
Akash - Harshlands
Akash - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Support Desk
Hi everybody b:victory

I'm planning to buy me a new extern screen, because Im currently playing at a laptop (which has a big screen, but i want a bigger one lol) so I want to buy a 26" extern flatscreen.

Now is my question, what is the max. resolution that PW can be played? At my laptop I'm playing at 1680 x 1050 pixels.

Thank you.

- Akash.
Post edited by Akash - Harshlands on


  • Xeian - Dreamweaver
    Xeian - Dreamweaver Posts: 720 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm playing it at 1200x1600 I don't thing there IS a max
  • Akash - Harshlands
    Akash - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    What is the best way to get the most beautifull screen from PW, in what resolution?
  • Darkjagans - Heavens Tear
    Darkjagans - Heavens Tear Posts: 478 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well seeing as your laptop can handle 1680x1050, it shouldn't have too much trouble with 1920x1080 i guess, which is the max supported in pw i think (maybe there's 1900x1200, can't remember, but you'll want to use 1920x1080) and it'll probably be the monitor's native resolution anyways

    If you want "beautiful", then as long as your laptop's graphics chip can handle everything maxxed out, then it'll be as good as it can go, enjoy HD gaming :)
  • Akash - Harshlands
    Akash - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have everything maxed out at the moment, while playing it. It's too bad it cant get higher lol, my graphic card is really good.

    Im gonna look for an extern screen then, I heard about some refreshing time in ms, like 5 ms or 8 ms.. is that important?
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Refresh time is and isn't that important, to put it simply that means the amount of time it takes for it to refresh the screen. If it needs more explaining 5 ms is basically 5 milliseconds. The lower your refresh rate the smoother and quicker you're games, movies and what ever else you may be using it for, it will look and 5 ms' is quite quick. If you're going to get a bigger screen make sure for one that it has the proper cables. Of course usually most higher end LCD Screens come with VGA, DVI and HDMI hook ups. Be sure that it's the screen you want and regardless of what is heard or said LCD screens last longer than Plasma. I happen to have two LCD Asus monitors, one is 21.5" and the other 20". the 21.5" only cost me about 170 dollars. *wonders if he missed anything.*

    Oh yes actually, the resolution you can play the game at is ONLY limited to the max setting your screen allows, which is usually referred to as the optimal resolution. When you hook up your new monitor your computer usually will automatically set it to the max settings, if not i'm sure you know how to do it manually. Sorry may sound nerdy or whatever but I love helping people when it comes to their computers :D
  • Feuerlilie - Dreamweaver
    Feuerlilie - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    KainRaynier is right, Darkjagans is wrong (srry). The game resolution IS limited to the max resolution of your screen. I'm running 1920x1200 (24"), but I've seen it at a friends house running at a whopping resolution of 2560x1200 (30") which is just extreme.

    Remember though: Every stepup of the resolution takes a massive hit on the performance, esp. if your graphics card isn't up to it. Maybe this won't affect PW that much, but other more demanding games will suffer from a too big screen.

    For gaming with a laptop I'd recommend a 22" screen -> 1650x1050, which is already pretty big and a good compromise between resolution and performance.

    Oh, and ignore the advertising on screens that are supposed to be faster than 4-5ms in response time unless you get a good price. The image quality will suffer if you use that overdrive feature. You can turn it off and drop back to 5ms - but then why pay more for something you won't use anyway?
  • KainRaynier - Heavens Tear
    KainRaynier - Heavens Tear Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    That about sums it all up really lol. Feuerlilie is right as well, any screen that's quicker than 4 to 5 ms for it's refresh rate is gonna cost a lot of money, but really 4-5 is good as it is and you'll get nice smooth graphics. And again as Feurerlilie said don't overstretch you resolution, try to keep it at top performance level that you're graphics card can handle, any bigger and everything will start looking disproportinate (Sp) and begin to get choppy and laggy. Either way enjoy your new monitor when you get one.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The game should run in whatever resolution you want to run it at. Keep in mind though that the in-game maps do not resize out of 4:3 ratios to wide screen or 16:9 ratios. Also, some players complain about the UI not resizing either.

    So if you can play it in high res with those issues, you should be fine.

    When choosing a monitor, you want awesome refresh rates so that you have very minimum delay between when you do something and when it is displayed on screen.

    Also, a little known fact about monitors, when looking for a new one, is to get one with a tiny pixel pitch (in old CRT days it was called dot pitch).

    Many companies don't share this information upfront all the time, and they tell you that their display is "hi-def" and can go up to 1900 x XXXX or whatever. You have to seek this information out. The smaller the pixel pitch, the better that display will look. Laptop manufacturers are notorious for having "high-res" displays on their systems, but the pixel pitch will be terrible.

    The lower, the better.

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