Unique playthrough, Making the game fun again.

foltern Posts: 3 Arc User
edited September 2009 in General Discussion
Hello to everyone in the community. I just wanted to share something with everyone that I decided to do in order to enhance the game which is making it a lot of fun for me and maybe get some thoughts about it.

I know there's lots of opinions about the recent sale and people quitting. I DO have a lot to say about it against what most think. I' m not talking about it here and if someone discusses it, They will be considered rude and disrespectful, This thread isn't about the sale don't discuss it here, if your disappointed now then hop threads.

Flaming me or someone else, aggressive or arrogant comments will also be considered rude and disrespectful and will hopefully go ignored. This is not a how to guide or advice on how to play through the game, Everyone has their own preference and style. I am not discussing my stats or the thread will become a war zone of internet alpha-males flaming each other. The following contains my opinion alone and what my experiences are. That doesn't mean I am making a blanket statement that covers all players and all factions.. Only my opinion which is based on experience not more. So do not post your faction sales pitches here. I am not telling you how to play the game, I'm telling you how I did, It already happened let it go. Keep an open mind and read on.

I had a level 73 healer for my main character. When I played through the game, I had fun, A lot of fun right up until 7x. I have always preferred to solo in this game when possible. I don't like factions and working with other people that much. Other people often make mistakes and get people killed. And don't use their brain or respect other players and often bring their personal life and problems into the game. In factions there is usually drama so thick you can wade through it and additional problems. For me it removes* fun from the game although once in a while, There are Pro players in squad which are the most fun times when everything gets done they way it should and nobody dies.
Because of my terrible experiences and constant guild pitches and invite spam I created my own guild for my healer and my archer only.

When my healer hit 7x, The game was very boring and dull for me. Throughout the game I played it RADICALLY different than anyone else. I kept all gears which had + magic or + magic attack and favored it over any defense at 6x I had 2x? leggings because of the 5 extra magic. My healer is pure magic and 3 vitality 39 Str. 333 magic and 5 dex. My gears add over 386 Magic, Including my basic Twilight weapon. I refuse to re-stat and become significantly weaker like many other healers to survive in Twilight Temple and Rebirth. I do not do either one nor am I interested in doing them. Currently I have healing abilities beyond most level 80 players because of this. Although I am lacking HP. For solo play it isn't necessary for me to have any more than what I do ( About 1600 ) most monsters die in 4 hits or can get in one hit on me only although some are significantly stronger but posed an average threat anyway because of self healing and sheild.

For rebirth and Twilight Temple, More HP is a must. But never the less I refuse to re-stat and have similar stats to any other healer, While playing in the 7x range, I was unable to effectively grind solo because of the MP demand. For me personally it requires far too much mp. Even though I have 7000, I can destroy a gold charm in 2 days grinding hardcore daily. Leveling isn't difficult, In fact it's easy. It just takes time and dedication to grinding if you can supply the MP. So rather than grind I leveled using mainly Bounty hunter, Crazy stone and World quests which became very old very fast. I've had suggestions to do zhen runs etc..Not interested, the char is retired ./End.

Now this in fact was not the first time I played the game. I had previously started an archer, I usually play that class in other games as well as healer. That was originally my first char and because I struggled so much and was not knowledgeable about the game I deleted it at level 18 and went healer as I always play first.. Since I play the game to have fun and my healer was not fun anymore, I stopped playing it and thought of another way to make the game fun for me.

I decided to establish rules for a second play-through a better play-through which would make the game more challenging and exciting. The rules I established for myself are as follows::

1. After level 21. Only legendary gears are allowed to be worn. Standard gear between levels is fine.
2. All gears will have the maximum sockets and socketed with the highest quality shards for those gears. Leveling is not allowed without having all gears socketed and sharded the level they become available. Questing is not allowed until available gear has been socketed and sharded as well.
3. All gears must have a refinement level of 1 or more.
4. At level 20 and after level 20, 125 rep must be farmed every level outside questing via one man armies. Purchasing rep is not allowed from the auction house and it can only be earned through one man armies.
5. Quests must be finished Last. So that after you acquire all sharded legendary gear you can have the maximum effect of being powerful while questing maximizing the potential the developers have designed and given you outside of refining beyond +1.
6.When skills become available, They must be purchased at the level available. Leveling is not allowed until all available skills are maxed.
7.The Blacksmith, Tailoring, Crafting and apothecary skills must be leveled in the appropriate level range. For example: All skills must be level 3 before level 30.

I'm happy to report that I am level 22. I have been level 22 for a little more than a week now. I have my legendary bow ( 3.1 mil ) -.- and 18 other legendary molds spanning to level 65 or so. I am missing about 10 more molds or so. I have 203,348 SP and 293 rep. The rep is disproportionate to the amont of Sp. My rep is actually a lot lower. I have grinded alot outside of One man armies to farm mats and such. Like concentrated glue. You may be thinking I must be rich. No I had 800 k on my healer before starting this character. After killing mobs only and selling the items to the NPC and sometimes in cat shops. I Was able to acquire these molds and afford arrows and such, I always NPc or sell DQ items.

I have encountered a major problem with this though. The problem is remaining at the same level without leveling. This is actually very difficult since you can kill very fast Since I saved all my celestones from my healer and all fragments I converted them all into mirage celestones and got a lot of genies. To dump the excess exp without suicide. Even still there's a lot of exp being earned and I cannot keep up with getting genies. When you do one man armies for your level you earn one celestone fragment, 25 fragments can be converted to a mirage celestone. However this is grossly insufficient. I have decomposed several genies. Since nobody buys 11 000 exp genie cubes for 60 k it's pointless to sell them. Additionally the inability to trade genies prevents me from trading newbs my clean~ leveled genies for their level 1 genies. Right now I have no celestones and I have a lot of excess exp. I have no no solution for this problem. The reason suicide is not recommended; I am charmed and I don't want to waste them I dont go through mp or hp very fast. Because I am not taking hits and MP is not required to kill all monsters.

Another problem is that I cannot find the light catcher bow for level 30, I also cannot find the 2x armor gears..I was messaged by other players and was told the armor does not exist and the bow might as well not exist because it's impossible to find. For a time I considered killing antelope pups until it drops...The drop rate is 0.0014 %. So if I kill those only for a few weeks, it should drop if pwdatabase is correct. I am powerful enough to kill them although it requires a lot of MP because the pups have the mp drain skill. The fact I am 6 levels below multiplies the drop rate by 1 so that should help ever so slightly. The Lantern Ghoul's Helm also is listed to drop from them too with the same drop rate. Those mobs drop almost noting but bad drops. Only coins now and again and some hay once in a while. Since I do not have amazing armor, they deal a lot of damage if they can get close and repairs are expensive.

Well this is how I am proceeding through the game currently and the problems I have encountered. Any positive thoughts feedback or solutions are welcomed. I hope you found this to be worthwhile Reading as well as interesting Anything else is not welcome, keep it to yourself.


Until then, See you all in game. Watch for channeling archers* and don't ks -.-

Regards, Semperhacker
Aka SemperHealer / Foltern ( German for torture )
Post edited by foltern on


  • Belligero - Sanctuary
    Belligero - Sanctuary Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    To be honest, I was interested in what you had to say, then got bored halfway, when I realized your weren't really making any point.

    Anyways... see ya around, and I hope you continue to have fun with PWI.
  • reallydisappointed
    reallydisappointed Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    actually this is a fantastic idea i am currently doing the same thing with skills on my lvl 66cleric outside of the molded items that is..she is not allowed to lvl until all her skills are at lvl they should be . I have already gotten all her mold items made an sharded for her 70s as well the only thing she will be missing is the cape of tauren chieften but i have already got a cape that is better in my opinion than this one so thats an uneccessary item for her. I also have a lvl 91 barb that i play and do similar lvl goals with him as well it adds a different aspect to the game than just goin out and grinding away the lvls. In fact we have several people in our guild who have taken up this practice of not lvl'ing up their toons until their skills are at lvl and they are reporting that even though they spend a few extra days/weeks/months at a lvl they find that game play for them is easier than it was before they started gettin all skills up to par. they also find that instead of looking at how much exp they need they tend not to worry about the lvls and just Love hangin out and enjoying guild chat and bettering their characters . Its always been said by myself and others that lvls dont make good players good people make good players, Lvls are nothing more than a number infront of your name it means absolutely nothing if u are a lvl 105 watever if you only have half of your skills.

    as far as the genies go you can switch them to trade state an trade them in a weeks time though at ur lvl u may find it faster to buy some from another player can usually be found pretty cheap near the watcher of earth guy.

    would be nice to hear how you advance with your skills etc in the game i play on heavens tear server if you play on there would love to hear from you in game ..i cant give u my in game name here but if u send me a private message ill give it to you there.

    Also wanted to add that on my cleric i can typically grind for a solid hour and this w/o a mana charm or help from apoth stuff i use double spark frequently to regain mana and the occasional mp potion for a boost in mana mat 4 per hour sometimes 5 if theres alot of increased magic res. mobs
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I tried read the start. realised it was too much to read. sorry O.O
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • TheGoliath - Heavens Tear
    TheGoliath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    that's not fun, just frustrating
  • Foxx - Heavens Tear
    Foxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Each to his own. Im not into massochism personally. Reminds me of a story of someone in WOW who made it to max level killing nothing but boars.
  • Belligero - Sanctuary
    Belligero - Sanctuary Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I mean, alright, so setting up a challenge for yourself on a single player console game can be fun and challenging, but doing it on an MMO, you're just **** yourself over.

    That's my standpoint, anyways. But if you're a solitary player for the most part, I don't see why not, as long as you enjoy what you're doing.
  • Dustinmurphy - Harshlands
    Dustinmurphy - Harshlands Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I didn't really like any of the ideas u came up with it will just make the game a lot harder and ppl will leave while cash shop ppl will be the ones happy rethink the things you thought about and make sure your happy with it and if you are then owell but some will disagree with some wil a agree i guess im disagreeing
    and yes i read it all becaz you put lots of time into this
    If anniversary pack threads keep getting made I'll keep trolling them until there isn't anymore!b:bye
  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    actually this is a fantastic idea i am currently doing the same thing with skills on my lvl 66cleric outside of the molded items that is..she is not allowed to lvl until all her skills are at lvl they should be . I have already gotten all her mold items made an sharded for her 70s as well the only thing she will be missing is the cape of tauren chieften but i have already got a cape that is better in my opinion than this one so thats an uneccessary item for her. I also have a lvl 91 barb that i play and do similar lvl goals with him as well it adds a different aspect to the game than just goin out and grinding away the lvls. In fact we have several people in our guild who have taken up this practice of not lvl'ing up their toons until their skills are at lvl and they are reporting that even though they spend a few extra days/weeks/months at a lvl they find that game play for them is easier than it was before they started gettin all skills up to par. they also find that instead of looking at how much exp they need they tend not to worry about the lvls and just Love hangin out and enjoying guild chat and bettering their characters . Its always been said by myself and others that lvls dont make good players good people make good players, Lvls are nothing more than a number infront of your name it means absolutely nothing if u are a lvl 105 w*atever if you only have half of your skills.

    as far as the genies go you can switch them to trade state an trade them in a weeks time though at ur lvl u may find it faster to buy some from another player can usually be found pretty cheap near the watcher of earth guy.

    would be nice to hear how you advance with your skills etc in the game i play on heavens tear server if you play on there would love to hear from you in game ..i cant give u my in game name here but if u send me a private message ill give it to you there.

    Also wanted to add that on my cleric i can typically grind for a solid hour and this w/o a mana charm or help from apoth stuff i use double spark frequently to regain mana and the occasional mp potion for a boost in mana mat 4 per hour sometimes 5 if theres alot of increased magic res. mobs

    Wow that's impressive thanks for sharing. On my cleric I never really leveled any of the powerful solo skills. I maxed a lot of skills, However I put my focus on buffs and all heals but maxed plume shot, shell etc. That way I can solo and heal. I have stream of rejuvenation maxed for my level and chromatic healing beam as well. I did that because for myself I found them to be necessary for certain situations. Thanks for the tips regarding leveling.

    I agree with the part about skills. I used to be in a faction with a 7x cleric while I was level 5x. This healer was a bad healer and made questionable choices. It became obvious I was the superior healer even 20 levels lower. Not because of stats, because of my methods. The highest level healer with the most shards is only exactly that, not neessarily the best healer or most skilled. If anything since I can do their job with bad gear and less magic, Thats says alot more. I do agree that staple skills should be maxed.

    Along with this, I chose certain skills to level and ones to exclude. We know good grind mobs yeild 20% sp to Exp ratio. Along with choosing different mobs there are different ways to level. Some choose Rb, some choose the cube, some grind, some zhen and some aoe solo. In my opinion these are different ways to level and require slight or major changes on what skills should be leveled, gear should be sharded and stat points allocated.

    In my opinion Training esoteras should never be used. Twice the exp half the SP. Originally I thought that BH was a great idea while others were downplaying it a bit. I thought it was good because a person could sort of farm sp and dump the exp into genies, slow the leveling a bit and stock up the SP. Because normally you only get 20% sp to exp. I placed all my healer skills into an excel spreadsheet and added up the sp and exp. You need more than 18 mil coin and over 12 million sp not including sage or demon costs.

    This playthrough I'm having tons of fun. Just leveling alone , Not being bothered by others and dealing with faction problems. I never dueled anyone before on my healer. Someone kept duel spamming me and I said eh..I'll see what happens. so I accepted and won. I invited him to a squad and learned he was 6 levels higher. I was missing several skills and gears between level 2 and level 28 (his level). If I had those, It wouldn't have been a duel, it would have been a massacre. So I think having leveled skills speaks for itself, Even though My bow was legendary socketed and +3, Having those skills would have been overwhelming. I did also notice the reward in pve. Monsters that explode stay at a safer distance and ranged monsters fall faster.

    Thanks for the genie tip. The profit and loss ratio from grinding, getting arrows ( Falcon feather arrows), molds and now possibly genies is unstable at best. I can make enough to grind but not sock away too much for things I need. Since I recently came into some in game money I will look around for genies. At my level I can dump 96% and get about 12 levels or so into the genie right from level 1. so it doesnt take long. I'll probably just purchase new ones when I can.

    I think it's really great there are other players squeezing the most out of the game using similar methods, taking it slow and enjoying what it has to offer. I can only speak for myself but actually having nice gear going slow and leveling slow while farming from mobs is much more rewarding and enriching than just questing and leveling. Thank you very much for sharing this with me.

    Regards, SemperHacker
  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I didn't really like any of the ideas u came up with it will just make the game a lot harder and ppl will leave while cash shop ppl will be the ones happy rethink the things you thought about and make sure your happy with it and if you are then owell but some will disagree with some wil a agree i guess im disagreeing
    and yes i read it all becaz you put lots of time into this

    Thanks for reading. And yes I pointed out above. I'm not recommending or encouraging anyone or challenging anyone to play the game as I am. I'm not making any point. The only point is to share with the community what I'm doing not more.

    what I do know is that my healer had bad gear, I only have demon heart rings and low level shards. Sure I rarely died in party or alone but, It's nice to have good gear and it's nice to be powerful. I never even refined any gear to +1. My TT weapon and demon heart rings were the nicest items I had in 73 levels.

    This time I am only wearing legendary gear with the highest quality shards. Thats a major difference in gameplay experience. Thanks for sharing your opinion

    Regards, SemperHacker.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I know where you going.

    Same as you my Bm has only 3 points on vit and 3 points on mag. the rest is dex and str.

    I can use any bm weapon I want as well as a unicorn bow (I started using this bow at level 79 or 80)
  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I know where you going.

    Same as you my Bm has only 3 points on vit and 3 points on mag. the rest is dex and str.

    I can use any bm weapon I want as well as a unicorn bow (I started using this bow at level 79 or 80)

    \m/_ <(o.o)> _\m/
  • Jhaernyl - Heavens Tear
    Jhaernyl - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    People might post and try to tell you differant but there is no right or wrong way to play the game in general, aslong as you are having fun and enjoying the game thats all that matters, however you choose to play... so good luck with it b:victory
  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    People might post and try to tell you differant but there is no right or wrong way to play the game in general, aslong as you are having fun and enjoying the game thats all that matters, however you choose to play... so good luck with it b:victory

    Thank you. ^o^
  • reallydisappointed
    reallydisappointed Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I actually drug my 66th lvl cleric out of the delete bin around 30th lvl i thought originally that if she had more lvls she would become a better character, i played her off and on till 65th then it came apparent that lvls was not helping her at all. This is when my grinding partner and I decided to get our skills in order for both of our characters. We spent the better part of a month spirit farming we both decided to lvl them to 66th cause he was able to get an item at that lvl a set of boots or something not sure, but we are holding at 66th until him an I both get all skills at lvl. When we started him an I both had 2 pages of skills to learn at the trainer, this morning i am down to 1 page of skills to learn and when i started i was finding it hard to kill mobs my lvl or a few lvls below but now we spend our time grinding on lvl 68 an 69 mobs wat a major difference a few skills can make. She has more versatility inthe game with all these skills, she can be an effective healer along with being an effective attker. When at bosses I find her actually doin more attking than healing because her healing powers are enuff that allows time for some dmg dealing.

    my grinding partner is a barb and we are very seldomly attking the same mob with his skills coming up to lvls where they should be for his lvl I find it easier and easier to keep him healed on bosses usually a few IH's to start then a short period of attkin from me then a short period of some more IH's.
  • rsin
    rsin Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ive always liked challenges myself. My main character is lv78 and has never used charms. Recently I created an alt that is a veno. In fact, Its a veno who uses a bow with a hint of magic. I know it sounds gimpy and will most likely fail in the long run, but Im having fun with it and thats all thats matters to me. So far it lv33 with lv5 light armor, and a 6% crit rate. Other players have messaged me with all kinds of hate remarks cause their surprized to see a veno with a bow and alot of people have died by mobs from apparently starring to long. Anyways, the game is about having fun. And thats what I plan on doing.
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Each to his own. Im not into massochism personally. Reminds me of a story of someone in WOW who made it to max level killing nothing but boars.

    Cartman is pro k?
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    People might post and try to tell you differant but there is no right or wrong way to play the game in general, aslong as you are having fun and enjoying the game thats all that matters, however you choose to play... so good luck with it b:victory
    This. :P

    Although I personally cannot fathom spending a week at any level below 60. o.O And do you need legendary gear? IMO the bigger challenge would be never touching a piece of legendary, TT, frost/lunar etc. gear from Lv1-105. :P That way it's more of a challenge of "can you play the class well" rather than "can you throw enough money at the character." :P

    Also, wouldn't doing 125 Rep's worth of one-man-armies level you up by default in the 20s? o.O

    But again, I'm not knocking you. If you get enjoyment from it, you get enjoyment from it. And you don't seem to be hurting anyone in the process, so why not? :P
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I actually drug my 66th lvl cleric out of the delete bin around 30th lvl i thought originally that if she had more lvls she would become a better character, i played her off and on till 65th then it came apparent that lvls was not helping her at all. This is when my grinding partner and I decided to get our skills in order for both of our characters. We spent the better part of a month spirit farming we both decided to lvl them to 66th cause he was able to get an item at that lvl a set of boots or something not sure, but we are holding at 66th until him an I both get all skills at lvl. When we started him an I both had 2 pages of skills to learn at the trainer, this morning i am down to 1 page of skills to learn and when i started i was finding it hard to kill mobs my lvl or a few lvls below but now we spend our time grinding on lvl 68 an 69 mobs wat a major difference a few skills can make. She has more versatility inthe game with all these skills, she can be an effective healer along with being an effective attker. When at bosses I find her actually doin more attking than healing because her healing powers are enuff that allows time for some dmg dealing.

    my grinding partner is a barb and we are very seldomly attking the same mob with his skills coming up to lvls where they should be for his lvl I find it easier and easier to keep him healed on bosses usually a few IH's to start then a short period of attkin from me then a short period of some more IH's.

    Yeh that's great!! Very impressive. There was a few skills I wanted to level but I sort of got caught up in the I need to level mindset. I actually never leveled Wellspring surge until 7x. I did not level it sooner because I read a lot about the game before I ever even played it. Unfortunately everyone has their own style, opinion and preference when it comes to how to level, where to level, What stats are allocated and such. the guides I read said to level iron the rest aren't important. I saw other healers usng Wellspring surge in FB's and I thought ..Wow what nublets, thats so cheap to use Wellspring to save some mp. Use iron!

    After observing the effectiveness vs Iron in certain situations, I came to the conclusion that for myself, I found ALL the healing skills to be necessary to level, Because many unique problems can arise in combat that should deserve specific attention. Stream of rejuvenation because ther are times when iron doesn't work fast enough and using Wellspring won't recover enough Hp to save the tank. Since my base magic attack is 4899 I can recover 3,335 HP with one initial blast and 4,385 if you count the extra 1050 after Stream is used. Ironheart's Value should be self explanatory. After seeing how Ironheart needs to be case twice to even see HP recovery while spaming, And with Wellspring surge , I calculated I can recover 1,465 Hp each time with lower cast time, I finally decided to spend the half million SP required to level Wellspring surge to level 10. Loooking back, In my opinion, A good healer actually uses the "correct healing skill" in the "Correct situation". There in fact isn't "One heal to rule them all". ; ) although I d admit I accidently startd the game leveling pureheart, which was corrected later in the game, pureheart in my opinion should not be leveled heh, I havn't found it to be useful in any situation.

    I despise battle clerics that don't heal. However I usually do attack a little. When killing monsters like the Wyvern for BH. I noticed I can deal a ton of damage to those mobs, a lot more than barbs and such. At the right attack interval of course I won't draw aggro to myself. When killing bosses depending on the situation, I usually spam ironheart 4 times, Attack twice or 3 times max, then resume iron. This exact number, 2 attacks ensure that the tanks health does not drop at all or still drops only a little and iron can recover, Three attacks means the tanks health will drop ever so slightly without irons aid but will be recovered shorty by iron when spammed again without any danger at all. I do think it's nice to have all skills leveled, The ones I skipped were skills like Tempest, Certain debuffs and a few other skills. While it's true that people agree Plume shot is not what should be used later in levels becuase of the MP, I calculated it to be the strongest attack that can be repeatedly spammed without the use of chi and minimal cooldown. I did however make sure I leveled the skills a healer should have for all party situations, buffs, Heavens wrath , regeneration aura, stream of rejuvenation, wellspring surge, chromatic healing beam purify, revive and all group buffs. I leveled chromatic because in my experience, sometimes a veno or someone else will accidently trigger mobs and get a party under heavy fire. Rather than use regeneration aura and waste the chi, I've instead many times used chromatic healing beam to save parties easily, Mine recovers 1,953 Hp. If I think the party is in real danger I use regeneration aura of course, but I have found that part of being a good healer is predicting damage to compensate for casting times. Great job leveling those skills, I can only imagine it opens a lot of new ways to level and kill mobs. Many new things to try in the game. Good job. =)))
  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This. :P

    Although I personally cannot fathom spending a week at any level below 60. o.O And do you need legendary gear? IMO the bigger challenge would be never touching a piece of legendary, TT, frost/lunar etc. gear from Lv1-105. :P That way it's more of a challenge of "can you play the class well" rather than "can you throw enough money at the character." :P

    Also, wouldn't doing 125 Rep's worth of one-man-armies level you up by default in the 20s? o.O

    But again, I'm not knocking you. If you get enjoyment from it, you get enjoyment from it. And you don't seem to be hurting anyone in the process, so why not? :P

    I would like to point out, I did say my healer only has legendary rings after the entire game, nothing else. If you can also recall I stated that after 7x the char wasn't fun, Thats why I play the game for fun. The most fun I had was from 1 -70. So I decided to re-play to spend time in that level range exploring more of the game. And it itsn't ALL bout investing money it's about farming what I need and not buying it and seeking out good gear which I never had before.

    Spending a week at this level is diffucult but fun. I leveled with my cleric from 41 to 60 in 14 days, At that time I Was in a faction names Eion n Sanctuary. They can verify that. I leveled too fast to obtain vast wealth or get nice gear.

    The reason I farm rep like that is to hit the target rep required for each rank up to rank 3 anyway, Armor included. I did not calculate how much is needed for further rank badges. This char will be retired at level 70 unless I can easily grind solo or somehow try and enjoy RB or the cube which is unlikely.

    Regards, SemperHacker.
  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rsin wrote: »
    Ive always liked challenges myself. My main character is lv78 and has never used charms. Recently I created an alt that is a veno. In fact, Its a veno who uses a bow with a hint of magic. I know it sounds gimpy and will most likely fail in the long run, but Im having fun with it and thats all thats matters to me. So far it lv33 with lv5 light armor, and a 6% crit rate. Other players have messaged me with all kinds of hate remarks cause their surprized to see a veno with a bow and alot of people have died by mobs from apparently starring to long. Anyways, the game is about having fun. And thats what I plan on doing.

    Veno with a bow? xD That's awesome lol. Definately doesn't seem like it would work later on in parties at least but, probably hella fun anyway, This is epic! I'd love to see that =P

    Regards, SemperHacker
  • KotaroX - Dreamweaver
    KotaroX - Dreamweaver Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    foltern wrote: »
    Hello to everyone in the community. I just wanted to share something with everyone that I decided to do in order to enhance the game which is making it a lot of fun for me and maybe get some thoughts about it.

    I know there's lots of opinions about the recent sale and people quitting. I DO have a lot to say about it against what most think. I' m not talking about it here and if someone discusses it, They will be considered rude and disrespectful, This thread isn't about the sale don't discuss it here, if your disappointed now then hop threads.

    Flaming me or someone else, aggressive or arrogant comments will also be considered rude and disrespectful and will hopefully go ignored. This is not a how to guide or advice on how to play through the game, Everyone has their own preference and style. I am not discussing my stats or the thread will become a war zone of internet alpha-males flaming each other. The following contains my opinion alone and what my experiences are. That doesn't mean I am making a blanket statement that covers all players and all factions.. Only my opinion which is based on experience not more. So do not post your faction sales pitches here. I am not telling you how to play the game, I'm telling you how I did, It already happened let it go. Keep an open mind and read on.

    I had a level 73 healer for my main character. When I played through the game, I had fun, A lot of fun right up until 7x. I have always preferred to solo in this game when possible. I don't like factions and working with other people that much. Other people often make mistakes and get people killed. And don't use their brain or respect other players and often bring their personal life and problems into the game. In factions there is usually drama so thick you can wade through it and additional problems. For me it removes* fun from the game although once in a while, There are Pro players in squad which are the most fun times when everything gets done they way it should and nobody dies.
    Because of my terrible experiences and constant guild pitches and invite spam I created my own guild for my healer and my archer only.

    When my healer hit 7x, The game was very boring and dull for me. Throughout the game I played it RADICALLY different than anyone else. I kept all gears which had + magic or + magic attack and favored it over any defense at 6x I had 2x? leggings because of the 5 extra magic. My healer is pure magic and 3 vitality 39 Str. 333 magic and 5 dex. My gears add over 386 Magic, Including my basic Twilight weapon. I refuse to re-stat and become significantly weaker like many other healers to survive in Twilight Temple and Rebirth. I do not do either one nor am I interested in doing them. Currently I have healing abilities beyond most level 80 players because of this. Although I am lacking HP. For solo play it isn't necessary for me to have any more than what I do ( About 1600 ) most monsters die in 4 hits or can get in one hit on me only although some are significantly stronger but posed an average threat anyway because of self healing and sheild.

    For rebirth and Twilight Temple, More HP is a must. But never the less I refuse to re-stat and have similar stats to any other healer, While playing in the 7x range, I was unable to effectively grind solo because of the MP demand. For me personally it requires far too much mp. Even though I have 7000, I can destroy a gold charm in 2 days grinding hardcore daily. Leveling isn't difficult, In fact it's easy. It just takes time and dedication to grinding if you can supply the MP. So rather than grind I leveled using mainly Bounty hunter, Crazy stone and World quests which became very old very fast. I've had suggestions to do zhen runs etc..Not interested, the char is retired ./End.

    Now this in fact was not the first time I played the game. I had previously started an archer, I usually play that class in other games as well as healer. That was originally my first char and because I struggled so much and was not knowledgeable about the game I deleted it at level 18 and went healer as I always play first.. Since I play the game to have fun and my healer was not fun anymore, I stopped playing it and thought of another way to make the game fun for me.

    I decided to establish rules for a second play-through a better play-through which would make the game more challenging and exciting. The rules I established for myself are as follows::

    1. After level 21. Only legendary gears are allowed to be worn. Standard gear between levels is fine.
    2. All gears will have the maximum sockets and socketed with the highest quality shards for those gears. Leveling is not allowed without having all gears socketed and sharded the level they become available. Questing is not allowed until available gear has been socketed and sharded as well.
    3. All gears must have a refinement level of 1 or more.
    4. At level 20 and after level 20, 125 rep must be farmed every level outside questing via one man armies. Purchasing rep is not allowed from the auction house and it can only be earned through one man armies.
    5. Quests must be finished Last. So that after you acquire all sharded legendary gear you can have the maximum effect of being powerful while questing maximizing the potential the developers have designed and given you outside of refining beyond +1.
    6.When skills become available, They must be purchased at the level available. Leveling is not allowed until all available skills are maxed.
    7.The Blacksmith, Tailoring, Crafting and apothecary skills must be leveled in the appropriate level range. For example: All skills must be level 3 before level 30.

    I'm happy to report that I am level 22. I have been level 22 for a little more than a week now. I have my legendary bow ( 3.1 mil ) -.- and 18 other legendary molds spanning to level 65 or so. I am missing about 10 more molds or so. I have 203,348 SP and 293 rep. The rep is disproportionate to the amont of Sp. My rep is actually a lot lower. I have grinded alot outside of One man armies to farm mats and such. Like concentrated glue. You may be thinking I must be rich. No I had 800 k on my healer before starting this character. After killing mobs only and selling the items to the NPC and sometimes in cat shops. I Was able to acquire these molds and afford arrows and such, I always NPc or sell DQ items.

    I have encountered a major problem with this though. The problem is remaining at the same level without leveling. This is actually very difficult since you can kill very fast Since I saved all my celestones from my healer and all fragments I converted them all into mirage celestones and got a lot of genies. To dump the excess exp without suicide. Even still there's a lot of exp being earned and I cannot keep up with getting genies. When you do one man armies for your level you earn one celestone fragment, 25 fragments can be converted to a mirage celestone. However this is grossly insufficient. I have decomposed several genies. Since nobody buys 11 000 exp genie cubes for 60 k it's pointless to sell them. Additionally the inability to trade genies prevents me from trading newbs my clean~ leveled genies for their level 1 genies. Right now I have no celestones and I have a lot of excess exp. I have no no solution for this problem. The reason suicide is not recommended; I am charmed and I don't want to waste them I dont go through mp or hp very fast. Because I am not taking hits and MP is not required to kill all monsters.

    Another problem is that I cannot find the light catcher bow for level 30, I also cannot find the 2x armor gears..I was messaged by other players and was told the armor does not exist and the bow might as well not exist because it's impossible to find. For a time I considered killing antelope pups until it drops...The drop rate is 0.0014 %. So if I kill those only for a few weeks, it should drop if pwdatabase is correct. I am powerful enough to kill them although it requires a lot of MP because the pups have the mp drain skill. The fact I am 6 levels below multiplies the drop rate by 1 so that should help ever so slightly. The Lantern Ghoul's Helm also is listed to drop from them too with the same drop rate. Those mobs drop almost noting but bad drops. Only coins now and again and some hay once in a while. Since I do not have amazing armor, they deal a lot of damage if they can get close and repairs are expensive.

    Well this is how I am proceeding through the game currently and the problems I have encountered. Any positive thoughts feedback or solutions are welcomed. I hope you found this to be worthwhile Reading as well as interesting Anything else is not welcome, keep it to yourself.


    Until then, See you all in game. Watch for channeling archers* and don't ks -.-

    Regards, Semperhacker
    Aka SemperHealer / Foltern ( German for torture )
    "Too long clanky, too looooooooooooonngggggggg" - Strongbad

    Seriously foltern, I started reading, but got bored after the first sentence. Your like the preachers at church, who drag one sentence into a 15-30 minute speech. You probably could've said whatever the hell you were saying in one paragragh.
    95% of teens would freak out if the saw The Jonas Brothers on a 247 foot tall building about to jump. 5% get popcorn, a chair, and a video camera and yell Jump @#$&amp;! jump!
  • lhmule
    lhmule Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ok every 10th level will be a pain too get through unless you manage too get your next set of gear bought/farmed, sharded an refined in the previous 9.

    Great thing is an what you philistines dont realise is that the other levels inbetween will be far easier too achieve. She'll have her skills AT LEVEL which is somthing 99.999999% of PW players never achieve. Somthing myself an Realydisapointed plan too when grind through the skills we need.

    You really have no excuse as a melle class for not having your skills levelled up when they ment too be levelled up. Next level when it comes will be easy as pie too achieve. We'll go buy the skills for that level an be on our merry way. While the rest of the 99.999999% of under level 86 players are struggling for spirit.
    I have a level 91 Wizzie. An it was hell getting the sprit together for my skills at lvl 82 when we took two weeks out an just got on with it.
    This time round is going to alot easier. Level up 'ding' go buy skills an carry on. Whats so hard about that?

    Think your doing a great job, expect updates b:victory
  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    lhmule wrote: »
    Ok every 10th level will be a pain too get through unless you manage too get your next set of gear bought/farmed, sharded an refined in the previous 9.

    Great thing is an what you philistines dont realise is that the other levels in between will be far easier too achieve. She'll have her skills AT LEVEL which is somthing 99.999999% of PW players never achieve. Something myself an Really disapointed plan too when grind through the skills we need.

    You really have no excuse as a melle class for not having your skills levelled up when they ment too be levelled up. Next level when it comes will be easy as pie too achieve. We'll go buy the skills for that level an be on our merry way. While the rest of the 99.999999% of under level 86 players are struggling for spirit.
    I have a level 91 Wizzie. An it was hell getting the sprit together for my skills at lvl 82 when we took two weeks out an just got on with it.
    This time round is going to alot easier. Level up 'ding' go buy skills an carry on. Whats so hard about that?

    Think your doing a great job, expect updates b:victory

    =) thank you very much. And yes, I made sure to say in the beginning that I have several legendary molds now. Almost all gears are covered from level 21 to 70. I paid with in game money. I simply grind for a day npc most the items and buy a mold from the auction house. Since I am low level the drop rate is multiplied for monsters which means I can get good drops easier, I'm also using less mp and less arrows. Being very powerful means that every arrow counts, It's nice because every arrow costs coin. It stacks very quickly. Before I had the legendary bow I only had the quest reward. Now I can drop ranged monsters like Rhinodrake Megaliths without taking hits. They drop hay so I can farm about 50 of them and place them in the Ah. It's less expensive to farm concentrated glue and other mats because I am extremely powerful. Lets not forget I can kill monsters 6+ levels higher without taking hits. Which means I can easily get a lot of exp and spirit or good drops. And since I am grinding for rep, spirit and mats, it doesn't matter how long I grind or stay low level.

    Thank you for your mature kind words and your support!!

    I accidently leveled to 23 last night, When I did I got new armor, Quickshot level 6, Lightning strike level 3, Winged pledge level 1 and wings of protection. The total SP Cost was 26,250 and coin was 34,400.

    Level 23


    Regards, SemperHacker.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    foltern wrote: »
    1. After level 21. Only legendary gears are allowed to be worn. Standard gear between levels is fine.
    2. All gears will have the maximum sockets and socketed with the highest quality shards for those gears. Leveling is not allowed without having all gears socketed and sharded the level they become available. Questing is not allowed until available gear has been socketed and sharded as well.
    3. All gears must have a refinement level of 1 or more.
    4. At level 20 and after level 20, 125 rep must be farmed every level outside questing via one man armies. Purchasing rep is not allowed from the auction house and it can only be earned through one man armies.
    5. Quests must be finished Last. So that after you acquire all sharded legendary gear you can have the maximum effect of being powerful while questing maximizing the potential the developers have designed and given you outside of refining beyond +1.
    6.When skills become available, They must be purchased at the level available. Leveling is not allowed until all available skills are maxed.
    7.The Blacksmith, Tailoring, Crafting and apothecary skills must be leveled in the appropriate level range. For example: All skills must be level 3 before level 30.

    this is the only part i read bcuz really... wall of text and backstory that is just....

    so as for 1-7, a lot of these things are either common sense or common practice.. or at least what people AIM for, its just not always doable, which is why people dont really bother. for an alt, the leg gears is pretty much something that goes without saying, its easy and cheap when you have a lvl 90+ main char to fund your noob. tho id say it starts at lvl 60+ bcuz really.. under that it is a waste of effort and money because you out lvl the gears so fast. everybody tries to get the best gear they possibly can without being unreasonable. most ppl try to get as much rep as they can (till 6000 rep which is when a lot of ppl stop caring bout rank), people try to get the best gems they can, and people try to get skills soon as possible, and those who craft try to lvl it up soon as possible... so i really dont see anything in your suggestion for a "unique playthrough" other than "youre not allowed to lvl till these requirements are met"

    lol @ that. how do you suppose someone get the coins required to do all the expensive **** you suggest? and at lvl 20? LOL. youd lvl up to 50 before you even had the coin to do any of that. and yea, feed a genie... but the genie cant lvl past you. so the choice would be either carry so many genies that your inventory and bank is full or suicide exp, which is a complete waste of time and effort put into gaining said exp.

    and like someone else said, special solo challenges are common practice for a single player console game, not an mmo. whether you like it or not you have other players to deal with who are not npcs, which means prices fluctuate and these "must haves to meet the rule requirements" might not even be available. so what? you'll stay lvl 21 for a year waiting for an ultra rare mold to be generated into the game... and then not even be able to afford it most likely? lol...
  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    this is the only part i read bcuz really... wall of text and backstory that is just....

    so as for 1-7, a lot of these things are either common sense or common practice.. or at least what people AIM for, its just not always doable, which is why people dont really bother. for an alt, the leg gears is pretty much something that goes without saying, its easy and cheap when you have a lvl 90+ main char to fund your noob. tho id say it starts at lvl 60+ bcuz really.. under that it is a waste of effort and money because you out lvl the gears so fast. everybody tries to get the best gear they possibly can without being unreasonable. most ppl try to get as much rep as they can (till 6000 rep which is when a lot of ppl stop caring bout rank), people try to get the best gems they can, and people try to get skills soon as possible, and those who craft try to lvl it up soon as possible... so i really dont see anything in your suggestion for a "unique playthrough" other than "youre not allowed to lvl till these requirements are met"

    lol @ that. how do you suppose someone get the coins required to do all the expensive **** you suggest? and at lvl 20? LOL. youd lvl up to 50 before you even had the coin to do any of that. and yea, feed a genie... but the genie cant lvl past you. so the choice would be either carry so many genies that your inventory and bank is full or suicide exp, which is a complete waste of time and effort put into gaining said exp.

    and like someone else said, special solo challenges are common practice for a single player console game, not an mmo. whether you like it or not you have other players to deal with who are not npcs, which means prices fluctuate and these "must haves to meet the rule requirements" might not even be available. so what? you'll stay lvl 21 for a year waiting for an ultra rare mold to be generated into the game... and then not even be able to afford it most likely? lol...

    *Read the post above yours.

    "tho id say it starts at lvl 60+ bcuz really.. under that it is a waste of effort and money because you out lvl the gears so fast."

    I have been level 21 for over a week. And will be for much longer. Having a legendary bow means I use far less arrows, monsters fall faster and since I can kill stronger monsters the droprate is multiplied in my favor. Making money is easy. My healer is retired I do not fund my newblet char. I grind and npc and ah. There's nothing fast about my leveling so having an overpowered bow pays for itself

    "most ppl try to get as much rep as they can (till 6000 rep which is when a lot of ppl stop caring bout rank),"

    I'm playing until level 70, Then this char will be retired.I have no interest in leveling past that. The idea is to get the most out of the game in 70 levels. Thats the range in which I had the most fun.

    "lol @ that. how do you suppose someone get the coins required to do all the expensive **** you suggest? "

    Grind npc and Ah. I can provide screens of my Ah and molds.It's well within possible if you grind and kill higher level mobs from time to time.

    "special solo challenges are common practice for a single player console game, not an mmo."

    That is your opinion. I respect you to the extent the law requires you are entitled to your own opinion. This is why I called it a unique playthrough. Nobody else has to agree with what I am doing, I only wanted to share it with everyone.

    "whether you like it or not you have other players to deal with who are not npcs, which means prices fluctuate and these "must haves to meet the rule requirements" might not even be available. so what? you'll stay lvl 21 for a year waiting for an ultra rare mold to be generated into the game... and then not even be able to afford it most likely? lol.."

    I have no problem dealing with other people or selling items. Dq is not in demand so much anymore. Additionally I bought my bow from a Venomancer named Maryjane in the sanctuary server for 3.1 million, then went broke ~680 coins and had to start over financially. I'm not recommending anyone duplicate what I am doing. I never said that. I said it twice at least in orevious posts and in my main post at the start of the thread.

    I think that maybe you missed some information or ignored it in previous conversion. Only Positive feedback is welcome as well, condescending, glib remarks are not.

    Regards, SemperHacker.
  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This thread will no longer be watched. Most feedback is negative and incinuates bad things about me and my intelligence as a person and as a player.

    I am an adult, I have no interest in trading full offensive verbal assaults with anyone over it, I only intended to share because I thought more people would think it was interesting in some way. Not to debate and defend my actions.

    So anything further written will be ignored. I wil not be visiting this post, There is no reason for me to waste my time here.

    ~Everyone can have their own opinion, I'm playing the game they way I want for me not you.~

    Regards, SemperHacker.
  • Ty - Heavens Tear
    Ty - Heavens Tear Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This thread will no longer be watched. Most feedback is negative and incinuates bad things about me and my intelligence as a person and as a player.

    I am an adult, I have no interest in trading full offensive verbal assaults with anyone over it, I only intended to share because I thought more people would think it was interesting in some way. Not to debate and defend my actions.

    So anything further written will be ignored. I wil not be visiting this post, There is no reason for me to waste my time here.

    ~Everyone can have their own opinion, I'm playing the game they way I want for me not you.~

    Regards, SemperHacker.

    Good for you OP.

    Shame on you haters.
    I like pie
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    This thread will no longer be watched. Most feedback is negative and incinuates bad things about me and my intelligence as a person and as a player.

    I am an adult, I have no interest in trading full offensive verbal assaults with anyone over it, I only intended to share because I thought more people would think it was interesting in some way. Not to debate and defend my actions.

    So anything further written will be ignored. I wil not be visiting this post, There is no reason for me to waste my time here.

    ~Everyone can have their own opinion, I'm playing the game they way I want for me not you.~

    Regards, SemperHacker.

    if you cant handle the feedback then why bother posting to begin with? the forums is public, and your thread title suggested that theres some new/different way to play to make the game fun again. nothing you said was new or different other than deliberately stunting progress.

    and since you refuse to play a character past lvl 70, i can see how you cannot appreciate the fact that grinding for money at those noob levels is really... absurd. if thats how you have fun, fine, whatever blows your skirt up. tho if repeating the same tasks over and over is what you find appealing, i would really recommend you get a play station 3, where the games have stories and things like that, and you wont need to deal with other people like me who will ridicule you for being a deliberately slow leveler.

    main thing in mmos is the player interaction. nobody is gonna want to stay friends with someone who refuses to level for stupid reasons. and you really cant make any REAL friends if youre constantly making new ones who get into your lvl range then level past it in a matter of days.

    but of you wanna continue THIS story telling thing, you should post it someplace else on here, and title it "the new noob chronicles", then you can post your once a month "i lvld up 1 lvl" updates and im sure other people will love it.

    and i never insulted your intelligence, merely tried to point out that youre method is a bit unreasonable and self-defeating in purpose.
  • KotaroX - Dreamweaver
    KotaroX - Dreamweaver Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    y post Vinat? shes gone.

    just in case you are visiting this post Foltern, im sorry if you felt insulted by my post. i meant no offense.
    95% of teens would freak out if the saw The Jonas Brothers on a 247 foot tall building about to jump. 5% get popcorn, a chair, and a video camera and yell Jump @#$&amp;! jump!
  • Ty - Heavens Tear
    Ty - Heavens Tear Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    if you cant handle the feedback then why bother posting to begin with? the forums is public, and your thread title suggested that theres some new/different way to play to make the game fun again. nothing you said was new or different other than deliberately stunting progress.

    and since you refuse to play a character past lvl 70, i can see how you cannot appreciate the fact that grinding for money at those noob levels is really... absurd. if thats how you have fun, fine, whatever blows your skirt up. tho if repeating the same tasks over and over is what you find appealing, i would really recommend you get a play station 3, where the games have stories and things like that, and you wont need to deal with other people like me who will ridicule you for being a deliberately slow leveler.

    main thing in mmos is the player interaction. nobody is gonna want to stay friends with someone who refuses to level for stupid reasons. and you really cant make any REAL friends if youre constantly making new ones who get into your lvl range then level past it in a matter of days.

    but of you wanna continue THIS story telling thing, you should post it someplace else on here, and title it "the new noob chronicles", then you can post your once a month "i lvld up 1 lvl" updates and im sure other people will love it.

    and i never insulted your intelligence, merely tried to point out that youre method is a bit unreasonable and self-defeating in purpose.

    Read this:
    foltern wrote: »

    Flaming me or someone else, aggressive or arrogant comments will also be considered rude and disrespectful and will hopefully go ignored. This is not a how to guide or advice on how to play through the game, Everyone has their own preference and style. I am not discussing my stats or the thread will become a war zone of internet alpha-males flaming each other. The following contains my opinion alone and what my experiences are. That doesn't mean I am making a blanket statement that covers all players and all factions.. Only my opinion which is based on experience not more. So do not post your faction sales pitches here. I am not telling you how to play the game, I'm telling you how I did, It already happened let it go. Keep an open mind and read on.
    I like pie