big new glitch for wizards

Sherekahn - Lost City
Sherekahn - Lost City Posts: 114 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Suggestion Box
plz gahd mods, gms, devs, whoever can spread the word on this plz help...

PLZ fix essential sutra (the lv59+ no-channel self buff for wizards).. there is a huge glitchy problem with it now.. i die all the time in pvp b/c the self-buff is wasted.

i'll describe exactly how the glitch occurs:

1. build 2 sparks, target something,
2. realize there is lag (wizards always had to be very aware of lag when using essential sutra anyway, so this is commonplace)
3. press essential sutra hotkey and IMMEDIATELY afterwards press the first spell you want to start combo with
4. watch as you slowly channel the spell and are killed, whilst the self buff is cast, mid-channelling somehow.
5. essential sutra has just been wasted. you are ridiculously lucky if you survive this situation in pvp, and maybe you can cast 1.. maybe 2 spells after the long full channel of your opener.

PLZ im begging here something must be done. this is a crucial issue that needs to be adressed...

and for anyone who thinks i'm just noobing it here - my proof that it is a glitch is when you press the hotkey for your opener first, then try to use e.sutra mid-channel it won't let you. the glitch/bug/huge dilemma only occurs when you press the hotkeys in very close timing after each other, sutra then opening spell consecutively.

save the sutras... i'm getting embarassed everyday in pvp now and am forced to explain that i just glitched out .. then i get accused of qq

this nvr happened before the more recent patches (i think last week) and i've been doing it the same way all along up until then

btw. one last note for anyone who says why not just give it a second between casting the self-buff and the first spell.. no that's not good enough. you waste a precious .5 seconds or whatever out of the tiny 6 second window you have just to ensure that this glitch will not get you killed.

thank you in advance for looking into this. i know it will probably not be easy to fix and i'm making a big deal out of it.. but for anyone who is a wizard 59+ you should know firsthand, it rly is a big deal
Post edited by Sherekahn - Lost City on


  • Sherekahn - Lost City
    Sherekahn - Lost City Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    the glitch is still there :[
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    There's other glitches that need fixing, you know. Plus, it's not like they can just go in a fix a problem. They have to look through the code, find the problem, think of ways to fix it, implement the fixes, then see if they actually work. Just be patient. They'll get to it when they get to it.
    Be nice to people
  • Whiteleo - Lost City
    Whiteleo - Lost City Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i have the same sutra problem too