Need advice on lvl80ish equipments please

Lolite - Heavens Tear
Lolite - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Venomancer
Hello, I would like some suggestions on which lvl80ish equipments I should be using. There are so many to choose from @_@

The ones available are the followings:

☆Steppenwolf Lord's Cape
☆Robe of Spirit Eater
☆Robe of Intangibility

☆Pants of Intangibility
☆Mystique Pants of Spirit Eater

Prefer glaives for highest max damage and look b:laugh

My build is 50 vit and rest mag, enough str to wear arcane armors. I am a bit lazy and really wish to just pick out one set and then use it until I get TT90 arcane set. I do not pvp much... not particularly interested in it. I would probably be doing TT runs and questings most likely.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
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  • Oichii - Dreamweaver
    Oichii - Dreamweaver Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Take a look at these...

    Lv80 Normal Equipment Setup
    Note : If you are aiming for something cheap and effective

    Lv80 Advanced Equipment Setup
    Note : If you are aiming for the best gear and can afford TT Gold Equipment & other expensive stuff

    Honestly I think Glaive > Swords in M Atk since Lv 90 Glaive > Lv 90 Sword by +1000 or more MAtk but then again its your preference. If you are going with -Channeling Gear might as well get the TT80 Magic Sword which further adds -3% Channeling.
  • Oichii - Dreamweaver
    Oichii - Dreamweaver Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Honestly I think Glaive > Swords in M Atk since Lv 90 Glaive > Lv 90 Sword by +1000 or more MAtk but then again its your preference. If you are going with -Channeling Gear might as well get the TT80 Magic Sword which further adds -3% Channeling.

    Here's something I was playing around with ^^ A Set with Full Channeling Gear well, it has reasonably sane and obtainable -Channeling Gear on it but has very low Physical Defense x.x

    Lv80 Channeling Equipment Setup
    Note : Requires Rank 4 Robe + Channeling Gear with -3% Chan (-3% Chan is Quite Easy to obtain unlike its -6% Chan Counterpart)

    But most importantly, PDef is the main stat that any Robe User Veno would need past 70s as Physical Mobs tend to hit harder and harder. Dont ever get TT80 Green Leggings and Armlets, they suck balls.
  • Lolite - Heavens Tear
    Lolite - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Wow thank you very much for putting the stats and sets up for me b:thanks

    I am currently using a -chan set and yes my phy def is rather poor lol I am considering running TTs with my friends a lot when I get the rest of my 1.5k sofs. And I've got a couple questions.

    1. Should I use -chan rings (the ones I have now are -3% each) or Demon Hearts Rings (gives me a boost in magic) instead? Which one is better for spam healing herc?

    2. You mention that phy def is important past lvl80. How much phy def is considered okay for that lvl? lol

    Thanks for the suggestions!
    Moved to WoW b:bye
  • _Lyra - Lost City
    _Lyra - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The BEST gear you could have at 8x is the TT set, but honestly its not worth the cost of farming it (unless you really just love to do TT for some reason).

    A good substitute would be the lvl 77 Steppenwolf Lord's Cape (+1350 mdef, +4 mag) with the lvl 70 Dark Pants of Hades (+1075 mdef, +5 vit, +1% damage reduc). Comes out to probably a quarter of the price of the TT set.

    Also since you plan on tanking with herc, try the lvl 77 mold wrists (-6% channeling). -3% rings are ok, but you really wont notice them until they combine with other channeling gear. May want to grab the demon heart ring until you can find -6% channeling

    As for Pdef, its not something you can really fix if you stay strictly arcane. Sharding hp is a better option, or you could consider going arcane/heavy and have the best of both worlds.
    Dont ever get TT80 Green Leggings and Armlets, they suck balls.

    Your right, the +7 magic, +7 dex, +6 vit that comes with the HH 80 armlets really does suck b:chuckle . Take my advice, there AWESOME, especially if you decide to go heavy/arcane
  • Oichii - Dreamweaver
    Oichii - Dreamweaver Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Gains with -x%Chan Eqp :
    1> -Chan Effect of course
    Surely useful for faster Healing. -x%Chan Effects are noticeable only after -10% Channeling, Anything below that and you don't even notice the effect.

    Losses with -Chan Eqp :

    1> Very Low PDef
    -x%Chan Eqp mostly exists on MDef Accessories. Note that most of Robe Class's PDef can be obtained from Refined PDef Accessories (Belt + Necklace).

    2> Loss of Magic Atk
    Most Equipment that have -x%Chan are low on M Atk like the TT80 Magic Sword with -3% Chan for instance. This varies for TT90 though since all TT90 Green have -x%Chan, but I'm mostly referring to normal Rings with -x%Chan Bonuses with nothing else. (Unless your -x%Chan Rings happen to be 3* with a +MAtk Bonus which is highly unlikely and rare)

    So the question is
    Would you be ready to lose MAtk + PDef for -x%Chan ?
    Its upto you. Surely I wouldnt want to. I would rather be choosy and pick the Eqp that give me -x%Chan without compromising my PDef & MAtk.

    (-x%Chan Effects are quite noticeable above -10% I believe. To be honest, though -x%Chan seems to be a really good way to go, you have more to lose.. )

    2> Yea well, there isn't a "Golden Rule" that so much "PDef" is necessary since various people have various opinion about how much PDef they think is necessary but I think, I would agree with Refining your Lv 90 PDef Belt & Necklace to as high Refining Levels as possible.

    I think a TT80 +4 Refined PDef Belt & TT80 +4 Refined PDef Neckalace would be more than sufficient to meet your PDef Needs at Lv 80 - 90 for any Robe User. A Robe User with ~30% PDef Reduction can do quite ok in my opinion. Of course some prefer to take this theory to the extreme and Socket Pdef Shards in every Socket they have to get it as high as 45%.

    I think you would know what I mean when you look at this ^^ This is somewhat my ideal PVE/PVP Pure Magic Veno at Lv 95.

    Lv95 Pure Magic Venomancer
    (Note : I haven't included the recent Frost Valley Equipment or High Refines since most players cant afford all those. But this setup, i believe with a little effort is quite possible )

    About your question about whether the Demon Hearts Ring or a -3% Channeling Ring would be better, I would say Demon Hearts but then again if you have a Base Channeling of 10% even without the -3% Chan Rings, dont even bother using -Chan Rings.

    Afterall, a Demon Heart's Ring = Slightly Better version of Lv 88 Magic Rings with +MAtk, one can actually substitute them with Lv 88 Magic Rings with Bonus MAtks and trust me, you won't even notice a difference other than the fact that Demon Hearts adds +Magic Stats.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Gains with -Chan Eqp :
    1> -Chan Effect of course
    Surely useful for faster Healing. -Chan Effects are noticeable only after -10% Channeling, Anything below that and you don't even notice the effect.

    Losses with -Chan Eqp :

    1> Very Low PDef
    -Chan Eqp mostly exists on MDef Accessories. Note that most of Robe Class's PDef can be obtained from Refined PDef Accessories (Belt + Necklace).

    2> Loss of Magic Atk
    Most Equipment that have -Chan are low on M Atk like the TT80 Magic Sword with -3% Chan for instance. This varies for TT90 though since all TT90 Green have -Chan, but I'm mostly referring to normal Rings with -Chan Bonuses with nothing else.

    So the question is
    Would you be ready to lose MAtk + PDef for -Chan ?
    Its upto you. Surely I wouldnt want to. I would rather be choosy and pick the Eqp that give me -Chan without compromising my PDef & MAtk.

    (-Chan Effects are quite noticeable above -10% I believe. To be honest, though -Chan seems to be a really good way to go, you have more to lose.. )

    2> Yea well, there isn't a "Golden Rule" that so much "PDef" is necessary since various people have various opinion about how much PDef they think is necessary but I think, I would agree with Refining your Lv 90 PDef Belt & Necklace to as high Refining Levels as possible.

    I think you would know what I mean when you look at this ^^ This is somewhat my ideal PVE/PVP Pure Magic Veno at Lv 90.

    Lv90 Pure Magic Venomancer
    (Note : I haven't included the recent Frost Valley Equipment or High Refines since most players cant afford all those. But this setup, i believe with a little effort is quite possible )

    -ch can't be done with refines / imbues, but pdef / survivability can. You waste pdef on citrines: . Garnets are much cheaper. Ornaments are swappable as needed, and can provide vit (better than straight hp).
    Your right, the +7 magic, +7 dex, +6 vit that comes with the HH 80 armlets really does suck b:chuckle . Take my advice, there AWESOME, especially if you decide to go heavy/arcane

    +7 dex is worth? You can get vit and mag from tomes that you don't have to get rid of when you level up. You can also compensate with ornaments/imbues/refines with the coin saved from TT.

    +m/s can't be added easily either. -%ch may not be noticeable, that doesn't mean it's not effective. Do note though that it only affects channeling: not casting.
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  • Lolite - Heavens Tear
    Lolite - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Thank you for the suggestions again.

    Currently I have -18% chan and at lvl77 with the -6% chan I will have -21% chan. W/o the rings I will have -15% chan at lvl77.

    I forgot to mention that both of my rings have -3% chan and magic + 4 >_< Will the extra magic + 6 (combined) on demon hearts rings be that noticeable in my heals?

    In addition, which TT mode offers those TT80 gold mats? Will they be soloable with a herc?

    @ tweakz
    Now I'm confused... casting vs channeling? b:sad
    Moved to WoW b:bye
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I forgot to mention that both of my rings have -3% chan and magic + 4 >_< Will the extra magic + 6 (combined) on demon hearts rings be that noticeable in my heals?
    It depends on your balance between magic score and equipment magic attack. Your overall magic attack score goes as:

    m.atk = (1 + mag/100 + bonus) * (weapon_mag_atk + ring_mag_atk)

    bonus is the % increase from things like sparks.

    So if you have 200 mag, adding +6 increases the left side of the equation from (1 + 200/100) to (1 + 206/100), or from 3.00 to 3.06, which is a 2% increase.

    Basically, if your mag score is low, adding mag makes a bigger difference. If your weapon attack is low, adding equipment attack makes a bigger difference. I'm too tired to calculate tradeoff points on this tonight. You'll have to plug in your own stats to figure it out.
    @ tweakz
    Now I'm confused... casting vs channeling? b:sad
    Channeling delay is the time from when you push the button to when the spell fires.
    Casting delay is the time you have to wait after the spell fires, before you can push another button.

    e.g. Level 10 pet heal has a 1.5 sec channel delay, and 1.0 sec cast delay. So you push button, 1.5 sec later the heal lands, 1.0 sec later you can push the button again. So you're healing once every 2.5 sec.

    If you have -21% channel, that reduces the channeling time from 1.5 sec to 1.185 sec (call it 1.2 sec). So you push the button and 1.2 sec later the heal lands, 1.0 sec later you can push the button again. So your reaction time (when you push the button to when the spell effect lands) is lowered from 1.5 sec to 1.2 sec which is pretty significant. But if you're spam healing, the heal rate only drops from once every 2.5 sec to once every 2.2 sec. Not as big an improvement.

    So channeling is more important for being reactive, like PvP or if you're mixing up spells as you need them. Not as important for spam healing (although still very helpful - if you can get your heal rate to be quicker than the boss' attack rate, you are golden).
  • Sevas - Heavens Tear
    Sevas - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Lolite, Tame Pet has a 6 second channeling time and a 1 second cast time. Whenever you use a skill a bar appears at the bottom of your screen to let you know the skill is "channeling" or powering up in preparation for use, if you will. "Casting" is just letting you know it hit the target (or missed as the case may be). In my opinion, casting is just silly, channeling is the bit where you could end up dead as you are most vulnerable then. Channeling gear will shorten this "vulnerable" time and also speed up your skills so that you may get another heal off quicker or sneak in an attack between spam heals (or amp). Casting is just a show, nothing happens except the skill and by then you're already channeling the next one.

    **Tame was just my example.
  • Lolite - Heavens Tear
    Lolite - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Thanks very much for the explanations above.

    Just one more question lol might not be related to this topic. I've checked the TT mats required for TT80 gold set, and most of them are from TT 2-1 and 2-2. Are they soloable with a herc? If so, around which lvl? I am a base vit 50 arcane build. How often does TT gold mat drop?
    Moved to WoW b:bye
  • fuzzz
    fuzzz Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    drop rate of gold mats varies..
    both gold mats from 1-3 are attainable
    and you only need a gold mat from 2-1 feng ie fengs steel armour

    yes the herc can tank all the bosses that drop gold mats for TT-80 gold gear..
    however for feng you will either have to
    1. Bring along a cleric for BB once the aoe starts.. till then the added DD will be usefull
    2. Use a Hp charm if you are not really interested in sharing. (this will prove to be very expensive)
    3. Use Pots, Genie skills to keep urself alive during the aoe (Again not a very good idea)

    id much rather advice you to farm only 1-3 for gold mats and sell/trade em for steel armour
    in sanc the price for them is rather low arnd 600-800k compared to 2-4 mil for the gold mats in 1-3