Soloing FB29?

Mooonpie - Sanctuary
Mooonpie - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Venomancer
Hi. I recently rolled a veno and got it to 40 today. BH came up and I wanted to try to solo it since well veno's are refferd to as the solo class. I do know that with a herc venos can solo there BH's atleast till BH/FB59(know for a fact it would take some time but possible).

I cought some troubles with the pre-boss( the one that opens door to acctual FB/BH boss) since there was no way to pet pull one monster right next to him and my magmite had difficulties surviving after 2 try's that both failed i go to the acctual boss. Pet went in and I noticed boss did about 450 dmg to it whitch is a hard hit for a pet with just over 1300hp. So as expected since that first hit boss killed it. I was wondering at what lvl I should be able to solo heal pet on boss. Pet is C.Magmite as reccomended by Tearvalerin's guide. I havent been following a specific build but my current stats are:

26 STR(raised a little faster then reccomended)
163 MAG
37 VIT(gives me 1600hp)

All non flaming critisism on build or tips on how and when possible to do the FB solo would be appricated.
Post edited by Mooonpie - Sanctuary on


  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Wow, ok - this one is kinda easy up until the boss.

    But the magmite isn't usually the right pet. The skulls are magic, so you do better with something like the cub, grab aggro on both and heal the pet up.

    The same thing works with the towerling - but it's not your only option.

    You can quite happily fry them from far enough away that the towerling can't shoot back. Do that.

    The boss, however, is a bit of a problem. He hits really rather hard. You may be better off using *yourself* as a tank, since then you can soak his much smaller ranged attack. Or get an eldergoth at 41.

    I didn't have a herc at that level. By the time I did, Quingzi is indeed soloable that way.
  • iceknave
    iceknave Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Perhaps getting to level 43 and picking up the next level of pet heal might make it easier or getting a weapon upgrade at either level 43 (Wheel of Fate, currently valued at around 1.2 million ish) or level 44 (Dharma Sword, 2 or 3 star, not sure on the price)?
    Induction ID (Doomsbog): 3080068X031808024008351Z3f4d22
  • XxXvixonXxX - Heavens Tear
    XxXvixonXxX - Heavens Tear Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    veno`s r a strong class i have a herc and my BH quests r either in 69 or 79 i can solo all fbs but NOT 69 due to reason my ownself can not with out problems take the aoe from the bosses as far from build u should be close to be able but with a good pet a mag aint that good a tank its ok it bulky if you cant afford a herc save up for a shaodu cub
  • ajgg1
    ajgg1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Quadastral Beetle King level 5x + 2 venos lvl 5x = barely survived against quinzi

    i sincerely doubt you'll be able to solo quinzi until 6x unless you have a herc

    i know that cmag can solo quinzi at early 60s as long as veno spam-heals
  • Nevedita - Dreamweaver
    Nevedita - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ajgg1 wrote: »
    Quadastral Beetle King level 5x + 2 venos lvl 5x = barely survived against quinzi

    i sincerely doubt you'll be able to solo quinzi until 6x unless you have a herc

    i know that cmag can solo quinzi at early 60s as long as veno spam-heals

    Whoa whoa whoa. I have to intercede here. I solo'd Qingzi with my Quad Beetle king at lvl 56. I probably could have solo'd Qingzi earlier, since at lvl 56 I remember it being much easier than I expected.

    And if you would notice, I'm the only veno in the squad.

    As for soloing FB29 for your BH, you can always use the door glitch to by-pass killing the towerling. If you stand real close to the door leading to Qinqzi's room, use F9 to zoom past the walls, select Qingzi, and then lure him with your pet.

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  • Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver
    Squeakytoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    As for soloing FB29 for your BH, you can always use the door glitch to by-pass killing the towerling. If you stand real close to the door leading to Qinqzi's room, use F9 to zoom past the walls, select Qingzi, and then lure him with your pet.

    I'm pretty sure this is considered exploitation of a glitch/bug, which is against the ToS, and a bannable offense.

    Also, small purple font=eye strain.
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ajgg1 wrote: »
    Quadastral Beetle King level 5x + 2 venos lvl 5x = barely survived against quinzi

    i sincerely doubt you'll be able to solo quinzi until 6x unless you have a herc

    i know that cmag can solo quinzi at early 60s as long as veno spam-heals

    A Magmite can do it at 53. I know a herc can do it at 42, I'm not sure about earlier.
  • _Tamedone_ - Heavens Tear
    _Tamedone_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I was able to solo Qingzi with an Eldergoth Marksmen at level 46 with its ranged attack, the only thing was it took about 30 minutes to kill him.
  • Tartara - Dreamweaver
    Tartara - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'm pretty sure this is considered exploitation of a glitch/bug, which is against the ToS, and a bannable offense.

    Also, small purple font=eye strain.

    It is completely publicized. All over Youtube, all over the forums. If they ban you for this, they need to ban ALOT of people. I know entire squads and entire factions that use the F9 ordeal to look around corners, to look THROUGH walls, and to even pull bosses that are a bit too far out of a characters range but can still be got by a pet.

    Now then, I have a hare and it was about level 45. I pulled the boss with my hare and switched to the vmag when I despawned my hare. This was at level 48. My mag was level 48. Spam heal your mag and it is done.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    A Magmite can do it at 53. I know a herc can do it at 42, I'm not sure about earlier.
    Yeah, he was pretty easy at 53 with a magmite.
    I was able to solo Qingzi with an Eldergoth Marksmen at level 46 with its ranged attack, the only thing was it took about 30 minutes to kill him.
    This is probably the first boss you'll encounter where I agree with Tweakz's advice. He's most likely easier to solo with a marksman at range than with a melee pet.

    His regular damage rate should actually be soloable with a magmite at 43. I almost managed it at 48 as a light build. But several minutes into the fight he has some sort of quicken buff which doesn't show up as a buff icon. It increases his attack rate and there's absolutely no way your heals can keep up. I tried it with another 49 veno helping to heal and again we were fine for several minutes until this buff kicked in.

    I don't believe this buff affects his ranged attack rate. And just FYI, if I had been able to finish it at 48 with the magmite, it would've been about 20 minutes. So 30 minutes is not that bad. If you're arcane, I would seriously consider the suggestion to simply nuke away so you get aggro, and use pots/charm to keep yourself healed. I know a cleric can do it pretty easily, dunno if the pots and apothecary heals would be enough for a veno.
  • ajgg1
    ajgg1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    okay, got some counter-responses to what i said... which brings up something i left out...

    the King and the 6x with cmag are both LA venos.... maybe arcane venos are better at soloing bosses at earlier levels? (cause i know from experience these two venos i was referring to know what they're doing...)
  • Mooonpie - Sanctuary
    Mooonpie - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I ofcourse did send the magmite to aggro the two mobs when they were together(unpullable) spam healed pet but made sure it would keep aggro. Problem was at the boss that opens the door is one off those monsters right next to him. I first tried sending pet in on mob spam healing it and tried to get aggro since boss does no dmg to ranged players. That failed and boss killed pet and then I got killed by the remaining mob since I'm a squeasy. I tried again and it came through pet died but survived long enough to set mob to 1 hit from my magical attack I kill boss and moved on to Qingzi. Problem was that he hits my pet for about 33% off its hp. My heal cant keep up with that kind of damage. With the dungeon cleared out I got another veno(lvl 49-50 cant remember) to join me. Her magmite was on boss and we both healed. Qingzi took some time to go down with a 69 wiz doing some dmg as well. But I for one am pretty sure that the 49-50 veno could not have solo healed the boss since pet came several times under 30% in hp.
    And charming up and taking aggro by myself is kind off not an option since every spare coin that i earn in game is being saved to buy a herc once i get the funds(A long road i know but will be worth it once I get him).

    But thanks for the responce but I will get some groups to join for boss from now on.
  • _Tamedone_ - Heavens Tear
    _Tamedone_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    If u were on heaven tears, i would show you. but then again u were using a magmite not a eldergoth markmans. Since i used the marksmens ranged attack, Qingzi does not attack as fast when it uses its magic attack as it does a melee pet with its physical attack so therefore i can heal it better than i would my magmite which i am still not able to tank Qingzii with.
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    His regular damage rate should actually be soloable with a magmite at 43. I almost managed it at 48 as a light build. But several minutes into the fight he has some sort of quicken buff which doesn't show up as a buff icon. It increases his attack rate and there's absolutely no way your heals can keep up. I tried it with another 49 veno helping to heal and again we were fine for several minutes until this buff kicked in.

    This same thing happened to me at high 40's/low 50's when I tried with a Crystaline. It was doable until I got to around 60% I think it was, then the pet got destroyed. Range tanking it can potentially have some nice results.

    I don't think a veno would be able to range tank it, the healing is too limited unless you had a ton of earth resist gear. A wizard would probably be the best there, with stone barrier and the heal.
  • Nevedita - Dreamweaver
    Nevedita - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ajgg1 wrote: »
    okay, got some counter-responses to what i said... which brings up something i left out...

    the King and the 6x with cmag are both LA venos.... maybe arcane venos are better at soloing bosses at earlier levels? (cause i know from experience these two venos i was referring to know what they're doing...)

    Hmm, I'm not sure why they would struggle with Qingzi then, cause I'm also a LA veno, currently and also during that screenshot I posted earlier.

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  • Alexeno - Sanctuary
    Alexeno - Sanctuary Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    meh.. decided against my post

    "Hell hath no fury like Alexeno trying to prove his point" -Mizuoni
  • rinuruc
    rinuruc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    so basically with a marksman it s possible to kill him,...
    im gnna try this, in the evening XD
  • iceknave
    iceknave Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Just tried it myself tonight after getting enough fungus for the fifth pet slot to put an Eldergoth Marksman in it (marksman at level 41, I'm at level 44)

    It's probably doable since one hit from Qingzi takes off around half my marksman's hp and I heal for about the same amount (he hits for close to 400 to 700 damage per magic attack). Problem was when I lagged a bit and the heal didn't go through, so dead pet = dead veno, lol or when multiple hits were on the high end.

    I'll try again once I level my marksman up to my level, though I'm wondering whether I should wait until I get better armor and/or gain another level or two.

    My stats are as shown in this screenshot. Armor wise, I'm using mostly 3* Sunsprite stuff (level 30 to 40 gear) and the rank gear from level 30.

    I have around 1.9k Earth Resist and he was hitting me for 600 damage a shot, roughly half my hp. Unless I seriously up my Earth Resist, I don't think potions + apoth pots would be enough to keep up.

    Thanks for any advice you can give me.
    Induction ID (Doomsbog): 3080068X031808024008351Z3f4d22