Question about using swords/blades

byakkotai Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Blademaster
Hi ! I started yesterday and have been browsing through some threads. I found an interesting statement, claiming that swords/blades are only good 1vs1, whether it be mobs or players. But regardless of the weapon you use, don't all the blademasters get access to the same skills ? What exactly makes the swords/blades only good for 1on1 action ? Is it because a polearm or axe can hit multiple targets due to their length ?
Post edited by byakkotai on


  • Byakkotai - Dreamweaver
    Byakkotai - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Sorry, I just noticed a detailed skill list on PWpedia and I get it now :P Too bad I can't remove or edit my first post anymore.. Oh btw, in the end, is it better to use a single sword/blade or dual ?
    Few people makes mistakes with fire after being once burned, of people who regard water lightly many have been drowned.
  • Rupture - Dreamweaver
    Rupture - Dreamweaver Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You can use anything you want up to 60, I would say just use the one that has the most attack. From 60+ the TT weapons are mostly just single blades(don't know what else to call them) so you should probably use those after 60 b:bye.
  • AngelicArrow - Harshlands
    AngelicArrow - Harshlands Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    the reason swords/ blades are good 1v1 is more due to the build. Yeah you will have access to all the skills but generally a sword bm has a lot more dex then axe/spear, meaning you might not always be able to equip the best axe for your level if you wish to use an axe skill. Also sword bm isnt bad at more than one opponent, simply the axe is better for multiple targets(more aoe and stuns). I have a sword bm with 5 dex 5 str every 2 lvls and then all citrine shards in heavy armor, and i do pretty well in 1v1 pvp, and exceptionally good in duels.

    oh btw all bms have the common tree AoEs like fan of flame or drake sweep, and the ultis for all the paths aoe but axe simply has more AoE