Harshland MAP

TimMagicstrg - Harshlands
TimMagicstrg - Harshlands Posts: 125 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)

all people want is = $$$


no competency.
Post edited by TimMagicstrg - Harshlands on


  • Limit - Harshlands
    Limit - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    all people want is = $$$


    no competency.

    Maybe if everyone stopped making multiple fail factions over and over everytime they get rolled and actually stuck something through, the map would have more than 2 colours on it. It's amazing the amount of QQ that's posted about TW; even more amazing is the lack of effort from the QQers to do anything about it. b:bye
  • AzaraxGore - Harshlands
    AzaraxGore - Harshlands Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Maybe if everyone stopped making multiple fail factions over and over everytime they get rolled and actually stuck something through, the map would have more than 2 colours on it. It's amazing the amount of QQ that's posted about TW; even more amazing is the lack of effort from the QQers to do anything about it. b:bye

    Most of the people who make these fail factions are the noobs who annoy/beg/"steal"/and constantly ask for help but always complain when they don't get it right away. The other half are people who like to cause drama and hate it when people call them out so they rage quit and make their own faction with their little followers to get back at that faction or a few people.
  • Acrelar - Harshlands
    Acrelar - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Maybe if TW wasn't at 2am on friday and saturday nights every week I would go give a damn about it.
    Going out ftwb:pleased
    Sig made by Scarlet
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    QQmore b:kiss

    the oracle has spoken
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Most of the people who make these fail factions are the noobs who annoy/beg/"steal"/and constantly ask for help but always complain when they don't get it right away. The other half are people who like to cause drama and hate it when people call them out so they rage quit and make their own faction with their little followers to get back at that faction or a few people.

    <.<........ Please don't add Fairytale to that list..... T___T Fairytale has been up since July.... And we don't do all those things at all.... -.-............. But I do know some factions based on your description.... (So far I have a faction forming to KoS me for life... xD)
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • TimMagicstrg - Harshlands
    TimMagicstrg - Harshlands Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Maybe if everyone stopped making multiple fail factions over and over everytime they get rolled and actually stuck something through, the map would have more than 2 colours on it. It's amazing the amount of QQ that's posted about TW; even more amazing is the lack of effort from the QQers to do anything about it. b:bye


    You wrong and u will probably never know.
  • Dustinmurphy - Harshlands
    Dustinmurphy - Harshlands Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    <.<........ Please don't add Fairytale to that list..... T___T Fairytale has been up since July.... And we don't do all those things at all.... -.-............. But I do know some factions based on your description.... (So far I have a faction forming to KoS me for life... xD)
    Lmao hey leader of fairytale did your faction morons like it when me and my friend owned them ahaha seriously though 4 against 1 was fun since I totally ****ed them upb:chuckle
    If anniversary pack threads keep getting made I'll keep trolling them until there isn't anymore!b:bye
  • Limit - Harshlands
    Limit - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    You wrong and u will probably never know.

    Orly? From what I remember, you've been in... 4 factions in the last month or two? Each one of them has been randomly created after the previous fell in a similar manner to which I posted above. Now tell me, which one of these factions that you've been in has actually had a legitimate chance at changing the TW map? Retorical because we both know the answer. PS: responding continuously with youtube vids makes you look like an idiot, IJS.

    I'm Kylin if people haven't seen me ingame yet, and I couldn't care less if we lost every single land we have. I'm personally tired of the 8 minute "sprints" to the crystal and would like nothing more than for a decent challenge to start.
    Most of the people who make these fail factions are the noobs who annoy/beg/"steal"/and constantly ask for help but always complain when they don't get it right away. The other half are people who like to cause drama and hate it when people call them out so they rage quit and make their own faction with their little followers to get back at that faction or a few people.

    That's exactly my point. The majority of the people QQing right now [people from GG, some from Awakening] are in factions which have been randomly made because of some **** drama ingame [see GG] or because a previous faction got rolled [see Awakening]. It's cool to make a faction w/friends or whatever, but don't complain about the TW map later on and cry on WC about "80v20" when you knew exactly what was coming when you attacked in the first place.
  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    **** every1 outlvling meb:cryb:surrender well the map will change sooner or later but i dont think there will b more colours cuz of not enough competitive guilds.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Wreck - Harshlands
    Wreck - Harshlands Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Just curious, but all you guys who said PvE till 90 ARE 90 now, so what are you PvEing till now? ;3
  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Just curious, but all you guys who said PvE till 90 ARE 90 now, so what are you PvEing till now? ;3

    They lied!!!!! They still pve more then pvpb:sad
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • TimMagicstrg - Harshlands
    TimMagicstrg - Harshlands Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If people that leave factions like Kylin or Crimson and other nabs, didnt go to Kingdom or Kylin because they cant make coins in game and have to get 2-3m pay per week (coins u can make in 1h HH), maybe we had a change, but its too hard to find people that have balls to stay on a faction that actually challenge other (hard for then to grind), people dont have balls, they fail, thats why the idiots are taking over.

    This month im pveing 24/7, b:surrender, HH all day long, b:sad
  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Honestly I dont know how can u guys spend time grinding or in TT, thats like, not fun at allb:surrender
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • TimMagicstrg - Harshlands
    TimMagicstrg - Harshlands Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Honestly I dont know how can u guys spend time grinding or in TT, thats like, not fun at allb:surrender

    the only thing fun on this game is pvp, and it sucks if u dont have good gears, so poor people like me needs to HH, so i can afford to buy anygears.

  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    the only thing fun on this game is pvp, and it sucks if u dont have good gears, so poor people like me needs to HH, so i can afford to buy anygears.


    No I know u pvp alot, Im referring to ppl that dont do any pvp at all nd jus appear when the enemy is on the SZ. Who usually acts like that r Kingdom nd Kylin ppl, not all of em but most of em.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • ColdSteele - Lost City
    ColdSteele - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    You wrong and u will probably never know.

    You're a dumbass and probably will never know it.

    Your video has nothing to do with pwi.

    If you hate America get out.
    It's too bad but "free to play, pay to win"-sckye

    These "updates" are seeming more and more like downgrades.

    aryannamage: Not PWE GM's they are all greedy b:angry
  • TimMagicstrg - Harshlands
    TimMagicstrg - Harshlands Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You're a dumbass and probably will never know it.

    Your video has nothing to do with pwi.

    If you hate America get out.


  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    the only thing fun on this game is pvp, and it sucks if u dont have good gears, so poor people like me needs to HH, so i can afford to buy anygears.


    Poor people? LOL u are 1 of them? HH give u so much money? LOL LOL LOL
    dont make me laugh plz
  • Nurfed - Harshlands
    Nurfed - Harshlands Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You're a dumbass and probably will never know it.

    Your video has nothing to do with pwi.

    If you hate America get out.

    This has nothing to do with pwi also.

  • Allyson - Harshlands
    Allyson - Harshlands Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This has nothing to do with pwi also.

    ur a....ummm....short b:shocked
    Ima dudeb:angry
  • Hellsarcher - Harshlands
    Hellsarcher - Harshlands Posts: 965 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    **** every1 outlvling meb:cryb:surrender well the map will change sooner or later but i dont think there will b more colours cuz of not enough competitive guilds.

    on the leveling thing..how do you think i feel b:surrender