Anniversary Pack

MarioElguer_ - Sanctuary
MarioElguer_ - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Suggestion Box
Hello People,

First, sorry for my english.. is not good, but im learning more each day ^^

Second, the Anniversary Pack is a good idea in the game, but.. i see that many players (low lvls and poor players) cant get it cause the price of gold is a very expensive (ok.. im not a low player, but im poor xD, yeah.. poor cleric ftw!), and is a very hard to get this Pack when the gold cost 450k+, and is more hard get another stuff in Boutique with this prices xD.. anyway..

Is only a suggestion, but.. is possible get a 1 free Anniversary Pack per day?, or week?,.. this could be very nice.. or in this case.. drop the price gold for 150-200k.. idk..

Im playing since december 2008 and i never stop to playing.. cause this game is good.. and i make many friends here.

And well.. congrats for the Anniversary.. and i hope that gms see my suggestions and thinking about that.. if is possible.. nice!, if not.. is nice too! xD

See you ^^
Post edited by MarioElguer_ - Sanctuary on


  • QTKyuubi - Sanctuary
    QTKyuubi - Sanctuary Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    First hiya Mario b:kissb:bye
    Second I think the idea of one free anniversary pack per player is a great idea for the anniversary celebration then if people want to puchase more they can purchase more. Gives everyone a chance to celebrate the anniversary, I mean what's good is an anniversary party if you can't join in on the fun and excitement b:victory

    To avoid spamming of new account creations for packs you might have to set a cut off day of Account must exist before the event began, but other than that I think this is a really good idea and woud help satisfy some qq'rs and those feeling left out because gold prices are crazy for new characters and high maintenance characters b:sad
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  • MarioElguer_ - Sanctuary
    MarioElguer_ - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hey!.. mmm well.. is true.. many players wanna get more "new" players to get this free AP if gms wanna give us 1 for free..

    But.. is possible that you only get it since lvl40, lvl50 maybe?.. this for the people dont make massive "new" players.. and if they wanna make it.. they most play to get the lvl that need, and get lvl40-lvl50 need 2-3 weeks..

    Or.. in the best case.. buy gold for less money.. this can be better for all, i have a barb lvl52, and 2 days ago i bought 5 gold for 180k, this mean 900k.. to get the hammer.. today.. 1 gold is 450k.. this mean that now i need 2250k to get the hammer.. is crazy!

    Anyway.. i wanna try that more people come here and comment this post.. and hope that gms see it.. see you
  • BloodyPoison - Sanctuary
    BloodyPoison - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    The only problem with your gold price suggestion is that its controlled entirely by the players of PWI so the prices will eventually drop back down but as of right now the likely chances of anyone selling cheaper are very slim.

    Other then that this is a great idea for an event and as QTKyuubi said there would have to be a cut off day set aswell.
  • PrinceYuki - Sanctuary
    PrinceYuki - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i think this is a great idea mario. the part about getting one box per day or week, i like it and i dont think GMs would have much trouble with it, since its only 1 box and people would want more.

    i dont agree with the dropping price of gold though. i personally dont sell gold or make money off of it, but with gold prices this high people will be forced to buy from the boutique with real money, and the game will make more money, and we will get better updates(and maybe GMs will get off theyre asses and fix some glitches that have been bothering us for the flying glitch when u fly upwards away from an NPC u get stuck.)

    thanks to people spending on gold with real money we get updates like the nice water people class :) im looing forward to that.
  • Rabid_dogg - Heavens Tear
    Rabid_dogg - Heavens Tear Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i think this is a great idea mario. the part about getting one box per day or week, i like it and i dont think GMs would have much trouble with it, since its only 1 box and people would want more.

    i dont agree with the dropping price of gold though. i personally dont sell gold or make money off of it, but with gold prices this high people will be forced to buy from the boutique with real money, and the game will make more money, and we will get better updates(and maybe GMs will get off theyre asses and fix some glitches that have been bothering us for the flying glitch when u fly upwards away from an NPC u get stuck.)

    thanks to people spending on gold with real money we get updates like the nice water people class :) im looing forward to that.

    It is the people putting in real money getting Zen and selling gold at 400k+ so i'd appreciate it if they not be thanked and use their own money for better things than a game spoiled by the greed of the Game makers.

    Someone the other day on WC (Heaven's tear) said that GM'S have not responded to tickets or any queries on WC or /GM because they have been enjoying their vacation in Hawaii b:chuckle

    I frankly think they have been fattened in the last week or so ,having been fed all the money they got,with no offense to anyone except the GM'S.b:angry
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  • ketsura
    ketsura Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Selling something for tokens of best luck. Are you feeling lucky? -- I'm jk ya pervs T_T
  • Butt_Head - Dreamweaver
    Butt_Head - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i know! this is totally awesome everyone gets one anniversary pack!

    if u want make it untradeable idc i just want it i bought about 3 of them and got only lucky tokens but still i do spend a lot of ingame money and am a loyal player, and i think all loyal players deserve this!