Anniversary Pack Discussion



  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    And everyone else in this thread is assuming that the majority of the people that play this game is upset. And that the minority that post in the forums represent the player base.

    So everyone is assuming something, usualy something that validates how they feel......

    Just a thought, but how do you know that isn't the case? Whether you post, or not, you know the forums are there, because you could see them when you downloaded the game. And whether you directly visit them, or not, most people have friends in game that deal with the forums, and those posters are also passing on the opinions of their friends. So claiming it's the minority of players that are upset seems kind of ridiculous when faced with the fact that every single player in this game has the option to voice their opinion, and you end up with a HUGE separation of opinion against these packs.

    Also, to those of you saying that only the poor are QQing? I call BS. I know several people could buy endgame gear without even blinking. If I wanted to, I could dump a reasonable sum into this game. But I'm not going to. And, in fact, I'm not going to put ANY money into this game for a while, if ever. That means all those Alts I have that I was planning on getting some sweet CS stuff aren't getting touched, so the plethora of storage gear, mounts, Aerogear, clothes, and Charms I WOULD BE BUYING are not coming out of my pocket. Wanna know the funniest part? I have 12 alts. Do some math. Guess how much money you just lost due to this ****. And now add in all the other players who feel the same way I do. We have money. We spend it on businesses that have our respect. When you treat us poorly, we do not spend our money on you. It's like going to a restaurant. You get good service, good food, you come back, maybe even tip a little more than usual. You get bad service, and bad food, you don't come back, and don't tip. It's that simple. Keep us happy, and we fill your pockets. Make us angry... And we don't.

    However, I have no problem with any of you that are buying the packs. You want to use your hard earned money in that way, it's your choice. You're paying for entertainment, and it's the same concept as buying a movie, a book, or another game. I have a problem with the packs themselves. Yeah, some of the things in there are nice. I spent some money on them the first go around, and got my skills. Putting Endgame gear in there, however, was a bad call. But hey, whatever. When the level cap goes up, we'll be killing people who are wearing that stuff still. But this... Putting it in by "Popular Demand", when it was only supposed to be for the Anniversary, making vague statements to placate the public, and clamping down on dissidence...

    I know it is YOUR JOB. You're there to keep the peace, and make sure we don't burn the forums with flames. But we're not seeing it. All the interaction we're getting from you is a "We're reading your posts." and the occasional "Don't make false accusations." Usually followed by a ban. But here's the thing... We've yet to receive ANY proof that what people are saying is false. We've yet to receive ANYTHING. That's all we're asking for. Proof. Prove to us that the company has our best interests in mind, and you'd see a lot happier people, who would go back to the game, play, spend money, and be good members of your community. And that's good for you and us.
  • bossy231
    bossy231 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    b:pleasedi just had a revaluation don't blame the down-fall of the PW economy on the PW staff. The first person to blame is the people who buy the gold for such a high price, they're the real culprits, but is not like PWI had no hand in the down fall also. It was someone at PWI headquarters that had the smart idea to bring "them" (saying the name makes me sad) back. BTW eatswithspoon (i know ur there) take this thread to ur leader..
  • President - Harshlands
    President - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Man, can you guys complain without writing friggin novels?! Seriously, you're going into morals and philosophy over a computer game. The ones who run PW know we are upset and they still haven't done anything about it. Stop wasting your time, if you're gonna quit then quit. If you don't like it, drop a couple lines about why you don't. Don't argue with each other, because it's not eachother you're should be trying to persuade. No one gives a ***** about whether you think you're right or wrong. Let people express how they feel about the situation without telling them they're wrong, because you aren't going to change their mind.
  • bossy231
    bossy231 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Man, can you guys complain without writing friggin novels?! Seriously, you're going into morals and philosophy over a computer game. The ones who run PW know we are upset and they still haven't done anything about it. Stop wasting your time, if you're gonna quit then quit. If you don't like it, drop a couple lines about why you don't. Don't argue with each other, because it's not eachother you're should be trying to persuade. No one gives a ***** about whether you think you're right or wrong. Let people express how they feel about the situation without telling them they're wrong, because you aren't going to change their mind.

    HI Presidentb:bye
  • President - Harshlands
    President - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Herro b:bye
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Man, can you guys complain without writing friggin novels?! Seriously, you're going into morals and philosophy over a computer game. The ones who run PW know we are upset and they still haven't done anything about it. Stop wasting your time, if you're gonna quit then quit. If you don't like it, drop a couple lines about why you don't. Don't argue with each other, because it's not eachother you're should be trying to persuade. No one gives a ***** about whether you think you're right or wrong. Let people express how they feel about the situation without telling them they're wrong, because you aren't going to change their mind.

    No. Baseless complaining without any reason/logic behind it is worthless. The company can respond much better to something (if they want to respond in the first place) if they know the thought process behind any given reaction. Simply stating you hate anniversary packs doesn't really tell them anything. Saying what you dislike about packs however lets them know what they need to include/exclude in the future. Also, this is probably the shortest post I'll ever make.
  • Loner - Harshlands
    Loner - Harshlands Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Should have at least brought back 2x xp weekends as well :(
  • Clobberfest - Heavens Tear
    Clobberfest - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    yeah I think you didn't completely think this post through! You forgot that 1 detail that without the people who USE the cash shop, you have no one at all because the game company can't pay their expenses and it gets shut down.

    Fixed that for ya. b:laugh

    The numbers really don't lie. Even in the current global economic crisis, PWI is now more profitable than they've ever been. If they're smart, they'll use the extra income for expansion and growth.

    PWI has a definite need to continue looking attractive to its shareholders. Combine that with the decrease in overall dollars being spent globally and PWI is left with a difficult decision: How do we increase our profits in a time of economic depression?

    Create offerings that are more attractive to the people supplying your cash flow.

    Okay, well how do you do that?

    Create items of high value that everyone wants and make them only available to cash shoppers. That will drive the demand of gold up, and therefore the value, meaning cash shoppers will get more coin per dollar spent.

    Great! More attractive offerings results in more gold purchases which directly correlates to cash flow. The cash shoppers are happy, their shareholders are happy and PWI is running stronger than ever.

    If a business were to cater to the non-financial supporters and drive down the price of gold, the result would be of the "Shooting one's self in the foot" variety of business models.
  • President - Harshlands
    President - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    No. Baseless complaining without any reason/logic behind it is worthless. The company can respond much better to something (if they want to respond in the first place) if they know the thought process behind any given reaction. Simply stating you hate anniversary packs doesn't really tell them anything. Saying what you dislike about packs however lets them know what they need to include/exclude in the future. Also, this is probably the shortest post I'll ever make.

    I'm sure there were millions(not literally) of people who posted last time about what they didn't like about the anniversary packs. I'm sure there were great arguments in there. I'm sure the GMs and PWI staff read them. And now, regardless of those previous posts, they are back. Obviously this isn't getting you anywhere, you can explain why you think they are bad without arguing with other players that your argument of why PWI is stupid is better.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    there's no way to keep an intelligent discussion going on these forums, people don't read others' arguments and just spew out rehashed versions of their original arguments on baseless assumptions. your post is just wrong - multiple people have pointed it out, and you're rude and annoying to put words in other people's mouths. Replying to you is basically a waste of time; i don't know what your point in making an alt to post is, just to **** people off? prove you're immature? or to convince people that PWI is a business? (no ****?) but afterall this is just a rant thread, meh. i'm done here for the night of my other games has finished patching

    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Pchan - Dreamweaver
    Pchan - Dreamweaver Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    hello, PW, and all their staff here, I understand you are busy, but here is my overview and a small request about the return of your anniversary packs...

    I don't care if you put it back up,
    I don't care if you make it go away forever,
    I don't care if other characters have more opportunity to obtain one of those end game weapons/armors just because they pocket their monies into your banks,
    You're not getting another penny from me regarding the packs as I've already celebrated with you last month,
    but can you PLEASE, I ask of you, can you please switch the button on the remote to put Mr. Duke Blacke on mute as soon as possible? That would help me get some peace when I'm not facing the offline world of mines! THANK YOU for reading! b:thanks

    P.S. I hope one day, you'd consider putting up these cute bear emoticon skins in the item mall... b:beg
  • Clobberfest - Heavens Tear
    Clobberfest - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2009

    there's no way to keep an intelligent discussion going on these forums, people don't read others' arguments and just post whatever opinion compels them to spew out. your post is just wrong - multiple people have pointed it out, and you're rude and annoying to put words in other people's mouths. Replying to you is basically a waste of time, i don't know what your point in making an alt to post is, just to **** people off? prove you're immature? or to convince people that PWI is a business? (hurrr durrr durrr no ****?) but afterall this is just a rant thread, meh. i'm done here for the night of my other games has finished patching

    To address the touchy feely parts, the b:laugh next to the edited quotes was supposed to illustrate it was only humor. Taking it personally is unproductive really.

    If that offended you, my apologies.

    Take a bit of time to look at the real message and you'll see, hopefully, a bit of truth: That your exact message can be voiced in a similar way by someone with a different opinion.

    If I've managed to **** you off, I hope that also means I've managed to present the possibility of an alternate viewpoint that is equally valid. Sometimes people need a bit of irritation to hear and consider an opposing viewpoint. I really do hope you look past the things you considered rude and listen to my point of view. I've listened to yours even if I haven't addressed all of it.

    My posts have been accurate, and follow business models that have been around since the idea of business began. Most notably: Don't do anything for free. They've been based on facts, figures, statistics and everything else the adult world uses to form opinions and project future possibilities.

    I propose again that the financial indicators speak louder than any of this.

    What's truly rude is expecting PWI to risk its very existence to cater to the desires of those who aren't contributing in return.

    For the record, replying to me will never be a waste of time as I'm always open to having my mind changed, assuming the message speaks true and is backed up by more than emotion, speculation or erroneous logic.

    Also, about this:
    people don't read others' arguments and just post whatever opinion compels them to spew out.

    Assuming that was also directed at me, do yourself a favor and try not to pigeon hole the maturity or motives of people you don't know into groups. Generalizing is usually inaccurate and does nothing to help you learn or grow.

    b:bye b:surrender
  • Kitsuneh - Lost City
    Kitsuneh - Lost City Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Three reasons I hate "anni" packs:
    1. They rise gold prices and after that there is no return to normal prices. So all Cash shop items are 2x their normal prices forever maybe. I dont need to waste 2,5m to buy hammer so I can open supply box. I can find any tome + mirages much cheaper. Too bad I need reset note which costs 5 gold..b:sweat
    2. They make huge difference between cash-shoppers and non-cash-shoppers.
    3. You put them back because you wanted more money. That's for sure. "Popular demand" is those cash-shoppers out there and you knew that.
  • Smellfish - Heavens Tear
    Smellfish - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Oh joy i left game cause of these fail packs the first time and came back cause **** sucks and i figured i could work around the people with uber leet armor cause they wanted to go without food for a month and neglect bills and what not. When i got back i couldnt kill any of the people that cash shop but hey i got over it. but now you bring them back? wtf GG much? are you guys trying to just ruin a game that was decent to begin with then became mediocre now will absolutly fail. The online hype of the game is going down very fast and with no new people willing to spend pw will most likly go under very soon. i dont wana see this happen so maybe you guys should get off your asses take out the packs and hell maybe fix the lag weve been bitching about for a month now.
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    silence, please! our GM is...

    ..having a busy day.b:victory
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Sancrkf - Heavens Tear
    Sancrkf - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I just think it's a bit disrespectful to those that put a lot of effort and time in this game, just so that now people that sometimes don't even know how to properly play their characters get all the good stuff without doing anything...

    it's like studying hard for a test while other people just cheat to get through it...

    I know this is a game and a business, but me and a bunch of people spend time here... does that means nothing? is that how you want to treat your gamers?

    I really enjoy PWI, it's probably the best MMORPG I've ever played, really don't want to see it ruined, but the way things are going... dunno
    Call me San.
  • Raydoit - Sanctuary
    Raydoit - Sanctuary Posts: 377 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You brought it back because you made a killing off of it obviously. You don't have the excuse of it being a anniversary event anymore. If you keep it in the cash shop it probably will sell as well as it did last month but will make a lot more people quit as well but maybe thats what you want.

    Either way its so obvious why he made this thread. The reason unfortunately isn't to hear our thoughts on the subject but rather to keep all of our thoughts in one thread instead of a thousand of em.

    See its black and white now. It means I quit! How poetic and stuff.
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Okay late to the game here but might as well post my thoughts on the matter as I want to believe you are taking into account how many opinions you are getting...

    I thought the packs were fairly nice the first time around; I got my 79 skill I wanted and lots and lots of flawless shards, not to mention a great alternative to charms [those yuanxiao things, perfect for anything pve]. The thing that bothered me back then was the endgame gear in the packs--because as this is a game, I do believe it should be more separated from real life issues. We saw that people who were financially stable in real life could afford things in game which sorta defeats the purpose of it being a separate game universe, doesn't it, if the real money ends up governing it? The CS was there to help those short on time level faster/make up for lack of time, but I felt the handout lunar and frost gear was a bit much. That raised the first red flags for me.

    I'm a college student which means no money which means I can't do much by way of CS. When gold was cheap I would buy CS items with my coin, so I was still contributing to the economy of the game [CSers wouldn't have gold to sell to others if there were no free players]. So the packs don't bother me much, other than the fact that I won't go near mp charms for a long time when before I was a regular buyer.

    That being said, anniversary packs again is just plain stupid. Now it's not only about the endgame gear for me, but also the feeling that things are spiraling out of control. There was a bit of faith long ago that players were being listened to; now that faith is gone. I joined up at the christmas event on another char, having no idea what it was, but i could tell it was an actual event. Valentines day--an actual event. Assault on Archosaur, anyone? A very very laggy but quite fun event. Then came the summer and suddenly all these in-game moments of fun were replaced by "events" that involve spending money and clicking frantically hoping for that frost weapon. Return back to those laggy free for alls and I'd not have a bad word to say about this game. But if you're going to slam us with sale after sale, at least try to add more fun events/content to make it seem it's not only about money.
  • LinZeta - Lost City
    LinZeta - Lost City Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    SO, now that I got my play time today..where to begin:
    madacius wrote: »
    I dont know how many people follow the stock exchange..but during the first "anniversary" event,the pwi stock went up by over $40 due to people dumping in thousands of dollars over multiple servers during a rather short period of time. After it was over and the anni packs removed,you can imagine the zen sales went down and the stock would follow

    It's honestly true...the GM's, players, etc, cannot deny this.
    (Gotta love my sig!)

    np like u said we need the aniversry pack to keep this game free and not have to pay monthly
    oh btw u have a faction animosatas?

    Uhm, there are PLENTY of F2P MMOs in the market. They may not be exactly like PWI, some are better, some are worse. There are other ways to keep F2P MMOs on board, and this bullSHIZZ, bringing back anniversary packs, is not an excuse. They are pushing it, and taking advantage of their players. Unfortunately, yes there are THAT MANY people willing to dump that much money for a pixelated weapon.

    Should have at least brought back 2x xp weekends as well :(

    Exactly, I wonder why? OH WAIT, they wouldn't gain a thing. Why bother when players could just PAY.

    ALSO: I had a person quoted mentioning how they could get "xxxx" for just 1$..(I x-ed out on accident so not every quote transferred.)

    This is so true it makes me want to cry. This game is a HUGE gamble. You get lucky, or you completely sink. I have a friend who spent 50$ and received a frost AND lunar weapon....yeah.

    In in all, I doubt I will invest any more REAL game time into PW since I dont CS. I've reached a high level. I don't feel like questing anymore. When I'm on I do random things to keep myself occupied. I basically get on to socialize. How long I can keep it up? I don't know, but I know that I refuse to work harder than I have to..I refuse to be upset. Why play a game that just annoys you now?

    I can't afford P2P. I can't afford CS. Aside from spending coin on the rest of my skills, I know I cannot possibly afford 9x....atleast to this game's standards now. Half the 9x's in LC have pimped gear due to CS. QQ


  • Laylaxx - Lost City
    Laylaxx - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I think anniversary packs were Okay for the real one year anniversary but the month has passed, and it is October. I'd really like to see a Halloween event or something. I was looking forward to that! I am a cash shopper, not all the time but I do feel very bad for those who have gone so far just using coins.
    Good for the people who are rich and have gotten nice things from the event, but PWI needs to think about people who can't afford to spend their real money. Not everyone gets to use their rich dad's credit card or work a nice job. It seems like lately it's event after event- I understand. PWI needs money- it's a business. But please after this is over stop for a while, let things get cheaper. Even if you don't have as many events- you'll make money.
  • Drakanius - Lost City
    Drakanius - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Seriously, you higher-ups at PW Entertainment can't be so desperate for profits with your several game platforms (6+) that you can't hold out on an "annual" sale. Or are you guys just that greedy? >.> I mean you would think that rather than continuously give the power players of the servers even MORE power, that those other than the CQ-like factions would receive some kind of benefit for even playing this game. yea im QQ'n about this ****, but still, it must be said....dont judge me! ><
  • david12345
    david12345 Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    They just started a new sale in cs, proof that this thread is completely useless.

    We have come to the point where even anni packs alone are no longer good enough for PWI's money making schemes.

    Its that bad.

    Truth hurts, but these packs won't go anywhere, nor will the coin boxes, or the endless sales no matter how big this thread gets.

    The GMs/Mods are the middlemen between the community and the devs, and they are either doing nothing, or not enough to have any effect whatsoever.
  • Barbariankev - Heavens Tear
    Barbariankev - Heavens Tear Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ok gms i really hated september
    but it was the anniversairy montn so ok it made some sense but now its october
    you could atleast have done the effort in renaming them
    and i wont say anything about the economy(yes i suffered miserably)
    so please go think before re releasing something thats not liked by 90% of the players
    its impossible to always do the right thing we all make mistakes i am not different from that
    just try to be a good person

    english isn't my native language so there might be a few spelling/grammatical errors in my posts
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Reality check to all the QQers for the second time.b:victory

    Check it.

    I read so many of u saying "WTf popular demand?? we has a poll and 500s of us is vote no!!"

    "Le majoriteeezzz say nooooo"

    But then......
    There are threads QQing about "Omg can u silence the duke please, there are red messages every 5 seconds!!"

    What does this tell you?

    Sorry but the truth hurts.

    A) QQers this time round are no different from last time, PWI knows this. They know you're not going anywhere. You threatened to leave last time, yet after a u all are. Whats another 2 weeks? So just take it again k? Enough with the qq drama.

    B) You QQ about majority doesn't want this, made a cute lil poll where 500+ ppl said "No". 500 ppl = what? 1/10 of the pwi population?
    If it was a substantial number, u wouldn't see "red messages every 5 seconds would you?"

    C) All of you brought this upon yourselves. If u had always been quiet instead of QQ about everything and anything. Then maybe a sudden uproar about something really important like this anni pack stuff, would make the management team "scared". But all of you QQ sooooo much about every single little thing. That the management has become numb to it by this point. They treat it as "Just another hissy fit"


    It's back.
    It's here to stay.
    You might say you'll quit, might leave for abit.
    But you'll be back.
    You know it, I know it, PWI knows it.

    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • BladesFury - Heavens Tear
    BladesFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    C) All of you brought this upon yourselves. If u had always been quiet instead of QQ about everything and anything. Then maybe a sudden uproar about something really important like this anni pack stuff, would make the management team "scared".

    True, well i guess the only thing now is for the stock market of PWRD to really take a huge dip to wake them up.
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited October 2009
    myen has been dying since pwi was released. in Delphi there's so rarely any cubi sold in the ah now it's depressing. those servers will soon go down. looking at the condition of these servers:

    you have more servers than any other version, and more on the way; you have a larger player base than any other version as well. the day you let people buy levels(jolly jones) the population dropped. the day you made in-game items(jolly jones again) available in the cash shop, I quit the server. the day you sold the best gear in the game for $1, I died a little bit inside.

    this item should have NEVER existed. and now that it does, people who spend a little bit of money walk around with far, FAR superior gear than anybody who works for their items.
  • Akamanah - Lost City
    Akamanah - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Aniniversary packs... are there going to be other stupid events like this? a gm pls reply cuz i wanna know if i will play or i will quit. Cuz seriously if u guys make another stupid event like this more than half of pwi ppls will quit and this game will have a bad rep.
  • Enina - Heavens Tear
    Enina - Heavens Tear Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The return of the anniversary packs, as has been said, is utterly pointless. All it tells us as players is that PWE does NOT care about its players at all, but only on whatever number is on the bottom line. To add insult to injury, the anniversary packs have given out the Lunar Glade weapons - items that were nearly as mythical as Warsouls due to the difficulty of collecting the mats for them.

    If you really want to add a Pack that is not only fair but also won't blow the economy to smithereens and cause mass-fleeing from what was once known as one of the most beautiful Free-To-Play games (but now known as the "They call it F2P, but you have to spend $100 per month on it").. Then add one that contains Mounts, Fashion and perhaps a few cash shop items like Charms or Teleaucoustics. Things that can NOT be gotten in-game already; are NOT overpowered, and most of all... Do not make the player base furious.

    Break away from the cash shop events for a bit. Do a few more ingame events, like the Christmas Event from last year, or the New Years event. Or, heck, even the Valentines event (but please add more roses bushes for that one...). Something that people can participate in on equal footing, and which takes a lot of the randomness out of the equation. Happy players = players who will spend money. If players are unhappy, they find different games to play, and while you can survive off selling overpriced powerpacks, it's suicide as a game can only live so long before all of the powershoppers have gotten to level 150 with the best end-game gear, and then lose interest.
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    first GZ to SHINZOKO for reaching military rank 8...
    something which should take at least some MONTHS of doing quests for rep was done in let me guess ONE WEEK? b:shocked

    looking at the equipment of some people i think i'll never wanna do tw...because there is simply no chance anyone can win against this anniversary item overpowered, grandmother selling "pro"s... b:sad

    not mentioned the gold price increase...
    to open the chest of coins and get 1million coins you have to buy the cash shop hammer which is currently worth 2.5million? b:laugh

    just because of the anniversary pack...

    why don't they just start selling warsoul weapons for 100gold in the cash shop? b:chuckle
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Belkas - Lost City
    Belkas - Lost City Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I do find it interesting that PWI could only wait a whole 13 days before putting the packs back into the CS. What anniversary are we celebrating this time? Too soon PWI...clearly too soon. September revenue must have spiked more than projected and the following decline in CS sales must have been lower than projected. This honestly makes me wonder if the game is on the downslide and PWE is milking everything they can while the player base is still here. Not flaming, just saying.

This discussion has been closed.