JB's Beginner Guide To The Perfect World

jb08 Posts: 6 Arc User
edited August 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
Welcome to JB's house of wonders & tips.

I hope this guide will answer all questions and such.
You may not agree with some of the stuff but this is just a guide to send you in the right direction and path.

General Tips :

Celestone Fragments Normally you will receive one of these after an important quest, these are important if you are wishing to get rare equipment later in the game. 25 Of these stones will get you a mirage stone, always keep these in your bank for safe keeping. They can be traded in for a Mirage Stone at a Gem Merchant.

Celestones Heaven, Hell and Human are also important towards the Mirage stones. 3 Of each stone will grant you a Mirage stone which can be traded in at the Gem Merchant(These are usually standing next to a banker).

Hierogram's You will recieve one of these in the first 5 quests. Always choose the HP hierogram as it will be one of the most important items you ever gained. This will automatically recharge your HP once it has gone below a certain lvl, never choose the MP one. Even if your a MAGE! Like me :D

Crafting At level 5 you will receive quests to Path Of.... It's best to choose all as they give Exp and good for later. By now you should have atleast 2000 Gold, go to the merchant located in different cities for different classes and buy a pickaxe. You will have to go around the area/world finding these resources, they will respawn after a while.

After completing the quests you can now make weapons, armour and such.. To make them they require different resources, more expensive materials being for the better weapon. Everytime you craft something you will gain Craft-Exp for that certain Craft. When you have gained all Exp you can now go to the Elder and gain level 2 crafting in Blacksmith or a certain skill. This means you can now make better weapons which will gain rarer weapons. The higher your rank the better the weapons will be.

Making rank 4 in any certain Craft is good enough so don't worry cause you won't be able to rank up until your level 50.
If you have made a weapon that you won't need, being you're just trying to get the rank up, there is a use for them. :)

When you reach level 30 you will be granted to fly, this makes it easier to get through the massive world. There is a way to go faster but this requires Fuel-Crystals/Accelerator-Fuel which gets quite expensive. The best thing to do is to sell them rather than using the fast option, selling them in the auction or in your shop will gain more gold for later use.

SoulStones So you might of gained a soulstone from a mob or a quest and wondered what the hell it does? There are different types of soulstones depending on what colour/element it is. These can give you stats ranging from HP, MP, Dex and Magic. There are also different levels of gems that give better effects to your equipment, these soulstones can be added at the Tailor|BlackSmith. Equipment that is 3 Stars or above will make your equipment glow an aura being Violet|Red, adding 2 different soulstones combined will give a sparkling effect.

Fuel Crystals

Fuel crystals will not matter until you are 30+ when you will be able to fly. You also have an option to fly faster rather than travelling at a rather slow speed, although these require fuel crystals which run out quite fast. You can buy these crystals from either players or disassembling items. Although you may think getting loads of 1 star items and disassembling isn't the best idea as it doesn't give as much crystals as higher star items. I'd advise selling your crystals in your own shop or auction.

FB You may of saw in world chat or general chat, need 'so&so' for FB19, don't be worried all explained here. Each 10 levels from level 19 you will receive a quest normally from the cultivation master, cultivation is much like ranks in the army, doing something heroic to gain rank and loyalty. Depending on what FB it is you will gain a tablet that will sit in your inventory. Each FB gets harder by more mobs and taking longer to complete which can last atleast two hours.

Moulders These things you won't need to worry about until your high level or not even worry about them at all depending on what gamer you are. Moulders can be gained from FB's (Read Above) when you reach a boss at the end, they will drop anything from a rare weapon to alot of gold. The best chance to get rarer items is to let the lowest level in your party get the last hit. But one item in particular people look for is moulders, these cost from 250k upto millions depending on what class and what moulder. From level 60 you can craft these at the main town at deity pots, this requires a person with the right crafting level and resources.

Holy Hall

This is a dungeon for levels 60+ much like the FB's but grant you rare items if you complete it, because of the rarity they glow a certain colour. These dungeons are quite hard so people generally decide to buy HH equipment instead of doing it the manual way.

Dragon Quest So when you made your character you may have seen an NPC called Dragon Emissary, this guy will give you quests after level 21, these quests aren't important but they give you Dragon Tablets. Level 21-31 will give you bronze tablets, 31-51 will give you silver and 61+ gives gold. These tickets can be exchanged for prizes being a horse as a mount to rare items such as a moulder but you will need alot of tickets. The quests take alot of time and money so people dont like to go this path. But you can sell your tablets for alot of money for people who were sucked into the prizes, so you just laugh at them. :D

Map or86zn.jpg

Red - Pressing this shows the target location/preset box.
Blue - When going into a city it will show the NPC list, if you can't find an NPC this is the best way to find them. Just scroll through the list and double click on the NPC.
Green - Finding an NPC or location you know the co-ordinates of, put the numbers in and press the small green >>> then follow the big arrows on screen.
Yellow - After double clicking on an NPC or putting in a co-ordinate arrows of different colours will show up, follow this to get to your location.
Pink - This shows the current list of places you have listed to go to.



Red - If you have run out of quests to find/do pressing this will show the NPC and co-ordinates of the quest.
Cyan - This is the current list of quests you need to complete.

Quests are the main way to level up in this game as it does become a bit grindy upto level 60+.
After level 60 you will only receive two-three quests giving 30% maybe less, maybe more so prepare for mob-grinding.

PVP Player VS Player is one of the main factors is mostly every RPG game, I'm not that really type of gamer so don't expect me to give you tips here. PVP'ing in Perfect World is actually bad, you will be spammed, hated and put onto hit lists by guilds. So I'd advise never to kill a player and encourage all guildies not to.
Once you reach level 30 you can kill players, killing a player makes them lose exp and chance of dropping items but they will receive karma that will last 2 hours for every person they kill, if their name is red and you kill them all items in their inventory will be dropped except items listed.

Guild's In this game it's much more than just having a fancy name above your head. Each guild can own a piece of land in the game which gives them certain benefits such as; 10 Million gold, cheaper items, teleporting to that certain area and crafting items at the governor. But to gain this land you must take part in a Territory War known as 'TW'. Your guild must be level 2(Costs 1-2 mil, must check) and sign up at the TW manager, only 2 guilds can fight but other guilds can bet on the land to get into the war.

General Acronyms

TW : Territory wars
FB : Fuben(chinese) Culivation quests.
GM : Guild Master or Game Master (Being someone who helps and moderates the game)
FB : Being the cultivation dungeon.
HH : Holy Hall.
Hiero : The hierogram's as mentioned above.
PW : Perfect World
B> : Usually seen in a main city or world chat, used if someone wants to buy something.
S> : As above but if you want to sell something.
WTS : As above.
WTB : As above.
WTT : Trading an item for another item.
AH : This would be the Auction House.
Aoe : This means area of effect being a skill someone would use to kill 1 or more mobs.
AFK : Away From Keyboard means someone is currently away.
Exp : Experience points generally meaning leveling up.
Tank : Someone that takes the damage.
Nuke : Usually someone that deals high damage.
Mats : One of the most important stones in the game, often used in crafting.

Classes :


This is one of the most funnest classes to play as in Perfect World as taming pets and etc can be seemed as fun. But if your looking to get this character till the end game or high levels it will require alot of patience and time.

This class is deemed as one of the money-making classes, catching rare pets and selling them onto people who just want a cute pet. (Will gather locations and spawn times later.)
There are quite a few builds to this class, as it's mainly a mage class but can be used as melee.


Mage - Vit./Mag. This build is for the normal player, relies mostly on the pet and bad for PVP.
Light Armour Mage - Str./Mag./Vit/Dex. This build is also for the normal player, not that relient on the pet as Mage.
Heavy Armour Warrior - Str./Vit. This is the melee build, very good for PVP and not relient on the pet.
Hybrid Mage - Mag./Str. This build is mage and melee, not reccomended for new players but very good in PVP.



Red - Max these skills.
Green - Do not go pass level 1.
All other skills are new so I will look into these.


You may of heard the term pulling used in a dungeon or FB. Sending out usually a golem as it tanks, they make them attack using the macro and quickly pull them into the party one by one so the party won't have to take them all at once.

So there are lots of questions about which pet is the best, it very much depends on your build but its good to have a variety of pets that will help later in the game.
You will need pet that will tank (Takes the damage whilst you hit the monster).
You will also need a pet that flies, this will help in quests that require you to kill mobs in the air.
Golems are best the pets to choose as they tank and give a nice damage.


I got to know this class in MY version alot as it was my main and highest level character. People say it's one of the slowest class to level but I'd disagree as it's all about the build. It's a very important class to have in any guild and FB as it tanks. It does cost alot of money to maintain depending on what build you go for,skills and armour but it's worth it. There is two main builds to this character to choose for each one having con's and pro's. This build can also transform into a White Tiger for more HP, although this makes the the monster aggro attack you.


Tanker - Vit. Mainly just piling on the Vit. for the HP, you can get it upto atleast 8,000 by level 55. Add Dex./Str. on for equipment when needed. Never touch Mag.
Strength - Vit.(+1)Str.(+3)Dex(+1) This build focuses on damage, (+) means add the following for each time you level.
There are other builds out there but it's for veterans and people that want to PVP.


You can transform into a White Tiger once you have gained the skill, giving you more HP and faster speed to get across the huge world. I never really used the transform fighting against mobs unless I really needed to for some reason. The Barbarian/WB is weak against magic attacks which is why people do use it, but it's your choice.



Red - These are all the skills you should be maxing out as soon as possible.
Green - These skills are the one's you shouldn't be leveling up and only put 1 point into.
All other skills are new to me so I will have to look into them for you. :)


This I've never really got a chance to know, although I do know they are a very valuable class and best class to kill mobs. Depending on a mage's build they can be defensive to high HP to high damage and very low HP. The most common build is an equal share of damage and HP. High level mages pushing level 60+ can be very valuable in FB's with the amount of damage and skills it has to take out mobs. There are three types of elemental skills to choose from, choosing all three is kind of impossible as you'd need to grind for SkillPoints.


High Damage - Mag./Str. You should be adding atleast 1-2 Str. points every two levels and putting all the rest into Mag.
Hybrid - Mag./Str./Vit. This build is the main build giving HP still but maintaining quite alot of damage.
HP Build - Vit./Mag. I advise not to choose this build as it's really weird but mostly putting points into HP here.


There are three elements in the skill tree to choose from, these are divided into Earth, Fire and Water. Fire is quite high damaging with an okay'ish cooldown, Earth is the highest damage but with the longest casting time and Water being the supporting elements of the tree with mana recharge and healing. You mainly want to be choosing two of these elements depending on what kind of player you are.

Choosing Fire/Earth is best for party using high damage.
Choosing Water/Fire is best if your a player that goes solo with the support skills helping you out.

The shields are one of the most important skills to max out as soon as possible.
All other skills depends on what element skill you are going for.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This will be constantly updated throughout and will be neatened up as we go along.
If you have any questions or anything you'd like to add then please feel free to ask.
Post edited by jb08 on


  • anima
    anima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Good jobs. This thread will give newbies a brief view of PW.

  • jb08
    jb08 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2008

    Updated 24/8/08.
  • khaai
    khaai Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Great guide, thanks for your time! :p
    I would like to make a correction, though.

    You do not lose experience if you are PKed by another player, neither does a PKer who killed someone gain any experience. There is only the chance to drop item from your inventory but for white name players it's very low. :p:p
  • f4ding
    f4ding Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    one suggestion to add to your list is that alot of players 60+ prefer helping with FB quests to lvl rather than grinding on mobs in the FB the person with the tablet gets the quest everyone else in the party gets the reward (EXP Gold and Items) so helping with FB's is a great way to gain exp if you do not like to just randomly grind on mobs.
  • anastase
    anastase Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Great post JB! That really helped me a lot. It was driving me CRAZY not knowing what FB meant hehehe. I was really confused about the celestone's too...they are taking up too much bank space lol :D
  • spybot
    spybot Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    can i ask about a perfect stone or that fuel stuff because i was wondering how much is it worth and how much does it fill up for fuel
  • Freyess - Lost City
    Freyess - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I find this guide to be very helpful in explaining the basics of Perfect World International. Thanks for making this guide to clarify things for beginners like me!
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    For the record,
    Mages shouldn't specialize only in 2 trees.
    Its better to take the best spells from each element.
    Each tree has their own good spells that is worth putting points into:

    Fire: Pyrogram, Will of the phoenix (1 point is usually enough.. but some prefer to max it), Divine Pyrogram(debatable, useful mostly for sutra) Blade Tempest
    Water: Gush (definitely the most useful starter spell), Glacial Embrace (for those who'd like to cut down on mp usage), Glacial Snare (powerful slower), Black Ice Dragon Strike
    Stone: Stone Rain, Sandstorm, Force of Will (EXTREMELY good for pvp), Mountain Seize (for the aoe stun, although its outshadowed by the other two ultimates)

    Aside from that, very well written and neat looking guide.
    Keep up the good work :)
  • MissHeron - Dreamweaver
    MissHeron - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Thanks man, nice info.
    Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you.
    William Blake
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    1.)use pwi names... >.>
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • twistedevilpriestess
    twistedevilpriestess Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Excelent information, JB! I'm still downloading game (93%) but will be well prepared for many things once in game! The job trees with skills suggestions will make things much easier to chose. There could be a little better breakdown on stat builds though as in say 1/1, 2/1, 1/2 etc. for how to break up points to be allocated to which stats.

    All together was most helpful though. I'm hoping that my experience in other games will help in deciding how to allocate the stat points to avaoid need to rebuild characters that dont quite measure up. Thanks very much for the time & effort that went into producing your guide.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    What about the rest of the classes Elfs and Humans
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Meltdown - Dreamweaver
    Meltdown - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    very useful thanks a lot
  • shoklarox
    shoklarox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I cant even read your guide because the end of every sentence is cut off.
  • Frah - Dreamweaver
    Frah - Dreamweaver Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Just an fyi, when this guide is updated, there is no need to include the Swimming Mastery skill for venomancers, since it doesn't do anything, literally, well at least for venomancers.
  • _Synergy_ - Heavens Tear
    _Synergy_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Jb if you can make these changes in Barb skills, that would be nice.

    Stomp of Beast King/ Garotte- Keep at lvl 1 so the amount of MP used will be almost 0, really nice for gaining chi-should be green-you can max it at 89 to learn the demon/sage version if u wish tho
    Flesh Ream and True Form-First skills you should max-should be red
    Sunder-Best skill when you are grinding, wont need any pots, should max as you get cash-Should be red
    Arma-only need it in high lvls, and should lvl sunder instead of this but its personal perference-so i think should be green
  • XEmpressX - Heavens Tear
    XEmpressX - Heavens Tear Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What the necro?
  • Frah - Dreamweaver
    Frah - Dreamweaver Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    What the necro?

    Reviving a thread that has been 'dead' for, I think, 2-3 months.