enjoy a less laggy server

Zoroastra - Sanctuary
Posts: 32 Arc User
Well. server is gonna be emptier now, so the remaining people can enjoy better
Good luck guys, i already quit the game. passed my faction to the director.
This B-day event was too much.
Close the thread and ban me if i broke any forum rule, i dont care
Good bye friends I have made in pwi. hope to see you around somehow.
Former leader of BRASIL faction of sanctuary server
Good luck guys, i already quit the game. passed my faction to the director.
This B-day event was too much.
Close the thread and ban me if i broke any forum rule, i dont care
Good bye friends I have made in pwi. hope to see you around somehow.
Former leader of BRASIL faction of sanctuary server
Post edited by Zoroastra - Sanctuary on
Poor PVP servers will get the worst of the player downfallb:sad[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
You guys are acting as if Jesus was dying of terminal cancer. It' s a game. If there's an event you don't want to participate in...don't. If you are leaving...leave. Are you expecting a red carpet and the paparazzi? Just leave. You are all melodramatic and vapid.0
Joe__Biden - Sanctuary wrote: »You guys are acting as if Jesus was dying of terminal cancer. It' s a game. If there's an event you don't want to participate in...don't. If you are leaving...leave. Are you expecting a red carpet and the paparazzi? Just leave. You are all melodramatic and vapid.
I totally agree and i know i am fairly new to this game but i see it like this how long do you thin nef could hold out? Inner turmoil and politics would end in thier demise(not that i care)but all in all if your leaving then goodbye and farewell! We have no room for quitters on this serverLife is to short to base it on reality!
So i live my life with the stars!
One step from your godd and a leap from your devil!
I am the angel that never fell!
I am free0 -
I totally agree too. Everyone has the right to not participate in this event, but no one can avoid the high gold prices.... I hope you will enjoy your TT-runs with charmless clerics, it's much more challenging, much more fun.
</sarcasm>0 -
Joe__Biden - Sanctuary wrote: »You guys are acting as if Jesus was dying of terminal cancer. It' s a game. If there's an event you don't want to participate in...don't. If you are leaving...leave. Are you expecting a red carpet and the paparazzi? Just leave. You are all melodramatic and vapid.Woodas - Sanctuary wrote: »I totally agree and i know i am fairly new to this game but i see it like this how long do you thin nef could hold out? Inner turmoil and politics would end in thier demise(not that i care)but all in all if your leaving then goodbye and farewell! We have no room for quitters on this server
Both of you dont understand enough of the servers and the game. Its not easy to deal with, you cannot just ignore the current events. No one is expecting anything to happen by saying their goodbyes. They are just giving feedback as well as a goodbye to friends and factions that they were involved with. And what the heck does this have to do with nefarious? Many users have farmed TT and grinded hard long hours for their gear. Now this event just kills everything that they have worked for.
I used to believe that PWI's cash shop was the best in all f2p MMORPGS. It was balanced, users that spend little cash on the game (due to whatever reasons) will still be able to compete with the cash shoppers. Even though non CS users will have to grind a bit more, that was necessary and deemed "fair". But now, the game has turned purely into pay to play. In fact, it is more expensive that many average $15/month pay to play games. It is now impossible to do anything in the game. TW? Forget it, you will burn at least 1 gold charm. And gold costs about 400k ea; 400k x 5 = 2m.
TLDR: Perfect World International has become pay to play.I was early taught to work as well as play,
My life has been one long, happy holiday;
Full of work and full of play-
I dropped the worry on the way-
And God was good to me everyday.0 -
Woodas - Sanctuary wrote: »I totally agree and i know i am fairly new to this game but i see it like this how long do you thin nef could hold out? Inner turmoil and politics would end in thier demise(not that i care)but all in all if your leaving then goodbye and farewell! We have no room for quitters on this server
People like Zoroastra have invested a great deal of themselves into this game – their friendship, loyalty, and support as well as their personal time, energy, and finances. Thus, if you knew anything about this game and its current situation, you would understand why so many are feeling frustrated and betrayed right now.
@ Joe__Biden and Woodas: Zoroastra has the right to say farewell and express her opinion, and does so in a much more dignified manner than most. So, your posts are grossly inappropriate and misplaced. You flame Zoroaster for bringing drama yet both our posts are more inflammatory than hers, well done >.>0 -
WitchBurner, former marshal of Recluse.
Made a lot of friends here and it's a shame that one day can do this to a game, I'm still on the fence for now, not sure whether I should just quit. If something gets done I might be back.
My few days of being a sage weren't bad, I got to one-shot a lv.100 and reduce his oversized ego, so it wasn't all wasted.
To all who care, goodbye.If I was a pro forum alt I'd be level 1 by now.0 -
Neokaiser - Sanctuary wrote: »WitchBurner, former marshal of Recluse.
Made a lot of friends here and it's a shame that one day can do this to a game, I'm still on the fence for now, not sure whether I should just quit. If something gets done I might be back.
My few days of being a sage weren't bad, I got to one-shot a lv.100 and reduce his oversized ego, so it wasn't all wasted.
To all who care, goodbye.
I care, and anyone who cares about PWI should care about all those players who are leaving or are thinking of leaving for it is the community that makes or breaks a game like this. Whether you end up staying or going WitchBurner, hope you find what you are looking for.0 -
Zoroastra, I'm gonna miss you.. But however I'm also 1 step away of quitting the game. This patch was indeed just the end of the Free to Play time of PWI, non cash-shop users can't make up the difference anymore, even with spending lots of time playing the game. And cashshop-users are pretty stupid to pay this much in my opinion, compare to any other game, and if you calculate for once, you'll see its a money drain, unless someone can prove me wrong. No insult to anyone, unless to persons that flame on Zoroastra. I totally understand her frustration, and many people that have a high level, will also understand her. So please go flame somewhere else, or talk about things you actually know..
To the GM's:
Hope I didn't brake any rule, I never posted before, just couldn't stand ppl flaming on Zoro!
Its 99% I quit anyway, so I'll be most likely giving away my stuff to my friends that don't quit. I just wanted to say this:
Perfect World International WAS the BEST F2P MMORPG ever. I could never ever stick with an mmorpg, and I really tried a lot of them. Here I'm about a year or even more right now and that really suprised me cause I'm an First Person Shooter Player.
So, GRATZ for all the good work in the past, I wasn't planning on quitting yet, but now you guys don't really give me a choice.. THANK YOU GM's FOR THE FUN TIMES, I'll miss them.....
Even if I stay things won't be the same anymore.
Non-cash players will quit, difference too much.
Cash-players will quit when they finally realize they pay way too much compared to other games, or when they get bored, lolz.
But hey, look at the good side, you guys finally fixed the lagg problem.. Now only DC's need to be fixed for the few persons that stay, lol.
My apoligy for any bad things, I have no intention of saying bad things, once again, I really loved my time at pwi, and I'm really gonna miss it. It just looks way too much like the ugly real world, the one thats not perfect at all, so no point in going there for a break and have fun with some friends..
I hope for you guys that the new race and so attract new people, but I'm afread the good times of pwi will end after September. Hope you guys prove me wrong, PWI was really amazing. Who knows.. Maybe it suprises me again
Note: The above is my personal opinion, I can be wrong. I can't look in the future. Don't feel offended if you are, I just wanted to say:
- Stop flaming on Zoroastra
- Thx for all good times GM's
- Hope PWI survives this patch
And maybe I'll stick around, we'll just have to see about that0 -
Woodas - Sanctuary wrote: »I totally agree and i know i am fairly new to this game but i see it like this how long do you thin nef could hold out? Inner turmoil and politics would end in thier demise(not that i care)but all in all if your leaving then goodbye and farewell! We have no room for quitters on this server
Nef has held out for almost a full year, think they can't do it again? As for one, I have to agree with good ol' Ayano; the damage is already too heavy and we can't do anything about it. Nef has the most dominant levels & gear around, hard to come around that unless you have true skill.
And to you Zoroastra & WitchBurner, take care and of course have fun. I'm sure you will be missed by friends and factionmates.b:bye PW.
I'll still troll the forums >:D0 -
Zelfine - Sanctuary wrote: »Nef has held out for almost a full year, think they can't do it again? As for one, I have to agree with good ol' Ayano; the damage is already too heavy and we can't do anything about it. Nef has the most dominant levels & gear around, hard to come around that unless you have true skill.
And to you Zoroastra & WitchBurner, take care and of course have fun. I'm sure you will be missed by friends and factionmates.
i agree they pwn right now but i am looking long term like a year from now you think they can hold that for that long?Life is to short to base it on reality!
So i live my life with the stars!
One step from your godd and a leap from your devil!
I am the angel that never fell!
I am free0 -
Zoro, see you leaving the game makes me really sad, because you are one of the brazilian friends I had here. I started playing this game just with brazilians and ppl who talks portuguese. Was a very good time, I didn't had to worry about nothing. I was just learning how to be better and helping the guild I was in.
I remember you left Legendary and went for BRASIL guild, in an effort to make this guild grows and maybe try to get some territory. ROFL! Was just a try... The effort doesn't worked properly... hehehe
(as a side note: failed the effort of merging the guild I was leader with BRASIL guild)
But was a really nice time and I will miss it a lot.
I hope you can find another game to be happy in! I wish you succes in your life and I hope we can meet again!
Cya friend!0 -
I wont say my efforts in my guild failed. I got offended by that ROFL.
I received it a dead guild and turned it into an active guild, who actually partcipated in most stuff in the game except tws. And im proud of my work. While others BRs guild failed, we succeded.
Even if we could never be a top guild, we always had fun and helped each other. I passed on my little knowledge to them and now is up to them to decide to continue or not.
I might login ocasionally to chat though, with the few people who are still in. But wont grind, farm,etc,0 -
Perfect World in Thailand
Zoroastra - Sanctuary wrote: »I wont say my efforts in my guild failed. I got offended by that ROFL.
I received it a dead guild and turned it into an active guild, who actually partcipated in most stuff in the game except tws. And im proud of my work. While others BRs guild failed, we succeded.
Even if we could never be a top guild, we always had fun and helped each other. I passed on my little knowledge to them and now is up to them to decide to continue or not.
I might login ocasionally to chat though, with the few people who are still in. But wont grind, farm,etc,
DON'T BE EVIL!!!!!! b:angry
Failed when we tried to merge our guilds! That was terrible and fun at same time! The merge deal lasted 2 days so far! lol0 -
So if I was to make a real life analogy...would Nefarious be Israel and Legendary Palestine because they really don't own land and whine alot about Israels big guns?0
Its amazing how ppl can't stop blaming Nef... geeee
b:angryb:angryb:angry0 -
I propose a two-state solution. Nefendary...to go along with the analogy you see.0
Woodas..u r a noob..thats just fact...wait until u r 75+ and start doing rb gamma....or try to even find squad for that when charms costs 900k++...its just not worth of it!!or even delta!!!!thats even worst!u get atm maybe 2-3 lvls per day!but when u come 75+..w/o rb u get 1 lvl in 2-3 days...and thats with hard grinding!!!
so dont come here to forums to tell us (80+) not to whine about this event!0 -
Its amazing how ppl can't stop blaming Nef... geeee
nef made this event out! lol i wonder too what nef has to do with this event...but its nice to blame some1 in-game!!b:chuckle0 -
People, stop involving Nef. here, thats not on this topic. Wheter they will go away from the map or even stay much longer now cause of the event, it doesn't matter. Yes, they gained lots and lots of millions with TW's, so they can buy lots and lots of anniversary packs now, get everyone sharded up with +20 vit. in every armor shard, so for the arms, upper, lower, feet, hat and robe, thats about 6x 4 sockets = for a barb like 6x4x20 vit = 6x4x20x15 hp = an extra of 7,200 HP only cause of shards. There is not a singe refine then, no extra HP additions on the items, and no normal Vit. stat or normal HP calculated in this. Its also unbuffed, lol.
=> Most will get the point: ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL RICH PEOPLE NOW
Don't forget, charms will be unpayable for us, not for them, so if we can't even kill them without charm, then we surely can't defeat them if they do wear a charm, what they will.
Bleh, don't forget the 95 weapons now they can achieve very easy, and we are done talking.
Perfect world is transforming into the real world, just accept it, or leave..
But stop crying about it and talking about Nefarious all the time in a post that has nothing to do with Nef.
Zoroastra just told goodbye because the game is screwed up and unbalanced now, there is no need to flame on that or blame anyone! Nothing we can do anyway about this patch.
So either way:
- have fun with not being able to compete and lose a lot of the fun gameplay,
- pay lots of real money so you can compete,
- or just quit and find another fun thing.
=> LOW LEVEL PERSONS, nothing against you guys, I was one too in the past, and I still help them when I can, but don't start thinking you know everything, or we are done talking. I also admit there is a lot in pwi I don't know anything about yet, but I know I only talk about the things I have some knowledge about.
Either way, not paying = game reduced to boring grinding game, don't blame on people because they don't want to waste lots of real money and therefore quitting the game now. The only solution I see at this moment is most likely not gonna happen. Thats a boycot of gold. But then everybody has to stop buying gold that has a higher price than 200k ea for example. Or another number thats decent. I miss the old times tho, when 100k was 1 gold, lolz..
BTW: if you are 80+ and level up 1 level in only 2 or 3 days without RB gamma, then you are a very good leveler, lol..
Note: This post is my personal opinion, everyone that disagrees it, just tell that in a decent way and try to communicate. So don't start flaming please! That doesn't help anyone.0 -
TheHunter_ - Sanctuary wrote: »Woodas..u r a noob..thats just fact...wait until u r 75+ and start doing rb gamma....or try to even find squad for that when charms costs 900k++...its just not worth of it!!or even delta!!!!thats even worst!u get atm maybe 2-3 lvls per day!but when u come 75+..w/o rb u get 1 lvl in 2-3 days...and thats with hard grinding!!!
so dont come here to forums to tell us (80+) not to whine about this event!
BTW the word is newb get it right. i didnt mean to make flaming stament all i was meaning to say was dont give up it will change. Through all the mmo's i have played events have occured like this over and over. yeah stuff expensive you think being a high lvl should be cheap? The next time you flame me plz read that i was trying to encourage people not bring a negative environment like you. THX GGb:laughLife is to short to base it on reality!
So i live my life with the stars!
One step from your godd and a leap from your devil!
I am the angel that never fell!
I am free0 -
Perfect world is transforming into the real world, just accept it, or leave..[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]lagunal8.deviantart.com
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
If it's a real world, can I be mayor??0
Urban_Ninja - Sanctuary wrote: »If it's a real world, can I be mayor??[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]lagunal8.deviantart.com
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
b:sad I have "awesomeness"! does that count?
Anyways, all this QQ and yadayada are cause of people's choice. Not GM, not PW manager, not ads BUT you! So quit QQing and think for one sec why we all get these boxes?? Better weapons? Better tomes? Better better? LOL we cant change the fact that we want to be the best in the server.....0 -
Funny thing is, now that I think about it, I used to ponder whether or not this game was a scam. The stunning visuals, unbelievable customization, tons of content (or so it seemed at lvl1)...and it was all FREE?!? I began having paranoid thoughts of how PWI would wait till a significant % of their player base would reach a certain lvl and then WHAM, plaster us with subscribtion fees.
Never did I imagine, this is how they were gonna apporach it b:surrender0 -
Urban_Ninja - Sanctuary wrote: »b:sad I have "awesomeness"! does that count?
Anyways, all this QQ and yadayada are cause of people's choice. Not GM, not PW manager, not ads BUT you! So quit QQing and think for one sec why we all get these boxes?? Better weapons? Better tomes? Better better? LOL we cant change the fact that we want to be the best in the server.....
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
Woodas - Sanctuary wrote: »BTW the word is newb get it right. i didnt mean to make flaming stament all i was meaning to say was dont give up it will change. Through all the mmo's i have played events have occured like this over and over. yeah stuff expensive you think being a high lvl should be cheap? The next time you flame me plz read that i was trying to encourage people not bring a negative environment like you. THX GGb:laugh
True, its might balance out, but I'm afread there is only a little chance it will..
You don't even have to mention high level should be cheap or not, its an F2P game, means FREE TO PLAY, so yes, you should be able to play for free completely. Paying should give you a slightly better gameplay, or easier leveling or getting stuff bit faster or easier or so. But not make a huge difference you can never make up if you don't pay, even if you play lots. Thats the point! Game is totally unbalanced now.. I really hope it evens out, but I really doubt it. We'll just have to see what all happens this month, I'm still deciding on quitting or not. Hope PWI fixes the problem so they can really say, happy birthday pwi, and not R.I.P. PWI, that would be a shame for the best F2P mmorpg ever...
So, I'm giving it a chance yes, not decided yet on quitting or not, but it doesn't look good at this moment.0
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