Guide venomancers~ lv.1 - lv.88

Wyona - Lost City
Wyona - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Venomancer
You may find some of this information not the same with other guides, but I prefer following them my way. (:

Anyways :

Q: Why should I make a venomancer?
A: There are various things that only venomancers can do, unlike most other classes, venomancers are well built to solo bosses and solo grinding. BUT, they have extremely weak defence so watch out! Likewise to the wizards, venomancers tends to have the motto of "Kill or be killed"

Most suitable PK armour for any players who likes death and destruction. b:chuckle, because of the evenly distributed defences - Mag and phy [Which all veno would lack.]

Heavy armours have the highest phy defence of any other armours, sadly, lowest element defences. veno who uses this armour ONLY uses Fox Form & fox skills, this is for players who like melee attacks, debuffing & spanking your enemy to death, and, they're magic dealer's dinner. :P

High element defences, extremely low phy defence. Only for venos who like to attack from afar with multiple curses like Blazing Scarab, Noxious Gas & Parasitic nova, you can send your pet attacking while cursing your enemies with these skills, includding the stunts~ :D, But beware, Physical dealers love to hunt robe venos down. :x


For Light Armour you can pick from either two sides of offensive attacks - Melee or Magic, or both -If you're the hardcore ones-, for me I prefer using magic since I hate some of the mobs keep running away from melee attacks. b:angry

STR and DEX must be above your level by 4, left over stat points into your MAG slot.

Just add enough DEX for your armour, and just enough MAG for your weapon, left over stat points all into your STR.

Just add enough STR for your armour, the left over stat points all into your MAG.

-Some of the skills not stated below is optional, add them if you want, but those stated ones are the major ones.-

LIGHT ARMOUR ; magic :



LIGHT ARMOUR ; melee :





(Optional - Purge and Amplify Damage, being an robe venomancers gives you a big disadvantage using these skill. These two skills requires you to transform into a Fox and curse your enemies. But because you're a robe venomancer, it's best if you stay out of the way of melee / long range physical attack dealers, and, you MAY or MAYNOT be able to tank magic attack dealers such as Wizards, but its a decent skill for terrain wars.)

((Basically all the same with LIGHT ARMOUR ; melee.))

LIGHT ARMOUR ; hybrid :
For this particular armour is the last because it requires lots of explainning to do,

the reason why it's called hybrid it's because there are some venomancers who picked magic or melee and wants to go light armour.

What I'm saying is, you're a melee and you want magic attacks - or the other way around. So, basically if you chosed a magic / melee venomancer now, don't delete her, continue playing her till you're lv.70 (With all the decent skills needed) then get some restats & restat into a Light Armour, then from there, you slowly add up the melee / magic attacks which I've stated earlier for the Light Armours melee / magic offensive category.

Beware when doing this, it'll requires lots of money - considering the prices of golds now for the restats. And the HH70 Light Armours (or you can choose to get the materials for the armours).

Ok.. that's all for the armour and skills thingies, let's get on with our next category which is..


For this step, it's best for your to pick Light Armour. As I said earlier, it have average defences of both element and physical.

Or if you choose to continue being a magic (robe) / melee (heavy) venomancer it's still fine too.

Take caution when you're gunna imbue some shards into your armours, if you're a robe you can choose the Garnet or HP shards.

if you're a heavy, you can choose Sapphire or HP shards.

light - only HP (or you may rotate the Garnet or Sapphire shards around your armours which I highly reccomended NOT to do so?)


In this category I'll go through with you some of the best pets which you may or may not require through out your PWI journey.

BEST AIR PK PET : BLAZING PHOENIX (requires golds, which means 9999 Phoenix Feathers, or you can buy from players which is around 2.5k - 4k each nowadays. - I know, expensive, ouch.)

2ND BEST AIR PK PET : PETITE SAWFLY (easily to require, catchable at south east of Bamboo Village, but grab one which is 4k-8k from players around City of the Lost since it'll take a long while till you can set your foot outside City of the Lost.)

BEST TANKING PET : HERCULES (requires golds, which is 9999 Source of Force, or you can buy from players (like Phoenix Feathers), which is around 2.5k - 4k.)

2ND BEST TANKING PET : I know lots of people say it's CRYSTALLINE MAGMITE, but it's FALSE! It's the VOLCANIC MAGMITE! I've look through both of their defences, speed and damage, VOLCANIC MAGMITE definitely scores better then CRYSTALLINE, catchable outside the Human (Call to Duty) quest cave.)

For more information on pets for venomancers,

visit this forum :


There'll be a quest which will let you require Sage or Demon,

for this I'm not clear about how to do this :

I'm a noob venomancer. (:

but you can visit :

For more info.

That post have the same & more information then me. ): But atleast kudos for me for my hard work? ;3

With that I'll end here. (:

Please give me comments on how I've done. :P
Post edited by Wyona - Lost City on


  • AinaMizuako - Sanctuary
    AinaMizuako - Sanctuary Posts: 1,041 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Heavy armours have the highest phy defence of any other armours, sadly, lowest element defences. veno who uses this armour ONLY uses Fox Form & fox skills, this is for players who like melee attacks, debuffing & spanking your enemy to death, and, they're magic dealer's dinner. :P

    What about the Venos who are HA just so that they're not oneshots? b:sad
    oh look, i'm inactive again.

    b> leviciti b:cry
  • Dropzplox - Harshlands
    Dropzplox - Harshlands Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Heavy armours have the highest phy defence of any other armours, sadly, lowest element defences. veno who uses this armour ONLY uses Fox Form & fox skills, this is for players who like melee attacks, debuffing & spanking your enemy to death, and, they're magic dealer's dinner. :P

    Incorrect. Robe users go into fox form. Why you you go heavy armour and then go fox form to increase the pdef you already have oO. You use arcane or at least a heavy/arcane combo on a foxform build so that you have high mdef and high pdef.
    What about the Venos who are HA just so that they're not oneshots?
    HA are one shot to magic damage. But venos are never oneshots as long as they stat vit.
  • Wyona - Lost City
    Wyona - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Incorrect. Robe users go into fox form. Why you you go heavy armour and then go fox form to increase the pdef you already have oO. You use arcane or at least a heavy/arcane combo on a foxform build so that you have high mdef and high pdef.

    HA are one shot to magic damage. But venos are never oneshots as long as they stat vit.

    They do go into fox form yeah I know, but being robe, what's the point of turning into a fox? o.o
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    They do go into fox form yeah I know, but being robe, what's the point of turning into a fox? o.o

    Plenty, actually. We have a ton of debuffs in fox form. Some of which even a Robe Veno can use. Amplify Damage, for one. Stunning Blow, which is a VERY effective Freeze. Leech, since who doesn't like gaining HP? Befuddling Mist, which decreases accuracy. In fact... Fox Skills are actually of more use to a Robe Veno, because due to the way the damage is calculated, LA and HA Venos end up having more attack power with regular attacks combined with high attack speed, than the damage a skill would cause in the same amount of time.
  • Winterenity - Dreamweaver
    Winterenity - Dreamweaver Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    =] Thank you for the guide, seems promising.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Mages that use Heavy Armor typically use Arcane as well and will swap some based on needs.
    2ND BEST TANKING PET : I know lots of people say it's CRYSTALLINE MAGMITE, but it's FALSE! It's the VOLCANIC MAGMITE! I've look through both of their defences, speed and damage, VOLCANIC MAGMITE definitely scores better then CRYSTALLINE, catchable outside the Human (Call to Duty) quest cave.)

    There's a handful of better tank pets, and they're not magmites. Speed and Atk aren't tanking stats.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Nehemiah - Harshlands
    Nehemiah - Harshlands Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    tweakz wrote: »
    Mages that use Heavy Armor typically use Arcane as well and will swap some based on needs.

    There's a handful of better tank pets, and they're not magmites. Speed and Atk aren't tanking stats.

    Magmites don't have speed, and there are better attackers, magites are known for defense and hp with good attack which makes them be able to take a hit and kill effectively. Their downfall is there speed, which only really gets annoying in the mid 40s+, and their low magic defense, which is covered by their high hp and the fact that melee/magic mobs, melee them and magic mobs mostly do weak DOTS.
  • Janna - Dreamweaver
    Janna - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Wyona nice guide ^^

    You forgot in air pets the rare pet wind walking piggy is the second best tank after phoenix, and pettite sawfly is just for PK you have to heal it non stop some times to keep it alive and its not recomendable if ur lagged.

    the third best air tank is the foxwing, find a low lvl one.

    for land pets the best physical Tanks after golem are:

    shadow cub (rare pet): good physical and Magical attack, if u want it to tank mobs and hold agro u need to teach it bash or roar and keep its skills upgraded.

    Meccrab: good physical deffence and not so good magical deffence, it haves sightly less physical deffence than a golem

    BloodThirsty Adalwolf: good alrounded pet, with good deffences and i have found that its a great Damage Dealer i dont use it much like a tank.

    froggy (rare pet): doesnt have so high physical deffence as other pets but with upgraded skills can tank almost all mobs, It haves an excelent magic deffence. (i dont recomend it to tank bosses u could have hard times).

    guardian wolf: good defence and speed, also haves good magic deffence, its a good option for PK and lure (not so good lurer as kowlin).

    there are other pets but im just trying them :)
  • Kiel - Dreamweaver
    Kiel - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Personally, I perfer the Darkbreed wolf. As you level them up, they get much better and they can take an enormous amount of damage. Not to mention they are very good pullers.
  • Korren - Lost City
    Korren - Lost City Posts: 339 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Most suitable PK armour for any players who likes death and destruction. , because of the evenly distributed defences - Mag and phy [Which all veno would lack.]

    Heavy armours have the highest phy defence of any other armours, sadly, lowest element defences. veno who uses this armour ONLY uses Fox Form & fox skills, this is for players who like melee attacks, debuffing & spanking your enemy to death, and, they're magic dealer's dinner. :P

    b:surrender i stopped reading from here...completely wrong...
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Personally, I perfer the Darkbreed wolf. As you level them up, they get much better and they can take an enormous amount of damage. Not to mention they are very good pullers.

    Tier 4 defense, tier 4 hp going by the growth chart (charts aren't 100% accurate, plus they only display 7 out of the 10 tiers). That would put it at 32.5 hp/level and 86.67 physical def/level. A magmite has considerably higher defense, and 1 or 2 additional tiers of hp. You're mistaking it not dying for it making a solid tank. If something doesn't die it can tank, and it may have other bonuses aside from it's damage absorption, but that doesn't put it in the same ballpark as a magmite.

    Tanking at it's core is essentially binary, either something can potentially survive or it can't. If the mob can hit above the tanks max hp, it cannot potentially survive. Once something can survive, it becomes a matter of efficiency. How much damage does it take per second? How much do you heal per second? How many healers do you need? Can you nuke and heal? Can you cut back on healing to save mana and still have it survive? This is where the difference appears between something that can tank, and something that can tank well. Like I said though, there can be other differences past this such as the tanks dps, aggro, useful skills, etc which can offset an increased or decreased healing efficiency.
  • Nehemiah - Harshlands
    Nehemiah - Harshlands Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Personally, I perfer the Darkbreed wolf. As you level them up, they get much better and they can take an enormous amount of damage. Not to mention they are very good pullers.

    wouldn't the sharptooth be better than the darkbreed and the gaurdian