretty nice, but I did manage to imbue a gem into the hammers. where as the sword I just got, I can't it seems.

Any other help and tips would be greatly appreciated.
Post edited by Freqflyerdnt - Harshlands on


  • TangTang - Sanctuary
    TangTang - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    1. Not all mounts require you to buy them with gold (real money)
    but the mounts that don't are so expensive that it might just be cheaper to buy one with your coins.
    2. No, it is possible for a monster to drop a piece of equipment with a socket, sockets can also be added to your equipment using socket stones, which you can buy either with gold or coins.
    3. It is probably because that sword either did not have sockets or was not a high enough grade level for the shard you were trying to imbue into it.

  • Mala_Curica - Lost City
    Mala_Curica - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    dont bother with adding sockets now,u gonna be changing weapons and armor alot till later lvls
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Actually, imbues will make a more noticable difference at a very low level than at a middle level. (Where I agree, save up for a really GOOD weapon later on)

    And yes, not all weapons have sockets. You can pay real-money in the cash-shop for 'socket stones' and enough of those will add a socket to any weapon.
    But that is a HUGE waste of money and just don't even think about doing it.

    If you use the auctioneer you can get a good idea of weapons that have sockets. It's random, but later on they commonly do have sockets.

    In this game it's also not uncommon to hold on to a single weapon for ten levels or more.
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    2. No, it is possible for a monster to drop a piece of equipment with a socket, sockets can also be added to your equipment using socket stones, which you can buy either with gold or coins.


    Mobs DO drop stuff with sockets. There's a change of extra sockets, extra status effects, ect. for every drop.

    And it's not so bad that you still have those hamers. At low lvls I always just use the quest reward weapons, no need to waiste the tiny bid of money you have on weapons.

    Mounts: You can buy horses for 2.3mil coins at an NPC, or buy them for gold (zenn) at the boutique (cash shop of this game), or buy those mounts from other players
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  • Freqflyerdnt - Harshlands
    Freqflyerdnt - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Aaah cool thanks guys.

    It's not my first MMO, though, it is the first "eastern" one I enjoy.
    I will keep it in mind, I don't plan on buying Gold/Zen yet, if ever.

    One last question, rather a silly one, but I'm just curious as I have not seen any in depth analysis on these forums about weapons yet.
    Dual Wield vs. Single Wield, which would be better in general. Bear in mind I don't plan on PVPing yet nor will I be doing any Off-Tanking or Tanking(besides the solo leveling stuff, if I can help it).
    I think the answer will be it does not really make a difference, as here you can't choose one weapon for the main hand and another for the off hand. But I'm just wondering.
    The Dual Hammers I have, when equipped, shows in the Char Window as 71-80 or something Damage, where the sword shows a little less, probably 4 points less each side.

    I know switching weapons and armor too often/not enough tends to make your gameplay uncomfortable/inefficient and no fun at all.
    Just that the hammers worked super well up to now, starting to slow down in the killing dept now. Probably just my habbit of wanting to KKND as quick as possible.

    On another subject, when I started and watched the chat as I was playing I thought this game's economy is out of whack hehehehe. Stuff selling for lots and lots of Coin(2 Million).
    And yes making Coin is pretty easy, I think I have about 40k on my char now, after a bunch of repairs and a couple of skills and so on. And that's at Level 10.
    Just looks steep for someone starting out hehehehe.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    As a blademaster, you'll find that you have three skill-trees, one for each kind of weapon you're expected to use. (Nothing stopping you using something completely different, you'll just not have any skills to go along with it)

    The very best BMs thus carry multiple weapons and switch depending on circumstance.

    At first you'll probably be best off just choosing one tree, you'll not have enough spirit to get very good at them all for quite a while.

    In general (it depends on the exact weapon stats of course) swords hit for less than axes or hammers.
    But they hit more often. Which makes up for it. Check the 'attack speed' on the weapons too, before making your choice. There's plenty of guides in the BM forum advising which skills are best.
  • FitHitDShan - Sanctuary
    FitHitDShan - Sanctuary Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    And, within a weapon type, the dual weapons usually hit harder but slower than the single version of the same thing. Those attack intervals are only relevant for normal attacks, though. There is a separate timing interval for skills (the cast interval is generally not affected by your choice of weapon as a BM). Most weapon choices include a trade-off between faster hits and stronger which amounts to one being more suited to a player who uses skills sparingly and mostly does normal attacks while the other is more suited to a player who spams skills.
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  • Dosinn - Dreamweaver
    Dosinn - Dreamweaver Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Your choice of weapon doesnt really matter till lvl 29. Thats when the first weapon specific skills become available. BMs have 4 weapon paths to chose from: axe/hammer, sword/blade, spear, and fist/claw. Each weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses. The whole switching weapons bit doesnt come into play till lvl 80+. By that point, you have enough coin/spirit saved up to lvl the skills from two different weapon paths. My advice: toy around with different weapons up to lvl 29, and hit up the stickied BM guides, Lynduras guide especially. You dont HAVE to use real money to get zen gold, but at this point in time, the gold market is crazy expensive right now. Charms for hp/mp and guardian scrolls help A LOT at higher lvls, starting around lvl 40 or so. As far as your armor is concerned, Heavy Armor. Maybe toss in a peice or two of light, but focus on using Heavy Armor. 40k wont go very far at lvls 50+. And most mounts/flying mounts/other cash shop items do go for 2mil or more. And that was before the Anniversary packs sent things out of whack.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Theres no such things as "premium" stuff in this game. Everyone can get anything with enough in game coins. (You just buy the gold through the gold trade)
    but it's takes alot of in game coins lol.
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    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
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    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"