Anniversary Pack Discussion



  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    That is out of line.

    No, his post really wasn't out of line. In fact, it was dead on. The policies used to moderate these boards are very authoritarian. The negative posts towards the game that lack substance which look similar to:

    Are the ones which remain. The good posts which cite specific examples, give analogies, and/or provide statistics while being negative are the ones which the authors frequently find edited or removed, with the author in some cases being banned. I could give you several examples of this, but it's against the rules to discuss bans of specific players, or to make threads/posts asking about a closed/deleted post so I effectively can't start listing proof of this.

    Maybe you don't see it because by being involved in enforcing the rules, you see your own thought process and don't see it as being stomping out dissension but rather as for example, keeping order on the boards. The way it comes across to others who read/post on the board though is much much different however.

    On a related note, the mods/gm's here (yes, including you) aren't all that great at taking criticism. You're good at other things, but frequently when criticism pops up, it's automatically dismissed as a baseless attack. Two examples, would be this post of yours I'm responding to and this one from spoons which is in response to this post. Both involve criticism, and both were received poorly.
    The sale of gold for coin should be govererned. in the real world if a man has a basket of fruit in during a depression. and charges ten times what its worth to sell it. the law gets involved because Proffiteering is illeagal. if people really want the gms to help this situation. then i purpose a limit system on the sale of gold. lower gold prices will premote the sale of gold. inturn turning over more revenue then astronomical gold prices.......

    any one agree?
    Well I think a good gold cap would be around maybe 500k or so? 100k - 500k would be good. b:cute

    Gold caps are very very bad. There's currently a cap of 1 million, the only reason it doesn't cause problems is because gold doesn't reach that price. What happens when lower than market value gold caps are added to the game, isn't that everyone pays the same for gold. It's that everyone ends up with long wait times for gold. Rather than a que with various gold buys at different levels you get various gold buys at only one value. In many cases this can lead to several day waits to get your gold, longer if the que is long enough that your buys time out before you get your gold. In addition to that there's an increased potential for the gold trader to be make itself obsolete in that case, as gold sellers would take to using trade/common/wc to advertise they're selling gold, at a higher price for those who wish to skip the que.

    Effectively, all you would see from caps is a gold trader that's worse than now. If you want cheaper gold, you either need to convince more people to buy gold (increasing the supply) or somehow convince PWI to make gold less useful (decreasing the demand). Those are the only two ways you're going to lower it.
  • Legendadry - Harshlands
    Legendadry - Harshlands Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Besides makeing a silly comment, GM's what do u know that is currently going on w/ PWE in regards to these packs. Like why did they bring them back after an overwhelming majority of players said they disliked these packs. I understand ur not the dev u dont make the packs urselves, however what is the reason PWE does not understand that we do not want these packs? It takes away from the diffuclty of the game when players can now literaly buy their way up to w/e lvl they want as long as they have the dollars to do it. PWE said that nothing in the botique would give u an advantage over a player who didnt buy anything from teh botique. the items in the botique were things that were for luxuries, (ie. dolls, fash, better flys and mounts,etc). however w/ these packs PWE is giving away weapons literaly. I dont think you'll find any different feedback in this thread that u wouldnt find in the old ones about the last anni packs. can you honestly tell us why PWE is doing this? we just want an answer as to y, we spend months playing these servers and investing our time and money here, i think we are entitled to a real explanation as to why PWE has clearly ignored the way 95% of the players feel?
    I dont level Slow I just enjoy the game b:surrender
  • arabicforce
    arabicforce Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Besides makeing a silly comment, GM's what do u know that is currently going on w/ PWE in regards to these packs. Like why did they bring them back after an overwhelming majority of players said they disliked these packs. I understand ur not the dev u dont make the packs urselves, however what is the reason PWE does not understand that we do not want these packs? It takes away from the diffuclty of the game when players can now literaly buy their way up to w/e lvl they want as long as they have the dollars to do it. PWE said that nothing in the botique would give u an advantage over a player who didnt buy anything from teh botique. the items in the botique were things that were for luxuries, (ie. dolls, fash, better flys and mounts,etc). however w/ these packs PWE is giving away weapons literaly. I dont think you'll find any different feedback in this thread that u wouldnt find in the old ones about the last anni packs. can you honestly tell us why PWE is doing this? we just want an answer as to y, we spend months playing these servers and investing our time and money here, i think we are entitled to a real explanation as to why PWE has clearly ignored the way 95% of the players feel?

    there is also hercules,nix ....
  • malixdark
    malixdark Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Gold caps are very very bad. There's currently a cap of 1 million, the only reason it doesn't cause problems is because gold doesn't reach that price. What happens when lower than market value gold caps are added to the game, isn't that everyone pays the same for gold. It's that everyone ends up with long wait times for gold. Rather than a que with various gold buys at different levels you get various gold buys at only one value. In many cases this can lead to several day waits to get your gold, longer if the que is long enough that your buys time out before you get your gold. In addition to that there's an increased potential for the gold trader to be make itself obsolete in that case, as gold sellers would take to using trade/common/wc to advertise they're selling gold, at a higher price for those who wish to skip the que.

    Effectively, all you would see from caps is a gold trader that's worse than now. If you want cheaper gold, you either need to convince more people to buy gold (increasing the supply) or somehow convince PWI to make gold less useful (decreasing the demand). Those are the only two ways you're going to lower it.

    Agreed with this. If a single item in the boutique has a higher market value than the gold cap, players will resort to buy/sell of that item instead to ensure maximum profit from their gold.
    This leads to gold being sold via wc and shouts instead, especially considering you skip over auction house fees. Eventually no one uses the auction house. It becomes an option like npc'ing an item rather than catshopping it.

    The only real way to reduce ingame and gold prices is implement effective coin sinks. More dailies that cost coin. Minigames and minievents for coin. JJ with a coin-only option. The removal of 10-mil-note token exchange and 1m coin boxes. Still the same number of sales, but focused a little more on desirable fashion and luxury items. All of this is perfectly possible to maintain while still ending up with sufficient income to run the game.
  • action1080i
    action1080i Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I do not think the packs were a good idea to come back. Just express my dislike and want to see them gone ASAP.
  • ILIKETOSELL - Lost City
    ILIKETOSELL - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    No, his post really wasn't out of line. In fact, it was dead on. The policies used to moderate these boards are very authoritarian. The negative posts towards the game that lack substance which look similar to:
    Are the ones which remain. The good posts which cite specific examples, give analogies, and/or provide statistics while being negative are the ones which the authors frequently find edited or removed, with the author in some cases being banned. I could give you several examples of this, but it's against the rules to discuss bans of specific players, or to make threads/posts asking about a closed/deleted post so I effectively can't start listing proof of this.

    Maybe you don't see it because by being involved in enforcing the rules, you see your own thought process and don't see it as being stomping out dissension but rather as for example, keeping order on the boards. The way it comes across to others who read/post on the board though is much much different however.

    On a related note, the mods/gm's here (yes, including you) aren't all that great at taking criticism. You're good at other things, but frequently when criticism pops up, it's automatically dismissed as a baseless attack. Two examples, would be this post of yours I'm responding to and this one from spoons which is in response to this post. Both involve criticism, and both were received poorly.

    Completely true I've known players who have been banned for posting against anniversary packs even though they were not violating any of the terms of service in the process.
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    [/QUOTE]Gold caps are very very bad. There's currently a cap of 1 million, the only reason it doesn't cause problems is because gold doesn't reach that price. What happens when lower than market value gold caps are added to the game, isn't that everyone pays the same for gold. It's that everyone ends up with long wait times for gold. Rather than a que with various gold buys at different levels you get various gold buys at only one value. In many cases this can lead to several day waits to get your gold, longer if the que is long enough that your buys time out before you get your gold. In addition to that there's an increased potential for the gold trader to be make itself obsolete in that case, as gold sellers would take to using trade/common/wc to advertise they're selling gold, at a higher price for those who wish to skip the que.

    Effectively, all you would see from caps is a gold trader that's worse than now. If you want cheaper gold, you either need to convince more people to buy gold (increasing the supply) or somehow convince PWI to make gold less useful (decreasing the demand). Those are the only two ways you're going to lower it.[/QUOTE]

    Valid point. I my self rarly use the CS cept for the occasional clothing and charms so its not a big issue for me the cost. I work a decent job so i can afford to splurge if desired (tho the conversion rat from AUSD to USD is a pain). But in the defence of the not so fortunante 300 to 500k+ for 1 gold kinda slows the less fortunante taking away their opertunity to get things (espeacially limited or once of items). some of us find it resonably easy to make coin but not so much for others espeacialy the younger generation that play.

    n light of ur concern of the gold cap u may very well be right. But these things do need some form of policing before things do get out of hand.

    Coincider this: Gold hits the 1mill cap 1 mill per 1 gold. who can honestly afford that. aside from 90+ venos and barbs. coincider your the 12 year old that just wants a that rare spring outfit for 10gold. thats 10 million 10 mill u gota farm in a few days. u cant afford the best of gear so ur pushing along with what u can muster. buying pots along the way cause u cant get charms at 4 mill a peice. get the picture.

    every time gold goes up in price. so does everything from the mall in cat/cow shops.

    I fight this not for my self but for those that are less then caple of turning over a few mill in a day.
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Apology to Breal i tried to quote didnt work out as planned.
  • Cotto - Heavens Tear
    Cotto - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Point blank, we don't need these packs anymore. It's just going to make everything more complicated than what it is and continue to keep gold up.

    While getting end-game gear with those packs at first was nice, now it's ridiculous.

    Think about it, if you keep releasing these packs what do people have todo to work for their end-game? Nothing just spend a little cash. What's the point of wanting to stay around and accomplish to get good gear when in the end it's easy and what's the fun in that?

    Gold Prices are continuing to stay up. What Perfect World should try todo is to lower this as MUCH as possible instead of AVOIDING the issue for their own interests.

    In the end, We understand the company wants to make money - no doubt, but where's the players inputs and satsification? Do you guys seriously not consider that and just flow with whatever? Whoevers running the show needs to get it together. We didn't need these packs, at all. Nor do I bet it'll bring excitement. This game is basically a expensive free-to-play, You want to keep up with the good players you have to spend. Grinding in-game coins doesn't justify the gold prices. So in the end, the one who dont want to spend on a free game and give up trying to keep up leave, PW community might be strong now - but if it continues it'll slowly fade. My 2 cents.
  • Winterenity - Dreamweaver
    Winterenity - Dreamweaver Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You ever come across that when people QQ about something and people say its every single time they do it when something comes out?

    Maybe this is a sign, 'Your doing it wrong.'

    Just a thought. >_> Don't take it to the heart.
  • Kyryos - Sanctuary
    Kyryos - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I didn't participate in this event the first time, I refuse to participate again, and I would like to thank the developers for making 90% of my friends quit b:victory
  • Flare - Heavens Tear
    Flare - Heavens Tear Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Point blank, we don't need these packs anymore. It's just going to make everything more complicated than what it is and continue to keep gold up.

    While getting end-game gear with those packs at first was nice, now it's ridiculous.

    Think about it, if you keep releasing these packs what do people have todo to work for their end-game? Nothing just spend a little cash. What's the point of wanting to stay around and accomplish to get good gear when in the end it's easy and what's the fun in that?

    Gold Prices are continuing to stay up. What Perfect World should try todo is to lower this as MUCH as possible instead of AVOIDING the issue for their own interests.

    In the end, We understand the company wants to make money - no doubt, but where's the players inputs and satsification? Do you guys seriously not consider that and just flow with whatever? Whoevers running the show needs to get it together. We didn't need these packs, at all. Nor do I bet it'll bring excitement. This game is basically a expensive free-to-play, You want to keep up with the good players you have to spend. Grinding in-game coins doesn't justify the gold prices. So in the end, the one who dont want to spend on a free game and give up trying to keep up leave, PW community might be strong now - but if it continues it'll slowly fade. My 2 cents.

    I agree.
    After this event, I was left with 1m to survive. With a chunk of people still trying to make up their ingame coin debt, they spam farmed TT. Now with the return of the anniversary packs, I cannot keep up with the new items and cannot buy anymore endgame items. Now that TT is exhausted and grinding is out of the question, I am only left with getting 99 without anymore tw or earning endgame gears. At the rate of PVE, it would take me weeks to earn what I need. In conclusion, this game is really unbalanced atm.
    100% Free to Play: +12 G16 axes, +12 G16 Fists,full +10ed armor
    You registered on: 2008-08-26 18:12:33
    Two Words: Old School
    Barbmaster: Literally - 23.6k hp BM, 19.8k hp BM, 33.3k hp Barb
    Shiniest BM/Barb aroundb:cute
    I check the PWI homepage for fail new updates/greed salesb:laugh
  • Khalfani - Harshlands
    Khalfani - Harshlands Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Can I make a note that there may be some paranoia with the mods around here? I mean, it'll probably be locked if I created a thread about it. But this suggestion: was soley about being able to block spam. But it was closed, the first post wasn't even actively attacking the anniversary packs
    Just making a note there.

    oh, and anniversary packs are meh. I like the coins received from the gold. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
  • Clobberfest - Heavens Tear
    Clobberfest - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Ok, yes I'm hiding behind an alt because I'm not interested in getting riddled with abuse in game.

    Now that that's out of the way, I would like to say, on behalf of all of us who use the cash shop, thank you for making our gaming experience more enjoyable. I'm certain the increase in revenue speaks louder than the words here ever could about how the paying members of the game feel about the anniversary packs.

    Those of use disinclined to grind our weekends away after working 60 hours a week will likely agree this has been a boon to our overall enjoyment.

    Being able to apply a small portion of my real income in an effort to relieve me and others doing the same from having to sacrifice our weekends in order to grind enough coin to afford decent equips is, I think, a small compromise to accept in exchange for keeping the game free for everyone else.

    The complaints regarding this most recent re-addition will likely subdue once the coin farmers threatening to leave have left and they're replenished with new players. It seems you're doing something right considering the YTD stock numbers:

    More than doubling the stock value in less than a year took some ingenuity and clever marketing. This recent dip will smooth out once the market realizes the complaints are coming from people not contributing to the bottom line anyway.

    Keep the cash shoppers happy with this and other items and the effect of the occasional mass turnover by non cash shoppers will be negligible.

  • levitation
    levitation Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I think that the public view on the packs could be more easily determined by simply looking at a poll...90% of people who voted said that they didn't want the packs back...does that mean nothing?

    The statistic that was probably looked at, was WHO said they didn't want them back. 90% of the voters said they didn't want them back, however that 90% was mostly people who don't use the CS, so they were ignored by money grubbing companies. the 10% that said they did want them back were more than likely all people who frequent the CS, giving their votes much, much more weight. Even if all of those 90% were to quit, so long as the 10% who frequent the CS and bring in money to PWi, why would they care? I wasn't here last month, so I don't know how badly the economy was hit, however, I do know that currently: EVERYONE, I repeat, EVERYONE WANTS DUKE TO STOP SPAMMING.

    Oh, but maybe that's flaming, let's state it in a constructive critical way:
    What's the purpose of having an NPC shout out that somebody bought an item? So that the particular player in question can be bombarded with offers for the item? Or so that the player can get harassed for supporting an economy destroying system? Or perhaps you're just trying to get the non-CS public jealous of the CS users so that they join in and you make even more money?

    Any way you look at it, duke needs to silenced. I'm level 12, so I couldn't care less about endgame equipment, or practically anything in the anniversary packs, however it seems to me that you've angered a lot of your valuable customers, where I work, I would have been fired long ago if I pissed off this many people.

    Just so you know, if your non-CS users all quit, your CS-users are the only people left, if they continue to use the CS, they'll all eventually get bored with fighting people with identical capabilities. Any new players that join in will be forced to either buy into the CS or quit, being constantly lorded over by the kings and queens of the CS. Slowly but surely your player base will dissapear, then you're left with an empty shell of a game that nobody actually plays anymore.

    In my personal opinion, equipment should have never been introduced into the CS of any MMO ever, it always tips the game dramatically, causes unneeded drama, and overall ruins an otherwise fun game with a happy atmosphere.

    Suck my constructive criticism.
  • Clobberfest - Heavens Tear
    Clobberfest - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    levitation wrote: »
    where I work, I would have been fired long ago if I pissed off this many people.

    If you had angered all your non-paying customers to the point that they left, cutting down on customer service tickets, GM support issues, server load and lag, and a variety of other things, thereby enabling the company to allocate 100% of its support resources to the customers contributing financially, simultaneously increasing income and decreasing expenses in a single stroke, you'd be regarded as a hero and likely receive employee of the year with your own parking space...

    Businesses are in business to do business... These frequent sales, the anniversary packs and the subsequent RL market responses to their RL stock prices feed directly into and reinforce that idea.
  • bawksy
    bawksy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Ok, yes I'm hiding behind an alt because I'm not interested in getting riddled with abuse in game.


    inb4 Alexeno

    ಠೈಠ Troll-sauce-face made by Konariraiden
    When you see it.. Just don't post again.
  • levitation
    levitation Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Ok, yes I'm hiding behind an alt because I'm not interested in getting riddled with abuse in game.

    Now that that's out of the way, I would like to say, on behalf of all of us who use the cash shop, thank you for making our gaming experience more enjoyable. I'm certain the increase in revenue speaks louder than the words here ever could about how the paying members of the game feel about the anniversary packs.

    Those of use disinclined to grind our weekends away after working 60 hours a week will likely agree this has been a boon to our overall enjoyment.

    Being able to apply a small portion of my real income in an effort to relieve me and others doing the same from having to sacrifice our weekends in order to grind enough coin to afford decent equips is, I think, a small compromise to accept in exchange for keeping the game free for everyone else.

    The complaints regarding this most recent re-addition will likely subdue once the coin farmers threatening to leave have left and they're replenished with new players. It seems you're doing something right considering the YTD stock numbers:

    More than doubling the stock value in less than a year took some ingenuity and clever marketing. This recent dip will smooth out once the market realizes the complaints are coming from people not contributing to the bottom line anyway.

    Keep the cash shoppers happy with this and other items and the effect of the occasional mass turnover by non cash shoppers will be negligible.


    You've forgotten that if every non-CS player is to quit, even if new ones join, it will take them months and months of constant hard work to get where some guy with a wallet got in two weeks. You kill the player-base all together with tactics like these. Their stocks increased, they made a good profit, but they lost a lot of players, the more you lose, the less the ones remaining have to do, eventually they too will get bored or upset and leave. There are easier ways to make steady income and keep everyone happy. Simple answer? Advertisements. I'm not talking about pop-ups all over the forums, I'm saying put an add onto the patch/start-up client. It's like a cent everytime it's viewed, so everytime somebody logs in, or crashes and has to re-log in, thats another penny, I don't know how large of a player-base PWi actually has, however it's still several dollars every day. Now, this idea can quickly become corrupted, I'm just talking about a small ad that will actually appeal to gamers, both serious and casual. Not a 15 second commercial for glad bags like you see all over youtube now. If you're honestly so busy with work that you can't grind like an average player, why do you need such high level equipment? When will you have the time to actually appreciate it? Or are you just going to sell it, mr. businessman?
  • Winterenity - Dreamweaver
    Winterenity - Dreamweaver Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I beg to differ, that is a hat.
  • Shao_on_Fire - Heavens Tear
    Shao_on_Fire - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Ok, yes I'm hiding behind an alt because I'm not interested in getting riddled with abuse in game.

    So, basically, you don't want to get spammed in-game? But if your idea is sooo brilliant, wouldn't people be agreeing with you?... wait, let me go back through the last 61 pages here... hmm, I don't think I saw a single post that agreed with you. At all.

    Oh, that's right- most people are pissed off about this- even the ones that do spend money in-game... because it unbalances everything.

    And srsly, if you're gonna QQ about not being able to take the time to farm out mats/items for endgame gear- go back to Tetris. As several others pointed out, the original idea of the CS was to provide "extras"- non-essential game items. Things that would not tip the balance in a player's favor.... hmm, endgame weapons..... methinks these might- and this is a stretch here- might tip the scales. Just a thought.
  • Clobberfest - Heavens Tear
    Clobberfest - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    levitation wrote: »
    If you're honestly so busy with work that you can't grind like an average player, why do you need such high level equipment? When will you have the time to actually appreciate it? Or are you just going to sell it, mr. businessman?

    Why? Two reasons:
    1. I want to:
    For the lulz, for entertainment, so I can have fun helping others in-game rather than grind my youth away, however you spin it, it doesn't matter.

    2. I can:
    My money, my decision on how to spend it.

    It's that simple.

    I use what I buy.

    And lol @ Nick Cage with bird hair.
  • levitation
    levitation Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    If you had angered all your non-paying customers to the point that they left, cutting down on customer service tickets, GM support issues, server load and lag, and a variety of other things, thereby enabling the company to allocate 100% of its support resources to the customers contributing financially, simultaneously increasing income and decreasing expenses in a single stroke, you'd be regarded as a hero and likely receive employee of the year with your own parking space...

    Businesses are in business to do business... These frequent sales, the anniversary packs and the subsequent RL market responses to their RL stock prices feed directly into and reinforce that idea.

    You make a good point, however, you forget, you're having people quit and leave before they ever take the chance to spend money, in your circumstance, it's the same as somebody walking into a store and telling them to leave before they have a chance to buy anything simply because they're comparing two objects for a little longer than the 20 guys who walked in, grabbed the first one they saw, paid, and walked out. You're supposed to give people incentive to spend money. To compare it to something everyone's aware of, when the PS3 launched, there were lines around every store, however, originally, they didn't limit the number of consoles one person could buy and the first 10 people in line would buy 20 consoles for $600 each, then sell them to the people they pretty much robbed for anywhere between $1000-$3000. However, because this was in a real life situation, the people that did this were actually killed and mugged. Essentially it's an identical situation, the only difference is that it's between people able to pay, and those not able to pay, not a first-come-first-serve. You need to keep in mind with all of the drama this is causing, even the people happy with the anniversary packs are getting headaches.

    And what is a hero? It's just a person doing "necessary evil"
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    If you had angered all your non-paying customers to the point that they left, cutting down on customer service tickets, GM support issues, server load and lag, and a variety of other things, thereby enabling the company to allocate 100% of its support resources to the customers contributing financially, simultaneously increasing income and decreasing expenses in a single stroke, you'd be regarded as a hero and likely receive employee of the year with your own parking space...

    Businesses are in business to do business... These frequent sales, the anniversary packs and the subsequent RL market responses to their RL stock prices feed directly into and reinforce that idea.

    you're assuming everyone that left are non-paying customers, and you're also assuming that every non-paying customer would stay that way. like i said countless times before, people don't come into a game advertised as Free to Play and just start spending money, they figure out they like the game and buy something for themselves. i'm sure every mature cash shopper in this game started out that way. by regarding customers as "non-paying" and separating them with the "paying" customers you're already making a mistake because there is no distinction. barring college students struggling for funds while going to school, there's really no reason any player would be set on not buying anything, unless the game pisses them off. maybe some players who don't cash shop would be more inclined to buy something if, you know, fixing glitches get prioritized more and they don't feel so alienated
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The disscussion recently has been that this event has screwed economy up. well yeah it has but not because of the GMS or developers but basic HUMAN GREED.

    This is a free to play game the boutique keeps the money generated to further develope the game take it away this game dies or becomes subscription. you want the the prices to fall then grow a spine and boycot the stores. prices will have no where to go but down if noone buys.

    Complaining about wont fix anything and quiting wont achieve anything. We hold the power to fix this. Its just a matter of standing firm. Blaming the gms for this is unfair granted someones pockets are gettin ined for this but most of the money is poured into the developement of PW. get a grip people.

    Voice of reason out.......

    this line of thinking when possibly applied to the real work may work in some cases. Organized groups that oppose something, etc.
    but when it comes to this game, your point is completely ridiculous.
    No, you see as others have said.. "live with it or get out" you have no other options when God comes down to drop a hurricane on your city.
    Here you can either buy the packs to stay competitive with the hardcore CSers.. or you can go die by the hands of those same CSers. You know its true, when your beat in PVP and your opponent says "I just beat you with my wallet"
    Theres only two options here that will surely stabilize gold prices... leave the packs in forever or take them out.
    Anything else suggested is just ramblings of an insane person with too much time.

    ~my final opinion, possibly my final post
    ~thank god for having a choice in which game i can play.
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • Clobberfest - Heavens Tear
    Clobberfest - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    And srsly, if you're gonna QQ about not being able to afford gold for charms, mounts, flying gear, guardian scrolls, clothes, dragon orbs, ultimate substance mats, etc., etc., etc. - go back to [Insert obscure '80s game here]. As several others pointed out, the original idea of a business was to make "money"- a means to keep people employed. Income that would not tip the balance books into the red.... hmm, cheap gold..... methinks that might- and this is a stretch here- might tip the scales. Just a thought.

    I fixed that for ya. Don't thank me, I'm here to help. b:chuckle
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    you're assuming everyone that left are non-paying customers, and you're also assuming that every non-paying customers would stay that way. like i said countless times before, people don't come into a game advertised as Free to Play and just start spending money, they figure out they like the game and buy something for themselves. i'm sure every mature cash shopper in this game started out that way. by regarding customers as "non-paying" and separating them with the "paying" customers you're already making a mistake because there should really be no distinction. barring college students struggling for funds while going to school, there's really no reason any player would be set on not buying anything.

    And everyone else in this thread is assuming that the majority of the people that play this game is upset. And that the minority that post in the forums represent the player base.

    So everyone is assuming something, usualy something that validates how they feel......
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • StormHydra - Sanctuary
    StormHydra - Sanctuary Posts: 2,221 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Now in the boutique for a limited time... The PWI overlords bring you..... The ability to voice your opinion on the boards!
    For only 50 gold, you can share your thoughts without any fear of your thread being locked!
    Get them while they're hot!

    The Freedom of Speech Token will only work once in each thread.
    (message too short)
    |Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
    |Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
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  • levitation
    levitation Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    It seems I forgot another issue:

    You're looking at a gaming community, friends.
    If a player can't afford to pay for CS items, and the game becomes so unbalanced that they leave, what of their friends. Their best friends will follow them to another MMO, those friends best friends will follow them, so on and so forth, not all of the people leaving are leaving solely because of the anniversary packs, you have to look at the situation where one guy who spends a lot of money in the CS likes the anniversary packs, but all of his friends hate the idea, they accepted it the first time, sat it out, then they came back and so his friends leave. This man is going to be stuck with a choice of his current friends or making new ones with whoever is left, which, as a person that spends in the CS on non-essentials such as costumes, I'd gladly leave PWi for another MMO if my friends all left, even if I were a level 100 character with endgame equipment. It's just a game for the players, if you want to spend the money on the items, that's your own business, however the success of PWi overall is the business of all of the players, the gms, the devs, everyone even remotely involved with the game.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    And everyone else in this thread is assuming that the majority of the people that play this game is upset. And that the minority that post in the forums represent the player base.

    So everyone is assuming something, usualy something that validates how they feel......

    i didn't say that the majority of the players are upset, i only said that every player in this game could potentially buy something if they like the game, thus you can't say someone is a non-paying customer as opposed to someone else.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    levitation wrote: »
    You've forgotten that if every non-CS player is to quit, even if new ones join, it will take them months and months of constant hard work to get where some guy with a wallet got in two weeks. You kill the player-base all together with tactics like these. Their stocks increased, they made a good profit, but they lost a lot of players, the more you lose, the less the ones remaining have to do, eventually they too will get bored or upset and leave. There are easier ways to make steady income and keep everyone happy. Simple answer? Advertisements. I'm not talking about pop-ups all over the forums, I'm saying put an add onto the patch/start-up client. It's like a cent everytime it's viewed, so everytime somebody logs in, or crashes and has to re-log in, thats another penny, I don't know how large of a player-base PWi actually has, however it's still several dollars every day. Now, this idea can quickly become corrupted, I'm just talking about a small ad that will actually appeal to gamers, both serious and casual. Not a 15 second commercial for glad bags like you see all over youtube now. If you're honestly so busy with work that you can't grind like an average player, why do you need such high level equipment? When will you have the time to actually appreciate it? Or are you just going to sell it, mr. businessman?

    Besides, if the ppl who don't matter (non cash shop players) leave; who will be left for all the cash shoppers to sell to? Cause seriously they won't sell to each other. If the non cash shoppers are of so little importance, then they could take the option to sell gold in game out all together and it wouldn't matter in the slightest. If they are so unimportant it wouldn't affect your game play at all if you could only use the cash shop for yourself and couldn't even trade items from the cash shop in game.

    yeah I think you didn't completely think this post through! You forgot that 1 detail that without the people who do not USE the cash shop, you have no one to sell too or hijack whichever the case may be.
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