which shards is better for PVP??

Ivala - Dreamweaver
Ivala - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Archer
Currently im in the process of saving up for my TT 90 gear... and im going to go all out with it...but im a lil confused...i know that the HP shards are good cause they give hp boost...but what about the Evasion shards??? So which is actually better going Full hp or Evasion shards for pvp? my current character build is I go 9 dext and 1 vit...or if i need strength to equip an item i put some in str (but i only put bare minimum).
Post edited by Ivala - Dreamweaver on


  • Msmunholy - Lost City
    Msmunholy - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    iv been thinking the same thing... evation only works for phy dmg so that is one down side. but at 78+ there is some good ornaments that are good magic def with good seals.

    the way i see it is... if a bm or barb hits me for say 500 dmg all those hp shard just went to hell. if they miss me 1-2 times a fight becaus of eva shards then i saved more hp than id gain from hp shards. BUT then you have to make it a poind to have magic def ornaments or a combo of eva and mag def shards.

    this is all my own opinion and could be compleatly wrong. and i dont think that eva shards would be worth it for any other char than archer being dex based and all we have a good start on it

  • Fallenangelx - Heavens Tear
    Fallenangelx - Heavens Tear Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    its preference but like previously mentioned, evasion only is good against patks...u need to survive against matks too so citrines are the best in my opinon. serves both purposes.