Lost City Knights

Kniraven - Lost City
Posts: 2,620 Arc User

b:victory Greetings Folks
The Knights are looking to recruit friendly people for our very social community.
We are a Lvl3 PKK faction. This means we Kill PK'ers.
Anybody that is level 60+ may join.
We will only accept/keep active members.
Besides PvP/PKK we also do the usual PvE, FB's, Mold runs, and help with any culti/bosses + do Q&A.
We love to socialize and have good times. We have Ventrilo & a Faction Forum which we ask you take part in if you decide to join us.
In the distant future we aspire to compete in more TW, So come help us reach that goal.
Our Website/Forum is: LostCityKnights.proboards.com, where we host games, contests, and other faction events. We also get to know each other and vote on faction policy there.
We pay in coin for some KoS kills.
PM me (Kniraven) in game for more info, or PM our Director: Zirania
You may also ask our marshals:
Or, send me a message here on the forum.
You can also submit an application to join our faction at our faction website
Below is a copy of the Faction Introduction
(It's quite long so only skim it if interested)
(It's quite long so only skim it if interested)
Greetings folks, and welcome to Knights.
I'll get right down to business and tell you some things you should probably know to get the best possible experience our of this fac.
1. We are a PKK faction. That means unless someone is on our KoS list, you can only attack pink or red names. We do not RPK or attack white names unprovoked. If you would like to add a person or group to our KoS, then you may submit a request in the "KoS List" thread on the "PvP Board".
2. You can goof off and whatever on fac chat, but I don't want to see it spammed with F-bombs, random vulgarity, or sentences that are ALL IN CAPS. Every once in a while is fine but try not to over-do it okay?
3. I won't tolerate anything blantantly disrespectful in faction chat, and you aren't allowed to argue/debate there. Arguments/debates are to be made in whisper or discussed civil like via thread here on these forums. If you have a serious problem with another member, PM me and we will discuss it.
4. I think this should go without saying, but you are not allowed to attack members of our ally factions for any reason. Not even if they are red, and not even if they attack you first. If they do attack you, run to Safe Zone or just take the fall and PM me when you can. I will talk with their leader and the person who assaulted you will be severely bitched at (at the very least). Also PM me if you have a problem with one of our allies for another reason.
5. We will try and help you with any and all of your FBs/Bosses/Cultivation/Questions/etc. in as timely a manner as possible. We will come to your aid if someone is repeatedly PKing or camping you as well. We are not however to be expected to help you on "kill X amount of Y to about Z" quests or BH's. Everybody has those every single day, and it is unfair to our higher level members. I suggest if possible, trying to find people of similar level to you in the faction and seeing if they have the same mission.
Post edited by Kniraven - Lost City on
bump? b:cool[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
shouldnt your gild be 30+
because u are ppkers or whatever
so you go in groups or something
but your choice....................alot of people ask me am i affraid of death...
hell yea im affraid of death
i dont wanna die yet
alot of people think that i worship the devil..
that i do all types of **** ****
look i cant change the way i think..and i cant change the way i am
so if i offended you
GOOD coz i still dont give a ****0 -
If you kill PKers then who kills you?
b:puzzled0 -
Anberlin - Lost City wrote: »If you kill PKers then who kills you?
b:puzzledQuit.0 -
Cupac - Lost City wrote: »shouldnt your gild be 30+
because u are ppkers or whatever
so you go in groups or something
but your choice....................Anberlin - Lost City wrote: »If you kill PKers then who kills you?Fireblood - Harshlands wrote: »GM's?b:shocked.
Not yet. b:sad[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Hm... I see
But then to kill PKers is to still (in theory) become a PKer which means that you must... kill yourselves! b:shocked0 -
Anberlin - Lost City wrote: »Hm... I see
But then to kill PKers is to still (in theory) become a PKer which means that you must... kill yourselves! b:shocked
b:victory PKers aren't real people b:bye (jk)
But yeah. Killing red names has many advantages.
1. We earn a positive rep from the lowbies around us.
2. Red names fight back and (Usually) know what they're doing, which can make it more fun for me.
3. Red names drop stuff.
4. I only turn pink for a minute for killing them.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Also You Can Contact Me Also If You Like To Join Our Faction
Sir_Martin [Marshal] Cleric[SIGPIC]8x Epic Cleric =P[/SIGPIC]0 -
Hmmm what would happen if we manage to PKK a GM?[SIGPIC]8x Epic Cleric =P[/SIGPIC]0
Bumpity b:cool[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Remeber Strategy Lost City Server Faction we still Serious about that Allaince with us nd well go over what wee should do with a real Allaicneb:byeLordOnaga/Fire&Earth Skill User
Arcane/Wizard Hybrid/Longetivity Genie/Sage Mode+
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Yakuza i heard was Only *Honor *Respect *Loyalty i hope u willing 2 give your life if u fail.0 -
LordOnaga - Lost City wrote: »Remeber Strategy Lost City Server Faction we still Serious about that Allaince with us nd well go over what wee should do with a real Allaicneb:bye
Lol. Alright Onaga.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
yay alliances! ^^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact.0
i want to join0
Right now we are recruiting only level 40+ but I will make an acception for you because:
1. I forgot to update the info on the thread.
2. We need EP's ^^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kniraven - Lost City wrote: »Knights
b:victory Greetings Folks
The Knights are looking to recruit friendly people for our very social community.
We are a Lvl3 PKK faction. This means we Kill PK'ers.
Anybody that is level 50+ may join.
We will only accept/keep active members.
Besides PvP/PKK we also do the usual PvE, FB's, Mold runs, and help with any culti/bosses + do Q&A.
We love to socialize and have good times. We have Ventrilo & a Faction Forum which we ask you take part in if you decide to join us.
In the distant future we aspire to compete in TW, So come help us reach that goal.
Our Website/Forum is: LostCityKnights.proboards.com, where we host games, contests, and other faction events. We also get to know each other and vote on faction policy there.
PM me (Kniraven) in game for an invite, or our Director: Zirania
You may also ask our marshals:
Or, send me a message here on the forum.Below is a copy of the Faction Introduction
(It's quite long so only skim it if interested)
Greetings folks, and welcome to Knights.
I'll get right down to business and tell you some things you should probably know to get the best possible experience our of this fac.
1. We are a PKK faction. That means unless someone is on our KoS list, you can only attack pink or red names. We do not RPK or attack white names unprovoked. If you would like to add a person or group to our KoS, then you may submit a request in the "KoS List" thread on the "PvP Board".
2. You can goof off and whatever on fac chat, but I don't want to see it spammed with F-bombs, random vulgarity, or sentences that are ALL IN CAPS. Every once in a while is fine but try not to over-do it okay?
3. I won't tolerate anything blantantly disrespectful in faction chat, and you aren't allowed to argue/debate there. Arguments/debates are to be made in whisper or discussed civil like via thread here on these forums. If you have a serious problem with another member, PM me and we will discuss it.
4. I think this should go without saying, but you are not allowed to attack members of our ally factions for any reason. Not even if they are red, and not even if they attack you first. If they do attack you, run to Safe Zone or just take the fall and PM me when you can. I will talk with their leader and the person who assaulted you will be severely bitched at (at the very least). Also PM me if you have a problem with one of our allies for another reason.
5. We will try and help you with any and all of your FBs/Bosses/Cultivation/Questions/etc. in as timely a manner as possible. We will come to your aid if someone is repeatedly PKing or camping you as well. We are not however to be expected to help you on "kill X amount of Y to about Z" quests or BH's. Everybody has those every single day, and it is unfair to our higher level members. I suggest if possible, trying to find people of similar level to you in the faction and seeing if they have the same mission.
Bumpity b:cool
(and yes I quoted myself)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I jumped one of your execs while he was farming an herb and he had the good sense to react with an instant heal apoth pot. He also was quick enough to get an interupt stun on me before the kill shot. Granted he was fighting an impossible battle but he held out long enough for a nix to show up and make me kite the veno and your exec half way through swamps.
If the exec is a decent representation of the rest of your faction, consider me interesting in looking for a fight. I usually hang out at the Strong Sori Gnawer hill if you guys ever want to drop by.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Every time someone replies on an alt to someone, you know they scared.
Faction History in Order:
RageQuit, Hate, Darknes, RedHawk, NoAngels, FightClub, Harvester, Peerless, FinalOath, Koi, ThaClick.0 -
Dizzy - Lost City wrote: »I jumped one of your execs while he was farming an herb and he had the good sense to react with an instant heal apoth pot. He also was quick enough to get an interupt stun on me before the kill shot. Granted he was fighting an impossible battle but he held out long enough for a nix to show up and make me kite the veno and your exec half way through swamps.
If the exec is a decent representation of the rest of your faction, consider me interesting in looking for a fight. I usually hang out at the Strong Sori Gnawer hill if you guys ever want to drop by.
Haha b:victory That was HumanFlame. b:laugh
He was gathering mats for his Calamity Axes mold I gave him.
I think it was after that incident, he asked me if e could borrow my HellHound to get the rest of the mats b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Bump xD b:chuckle[SIGPIC]8x Epic Cleric =P[/SIGPIC]0
Well people you guys should not be looking at any other faction except us, cuz we are the cool kids =Pb:laugh and help our fellow guildies a lot[SIGPIC]8x Epic Cleric =P[/SIGPIC]0
hey kniraven... you still looking to recruit? going to be 40 hopefully by the end of the week, and would like to join your fac for some epic PKK fun b:sin[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Ophida for the cute siggy
- retired 11/06/090 -
/Radar/ - Lost City wrote: »hey kniraven... you still looking to recruit? going to be 40 hopefully by the end of the week, and would like to join your fac for some epic PKK fun b:sin
Sure thing Radar b:victory
That's another cool thing about BMs, you don't have to be super high level to be useful. =DStuns
Contact me ingame, and hopefully you are active ^^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
um im a lvl 60 cleric and yes im still a nob ive already goten my hh60 sword and ive never done an hh run lol i suc i know but pm me and ill happily join your faction0
Dragonspack - Lost City wrote: »um im a lvl 60 cleric and yes im still a nob ive already goten my hh60 sword and ive never done an hh run lol i suc i know but pm me and ill happily join your faction
Sure thing. Just try and PM one of our officers. There is usually at least one of us on =D[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
My faction is becoming less active, and we also have a younger player that is not allowed to listen or hear too much that is profane. If say, I joined your faction, would you stay active, and let some immaturity of the mind flow?0
Lavaetinn - Lost City wrote: »My faction is becoming less active, and we also have a younger player that is not allowed to listen or hear too much that is profane. If say, I joined your faction, would you stay active, and let some immaturity of the mind flow?
We have over 100 members and are usually quite active.
As for the profane,
sure to an extent.
I don't need to hear F this and F that every other word though or see the fac chat spammed with the word "SEX!" every 30 seconds (Kicked someone for doing that the other day).[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
b:victory Greetings Folks
The Knights are looking to recruit friendly people for our very social community.
We are a Lvl3 PKK faction. This means we Kill PK'ers.
Anybody that is level 50+ may join.
We will only accept/keep active members.
Besides PvP/PKK we also do the usual PvE, FB's, Mold runs, and help with any culti/bosses + do Q&A.
We love to socialize and have good times. We have Ventrilo & a Faction Forum which we ask you take part in if you decide to join us.
In the distant future we aspire to compete in TW, So come help us reach that goal.
Our Website/Forum is: LostCityKnights.proboards.com, where we host games, contests, and other faction events. We also get to know each other and vote on faction policy there.
PM me (Kniraven) in game for an invite, or our Director: Zirania
You may also ask our marshals:
Or, send me a message here on the forum.Below is a copy of the Faction Introduction
(It's quite long so only skim it if interested)
Greetings folks, and welcome to Knights.
I'll get right down to business and tell you some things you should probably know to get the best possible experience our of this fac.
1. We are a PKK faction. That means unless someone is on our KoS list, you can only attack pink or red names. We do not RPK or attack white names unprovoked. If you would like to add a person or group to our KoS, then you may submit a request in the "KoS List" thread on the "PvP Board".
2. You can goof off and whatever on fac chat, but I don't want to see it spammed with F-bombs, random vulgarity, or sentences that are ALL IN CAPS. Every once in a while is fine but try not to over-do it okay?
3. I won't tolerate anything blantantly disrespectful in faction chat, and you aren't allowed to argue/debate there. Arguments/debates are to be made in whisper or discussed civil like via thread here on these forums. If you have a serious problem with another member, PM me and we will discuss it.
4. I think this should go without saying, but you are not allowed to attack members of our ally factions for any reason. Not even if they are red, and not even if they attack you first. If they do attack you, run to Safe Zone or just take the fall and PM me when you can. I will talk with their leader and the person who assaulted you will be severely bitched at (at the very least). Also PM me if you have a problem with one of our allies for another reason.
5. We will try and help you with any and all of your FBs/Bosses/Cultivation/Questions/etc. in as timely a manner as possible. We will come to your aid if someone is repeatedly PKing or camping you as well. We are not however to be expected to help you on "kill X amount of Y to about Z" quests or BH's. Everybody has those every single day, and it is unfair to our higher level members. I suggest if possible, trying to find people of similar level to you in the faction and seeing if they have the same mission.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
AAAND, one more thing. I am pretty much addicted to this game (guilty) and in my current faction, I have a rank. But the one thing my guild will not do on a regular basis, is HH RUNS!!!!! b:angryb:angryb:angry0
Lavaetinn - Lost City wrote: »AAAND, one more thing. I am pretty much addicted to this game (guilty) and in my current faction, I have a rank. But the one thing my guild will not do on a regular basis, is HH RUNS!!!!! b:angryb:angryb:angry
We are currently trying to organize more HH runs b:surrender
We've been having a problem getting people to want to do them all at the same time and so are trying to get ppl to organize specific times on our forum.
As for rank, you won't be given one when you join. However, through the process of leveling and helping your fellow faction members, it is possible to earn a rank here.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
This discussion has been closed.
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