No PvPing While Safety Lock Is On, PvP Drops

sniperguy Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2010 in Suggestion Box
I find it annoying that people can just turn on safety lock for four hours and then just PvP without any repercussions (Not sure on gear shattering) while people that don't want to deal with the safety lock have to use GS's or risk their gear getting dropped. Another thing that bugs me is the fact that any thing that drops can be instantly picked up by anyone, even blue names. So my suggestions are:

1. No PvP for people with safety lock
2. Use the same drop system for PvP as with monsters, where whoever killed the person gets pick up priority and the other people around have to wait.

Is this a valid point or am I the only one bothered by it?
Post edited by sniperguy on


  • Untamedchaos - Sanctuary
    Untamedchaos - Sanctuary Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I never did get what the safety lock was.
    But I like the PvP drop idea.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] With a .25x multiplier = 423520 regular

  • sniperguy
    sniperguy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Well at least people agreed with my second suggestion, just not in this post.
  • Teh_fishey - Dreamweaver
    Teh_fishey - Dreamweaver Posts: 552 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    sniperguy wrote: »
    I find it annoying that people can just turn on safety lock for four hours and then just PvP without any repercussions (Not sure on gear shattering) while people that don't want to deal with the safety lock have to use GS's or risk their gear getting dropped. Another thing that bugs me is the fact that any thing that drops can be instantly picked up by anyone, even blue names. So my suggestions are:

    1. No PvP for people with safety lock
    2. Use the same drop system for PvP as with monsters, where whoever killed the person gets pick up priority and the other people around have to wait.

    Is this a valid point or am I the only one bothered by it?

    Yeah definetly no PK with safety lock, its just pointless. Plus I think what should be fair is that if you drop an item, the person who killed you can take that item or you (or a squad members if you have one) can also pick up that item. Its only fair to give the dead a chance :P
    Note: No thats not me... I stole that from the interwebs b:chuckle

    I like to think of myself as a dog, I can be cute and cuddly but sniff people's butts and get away with it ><>

    Warlock recruiting lvl 70+ on the Dreamweaver Server.
    PM an officer for an invite.

  • Lady_marta - Dreamweaver
    Lady_marta - Dreamweaver Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I'm not much for PvP (hence why I'm on Dreamweaver) so I don't know exactly what you mean by your first point, but your second point does make sense. It doesn't seem fair that two level 100 players duke it out, one dies, then a level 10 swings by and snatches the drops, putting in no effort and staying in safe mode so you can't go kill him and take back what is rightfully yours.
    God of healing, bless those that stand before you...
    Grant me the righteous power to banish evil!
  • Peacefulelf - Dreamweaver
    Peacefulelf - Dreamweaver Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I agree with this make pvp(fighting) unavailable for people with safety lock because with this trick PWE is not making money off of people buying GAs xD

    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    sniperguy wrote: »
    I find it annoying that people can just turn on safety lock for four hours and then just PvP without any repercussions (Not sure on gear shattering) while people that don't want to deal with the safety lock have to use GS's or risk their gear getting dropped. Another thing that bugs me is the fact that any thing that drops can be instantly picked up by anyone, even blue names. So my suggestions are:

    1. No PvP for people with safety lock
    2. Use the same drop system for PvP as with monsters, where whoever killed the person gets pick up priority and the other people around have to wait.

    Is this a valid point or am I the only one bothered by it?

    But if they can't PvP with safety lock then I can't kill them when they are annoying or KS'ing me.
  • sniperguy
    sniperguy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    When you die while PvPing, you have a chance to drop items from your inventory. When safety lock is on, you cannot drop items no matter what. So this means you can safely PvP without any risk of item drop while not having to spend money on GA/GS and still get the other persons items that drop if you kill them and they aren't doing the same thing and lack GA/GS.
  • sniperguy
    sniperguy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I don't think any amount of gear shattering could compare to someone dropping a tt90 heavy armor and then having a lvl 5X blue name come and snatch it up.
  • sniperguy
    sniperguy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    There's been many seperate posts for these two suggestions, it would be awesome if someone that makes game decisions could comment on at least one of them.
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    He cool. It's a way to avoid being PK'ed on a PvP server. If you can't PK, neither can you be PK'ed right?

    So just turn it on, and you're safe from anyone trying to attack you.
    Et voila, we've just turned PvP servers into PvE servers b:victory
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Bruxie - Harshlands
    Bruxie - Harshlands Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Why is this pointless (maybe not for red name pkers) safety lock implemented. IMO it's a failed idea and i would suggest to remove it completely.

    I'm going to edit my last post here.
    If not, than no fight at all with safety lock on seems the way to go. No PVP, no PVM and no possibility to pick anything from the ground including mats farming. Bump!!!
  • Dragonscare - Sanctuary
    Dragonscare - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    PK isnt interesting if people in pk that r red named and no GS,S dont drop i love red named people dropping its awsomeb:victory espescially when i get emmb:pleased
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • karapuzo
    karapuzo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Necro, but nice one ...

    Russain official PW server - PK'ed lost at once:

    20 Large Mystery Potions
    10 Guardian Scrolls (highlighted with red drawing on the screen-shot) b:chuckle
    1 ☆Sign of Antiquity: Chaos
    1 ☆Blood Spirit Belt

    There were cases when people were dropping bound equipment also, not many, but the latest one was few days ago during massive fight for world PBs.

    I hope there are no such funny bugs on PWI.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    But i might as well comment on this quote while its here.
    But if they can't PvP with safety lock then I can't kill them when they are annoying or KS'ing me.

    How about they cant engage you, but you can still kill them. They wont drop cause they have safety lock on, but they have no chance to kill you either. You clear them away, and they cant have any advantage of having safety lock on.
  • Xirek - Lost City
    Xirek - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    i think the best way is remove SL.. SL just make the game worst for low lv ppl.. i know many ppl 90+ that go to camp near lv 30 quests just for fun and they think that they r god at pvp cuz they r red lol..

    And btw SL what do? i mean that is for what purpose? to avoid what? if u got **** SL will not save u unleast u have 24 hours SL or something like that, btw SL is running when u log ur char screen too.

    The only use that i see for SL is to protect pk's... i would like that SL will be removed so i can fly looking for red names to make some profit or get owned trying