Anyone Else Completely Amazed

CrimsonDeath - Heavens Tear
CrimsonDeath - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
edited September 2009 in General Discussion
OK so here we are once again at another maint. and the night after the launch of a brand new MMO and what do we get for all of our loyalty more sales more fashion premature ending of much needed genie resets. I have watched this game go from one of the most appealing and addictive games, to one of the most greed driven in the entire industry.

To start off it was my understanding that the new expansion for the tide born being hyped everywhere would be released before and or right at the launch of the aforementioned game, why you might ask because we have not been given anything really new and exciting other than the lag hell that is the genie update. I have been here since closed Beta came from the Malaysian versions where the gm and developer corruption is off the rector.

This is the reason most Americans wanted a US based server we thought we wouldn't have to deal with all of the problems that plagued our Asian counterparts. Instead with the one and only source of getting gold by buying our gold prices are at least 2 times higher than the Asian servers we have half of the content and between the huge server lag in the main city and the constant bugs and glitches going unresolved in one year you have made our server worse than the Asian counterpart. I think its about time you step back and ask yourself what you are trying to prove to the loyal players of this game and realize if you fail here, don't expect any of us to ever trust you again,

I can speak for many of us we love this game but changes need to be made to save whats left before its just another memory in the long line of unsuccessful failures. My main point is perfect world need that expansion and we need it now now sometime during the winter holidays. Don't get me wrong I love this game but the only reason I'm still playing is because of my friends and my in game girlfriend, This game has the potential to be the launching point for free to play games so help us to help you get it there

Seriously Concerned Loyal PW player
AngelFire level 86 Blademaster Heavens Tear PVE Server
Post edited by CrimsonDeath - Heavens Tear on


  • Ascii - Harshlands
    Ascii - Harshlands Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    sorry.. i had to carve my eyes out with spoons spoon after i saw this wall of text, so i cant comment b:cry
  • Arliana - Dreamweaver
    Arliana - Dreamweaver Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    tw.... the devs wont read this ever.... your talking to the gms who dont actually fix the game... there in charge of players....

    also, the aforementioned game crashed cause of too many players on the first day...
  • Alias - Dreamweaver
    Alias - Dreamweaver Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    sorry.. i had to carve my eyes out with spoons spoon after i saw this wall of text, so i cant comment b:cry

    Same b:surrender
  • Rdevils - Dreamweaver
    Rdevils - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I wonder what that aforementioned game would be? b:chuckle Oh yea the new expansion would be nice right about now. b:cry
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Cool. Another day, another wall-of-text manifesto.


    Really, Sherlock?


    \frankly don't have the energy for biting sarcasm yet
    \\really should create a new login, and write a 'bot to make posts like that one, to keep people from having to work so hard
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • QTKyuubi - Sanctuary
    QTKyuubi - Sanctuary Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    sorry.. i had to carve my eyes out with spoons spoon after i saw this wall of text, so i cant comment b:cry

    ah my freaking eyes b:cry anyway can't be bothered to read most of that however, new fashions mount sales? what ever I'm happier for them. Gold prices, do we really need more QQ on this? Tideborn expansion? is and always has been due to be released this winter.
    Mascot of Apocalyps b:cute
    Eldergoths FTW Go Mojo Go
  • GriffinJ - Harshlands
    GriffinJ - Harshlands Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    OK so here we are once again at another maint. and the night after the launch of a brand new MMO and what do we get for all of our loyalty more sales more fashion premature ending of much needed genie resets. I have watched this game go from one of the most appealing and addictive games, to one of the most greed driven in the entire industry.

    To start off it was my understanding that the new expansion for the tide born being hyped everywhere would be released before and or right at the launch of the aforementioned game, why you might ask because we have not been given anything really new and exciting other than the lag hell that is the genie update. I have been here since closed Beta came from the Malaysian versions where the gm and developer corruption is off the rector.

    This is the reason most Americans wanted a US based server we thought we wouldn't have to deal with all of the problems that plagued our Asian counterparts. Instead with the one and only source of getting gold by buying our gold prices are at least 2 times higher than the Asian servers we have half of the content and between the huge server lag in the main city and the constant bugs and glitches going unresolved in one year you have made our server worse than the Asian counterpart. I think its about time you step back and ask yourself what you are trying to prove to the loyal players of this game and realize if you fail here, don't expect any of us to ever trust you again,

    I can speak for many of us we love this game but changes need to be made to save whats left before its just another memory in the long line of unsuccessful failures. My main point is perfect world need that expansion and we need it now now sometime during the winter holidays. Don't get me wrong I love this game but the only reason I'm still playing is because of my friends and my in game girlfriend, This game has the potential to be the launching point for free to play games so help us to help you get it there

    Seriously Concerned Loyal PW player
    AngelFire level 86 Blademaster Heavens Tear PVE Server

    Agreed, on some levels. But I can answer one of your comments. The expansion IS coming this wintery holiday season, it is PWI 'gift' to us players. So just be patient. Things aren't perfect but atleast they haven't removed the servers from the US or just forgot about PWI completely.b:shutup
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    When i started to play this game, i was amazed by it and started to recommend it to my famaly and friends. I loved PWI and i loved the way people did tread eachother. Now the community did i. I don't have fun anymore, i'm just staying here because of my friends. Most of the time, i just sit around (or help) and talk to them while i see how this game gets one by one to an moneygrubbing b**** with same bugs as before :) i'm laughing my **** off when i see Duke in my chat, and pitty those who are still buying this packs ^.^


    I hate this genies (you people complain about new class that makes this game probably! unbalanced..Are you kidding me? See what genie does and add LAG to that...), constant LAG, bald chars, bugs in FBs, bugs on buffs, bugs on RBs, bugs on chars, glitches. I know it takes some time but all i see its like 16 patches ...and no solutions for bugs or lag..only new ugly fashion and even uglier mounts in boutique lol
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Raydoit - Sanctuary
    Raydoit - Sanctuary Posts: 377 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Anyone who says genies are bad is...whatever. Genies add an amazing amount of customization and depth to the way we play the game with its overwhelming skill tree and they even have their own stats just like our characters which is very awesome. We are getting another expansion which will give us 2 new classes (and god knows what else). For every crappy update we get until the expansion we should just assume that they are busy working on the expansion and should just accept the new clothes and discounts.

    Now I will be the first one to QQ about how facked up the anniv packs are and how one sided TWs are getting but most of these things are decided by the players and we will look stupid to complain about a huge ftp game like perfect world trying to make some money for all its hard work.

    hmmm maybe I only like pw again because I got married in game....Oh well my points are still valid.

    See its black and white now. It means I quit! How poetic and stuff.
  • Cholla - Harshlands
    Cholla - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I do not wear fashion, but I have read posts from some people that were pleased by their new clothes. And, i have seen world chats from other people when they were wanting some new clothes.
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Anyone who says genies are bad is...whatever. Genies add an amazing amount of customization and depth to the way we play the game with its overwhelming skill tree and they even have their own stats just like our characters which is very awesome. We are getting another expansion which will give us 2 new classes (and god knows what else). For every crappy update we get until the expansion we should just assume that they are busy working on the expansion and should just accept the new clothes and discounts.

    Now I will be the first one to QQ about how facked up the anniv packs are and how one sided TWs are getting but most of these things are decided by the players and we will look stupid to complain about a huge ftp game like perfect world trying to make some money for all its hard work.

    hmmm maybe I only like pw again because I got married in game....Oh well my points are still valid.

    Well i have no use for genies at all (i prefer pills, pots and my own debuffs, same effect). When i need to lure i have veno with me, when i need DD i have BM and Tank with me. I know many venos who felt useless because of pulling in fb with genie. And even some were mad cause they dont get invited anymore...("We dont need a veno...i have yellow genie")
    Don't take me wrong, i use also genie recently...but only holy path to catch up with BMs and Tanks who rush forward and think they can heal themself with genie-skill (and this at BOSS)...Some skills are useful but like 80% of them are nonsence. Most of them have even same effect but are in skill tree with 4 different icons.
    And the bugs i'm talking about are from beginning. Why not fix them first and make this game endurable with less lag...before releasing new class. Its like to build a castle on a hulk, just to see how it falls apart again.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Signako - Heavens Tear
    Signako - Heavens Tear Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Anyone who says genies are bad is...whatever. Genies add an amazing amount of customization and depth to the way we play the game with its overwhelming skill tree and they even have their own stats just like our characters which is very awesome. We are getting another expansion which will give us 2 new classes (and god knows what else). For every crappy update we get until the expansion we should just assume that they are busy working on the expansion and should just accept the new clothes and discounts.

    I agree 100%, just think about it, your playing your class, and you always wanted some long range spells, maybe a heal, or just maybe something to remove that poison that monsters put on you, but your class does not have it. Well Genies make this all possible, it gives players new abilities, that help them in PVP, and PVE. Look at last nights patch, now that's what I call maint, because they fixed, and changed alot of bugs, which is very awsome, sure they put out more fashion. Who really cares, its just more customization for your character. Yes the Anniv packs messed alot of things up, but without cash shop items, this game would suck. Gold prices are not the gm/developers fault either, its the players. I for one buy all my cash shop items from other players(aka friends who sell to me at 1 gold = 100k/200k). So just enjoy the game.

    A Knight is sworn to Valor. His heart knows only Virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His might upholds the weak. His words speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.
  • Cholla - Harshlands
    Cholla - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    I am sorry, but no way in hell will I ever play a game which will not let me play my characters if I do not pay them enough.
  • Chengying - Heavens Tear
    Chengying - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    While I agree that players set gold prices, I would like to point out that players don't decide what items can be bought with gold.

    If gold only buys mysterious skulls, then gold would be very cheap. However, if PWI started selling items where 1 gold gets 1 TT antenna, then gold would be very expensive.

    Ultimately, PWI has the most power in determining gold prices -- through the items offered for sale.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i'd just like us to have hair again, it'd take a lot of the rage away
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • cybluerr
    cybluerr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    If you've been in this game long enough to see how screwed up things have progressed, nothing will amaze you anymore.
  • calavera
    calavera Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Actually, the exodus of some players to that certain game could have ironically proven beneficial to those of you staying. It seems some of those factions that have been hogging TW over here have opened branches over there, didn't even bother to change their names... Me, i'm staying away till the economy is somewhat fixed, which may very well mean i might not be coming back at all. I do wish the people over here the best of lucks, this is a wonderful game.
  • Lietae - Heavens Tear
    Lietae - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Anyway, that completely behind, there's no way I'd pay for a monthly subscription to a game. Pay $50 for the game... ok... assuming that it has 1 account/ product key... that's $100 dollars for me and my wife. Only 18-20 bucks a month? Awesome... that's only like, 40 bucks to us... each expansion... being another 40-50$... awe...awesome?

    So, lets say a certain game has about 3 expansions... plus the original game, plus the cost per month, plus the cost of good internet:

    (50x3)x2+50x2+20x2+40=$480 to get started...b:shocked
    And people complain about the cash shop...

    Not seeing me and my wife starting a pay to play anytime soon...
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You may have to wait for them to fix the problems they have, since it keep crashing... that is great news for a pay to play game.. crashing on the first day....

    They are more of a competition to the warthingy game than to PWI, since all the cheapskates that play this game and complain about gold price will never move to the game where they have no option but to use real money to play.

    And the few that actualy went to the free beta, once they HAVE to pay one or two months, you will see them crawl over here and start complaining again about "QQ of the week".
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    You will see them crawling back.... :P

    Remember, they will not have the option to buy gold with in-game coins.... so they WILL have to always use RL money.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
This discussion has been closed.