What makes you stay or leave a faction?



  • Barbariankev - Heavens Tear
    Barbariankev - Heavens Tear Posts: 831 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    well im a real faction hopper and only a few factions kept me for over a month

    people who i can have fun with yet can be serious when needed
    strong officers (not made by level,activity or friends/fammily if they are completly incompetent)
    a trustworthy leader who knows what he/she is doing
    a helpfull faction
    a faction with some talkactive people in my timezone

    factions who completly ignore the new people
    factions with sub groups
    factions where vent is an absolute must
    places i dont feel like i fit in
    people who demand help but never say ty or do anything back
    a death faction chat
    factions who care about levels more then people
    a unactive/drama filled faction
    its impossible to always do the right thing we all make mistakes i am not different from that
    just try to be a good person

    english isn't my native language so there might be a few spelling/grammatical errors in my posts
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I would leave if I'm not feeling the way I felt about them before. And tw plays a big part. It just has to be fun (the tw). Thats one of the reasons i would never join cq..most of their wars are 10 minutes or less...except a rare few. And Rq's tw's became boring so I went to Nsync where we have fun tw's at least for an hour or so.

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • Casario - Lost City
    Casario - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    like factions that are friendly and welcome new members, where u can talk about anything at all and who help when help is needed.

    Hate factions who only talk about their dmg ( seen chats full of i crit 200k i crit 1000k) idc -.-'.
    also who only help a select group with stuff such as rebirth and HH leaveing every1 else to do the best they can on their own with crappy gear.
    Hate noobs who spam gc with 'help kill 15 lvl 2 mobs plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!'. -.- kill your own damn mob it isnt hard.
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    The fact that I'm the leader of my guild and I don't want it to fall apart.

    But other cases that make me rage is if a low level asks for help all the time for everything. Or those who think their needs are higher than anyone else's.

    As for leaving guilds... on my alts at least. If a guild chat isn't active, then I can't stay very long.

    I was the leader of my guild. Had a good guild for a while. Good people, good atmosphere. Then... We invited some "Drama Llamas". Things went to Hell in a handbasket ASAP. Combine that with the fact we'd always been lacking Barbs and Clerics, and hitting the range where the core group of us Venos that had founded the guild couldn't do everything anymore... It died. Hard. I tried merging with a friend's faction, something I'd promised myself I'd never let it come to. It worked, for a while. Then things fell apart. Leader disappeared, all my friends started disappearing... Less and less people online... Too many times coming on and finding myself the only one online. Once I got my Herc so I could help people, it was too late, and by that point, the incessant begging and complaining from a few key people eventually made me snap. I had merged into that faction to get some of the pressure off me, but to keep friends that I had played most of the game with. When the leader disappeared, I found myself in charge, yet again, due to being Director. Except, this time, I didn't have complete control to be able to fix things. So, after we finally managed to deal with the leader problem, and put different people in charge, I said my farewells to what was left of my friends. After 50+ levels of being surrounded by those who I'd done glorious, beautiful things with, I had nobody but those on my Friend List.

    While there were certain people in that guild I enjoyed, and being around, and if you're reading this, you know who you are... My freedom was amazing. Being able to go where I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted... It was a rush. No more cries for help. No more begging from people wanting me to help them with simple quests.

    It's kind of funny. I like being a leader. Love it, in fact. Taking charge, doing things, making plans... It's a huge part of my personality. But there's one thing I hate about it, so very, very much. The split of power that happens with any given faction. When you trust others with responsibility, and they completely let you down, the blame never falls on those who dropped the ball. It falls on you, because you let them be in charge. That's what killed my guild. When people started leaving, those who had the power to bring in fresh blood did nothing. I was only one person, searching for new people. The entire faction knew we needed new recruits to stay alive. But instead of going out, and looking for people, they yelled at me. They told me I never did anything, never helped anyone. I'd spent more time helping others in my faction, than I ever did helping myself. And in the end, it didn't matter.

    And, yes, I know that's a wall of text, but what I'm basically saying, is in a guild, I look for one major, important thing. How well do those in charge actually treat those higher, or lower than them on the totem pole?

    I don't mean just level, either. I mean rank as well. If you've got strong, take charge Executors, who respect those above them, and receive respect in return, then I'll probably be happy. If they're whining about a problem they can fix, then I know that I should probably find the Leave Faction button. Chain of command is the most important thing to me. I could care less about the levels. If I wanted a ton of help all the time, I wouldn't be packing a Herc. That being said, I'm a pretty helpful guy. If I'm not being taken advantage of. You want a boss done, or an FB done? How about a TT where you take all the drops? No problem. You want a simple, and easy quest done? How about no? Unless it's a timed quest, miniboss, or some other pain, I'm not your high leveled slave. I got enough of that in my old guild. Me plowing through your quests does nothing except make you lazy. And lazy people don't contribute to anyone but themselves.
  • Azaia - Lost City
    Azaia - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    What makes me leave:
    - When there are PLENTY of people online yet somehow questions (even the smallest things that require none of your time cept a couple seconds to type) are ignored. Yes people get busy but when that many people are online, at least one person should be able to and WANTING to answer and help.
    - When someone DOES answer but either gives a bull**** answer to seem like they know what they're talking about but really don't (and it's obvious) or when they tell you to "look on the site" or "look online". I personally can't play the game and have my browser open at the same time. Isn't that what a guild is for anyways?
    - Immaturity (although this can never been fully avoided)
    - I also find a lot of people like to talk about sex related topics. Once in a while fine, but come on people, go get some in real life >.>
    - When guild members don't defend or try to prevent people they call "friends" from pking their fellow members
    - Rudeness. You don't know me, don't be an *******. We're supposed to be guildmates.. (But again you can't always get along with everyone)
    - When members don't respect your opinion/feelings/whatever whether in game or on a real life topic

    I'm sure I could list off some more, but let's get in some things that make me stay before I have to get ready for work.

    What makes me stay:
    - A leader that takes time to set things straight when problems occur instead of ignoring them, whether through pm or in guild chat
    - When there is respect and understanding that some people have to work, go to school, etc. We want to be as active as we can, but real life does take priority (well it should lol)
    - When members try to talk to everyone and not just their little circle of friends all the time

    That's it for now, I gotta run. I still haven't found THE guild for me, that's why listing the negatives is so much easier. I like the one I'm in right now, but it's only been 2 weeks and I haven't been able to be on as much as I'd like. We'll see ^.^
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    If the faction remain stable, humble, active, friendly and organized I stay.
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • Kasumi - Dreamweaver
    Kasumi - Dreamweaver Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Heartstone lies.

  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I've been through many factions. Here are some reasons I've left:

    When I repeatedly end up in squads that endanger and kill tabbers from recklessness.

    When most of faction chat is people whining for help.

    When a faction wastes too much of it's resources on giving whiners help rather than letting them learn to help themselves.

    When a guild would rather do stupid things like play hide and seek than help a guild mate or get something done.

    When leader takes advantage of guild mates.

    When officers, leader, or director caters to drama queens and make stupid demands on their behalf.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.