Anniversary Pack Discussion



  • Hakiii - Heavens Tear
    Hakiii - Heavens Tear Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Animositas is right, everyone should, or does know that.
    However ANNIVERSARY Packs are not required for this game to survive. Considering they were called anniversary packs for a reason, they should remain to be released once a year. The devs, or whoever decides what is released should release something new, or make something new etc. Not re-release something that completely blows up the economy and throws people into //ragequit fits.
    Yes buying from the cashshop supports the game, but ani packs are not necessary for people to do that, there's plenty of other things that could be released.
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ya i aggre wif u on that.

    the fact that gold is so expensive with respect to in game coins is a sign of the increase in demand for gold. it is obvious frm the price of gold that the demand is still there. even if gold is 500k, there are ppl buying them. so if some of u say that the event is driving many palyers away, i tink it may not be very correct.

    what we see here, may not necessarily be the majority of the pwi players. ppl who post in this thread in the forum is definately a very biased sample of the whole population. players who enjoys the event will not bother to post here.

    we do not have the stats on the percentage of players who stopped buying gold from AH, but it wont be vry high. if not there is no way for 1 gold to be able to be sold at around 500k coins.

    Exactly people see that gold is sought after and capitolise on it. GREED. they see that theres some dude who cant get gold from the boutique so he decides to profit on it and charge ludicris amounts for it. funny that in most countries Profiteering is actually illeagal....... Food for thought
  • malixdark
    malixdark Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    np like u said we need the aniversry pack to keep this game free and not have to pay monthly
    oh btw u have a faction animosatas?

    Gm's don't set and control the prices, devs do.
    No one is blaming the GM's, as you can see from this thread spoons and xarfox are trying to get enough player opinions posted here to be able to put forward a valid argument in favour of ending this event on behalf of the player base.

    Major respect to the GM's for the way in which they've handled the situation so far.

    Anniversary packs are not necessary in order to fund the game content and keep it f2p. The cash shop is necessary, I admit. The sales and offers are necessary. But the repeat of a second month of anniversary packs despite extremely negative player response is really pushing it somewhat. Basically, these packs, thanks to the lure of extremely rare items, sell like crazy and make the company a vast sum of money. And due to that "success", they decided to go for round 2. We can boycott all we like. I haven't bought a single gold since this mess started. But it only takes about 1% of the population to control the economy. The real issue here is the other 99% of players feelings are not being considered at all. As long as the 1% spend multi thousand dollars the company profits and our opinions are completely rejected. But that other 99% is the player base, and without a player base a game will die. Hence the entire reason for concern.

    Of course, this is just my opinion on the matter, and I fully respect your opinion too. :)
  • BladeHunnter - Sanctuary
    BladeHunnter - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    you said it girl :)b:victory

    I dont take **** for nobodybodyb:angryb:victory

    And BlakMagik is recruting anyone lvl 15-50+ on the Sanctuary server we are a very fun/helpfull/nice faction so plz join us by contacting any1 of the's names (Chaosz_Crazy/Hart_Core/FosakenDesyr/Lanfo/Sinker/Far_Sight/DemonicChic/QueenFairy/NYer/starstepper or me BladeHunnter) so come join us we are the best b:victoryb:victory
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    malixdark wrote: »
    Gm's don't set and control the prices, devs do.
    No one is blaming the GM's, as you can see from this thread spoons and xarfox are trying to get enough player opinions posted here to be able to put forward a valid argument in favour of ending this event on behalf of the player base.

    Major respect to the GM's for the way in which they've handled the situation so far.

    Anniversary packs are not necessary in order to fund the game content and keep it f2p. The cash shop is necessary, I admit. The sales and offers are necessary. But the repeat of a second month of anniversary packs despite extremely negative player response is really pushing it somewhat. Basically, these packs, thanks to the lure of extremely rare items, sell like crazy and make the company a vast sum of money. And due to that "success", they decided to go for round 2. We can boycott all we like. I haven't bought a single gold since this mess started. But it only takes about 1% of the population to control the economy. The real issue here is the other 99% of players feelings are not being considered at all. As long as the 1% spend multi thousand dollars the company profits and our opinions are completely rejected. But that other 99% is the player base, and without a player base a game will die. Hence the entire reason for concern.

    Of course, this is just my opinion on the matter, and I fully respect your opinion too. :)

    well what prevoked this thread was i saw in world chat people flamming the gms so it unfortunantly does seem some people are blaming them.

    also a reply to the event being not needed to survive ur right. but keep in mind its supposed to be a reward for devoted players. again human greed comes into it
  • Reane - Sanctuary
    Reane - Sanctuary Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Personally, its inevitable that the devs choose to return such an item. imean look at it, lunar drops = non existant (so i have heard) so lunar gear = obtainable only through anni packs. After all, pw is a company and they do have motives to return such a sale. Honestly it doesnt really matter to me. ive played the game for more than a year, lvled three characters to 60+, and i have never charged a penny. With the new sales and all that anni stuff, again, dont matter to me. infact, i ditched my plans to get a herc+nix for my veno through cs because of the excuses devs made (contemplating gettin it the hard way). You wanna return sales? go for it, just dont say "by popular demand" cuz it certainly doesnt seem like it is "popular" atm...
  • King_Asmodei - Lost City
    King_Asmodei - Lost City Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    all i has to say on the topic of ann packs is no ones is forcing u to play nor are they forcing u to buy them, also if u know how to play ur class u dont always need uber gear to play.
    *sigh* I started as one of the few fists bms. I was ridiculed left and right now ur laughed at if you're not a fist bm. b:surrender
  • Bagspace - Heavens Tear
    Bagspace - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I figured this was as good as any place to say it, because its directly tied to return of these anniversary packs but I think I'm through with PWI for good now; I returned a few months ago after around 9 months absence, and it seemed there was a lot of improvement. I'm not a cash shop player though, and with my main reaching high level and needing a stat reset, I told myself I'd wait til gold came down a bit in price... yeah, big mistake. I'm not willing to waste countless hours of my life grinding to get ingame cash to get endgame gear and fix my characters stat flaws.. so I'm just going to move to a game with less tedium and more fun.
    Even so, i wish PWI players and staff the best of luck; my experience through the years with various games tells me you're going to need it, as if something drastic doesn't happen soon I can see in another year or two the servers either going down or being barely maintained as far as feasibility by a desperately small group of loyalist cash shop players.... either way it's a shame because I rather enjoyed my time in PWI... oh well

    Good luck
  • Reane - Sanctuary
    Reane - Sanctuary Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    all i has to say on the topic of ann packs is no ones is forcing u to play nor are they forcing u to buy them, also if u know how to play ur class u dont always need uber gear to play.

    agreed, but its damn tempting for people to take the easy way and cs **** b:sad
  • Gorgonia - Heavens Tear
    Gorgonia - Heavens Tear Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Even when being a heavy CSer (500 bucks + per month) I stopped playing when this thing appeared for the first time... I cashshopped for "bonus" items... a mount, fashion, whatsoever... but getting endgame weapons out of $1 boxes when people like me have been farming for them for AGES is absolutely irrational and totally disrupts gameplay... and I again state that I was a heavy CSer... not that I'm complaining cuz I couldnt afford a $10 game card... ur call.
  • malixdark
    malixdark Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    well what prevoked this thread was i saw in world chat people flamming the gms so it unfortunantly does seem some people are blaming them.

    also a reply to the event being not needed to survive ur right. but keep in mind its supposed to be a reward for devoted players. again human greed comes into it

    I know, sadly some players don't know the difference and just flame without thinking, not realizing the GM's are actually doing the best the can to help them =/
    Those people don't really know what they're talking about, and more often than not just like complaining.

    As for the event being a reward for devoted players, it actually turns out to be more the opposite. The lunar and frost equips and tomes in the packs are items which devoted players have spent countless months and vast sums of money obtaining, only to see a random player get lucky with 5 gold and obtain the same item, or a heavy cash shopper buy 10 of said item in 5 minutes.
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    all i has to say on the topic of ann packs is no ones is forcing u to play nor are they forcing u to buy them, also if u know how to play ur class u dont always need uber gear to play.

    It's still a pain when other players come up to you (on a PvP and maybe PvE) and flaunt their gear and how they lvl'd 5-10 times in one day off of oracles + mijis with their "xx+" gear/weap, plat charms and unending supply of dolls along with the mount(s) you can get from the packs.

    Peopel though venos had an unfair advantage but just check out any BM or Barb, and maybe an Archer of Wiz from time to time on the Harshlands server with this type of gear and you'll get what I'm saying.

    Better yet just read some of the chats/fourm posts, don't even need to meet the people. What they say over th forums is just as sh*** and stupid as the things they say in-game.
  • arabicforce
    arabicforce Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    sheesh people , learn perfect world logic , there is 2 anniversarys a year ! DUH !b:chuckle

    yea XD ... PWI had been created 2 time I guess lol
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The sale of gold for coin should be govererned. in the real world if a man has a basket of fruit in during a depression. and charges ten times what its worth to sell it. the law gets involved because Proffiteering is illeagal. if people really want the gms to help this situation. then i purpose a limit system on the sale of gold. lower gold prices will premote the sale of gold. inturn turning over more revenue then astronomical gold prices.......

    any one agree?
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The sale of gold for coin should be govererned. in the real world if a man has a basket of fruit in during a depression. and charges ten times what its worth to sell it. the law gets involved because Proffiteering is illeagal. if people really want the gms to help this situation. then i purpose a limit system on the sale of gold. lower gold prices will premote the sale of gold. inturn turning over more revenue then astronomical gold prices.......

    any one agree?

    I said that in one of my posts ~__~ I'm pretty sure everyone except for people who benefit from the high gold prices would like it.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    but writing to the company, on business concerning the game, is official. we, the players, are the consumers. without us, there would be nothing but a program in a computer. we have the right to know what is happening.

    and i *still* have not seen an official explanation for what is happening. why the evasion? i am very afraid of losing this game.

    removed: please do not use official e-mails for anything other than official business
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Rofl_lmao - Heavens Tear
    Rofl_lmao - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2009
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I said that in one of my posts ~__~ I'm pretty sure everyone except for people who benefit from the high gold prices would like it.

    Its an idea im sure many people have thought about. and scary thing is it makes sence.

    no mater the high or low prices people will buy gold to sell to make easy cash. lower the prices tho the more that will sell meaning the more that will be bought. more gold sale. happy players+good gold sales=$$$$$$$$$$ for the company.
  • Jolin - Dreamweaver
    Jolin - Dreamweaver Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The sale of gold for coin should be govererned. in the real world if a man has a basket of fruit in during a depression. and charges ten times what its worth to sell it. the law gets involved because Proffiteering is illeagal. if people really want the gms to help this situation. then i purpose a limit system on the sale of gold. lower gold prices will premote the sale of gold. inturn turning over more revenue then astronomical gold prices.......

    any one agree?

    hi, about your point right, from initial analysis i would say there will definately be a shortage depending on how much u limit gold prices with respect to coins. i am not sure whether that will happen, but sellers may start to spam wc and forum just like what we buyers do right now.
    if prices are not allowed to rise, shortage will remain for sometime, maybe for a quite long time. so the quantity of gold transected is determined by sellers. which means there will be less gold transected across the market.
    thats y pwe probably wont restrict prices as that means lower sales on their end. or to put it in another way, ppl who buy gold with real cash now see a lower returns on their purchase, so they will not buy as much as b4.
    in fact i tink in the long run, pwe will not allow gold prices to fall, the most they will do is to keep a steady and slow inflation of gold prices with respect to coins. if u a one of the gold buyers using USD to buy gold, u will definately prefer the prices to be 500k rather than 200k coins.
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Its an idea im sure many people have thought about. and scary thing is it makes sence.

    no mater the high or low prices people will buy gold to sell to make easy cash. lower the prices tho the more that will sell meaning the more that will be bought. more gold sale. happy players+good gold sales=$$$$$$$$$$ for the company.

    Well I think a good gold cap would be around maybe 500k or so? 100k - 500k would be good. b:cute
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    hi, about your point right, from initial analysis i would say there will definately be a shortage depending on how much u limit gold prices with respect to coins. i am not sure whether that will happen, but sellers may start to spam wc and forum just like what we buyers do right now.
    if prices are not allowed to rise, shortage will remain for sometime, maybe for a quite long time. so the quantity of gold transected is determined by sellers. which means there will be less gold transected across the market.
    thats y pwe probably wont restrict prices as that means lower sales on their end. or to put it in another way, ppl who buy gold with real cash now see a lower returns on their purchase, so they will not buy as much as b4.
    in fact i tink in the long run, pwe will not allow gold prices to fall, the most they will do is to keep a steady and slow inflation of gold prices with respect to coins. if u a one of the gold buyers using USD to buy gold, u will definately prefer the prices to be 500k rather than 200k coins.

    ill reffer u to the post above yours.... People will always take the easier option if they can afford it.
  • Shao_on_Fire - Heavens Tear
    Shao_on_Fire - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Our thoughts about the anni packs being brought back? That's easy.


    It had massive effect on in-game economy, and lends a serious advantage to players who can "splurge" tons of cash into them, with items like Scroll of Tome and endgame weapons[which, last time I checked, were supposed to be really hard to get???]

    Gold prices today in HT server went up to 500k a piece- Gold Guardian Charms are selling for over a mill[again.].

    So, for a player like myself who can't spend a crazy amount of cash on this event- it makes buying a lot of things in-game harder.

    Please, cancel this event, let the economy stabilize, and come up with some other way to make money- see my reply post in topic "Clothing Rip-off" for a gold-generating idea[ I'll give you a hint: it involves these forums, people choosing what they want, and the PWI staff actually selling it to us. it's win/win.]
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Our thoughts about the anni packs being brought back? That's easy.


    It had massive effect on in-game economy, and lends a serious advantage to players who can "splurge" tons of cash into them, with items like Scroll of Tome and endgame weapons[which, last time I checked, were supposed to be really hard to get???]

    Gold prices today in HT server went up to 500k a piece- Gold Guardian Charms are selling for over a mill[again.].

    So, for a player like myself who can't spend a crazy amount of cash on this event- it makes buying a lot of things in-game harder.

    Please, cancel this event, let the economy stabilize, and come up with some other way to make money- see my reply post in topic "Fashion Rip-off" for a gold-generating idea[ I'll give you a hint: it involves these forums, people choosing what they want, and the PWI staff actually selling it to us. it's win/win.]

    I disagree with being able to choose what we buy it would be great ill give u that but if end game gear and all that stuff became easily available. wheres the fun? Im all for cheaper economy but that concept perhaps a lil to far. and buy a lil i mean a lot. we still need to work for our meals right?
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    We're still watching this thread, just not posting much because I'm having a busy day.b:victory
  • Shao_on_Fire - Heavens Tear
    Shao_on_Fire - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I disagree with being able to choose what we buy it would be great ill give u that but if end game gear and all that stuff became easily available. wheres the fun? Im all for cheaper economy but that concept perhaps a lil to far. and buy a lil i mean a lot. we still need to work for our meals right?

    It's clear to me you didn't actually go and READ my other post- because it had nothing to do with end-game weapons- it had to do with voting for fashion. next time, go read the details before you open your mouth. kthxbai.
  • Animositas - Sanctuary
    Animositas - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    It's clear to me you didn't actually go and READ my other post- because it had nothing to do with end-game weapons- it had to do with voting for fashion. next time, go read the details before you open your mouth. kthxbai.

    Duely noted..
    would of help to supply a link tho single replys arnt to easy to find but concider this an apology
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ok, so you are reading. i am glad of this. but can you, Kantorek or whoever is in charge *PLEASE* give us some official word on the problems posted here? and on the Chinese lockdown on games? i am so worried about this. please?

    We're still watching this thread, just not posting much because I'm having a busy day.b:victory
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    check your PM box fox, I messaged you an hour ago
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Ok well it seems like reading this is a waste of time because like last time gotta grin ur teeth for a month then move on but here is why the ani packs r bad the second time around.

    First time around they were great lowered lots of things in prices but guess what rasied important things too and when u have that for too long like now when u add the packs again it gets to be crazy.

    People were mad the first time u brought them out so how can u say back by popular demand?

    And like many ppl have said i thought anni only happened once a year so wth.

    Also the last time u did this u had to fix the duke yet again u bring these in and the duke is free to spam my screen he should get a ban.

    Now im not gonna threat to ragequit or whatever because this is game is too much fun but i must say that this is crazy and ur bosses need to try to get their head on right rant over.....for now lol
  • ILIKETOSELL - Lost City
    ILIKETOSELL - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Didn't we have a thread like this last time?

    And didn't aprox 95% of the people who posted in it say they didn't want to see the anniversary packs again?

    This shows how much we we're listened to the first time, so of course they're gonna listen to us again.
This discussion has been closed.