Unicode On The Chat Bar ಥ_ಥ
not an error? well, than again i say, just plain stupid. how can there be separate systems? where is the consistancy?
O___________O more than one post by the Admin, HA! TOLD U! HE SUPPORTS THE SAUCE FACES!! WITH HIM WE CANT LOSE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
IF it is not an error, then what's it???For a true Daeva's and Nakir's Swords! Sign at the post!
I'm having trouble thinking that a game localized specifically for English speakers should immediately support unicode from the very start, I understand people want it, I just don't understand why it is a surprise b:shocked
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if it was made on purpose, probably just wanted to save space for money making programs. the developers r greedy, so ive heard
eatwithspoons, many of the english server users are USA, a country that has no set language, but multiple languages. and some ppl in other countries are bilingual and speak english as well as their own language. to not support unicode is unfair to those who cant speak to their national brethren in their language without it[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
If this isn't a game error, is an engineering problem...
Bad desing?
Bad Plan Requeriments?
English location but, messages above heads supports all languages...
And the best is... why PW diden't spend two min to change this and have all languages speakers happy? It is too easy...
PD: I never see an "international" MMORPG without all occidental characters support...0 -
please stop making accusations. There's nothing sneaky going on, the base game was made in a year, I would assume that coding something like this would take more time. Let's not start making up stuff about greed, I thought this was a suggestion post.
If this thread continues in the direction you are taking it, I will be forced to lock
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eatwithspoons wrote: »please stop making accusations. There's nothing sneaky going on, the base game was made in a year, I would assume that coding something like this would take more time. Let's not start making up stuff about greed, I thought this was a suggestion post
Only 1 year??!! This game is the best and I think staff is doing a good job but please, if staff read this suggestion, he will reapair this, there are only two min XD.
PD: This is the best MMORPG that I never see, they read suggestions and make updates every day.0 -
o.0 took a year? wow, thats fast, i was thinking mor along the lines of 2 years. amazing graphics for a rush job
hes right tho, i strayed off topic, srry bout that, back to business. any more reasons y we should have unicode? T_T can think of nothing[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Only 1 year??? O.O Impressive :O great job guys ^^ But as Blackcid says, it only takes 2 minutes to change that :P I know about programmation and know that it would take a day so farFor a true Daeva's and Nakir's Swords! Sign at the post!
lets see, current reasons
Sauce faces
Multiple languages
more diverse faction names
ooh, heres one.
if the character names supported Unicode, then the current number of name options will more than triple[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ehh.... do you really want people running around with the sauce face as their name? I sorta do.... but the madness!!! THE MADNESS OF IT ALL!>_< I'm a wizard in disguise... you know like the old cartoon... except with less robots and more fire/ice/rocks....0
ya, but think about it, more names equals more players.
It does? That's some weird logic.... but convincing none the less! More names= more players and thus this idea should most definitely be implemented b:pleased>_< I'm a wizard in disguise... you know like the old cartoon... except with less robots and more fire/ice/rocks....0
its not weird logic. once the available combinations for char names runs out in the far future, no more noobs running around, the game will eventually become boring as it will take a week to get started on a new char. more new names allows for more new players. so, probably one of the healthiest reason for the game yet[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Unicode = Happy people
No Unicode = a little less happy people
I hate when I talk in spanish and squares appears... b:angry0 -
ಅ ಆ ಇ ಈ ಉ ಊ ಋ ಎ ಏ ಐ ಒ ಓ ಔ ಅಂ ಅಃ
ಕ ಕಾ ಕಿ ಕೀ ಕು ಕೂ ಕೃ ಕೆ ಕೇ ಕೈ ಕೊ ಕೋ ಕೌ ಕಂ ಕಃ
ಖ ಖಾ ಖಿ ಖೀ ಖು ಖೂ ಖೃ ಖೆ ಖೇ ಖೈ ಖೊ ಖೋ ಖೌ ಖಂ ಖಃ
ಗ ಗಾ ಗಿ ಗೀ ಗು ಗೂ ಗೃ ಗೆ ಗೇ ಗೈ ಗೊ ಗೋ ಗೌ ಗಂ ಗಃ
ಘ ಘಾ ಘಿ ಘೀ ಘು ಘೂ ಘೃ ಘೆ ಘೇ ಘೈ ಘೊ ಘೋ ಘೌ ಘಂ ಘಃ
ಙ ಙಾ ಙಿ ಙೀ ಙು ಙೂ ಙೃ ಙೆ ಙೇ ಙೈ ಙೊ ಙೋ ಙೌ ಙಂ ಙಃ
ಚ ಚಾ ಚಿ ಚೀ ಚು ಚೂ ಚೃ ಚೆ ಚೇ ಚೈ ಚೊ ಚೋ ಚೌ ಚಂ ಚಃ
ಛ ಛಾ ಛಿ ಛೀ ಛು ಛೂ ಛೃ ಛೆ ಛೇ ಛೈ ಛೊ ಛೋ ಛೌ ಛಂ ಛಃ
ಜ ಜಾ ಜಿ ಜೀ ಜು ಜೂ ಜೃ ಜೆ ಜೇ ಜೈ ಜೊ ಜೋ ಜೌ ಜಂ ಜಃ
ಝ ಝಾ ಝಿ ಝೀ ಝು ಝೂ ಝೃ ಝೆ ಝೇ ಝೈ ಝೊ ಝೋ ಝೌ ಝಂ ಝಃ
ಞ ಞಾ ಞಿ ಞೀ ಞು ಞೂ ಞೃ ಞೆ ಞೇ ಞೈ ಞೊ ಞೋ ಞೌ ಞಂ ಞಃ
ತ ತಾ ತಿ ತೀ ತು ತೂ ತೃ ತೆ ತೇ ತೈ ತೊ ತೋ ತೌ ತಂ ತಃ
ಥ ಥಾ ಥಿ ಥೀ ಥು ಥೂ ಥೃ ಥೆ ಥೇ ಥೈ ಥೊ ಥೋ ಥೌ ಥಂ ಥಃ
ದ ದಾ ದಿ ದೀ ದು ದೂ ದೃ ದೆ ದೇ ದೈ ದೊ ದೋ ದೌ ದಂ ದಃ
ಧ ಧಾ ಧಿ ಧೀ ಧು ಧೂ ಧೃ ಧೆ ಧೇ ಧೈ ಧೊ ಧೋ ಧೌ ಧಂ ಧಃ
ನ ನಾ ನಿ ನೀ ನು ನೂ ನೃ ನೆ ನೇ ನೈ ನೊ ನೋ ನೌ ನಂ ನಃ
ಟ ಟಾ ಟಿ ಟೀ ಟು ಟೂ ಟೃ ಟೆ ಟೇ ಟೈ ಟೊ ಟೋ ಟೌ ಟಂ ಟಃ
ಠ ಠಾ ಠಿ ಠೀ ಠು ಠೂ ಠೃ ಠೆ ಠೇ ಠೈ ಠೊ ಠೋ ಠೌ ಠಂ ಠಃ
ಡ ಡಾ ಡಿ ಡೀ ಡು ಡೂ ಡೃ ಡೆ ಡೇ ಡೈ ಡೊ ಡೋ ಡೌ ಡಂ ಡಃ
ಢ ಢಾ ಢಿ ಢೀ ಢು ಢೂ ಢೃ ಢೆ ಢೇ ಢೈ ಢೊ ಢೋ ಢೌ ಢಂ ಢಃ
ಣ ಣಾ ಣಿ ಣೀ ಣು ಣೂ ಣೃ ಣೆ ಣೇ ಣೈ ಣೊ ಣೋ ಣೌ ಣಂ ಣಃ
ಪ ಪಾ ಪಿ ಪೀ ಪು ಪೂ ಪೃ ಪೆ ಪೇ ಪೈ ಪೊ ಪೋ ಪೌ ಪಂ ಪಃ
ಫ ಫಾ ಫಿ ಫೀ ಫು ಫೂ ಫೃ ಫೆ ಫೇ ಫೈ ಫೊ ಫೋ ಫೌ ಫಂ ಫಃ
ಬ ಬಾ ಬಿ ಬೀ ಬು ಬೂ ಬೃ ಬೆ ಬೇ ಬೈ ಬೊ ಬೋ ಬೌ ಬಂ ಬಃ
ಭ ಭಾ ಭಿ ಭೀ ಭು ಭೂ ಭೃ ಭೆ ಭೇ ಭೈ ಭೊ ಭೋ ಭೌ ಭಂ ಭಃ
ಮ ಮಾ ಮಿ ಮೀ ಮು ಮೂ ಮೃ ಮೆ ಮೇ ಮೈ ಮೊ ಮೋ ಮೌ ಮಂ ಮಃ
ಯ ಯಾ ಯಿ ಯೀ ಯು ಯೂ ಯೃ ಯೆ ಯೇ ಯೈ ಯೊ ಯೋ ಯೌ ಯಂ ಯಃ
ರ ರಾ ರಿ ರೀ ರು ರೂ ರೃ ರೆ ರೇ ರೈ ರೊ ರೋ ರೌ ರಂ ರಃ
ಲ ಲಾ ಲಿ ಲೀ ಲು ಲೂ ಲೃ ಲೆ ಲೇ ಲೈ ಲೊ ಲೋ ಲೌ ಲಂ ಲಃ
ವ ವಾ ವಿ ವೀ ವು ವೂ ವೃ ವೆ ವೇ ವೈ ವೊ ವೋ ವೌ ವಂ ವಃ
ಶ ಶಾ ಶಿ ಶೀ ಶು ಶೂ ಶೃ ಶೆ ಶೇ ಶೈ ಶೊ ಶೋ ಶೌ ಶಂ ಶಃ
ಷ ಷಾ ಷಿ ಷೀ ಷು ಷೂ ಷೃ ಷೆ ಷೇ ಷೈ ಷೊ ಷೋ ಷೌ ಷಂ ಷಃ
ಸ ಸಾ ಸಿ ಸೀ ಸು ಸೂ ಸೃ ಸೆ ಸೇ ಸೈ ಸೊ ಸೋ ಸೌ ಸಂ ಸಃ
ಹ ಹಾ ಹಿ ಹೀ ಹು ಹೂ ಹೃ ಹೆ ಹೇ ಹೈ ಹೊ ಹೋ ಹೌ ಹಂ ಹಃ
ಳ ಳಾ ಳಿ ಳೀ ಳು ಳೂ ಳೃ ಳೆ ಳೇ ಳೈ ಳೊ ಳೋ ಳೌ ಳಂ ಳಃ
This is enough sauce to tide you over for a while. I leave you now to manifest your own devilish creations.
Tilt your head to the left. Shat bricks.0 -
... nice monocle tophat, but we need reasons to implement unicode in all text fields of the game, not more sauce faces( >.> ok, we DO need more sauce faces, but still)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Austin_Power - Heavens Tear wrote: »ಅ ಆ ಇ ಈ ಉ ಊ ಋ ಎ ಏ ಐ ಒ ಓ ಔ ಅಂ ಅಃ
ಕ ಕಾ ಕಿ ಕೀ ಕು ಕೂ ಕೃ ಕೆ ಕೇ ಕೈ ಕೊ ಕೋ ಕೌ ಕಂ ಕಃ
ಖ ಖಾ ಖಿ ಖೀ ಖು ಖೂ ಖೃ ಖೆ ಖೇ ಖೈ ಖೊ ಖೋ ಖೌ ಖಂ ಖಃ
ಗ ಗಾ ಗಿ ಗೀ ಗು ಗೂ ಗೃ ಗೆ ಗೇ ಗೈ ಗೊ ಗೋ ಗೌ ಗಂ ಗಃ
ಘ ಘಾ ಘಿ ಘೀ ಘು ಘೂ ಘೃ ಘೆ ಘೇ ಘೈ ಘೊ ಘೋ ಘೌ ಘಂ ಘಃ
ಙ ಙಾ ಙಿ ಙೀ ಙು ಙೂ ಙೃ ಙೆ ಙೇ ಙೈ ಙೊ ಙೋ ಙೌ ಙಂ ಙಃ
ಚ ಚಾ ಚಿ ಚೀ ಚು ಚೂ ಚೃ ಚೆ ಚೇ ಚೈ ಚೊ ಚೋ ಚೌ ಚಂ ಚಃ
ಛ ಛಾ ಛಿ ಛೀ ಛು ಛೂ ಛೃ ಛೆ ಛೇ ಛೈ ಛೊ ಛೋ ಛೌ ಛಂ ಛಃ
ಜ ಜಾ ಜಿ ಜೀ ಜು ಜೂ ಜೃ ಜೆ ಜೇ ಜೈ ಜೊ ಜೋ ಜೌ ಜಂ ಜಃ
ಝ ಝಾ ಝಿ ಝೀ ಝು ಝೂ ಝೃ ಝೆ ಝೇ ಝೈ ಝೊ ಝೋ ಝೌ ಝಂ ಝಃ
ಞ ಞಾ ಞಿ ಞೀ ಞು ಞೂ ಞೃ ಞೆ ಞೇ ಞೈ ಞೊ ಞೋ ಞೌ ಞಂ ಞಃ
ತ ತಾ ತಿ ತೀ ತು ತೂ ತೃ ತೆ ತೇ ತೈ ತೊ ತೋ ತೌ ತಂ ತಃ
ಥ ಥಾ ಥಿ ಥೀ ಥು ಥೂ ಥೃ ಥೆ ಥೇ ಥೈ ಥೊ ಥೋ ಥೌ ಥಂ ಥಃ
ದ ದಾ ದಿ ದೀ ದು ದೂ ದೃ ದೆ ದೇ ದೈ ದೊ ದೋ ದೌ ದಂ ದಃ
ಧ ಧಾ ಧಿ ಧೀ ಧು ಧೂ ಧೃ ಧೆ ಧೇ ಧೈ ಧೊ ಧೋ ಧೌ ಧಂ ಧಃ
ನ ನಾ ನಿ ನೀ ನು ನೂ ನೃ ನೆ ನೇ ನೈ ನೊ ನೋ ನೌ ನಂ ನಃ
ಟ ಟಾ ಟಿ ಟೀ ಟು ಟೂ ಟೃ ಟೆ ಟೇ ಟೈ ಟೊ ಟೋ ಟೌ ಟಂ ಟಃ
ಠ ಠಾ ಠಿ ಠೀ ಠು ಠೂ ಠೃ ಠೆ ಠೇ ಠೈ ಠೊ ಠೋ ಠೌ ಠಂ ಠಃ
ಡ ಡಾ ಡಿ ಡೀ ಡು ಡೂ ಡೃ ಡೆ ಡೇ ಡೈ ಡೊ ಡೋ ಡೌ ಡಂ ಡಃ
ಢ ಢಾ ಢಿ ಢೀ ಢು ಢೂ ಢೃ ಢೆ ಢೇ ಢೈ ಢೊ ಢೋ ಢೌ ಢಂ ಢಃ
ಣ ಣಾ ಣಿ ಣೀ ಣು ಣೂ ಣೃ ಣೆ ಣೇ ಣೈ ಣೊ ಣೋ ಣೌ ಣಂ ಣಃ
ಪ ಪಾ ಪಿ ಪೀ ಪು ಪೂ ಪೃ ಪೆ ಪೇ ಪೈ ಪೊ ಪೋ ಪೌ ಪಂ ಪಃ
ಫ ಫಾ ಫಿ ಫೀ ಫು ಫೂ ಫೃ ಫೆ ಫೇ ಫೈ ಫೊ ಫೋ ಫೌ ಫಂ ಫಃ
ಬ ಬಾ ಬಿ ಬೀ ಬು ಬೂ ಬೃ ಬೆ ಬೇ ಬೈ ಬೊ ಬೋ ಬೌ ಬಂ ಬಃ
ಭ ಭಾ ಭಿ ಭೀ ಭು ಭೂ ಭೃ ಭೆ ಭೇ ಭೈ ಭೊ ಭೋ ಭೌ ಭಂ ಭಃ
ಮ ಮಾ ಮಿ ಮೀ ಮು ಮೂ ಮೃ ಮೆ ಮೇ ಮೈ ಮೊ ಮೋ ಮೌ ಮಂ ಮಃ
ಯ ಯಾ ಯಿ ಯೀ ಯು ಯೂ ಯೃ ಯೆ ಯೇ ಯೈ ಯೊ ಯೋ ಯೌ ಯಂ ಯಃ
ರ ರಾ ರಿ ರೀ ರು ರೂ ರೃ ರೆ ರೇ ರೈ ರೊ ರೋ ರೌ ರಂ ರಃ
ಲ ಲಾ ಲಿ ಲೀ ಲು ಲೂ ಲೃ ಲೆ ಲೇ ಲೈ ಲೊ ಲೋ ಲೌ ಲಂ ಲಃ
ವ ವಾ ವಿ ವೀ ವು ವೂ ವೃ ವೆ ವೇ ವೈ ವೊ ವೋ ವೌ ವಂ ವಃ
ಶ ಶಾ ಶಿ ಶೀ ಶು ಶೂ ಶೃ ಶೆ ಶೇ ಶೈ ಶೊ ಶೋ ಶೌ ಶಂ ಶಃ
ಷ ಷಾ ಷಿ ಷೀ ಷು ಷೂ ಷೃ ಷೆ ಷೇ ಷೈ ಷೊ ಷೋ ಷೌ ಷಂ ಷಃ
ಸ ಸಾ ಸಿ ಸೀ ಸು ಸೂ ಸೃ ಸೆ ಸೇ ಸೈ ಸೊ ಸೋ ಸೌ ಸಂ ಸಃ
ಹ ಹಾ ಹಿ ಹೀ ಹು ಹೂ ಹೃ ಹೆ ಹೇ ಹೈ ಹೊ ಹೋ ಹೌ ಹಂ ಹಃ
ಳ ಳಾ ಳಿ ಳೀ ಳು ಳೂ ಳೃ ಳೆ ಳೇ ಳೈ ಳೊ ಳೋ ಳೌ ಳಂ ಳಃ
This is enough sauce to tide you over for a while. I leave you now to manifest your own devilish creations.
So.........breathtaking.........b:dirty>_< I'm a wizard in disguise... you know like the old cartoon... except with less robots and more fire/ice/rocks....0 -
FACT: There are WAAAAAAY more possibilites for Sauce Face, as you can tell by my untold how-to on MY personal favorite, Sauce Face with a hat.
Tilt your head to the left. Shat bricks.0 -
They'll also have to add all those characters to the current font used in the game.. so they dont show up like this: □, as even most of the special symbols that CAN be typed show up as □, such as ™XME_Norou: lvl 8x Archer, pure Dex build.
Proud *EX* Member of XBushidoXb:victory
Done with PWI, moved on to my next game.0 -
The colored text already makes WC annoying enough - this would just be a royal nuisance.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks for the sig Ophida0 -
Austin_Power - Heavens Tear wrote: »FACT: There are WAAAAAAY more possibilites for Sauce Face, as you can tell by my untold how-to on MY personal favorite, Sauce Face with a hat.
...you question my authority on the Sauce Faces...?
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
Konariraiden - Heavens Tear wrote: »...you question my authority on the Sauce Faces...?
ɷ_ɷ <---The "All Out Of QQ-sauceface".
ᶱ_ᶱ <---The "lolwut-sauceface".
ᵆ_ᵆ <---The "ohnoesidied-sauceface".
ᶞoᶞ <---The ":O-sauceface".[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
ɷ_ɷ <---The "All Out Of QQ-sauceface".
ᶱ_ᶱ <---The "lolwut-sauceface".
ᵆ_ᵆ <---The "ohnoesidied-sauceface".
The last two appear as squares to me on my computer...I'll check it against and tell you what I think after work.
As for the first one...looks kinda funky, and the name is too long for the actual face; too descriptive.
Something simple and easy-to-spot: LILYPAD-SAUCE-FACE![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
Konariraiden - Heavens Tear wrote: »The last two appear as squares to me on my computer...I'll check it against and tell you what I think after work.
As for the first one...looks kinda funky, and the name is too long for the actual face; too descriptive.
Something simple and easy-to-spot: LILYPAD-SAUCE-FACE!
Ooh, I like Lilypad-sauce-face ;D
Thats so going in my signature.
50% cred to you for name :P
The last two are
circles with horizontal lines through em
curly-ish X's :P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ooh, I like Lilypad-sauce-face ;D
Thats so going in my signature.
50% cred to you for name :P
The last two are
circles with horizontal lines through em
curly-ish X's :P
Ah...those two...okie-doke. Well, from what you're telling me...I dub them...
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
Im going to make like a list of 50123810234790 saucefaces.
And you will name them all!
Mwahahaha.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Im going to make like a list of 50123810234790 saucefaces.
And you will name them all!
If that happens, I will declare the Sauce Face a dead fad, and retire from it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
Konariraiden - Heavens Tear wrote: »...you question my authority on the Sauce Faces...?
Yes, I DO want to question your authority in sauce faces. I MADE THIS'N BY MESELF!!!
You can take 10% credit or none.
Tilt your head to the left. Shat bricks.0 -
So what do the gm's think about this eh?>_< I'm a wizard in disguise... you know like the old cartoon... except with less robots and more fire/ice/rocks....0
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