75 Million Gold Contest!



  • Ansutien - Heavens Tear
    Ansutien - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Alright, here's my own entry. I only found out about this two days ago, so this is the best I could do on such short notice. Enjoy. -- Ansutien ~ Heaven's tear --

    Disclaimers: First off, this work is completely of my own. I wrote this over the span of a few days before the submission date.
    Second, any likeliness to in-game characters or personalities is completely coincidental. No harm was intended at all by this work. The only character names I purposefully used in this story belong to those of my own, and as such, I will slander my own characters In any way I see fit. :-P
    Third, and this one is obvious, I don't own, nor have any affiliation with the owners of Perfect World in any way shape or form other than my playing this game. Any infringement on copyrights is completely unintended.
    Forth, this work is, again, completely my own. As such, this work cannot be reproduced or copied in any way, shape or form without giving me the credit I am due. This work cannot be used commercially for any reasons without my express written permission.

    Now that that's taken care of, a few words before the story. This story is not meant to follow established canon in Perfect World. The only real similarities are the names of places and possibly passing references to characters.

    "Damn, I hope that pain in the **** is ready. If he gets killed, it's not on my hands," thought a rather plain looking man from his hiding place in plain sight, well above the earth. The man stood at around six feet tall, was getting on in years, probably around his fifties, had a head of peppered hair, and showed a few prominent wrinkles across his face. For his age, though, the man was in top physical condition. Even through his heavy overcoat, the obvious definition of his muscles could be seen. He was currently just north of the City of the Lost. Ansutien had been enlisted by the Man-Beast elder of the city to protect and teach a new hunter. The task would not normally appeal to Ansutien, being a warrior of legendary status, but this request was intriguing. The new hunter happened to be the son of the Man-Beast elder himself. The young man, Zin, was wet behind the ears in every respect. The Man-Beasts had a term for one so inexperienced, but it was spoken in their native language which generally consists of a series of grunts and growls, for both the beast men and the near-human women alike.

    In the distance, a roar shattered the relative peace. From below, Ansutien could make out a grayish blur and the flash of metal. "It seems that the young were-beast has rushed into battle without thinking -- yet again. Well, I should probably rescue him. Dragging his corpse back to the city would be exhausting." Ansutien had been hovering far above the ground on an enchanted sword, larger than a normal sword, but with no real battle worth. With a confident step, Ansutien allowed himself to plummet to the ground below, gaining speed as he fell.

    He hit the ground running, ignoring the sizable crater he had left in the earth where he had landed. Hoisting one of the two massive axes which had been hanging from his back, Ansutien expertly wielded it with almost nonchalant precision. Channeling his energies into his legs, Ansutien was able to increase his movement speed for a moment, allowing him to get to Zin before the monsters that were stalking him. With blinding speed, Ansutien arrived at the scene, and quicker than Zin could realize, had already planted his ax in a rather nasty looking over-grown blue beetle. Letting go of his ax, he spun around and grabbed a lunging wolf out of mid-air by the scruff of it's neck and slammed it to the ground with bone shattering force. His trained ears hear another wolf approaching from behind, and his eyes told him of the wolf ahead. Ansutien lunged forward and grabbed the wolf mid-stride and threw him into the last wolf. As both wobbled to their feet, they seemed to have the same thought and leaped off into the woods, whimpering.

    Ansutien turned to see Zin staring in disbelief, his own ax barely off of his back. Ansutien approached him and smacked the man-beast behind the head, both bringing him back to his senses and inflicting a decent amount of pain in the process.

    "OW!" Zin howled. Ansutien ignored him as he wiped the insect matter from the blade of his ax He replaced it on his back and started off for the City of the Lost. He was going to tell the man-beast elder that he was no longer going to 'teach' the child. Someone so impulsive would never make a good warrior. Perhaps a blacksmith's craft would be more suitable for such a boy.

    "Wait, where are you going? I almost had those guys. They were right where I wanted them. Why'd you interrupt m--" Ansutien didn't let the boy finish his line of questioning, he again planted his palm rather hard against the back of Zin's head. "STOP DOING TH--" Again, a slap. The beast had finally had enough, he pulled both of his axes from his back.

    "A fight?" Ansutien asked.

    Zin didn't respond coherently, merely roared and lunged after Ansutien. The man was far too skilled, however, to let one so wet behind the ears lay a finger on him, and side stepped deftly to avoid an attack. Zin brought his axes back up and slashed for his mentor's chin. Ansutien jumped backwards, all the while never removing his hands from the pockets on his dark blue overcoat. Ansutien spun around another attack and planted his foot in the way of Zin's path, causing the beast to tumble off. Zin recovered and charged for Ansutien, one ax raised above his head with both hands, the other lay discarded feet away. Ansutien had had enough. He removed a single hand from his pocket and backhanded the ax out of the beast-child's paw-like hands. The ax embedded itself into a tree, some yards away. The force of the backhand caused Zin to lose his balance and fall to the ground, his energy spent.

    "An impulsive child such as you will never learn to be a warrior. Give up. Try making weapons instead of wielding them," Ansutien lectured.

    "You're just giving up? Some great warrior you are," The boy snapped. He was trying to get a rise out of the calm persona he had faced for the past months.

    "You've learned nothing from my lessons. A man who laughs at danger and thirsts only for glory is but a fool."

    "I am a warrior! I am destined to be a great hero!" Zin shouted. He had finally managed to pull his ax out of the tree and was chasing after his once-mentor.

    "The stories your father feeds you? You? A great hero? HA! Laughable," Ansutien chortled. "The most honorable elder is inflating your head. He's feeding you what you want to hear so you won't become a spoiled, whiny waste of flesh. It would seem that your ego knows no limits though. Your father may have failed in this task."

    "YOU SON OF A QUINGFU! I shall kill you where you stand for speaking such filth about my father," Zin stormed towards Ansutien, not even bothering to use the killing tools on his back. The razor sharp claws and teeth would due just fine for the task that Zin's mind had set on. Something involving a lot of carnage and a degree or two of dismemberment.

    Ansutien, ever the steadfast warrior knew Zin was closing without even needing to look. In fact, he jumped expertly at just the right time to both avoid Zin's claws as well as to land a swift kick to the back of the beast-boy's head. Zin tasted blood almost immediately. The ground rushed up to meet his face. All went black.

    Zin woke some hours later, face up, staring into an endless oblivion of black and white. The sun had set hours ago. Now, only the heavens shone their light upon the earth. Zin's senses began returning to him. He could hear the crackling of wood burning close by. Then, his flesh tingled as he began to feel the calm warmth flow over him. The taste of blood, however, had yet to leave his mouth. The tell-tale feeling of metal-on-tongue still lingered. Then, his scent returned. Keener than the nose of the humans or the pointy-eared winged-elves, Zin could make out the smell of simmering meat, probably from a canine creature.

    "Awake, are you?" Zin didn't need more than the first syllable to know that he was still in 'bad company'.

    "Ugh," was the only sound Zin could manage to utter. He could now feel the pulsing of veins and arteries on the back of his head. He reached his paw around and felt the rather large lump which now resided just below the fur between his ears. "How --."

    "'Bout a day-and-a-half." Ansutien answered, not needing the boy to complete his thought. "Sorry, I might have gone a little overboard with that kick. You needed to calm down, though."

    "You should die for saying things such as you did about my father."

    "Did your father ever tell you about how he and I met?"

    "What does that have to do with all of this?"

    "Well, long story short, I know your father better than you know the back of your furry little paw. When I speak unkindly of him, I still hold him in the highest of respects," Ansutien explained. As he did, he lay beneath a tree, resting his head against the roots. His overcoat hanged from a branch. Ansutien gazed endlessly into the stars, not really looking, but still seeing. "That man and I have been through the underworld and back. We've saved each others lives a hundred times."

    "I didn't know that. But that gives you no right to talk so low about him. He is an elder, and you are nothing compared to him," Zin complained.

    "Perhaps you're right. Compared to him, I am but a simple mercenary now." Ansutien lamented. The wrinkles on his forehead deepened as he closed his eyes. His mind wandered back to a time where life was simpler. All a man needed was his weapons and a good head on his shoulders. Now, men needed political sense to get by. Ansutien never could get used to it.

    A glimmer in the distance was the signal that he had been waiting for. A young warrior, in his prime, was crouching in the underbrush of an massive jungle. He was near the edge of a clearing. The sweat on his brow didn't phase him in the least. His mind was only on the task at hand. Even the approaching constrictor on the tree behind him was of no worry. In a moment, the second signal would come, and the clearing would become his battlefield. A warrior was only at peace when he was on the precipice of death.

    A second glimmer shone in the darkness of the jungle beyond the clearing. He had been watching a caravan as it passed through. The jungle happened to be divided by a road. The trade guild had it built a short time ago. The corrupt politicians they had payed hadn't minded at all. Nor did the warrior or his group now flanking the caravan. Corrupt elders meant disgruntled citizens. Disgruntled citizens meant money for a rag-tag group of mercenaries not worried about doing a bit of wet work.

    The young warrior stood up. Massive axes dangled from each hand, his knuckles were white from gripping so tight. Across the clearing, a white blur streaked out of the darkness. The daylight dividing the path from the wild was almost absorbed immediately by the brush.

    The young mercenary dashed out into the caravan. Apparently, the Trade Guild had expected trouble. They had sent the caravan with a contingent of guards. The young man could practically smell the green on them. Not a significant challenge in the bunch. Ansutien had become tired with the lack of practical application for his 'talents'. After the war, there was little need for trained soldiers, most of the men wielding weapons were nothing more than farmers and merchants with a thirst for adventure. And with the rising number of beasts and demons alike appearing across the land, they were the last thing the world needed.

    Ansutien's axes cleaved clean through the torso of one man, while momentum took care of relieving another man of everything burdening him from the shoulder up. Ansutien rolled sideways to avoid the downward slash of a man's polearm and used the maneuver to bring him in range of an archer trying to shoot anything that moved, indiscriminately. The man futilely attempted to block a pair of razor sharp axes with a wooden bow. That helped delay his death by a whole tenth of a second. While Ansutien brought one ax around behind him at shoulder height to block the poleblade, the other followed with an upward swinging arc, taking the opportunity to render said man useless.

    On the other end of the caravan, Xeonea, a human woman gifted in the arts of magic, was fending off a few rather nasty werebeasts. They had taken the forms of beasts, larger than life. Calling forth energy seemingly out of thin air, Xeonea caused fire to erupt out of air itself and engulf one beast in flames, while concurrently causing another to freeze where he stood. One of the beasts had managed to come about behind her and was ready to pounce. Xeonea, trained in the art of battle, was not to fall for such a trick; almost as if she were never there, she vanished, only to reappear in mid air above the now dumbfounded wolf-man. Calling upon more mystical energy, Xeonea caused a meteorite to appear and crash down upon her enemy. She fell back to the ground almost too slow to be normal.

    An hour later, Xeonea, Ansutien and the other three members of their rag-tag group were gathered in the clearing, with the leader of the caravan, a mid-level employee of the Trade Guild.

    "So, Mr. Wu. You've heard our proposal. It would be wise for you to relay these words to your bosses. The men we work for would be very -- grateful if you were to do so," Ansutien was bust cleaning his axes, using cloth from a nearby wagon. He and his team had dispatched with most of the caravan guard, the rest had turned tail and fled. Now, only the tradesmen themselves were left. The group was busy finishing the job they had been hired to do. Simply, they were to deliver a message to the leaders of the Trade Guild, by any means necessary.

    "Ha!" Mr. Wu laughed hard. Apparently, he had been in such a situation before. However, he had not encountered Ansutien. He could be very persuasive if necessary. "You believe that my superiors would be intimidated by this -- joke?"

    "Sir, let's be clear on one thing. I didn't slaughter a caravan full of warriors for laughs." Anyone had to admit that when Ansutien was trying to 'convince' someone, he was a scary man. "I leave you with this. If I don't get word that you've informed your side of our terms within seven days, I will search for you across all the lands on this planet until I find you or die in attempting so. And should I find you, I shall, well..." instead of trusting words to convey his intentions, Ansutien merely glanced at the corpses among the battlefield. One final touch, he drew a whetstone along the curved blades of his masterfully crafted axes. The sound the action emitted was completely displeasing to the ears. The man-beast who had accompanied him covered his ears. The screeching was almost too loud for humans to hear, but the pointy-eared cleric and the keen eared beast-man were well aware of the screeching.

    Even without the sound effect, Mr. Wu got the point. He conceded and gave his promise. Still though, Ansutien had a feeling that he was going to be making a house call soon enough.

    "Was the scraping with the axes really necessary 'Tien?" Vidz, the were-beast asked, some hours later, as the group was boarding a small ferry back to their home port in Etherblade.

    "Completely," Ansutien replied, without putting much thought to the question.

    "You humans don't put much credence to the concept that SOME of us are a little more sensitive of hearing than others," Vidz responded, still trying to stop the ringing in his ears. It was rather comical, he was talking a bit too loud. Many of the passengers were looking their way with a cautious curiosity.

    The group had learned long ago to simply ignore such people. The common folk looked with contempt upon warriors, seeing them as throwbacks from an era of upheaval, an unnecessary holdover of men and women unable top adapt to life in what some folks misinterpreted as peace-time. In reality, they chose to ignore anything that was clearly in front of them. The problem known as the Wraith-beasts was becoming more and more prominent. Common folk were too sheltered to see that the world was worse off than ever. And without the so-called throwbacks, hell would come to earth, and all would end.

    "So, 'Tien, care to fill us in on what, exactly, our 'employers' had in mind, should the Trade Guild fail to meet their terms?" Xeonea asked, she was busy changing into a clean set of robes behind make-shift curtains in their shared cabin. Normally meant to sleep three, this one was accommodating five today. Money was tight, but they were all soldiers, used to hardship.

    "Well, Xe, same thing we did today. We resort to common thievery to scare people into doing what our employers want." Ansutien had been staring out of the porthole of the cabin, but took a moment to sneak a glance at the silhouette behind the curtain. The others seemed preoccupied doing other things. Ansutien couldn't deny it. For the longest time, he had considered Xeonea special. She was important to him for reasons he couldn't quite explain. Of course, there was her beauty, as her perfect silhouette plainly showed. Her body, that of one in tune with the natural energies of the planet, was slender, enough muscle to keep her body functioning well, but no more than necessary. She was gorgeous, for lack of a better word. Slender, trim, graceful. But even for all her beauty, Ansutien found himself drawn to her for other reasons. While men lusted for her body, he longed for her entirety.

    Ansutien returned to looking out through the porthole as the curtain slid open. He was too set on some sort of heroic notion of protecting those close to him to let himself get close. Instead, he willed himself to focus on other things, like the flock of gulls skimming the surface of the ocean along the wake that the bow of the ship formed.

    "Wouldn't that lead one to believe that we are no better than the 'criminals' we have been pursuing?" The usually quiet healer, a holy man named Tulian, finally spoke up. He was absently smoothing the feathers on his wings as he spoke. The feathers were ruffled in the battle, but no real damage was incurred. Tulian had a certain arrogance about him. He spoke with a tone of superiority. To be honest, it got on a lot of people's nerves. The way Ansutien saw it, though, as long as the guy kept the group from dying a gruesome death with that holy magic he weaves, the arrogance was a fair trade-off.

    "No one said that our job was going to be glamorous or righteous," Ansutien explained in a half-yawn. "We all took this job knowing the cost and what needed to be done."

    "And what of you Olar? What do you think of this?" Tulian asked. His question was directed to the group's archer, a scruffy man no older than twenty-five. However, Olar had a reputation for being lazy whenever he wasn't killing something from a ridiculous distance. At this moment, he happened to be asleep. "Unreliable to the last. Lazy oaf."

    "As I recall, oh holiest one, that 'oaf' saved your **** more than once back there," Vidz said, matter-of-factly.

    "I recall no such thing. I am trained in the art of war, and would not need to be 'rescued' on the battlefield by someone such as -- 'him'," Tulian said, nodding to Olar. He went back to fixing the feathers on his wings, remaining out of any further conversation.

    "Well, we finished the job, now we go home, receive our payment and get some well-earned rest," Ansutien said. He was just as glad as any of them to be going home for some rest. They had been away for weeks on this assignment, and hadn't slept in their own beds in even longer.

    The group, both battle and travel weary, stumbled into the Dancing Dragon, a small establishment dead center in the Archosaur South District. It served as an outpost for the people to which Ansutien was employed.

    The group received no special greetings, barely warranted any special looks from the members already there, and in fact, were altogether ignored.

    "Good to be back, I suppose," Ansutien lamented. He hadn't expected a parade or anything, but after what his squad had gone through in the past few weeks, he felt that they deserved some sort of greeting. Any greeting at all.

    What Ansutien did notice, though, was that a particularly important man was standing in a doorway in the back of the establishment, the only person who seemed to have noticed the group. It seemed strange, no one ever batted an eyelash, and yet this man was completely focused on Ansutien. Upon further examination, it seemed that everyone else was actually ignoring the gang, instead of simply not noticing them. Something was afoot. Ansutien had been in the Dancing Dragon hundreds of times before, and yet, not once, had he received such a cold reception.

    "Guys, have a seat, grab some drinks on me. I shall return momentarily," Ansutien didn't look back at his team as he started for the man at the back of the tavern. He had one thing in mind, figuring out what was going on.

    "It seems that you wish to talk with me," Ansutien said as he approached the important looking man.
  • Clerigy - Heavens Tear
    Clerigy - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Wars are started from the Wizards enchantes gushes of floods,
    down to the last Blademasters that draw blood.
    It isn't skills or genies that brings me here to the blue sky,
    but I find myself from the beginning that I could fly.
    We fight amongst ourselves even when the wraith attacks,
    and their commander puts us on our backs.
    Though in the misted of the harshland,
    we still raise up to make a stand.
    Whether if the guardian angels sheds old or new heaven tears,
    we are revived and face the fears.
    Even in the heat of battle of my mighty swing,
    can't compare from afar to your stunning arrow that you aim low for it to sing.
    Roar of the Pride to stop my enemies feet,
    only to find themselves as Hercules meat.
    Not even the great cyclone can stop me but only puts my onslaught to a slow,
    yet my heart can be poisoned from you venomous scarab as you freeze me with your stunning blow.
    No matter how much of a fox you may be you can't be untamed,
    I'll fight each faction so that you may know how I am named.
    I will carry you wherever you would wish,
    and hunt all the clams as your dish.
    But there is no pearl,
    that is more fair than you in this perfect world.
  • PrincessPyro - Heavens Tear
    PrincessPyro - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The day was dark, as it has been since the wraiths took over. Many people still cower in their homes from the monsters that lurk outside the villages. The battle of good and evil has been raging for the past 300 years. One day, an old, weary traveler collapsed on the steps of the Elder in Etherblade. With his last breath he said, "She has arrived."

    For many decades there was a tale of the one who would come and rid the world of the wraiths and bring peace upon the land. Assuming it was going to be a man of great strength and power, the Elder thought nothing of what was said and continued on with the war.

    As all this was going on in Ether, a winged elf, Ryana, was gathering herbs along the banks of the Lake of Plume. When she turned around she noticed a small basket washed up on shore. In the basket was a human baby. Knowing nothing about raising a child, she headed off to City of the Lost. There she left the baby on the door step of a young untamed couple.

    The untamed raised her to be fierce and strong. She had the ability to fight like a barbarian and tame like a venomancer. When the child reached the age of 18, she discovered she had the powers of a wizard with the ability to heal like a cleric. The untamed couple wondered if she could be the one to save the world. They sent her to train under General Summer of Archosaur.

    There the girl trained for several years. The General could not beleive the talent she posessed and ultimately could no longer train her. She had become more strong and powerful then any of the army. She was cast out of Archosaur, left to fend for herself in the monster stricken world.

    As the girl traveled all over the world, she encountered many people and many more monsters. That was until the day she happened to come across the palace of the wraith king. She fought her way to the throne room where the king was waiting for her. "I have waited many centuries for you, my dear. Finally the day has come. I will defeat you and the world will be mine for eternity."

    Hearing those words brought fear and anger to the girl, but for the first time in her life she realized why she existed. The battle commenced. Lighting struck from the sky, grounds shook. The girl could hear the cries of the fallen cheering her on. She took a blow from the king that knocked her to her knees. Before he could strike her dead, she rose up into the air, surrounded by blinding light, and came down onto the king with her sword. He was defeated.

    Outside, the dark clouds drifted off and the sun came back to the land. Birds were singing and the animals once again lived in harmony. Word spread of what had happened. The prophecy came true. The one who would save them came, the girl, the savior.....The Warrior.
  • Bartack - Heavens Tear
    Bartack - Heavens Tear Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Part Two: A Summers Departure

    A year had passed since Keldrens trip to the City of Fortune. He had been sent as messenger from General Corsair himself, to plead with the Count to evacuate the island city. The Wraith war had shifted focus from the western plains to the northeast coast, and armies had been amassing along the shores. The City of Fortune was currently being ravaged by the enemy, holding off attacks with only its own forces. The Count was a proud man, and refused to surrender the city, claiming its importance to the rest of the Empire as a trade route. But the General had already built alternate ports for the supply lines, leaving many to question the Counts actions. Being his birthplace, Keldren pleaded with the General to offer sanctuary for the citizens of Fortune who would leave voluntarily, and with his influence was given the services of a promising you Captain Summers. Keldren himself was one of the empires foremost wizards, a man of immense power and influence. The tales of his legendary acts in battle against the wraiths were renowned. It was in one of these battles that he met his wife Anari. It was her selfless bravery and impressive skill with the sword that first caught his eye. In the battle of the Howling Fields Anari held the attention of a dozen demons as Keldren rescued a squad that had been flanked. Anari was as protective then as she was now, and her recent actions at Allied Camp only served reinforce her concern. However, this year, Anari had a new charge to worry for. Just a few weeks ago, Anari had given birth to a healthy baby girl. With her mother’s beauty and her father’s powerful eyes, she was the source of great pride, and the source of a new contention.

    Upon his last trip, Keldren had intercepted intelligence from the enemy. The Wraiths were planning to send their main force to crush the City of Fortune. Worse still, several Matavip Scouts had been reportedly seen scouring the ocean floor nearby. The Mantavips were experts at seeking out and taming the ancient, wild demons that roamed the depths. Already they had amassed a small force of Sea Dragons, Mer-folk and Undines, but rumor had it they were seeking something far more sinister. An ancient evil legend told was sleeping beneath the dark waters. It was the power of the Mantavips that conjured the storm, hoping to deprive the Empire of one of its prize weapons, the great Keldren. But the storm had failed, and the plans had been relayed to the General. Corsair once again called upon Capitain Summer, to take Keldren back to Fortune, and plead with the Duke. Keldren, suspecting the Generals intent was more for him to find out about the Mantavips search than for the safety of the remaining citizens, nonetheless agreed to return to his hometown once more. This time, however, child or no, Anari refused to be left behind.

    “I still don’t like it, why can’t you take the West path to Etherblade?” Keldren asked. “I thought you would want us close, besides, these days no paths are safe. And you can keep us safer than any path, cant you?” Countered Anari, still holding as much ground as she could, after conceding to forgo the watery voyage to Fortune itself. “Besides, with Capitain Summers army coming, what better escort could I want?” “But why not just stay here, or in Archosaur until I return?” Keldren asked one last time, a final, yet feeble attempt to change his wife’s mind. “Keldren, we have been through this, I am not staying here, nor anywhere else waiting on you alone. Never again, understand? I will see you off to Fortune from Anglers Village, that will be hard enough, and I will need my family for support. Especially with the child.” With that, Anari stood and headed to the shelter door. “I’m going to see Tai’Chien a moment, she offered to gather some herbs for me for dinner. Be a dear and watch the baby please?” Keldren nodded “Of course.” He knew the conversation was over.

    Keldren wandered over to his sleeping daughter and gazed at her a moment. In all truth, he was not happy to be leaving. Hearing the front door flap pull open, he turned and expected to see Anari returning for some forgotten bauble. Instead, a large hulking figure thrust his head in through the opening. “Master Keldren, sir, I have the moving orders from Captain Summers, is this a bad time?” a soft rumbling voice inquired. “No Baloor, please, come in. Anari is out with Tai’Chien, it’s just me and the sleeping shrunchkin here.” Baloor entered the domicile with a grace unbefitting his immense size, and sheepishly gazed upon the sleeping child. He lowered his thundering voice as best he could “With all due respect, sir, but this gentile creature is surely no shrunchkin, and the name of any demon is unbefitting her presence.” “Then you’ve not spent enough time with her awake, Baloor.” Keldren smiled “But come, let us speak of business, I do not wish to keep your time from the good Captain.”

    Keldren offered Baloor a pillow at the foot of a low table. The large green bulk lowered himself with a feline’s alacrity. Baloor was the first Untamed officer in the Empires army. His scarred hide and gruff red mane belied his gentile nature. But Baloor had proven his prowess and ferocity in battle on many an occasion. Most of all, he was fiercely loyal, and trusted completely by his Captain. “Thank you sir, but truth be told, there isn’t much information more than has been discussed already. The first company is set to leave on the morrow. A following company is to leave the next day. We hope the split will help to disguise our numbers from the wraith scouts.” “And Anari and I are still to leave with the first company?” It was more a statement than a question. “Yes, sir… I will lead your company, and the Captain will lead the aft.” Keldren raised his eyebrows at this. “Well now, that is a change. Does the Captain doubt my ability to lead the point company myself?” Baloor glanced down uneasily. “I am sorry, sir, it was done at my request. I in no way doubt your ability to lead, but would feel more at ease with a different set of eyes tending to the soldiers. I was hoping to give you and your family some time to each other on the trip.” Keldren smiled “Why, thank you old friend.” He glanced at his sleeping daughter “I don’t know what to say” then Keldren’s smile shifted to something a bit more devious “however, you do realize that Tai’Chien will be accompanying us. She is stuck to Anari, and no military order from any official would separate them.” ”I know, I know…” Baloor grimaced, than started up almost in a panic “wait…she’s not coming back with Anari, is she? Not back here?”

    “I assume the SHE your friend here is referring to is ME?” An icy voice whispered from the door flap as it slid open. Baloor jumped at the sound of it, pounding his head into the ceiling with a wall shaking thud. “Oh, Baloor, are you alright?” Anari whispered sympathetically as she and Tai’Chien entered the home. “Yes, madam, I am fine, thank you.” Baloor winced, more from the preasence of Tai’Chien than from the lump on his head. “Honestly, Keldren, Anari leaves you alone for ten minutes and you allow your home to become infested with Barbarians.” Tai’Chien continued to supposedly address Keldren, though her glaring eyes never left Baloor. “Come now, Tai’Chien, Baloor is Keldren’s guest.” Anari tried to rein in her friend. Keldren simply shrugged in surrender, and gave a sympathetic look to his friend. “Madam Anari, Madam Tai’Chien,” Tai’Chien let out a “hrumph” at the sound of her name “Master Keldren, I have relayed my message from the Captain, I-I will take my leave now.” Baloor, lacking his usual grace, managed to overturn several pots from a shelf along the wall, creating yet another great clamor. The baby began to whimper at all the commotion. “I-I’m terribly sorry. P-please, allow me to-““you had better go now old friend, while you can still escape.” Keldren chuckled, shaking his head. “That fool of a Felgar, awakening this poor sweet child.” Tai’Chien cooed at Baloors back as she scooped up the baby. “At least that big evil kitten didn’t eat my little sweetheart.” Baloor had gone, striding swiftly and silently back to the ranks. Anari took her whimpering daughter from Tai’Chien, and began to feed her. “Oh well, it’s time for the little shrunchkin to eat anyway.” Tai’Chien wrinkled her nose “Shrunchkin? Honestly Anari, I’ll never understand your horrible pet names for such a beautiful child. This sweet girl is no shrunchkin, and I’d say the mention of any demon’s name is unfit in her presence.” Keldren tried desperately to hold back his laughter. “Then perhaps you’ve not spent enough time with her awake, Tai’Chien.”

    The following morning, First Company left on the northern Road to Anglers Village. The trip would take nearly a week, yet the road was quite easy, and the company met no resistance. The first day after departure, Anari found Baloor to apologize, yet again, for her friend’s behavior. “Really, Madam, there is no need to apologize. To be honest, I deserve worse.” Anari gave Baloor a shocked look “How so? Her behavior toward one of my husband’s guests, no, one of his friends, in his own home was-““Please, Lady Anari” Baloor gently interrupted “you must try to understand. The world Madam Tai’Chien was born into was long ago, when it was my ancestors, not the wraiths that waged war upon the elves. We ravaged villages without mercy, and devoured the dead.” “I know Baloor, but things have changed, and the Untamed, with the exception of the wild Felgar, are now allied with the Empire against the wraiths.” “Yes, Madam, but Lady Tai’Chien was a soldier in those battles long ago, and to a soldier, the horrors of war she experienced may always remain at the foremost of her mind. To her ageless eyes, I am no different than the beasts she fought to defend her people, the beasts to which she lost her family.” Anari placed her hand on Baloor’s shoulder in a final attempt to comfort him “Perhaps someday you can prove yourself to her, and she will see that things truly have changed.” Baloor glanced down at Anari, a glint in his eye “You really think so?” catching himself, he stared off into the distance “Hmnn, yes, perhaps one day we shall see…”
  • Bartack - Heavens Tear
    Bartack - Heavens Tear Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hope i can finish the last part tomorrow, that is the deadline right? Between work and the flu, been a bit pre-occupied. :{
  • Ansutien - Heavens Tear
    Ansutien - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Part 2:

    “Mr. Shiun.”

    “Bad business I am afraid, friend,” the man explained. Obviously, he and Ansutien were acquainted already. “Come in and sit down.” Ansutien followed the man into an office, Mr. Shiun was the director of this particular establishment. He was also the sector leader of the organization that Ansutien worked for, The Imperial Order of the Dragoons. Once a secretive and underground organization, the Order had become more active in the recent years with the rising in the appearance of otherworldly monsters. The Order had expanded its ranks and influence to encompass the entire continent and all aspects of life, from trade, to agriculture, to the governments of the three great nations as well as the independent non-allied nations such as Archosaur and Thousand Streams. In the centuries since it's creation, the Order had grown from a loose collection of merchants, farmers and peasants into a para-military organization with enough man-power to keep all of the nations in check and from war. Through this, peace had reigned for many a year, even throughout all of the protest and bad opinion across the continent of an organization that very clearly had power over life itself. However, the Order never exercised the power it held in any unnecessary ways, this set it apart from the numerous criminal organizations across the continent.

    Ansutien took the seat offered to him across a large table. The room was well adorned, but not furnished too lavishly. Overall, it was comfortable and purpose fulfilling. The table was made out of bamboo from the forests south of the City of the Plume, where the Winged Elves roost. The chairs were carved from the stone surrounding the City of the Lost, while the window hangings were hand sewn by the master seamstresses of Etherblade.

    Mr. Shiun stood before one of the windows in the room, staring off across the city. He seemed deep in thought. Ansutien was going to say something, but was interrupted. “I'll get to the point, and I'm not going to **** with you, Ansutien. You're one of the most respected in the Order, so telling you this seems necessary.” Ansutien had a bad feeling. Only something big could have Mr. Shiun, a usually upbeat and friendly man, act so serious.

    “One week after you left, strange things began happening across the continent. Meteors began striking, but our astronomers never saw them coming. Fires raged in the far north ice lands past Etherblade, and a desert south of the City of the Lost was suddenly turned to glass,” the man explained. He seemed almost unconvinced about his own story. “None of this can be explained by strange weather or the like. Nothing any of our scholars know can explain all of these occurrences so close in time to each other across the continent.”

    “So why are you telling this to me. I've been gone for months. I'm sure you've already sent people to investigate these things, so why tell me?” Ansutien replied. It seemed as though Mr. Shiun was hesitating, holding something back.

    “Well, yes, you're right – we've already sent teams to investigate, and they've come up with no likely explanation.”


    “No, no sign of them in this. There's been no significant activity from them lately. However, there is one possibility which we've been forced to consider.” Mr. Shiun hesitated again. He seemed to choke on the next few words. “How familiar are you with ancient history?”

    “Familiar enough. Get on with it. What are you trying to say?” Ansutien asked impatiently. He didn't like being lead around. As it stood, he was being kept from well earned rest and relaxation after the **** he had been through over the past few months.

    “Well, more than a millennium ago, an army, formed by the civilization who built Heaven's tear, faced an enormous army from a far away land across the eastern ocean. This invasion was bigger than any this land has seen since. The armies of Heaven's Tear rallied for one last push, they were at the end of their ropes. Finally, an opening in the enemy forces allowed them to break through. The enemy army broke ranks and eventually, was forced to retreat back across the ocean.” Shiun stopped for a moment and grabbed a drink of wine from a nearby bottle. He sipped back the entire glass that he had poured and started on another, but thought against it. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and took a seat across from Ansutien. He continued.

    “The forces of Heaven's Tear won the war, but no one knew why the enemy forces broke ranks and let them in. Our civilization exists because of a fluke.”

    “Yeah, great, thanks for the history lesson. So, what does that have to do with anything?”

    “Well, in the centuries since then, no one has seen nor hear from our old enemies from across the ocean. The most likely cause of all of the strange goings on here – is that they've come back. They want to try at us again.” Shiun sat back, he was sweating. Something really had him afraid, but Ansutien couldn't see why.

    “So, why am I here. If they want war, they can have it. Let them come to us again.” Ansutien was already riled up. War would bring battle, and battle would give him purpose.

    “Ansutien, you aren't thinking clearly. Even our most powerful wizards couldn't cause as much damage as could have caused the destruction across the land. We're not dealing with a simple invasion force. We're dealing with a civilization of warriors who have had a thousand years to get stronger. While we have been fighting amongst ourselves, our real enemies may have been growing constantly. They may have abilities of which we could only dream. If war were to come, we could very well lose everything.” Shiun was right, everything he said was right. Ansutien was letting his thirst for battle cloud his normally sound judgment.

    “So, then, what does the Order want me to do. Am I to be part of some advanced force? Or some scouting party or something?” Ansutien was curious, he wanted to know why the Order was running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

    “Nothing like that. The order wants you to protect a team of diplomats on a journey to the forgotten continent. It's our only chance to save ourselves. We have to try and establish peaceful relations with them before they decide to kill us,” Shiun explained. However, Ansutien was not expecting such a turn of events. He was completely expecting the Order to want to strike first.

    “Unexpected. I was thinking of something a bit more – bloody,” Ansutien replied.

    “As I thought, Ansutien, you never could let go of the thirst for blood. But no, we only want you to protect diplomats, not attack an unknown civilization which could very well turn us to mud in a heartbeat.” Again, of course, Ansutien was wrong. Attacking an unknown force would be completely pointless and utterly stupid. The only response Ansutien could make was, “When do we leave.”

    Ansutien slept little that night. He and his team was to leave next morning. He felt bad for having to tell his friends that they would not be able to rest, like they so deserved. They were to leave by ship, and would not return for many more months, if ever. They all knew the dangers of the job, it was part of the description, but no one liked the idea of leaving the continent, let alone leaving home again so soon after coming back from a mission.

    “Seriously, 'Tien. Couldn't they have gotten someone else to do this mission?” Vidz complained. He had planned to go back to his home village near the City of the Lost once they had checked in in Etherblade, but with the recent turn of events, it could be years before he returned. The group was loading their things onto their ship in the docks. The ship was called the “Pride of Alastia” a large vessel, once used for transporting cargo, but now converted into the flagship of the diplomatic delegation, the last hope for the continent to avoid a war which might end existence as they knew it.

    “Because anyone who could handle this job is already occupied mustering our forces to be ready in case we fail our mission,” Ansutien explained.

    “Glad to know they have so much confidence in our mission,” Xeonea replied sarcastically.

    “Well, better to be safe than sorry,” Vidz responded, hanging his head over the side of the ship, looking down into the water. “My kind is meant to remain on land, not here where there is only turmoil. The calm feeling of the ground beneath ones”—Vidz was cut off by the sound of his own vomit escaping through his mouth. “Feet.” He finished, wiping the vomit from his chin and muzzle.

    Together, the group of five brave warriors set sail for the forgotten continent across the ocean. Many months would pass before they even saw land again, IF they saw land again. Even if they did make landfall, months later, they would have to contend with an absolute unknown. Even great warriors such as themselves could not be prepared for what lay ahead. No person had ever sailed to the other continent. People were quite content with staying on their own little slice of earth, and had no delusions of conquest over the world.

    Will our heroes make it to the forgotten continent? Will they succeed in their mission? Find out in our next exciting installment; coming to forums near you whenever the hell I feel like writing them.
  • O_oSakurao_O - Heavens Tear
    O_oSakurao_O - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I didn't have time to make an entirely new one, so I edited one of my best fics to suit PWI needs~! My fic, therefore, is a Harry PotterxPWI crossover~! :D

    When Ginny Weasley, a venomancer, turned up at 1 a.m. on Draco’s doorway, the last thing he was expecting was a bright smile and a friendly wave.

    After being kindly jostled out of the way, Draco’s muddled, barely-even-awake brains couldn’t manage more than a questioning “Whaugh?”

    “I’ve always wondered if you were literate.” Ginny said brightly.

    This statement managed to penetrate Draco’s foggy mind enough to shake off his remaining sleepiness and he closed his door and locked it. Putting aside his wooden sword which he unwittingly grabbed when he heard the knock, he tried to appear nonchalant while only dressed from the waist down and with who-knows-what on his face (hopefully not drool), he leaned against the door and stared blithely at the fearless veno sitting innocently on his couch.

    “It’s not working,” she quipped.

    Draco quirked an eyebrow and drawled, “What is?”

    “You’re way of looking at me as if you want me to spill my guts on the floor without a single verbal prodding from you.”

    “You can’t exactly blame me, weasel – you were the one who barged into my apartment at an ungodly hour.”

    Ginny’s ears twitched as she sighed and nodded. “I couldn’t think of anyone else to run to.”

    Draco sauntered at a maddeningly slow pace to the couch opposite her and after settling in comfortably, said, “You couldn’t think of anyone else to run to? Try your family, your brother, that supposedly genius cleric Granger, or even the perfect forever-doing-good-deeds archer Potty? Correct me if I’m wrong, Fox, but we’re not exactly bosom buddies – in fact, were not even ‘buddies’ at all!”


    Draco almost allowed his jaw to fall open but managed to stop it just before he humiliated himself. “So what exactly are you doing here?”

    Ginny hedged a bit and replied, “You let me in.”

    “You barged right past me and made yourself comfortable, fox-girl, I doubt that warrants as a permitted, ladylike entrance.”

    “I needed to get in – the mobs might still be after me.” After a quick glance at Malfoy’s face, she answered his silent question.

    “I broke up with Harry.”

    One year ago

    “I can’t believe I’m assigned to live with a lowlife Death Eater like you!” Ginny pronounced heatedly.

    “I’m not exactly having the time of my life myself.” Draco answered placidly.

    “Do I look like I care?”

    “Exactly. You shouldn’t care, but you do. Do I sense any hidden feelings there for me, Fox?’ Draco smirked at her and she spluttered, “Who would?”

    “Ah, glad you asked. Let me see, there’s Pansy, Millicent – “

    “Those are haughty broads, who for some reason prefer slimy gits such as you! The only hidden feelings I can possibly have for you is – “

    “Loathing, disgust, possibly a stick up my **** or a oneshot from Chin.” Draco’s eyes darkened at the sight of Ginny’s reddening face. “A bit too much for you saintly ears. True, with the kind of company you keep. At this day and age, you probably still believe in heroes and you think you’ve found him in that dull archer, Potter, hm?”

    “Don’t talk of Harry like that!”

    “Bad wording from a bad guy like me is all that you can expect.”

    This sharp bantering continued on as they sat across each other in Number 12, South District of Plume. The Territorial Battle has just ended a week ago, and most of the Ginny’s faction,“The Order” are still rounding up the last of the “Death Eaters” who did not join the march to Hogwarts. Many suspected of allegiance with the Dark Lord, leader of the Death Eaters, were being questioned, and the spies in the midst of other groups were being weeded as well. After the death of Vincent Crabbe by Tempest three days ago, the Order decided to place the entire Malfoy family under protective custody. They were separated for their own good – Lucius went underground, Narcissa went to her sister Andromeda, and Draco was stuck in Sirius’ old place with the Ginny. Of course, there was a constant stream of people going in and out of the house, but mostly it was just him, her, and the nerve-wracking silence – which explains the preference for well-aimed barbs at each other.

    Suddenly, they heard the front door open and in came Ginny’s mother, carrying in some groceries, followed by Hermione, who was carrying in a bundle of unrecognizable, squirming fur.

    Draco immediately assisted the elder venomancer and relinquished her of her packages, while Ginny squealed and launched herself to whatever it was Hermione was holding. Ginny’s shrieks of joy followed Draco to the kitchen.

    The mother’s gentle smile was directed at the doorway, where her daughter and her friend was yet to enter.

    “It’s so nice to see her happy,” the matriarch remarked as she began to peel potatoes. “Nowadays, it’s so hard to find something to enjoy, you really have to count every blessing.”

    “It most certainly is,” Draco answered, and a quick glance to the doorway revealed that Ginny heard his answer because she was venomously glaring at him, “Which is why we must value how harmonious we are living, and the fact that we are alive.”

    Mrs. Weasley smiled at him. “Exactly, my boy. Now, I’m very fond of you dear, but you’re burning my stew.” And she flicked her tail to decrease the temperature of the fire.

    Ginny’s peals of laughter at Draco’s mistake did not go unnoticed, however, and her mother immediately assigned her to bake a cake as their dessert later on.

    As Ginny mixed the batter, she hissed at the boy beside her, “Stupid bloke, cozying up to my mum.”

    Draco grinned at her and replied, “I didn’t exactly do anything for it, you know, but she took to me. But, of course, who can resist my charms?”

    Ginny snorted and was once again scolded by her mother. Draco’s barely concealed snickers were ignored, possibly because of the yelling match between the two female Weasleys.

    “ – a bloody git who provoked me and makes me want to shove his head into his **** – “

    “I will not have you talking to Draco that way! He is a misunderstood boy who – “

    “ You read too many romance books when all he is is a stupid, foul – “

    “We have much to be thankful for because of him – “

    Surprisingly, when a few days ago the female head of the Wealsey’s learned that Draco would be mostly under her and her daughter’s care, she was glad of it. Harry Potter made no secret of the fact that if wasn’t for Narcissa Malfoy’s machinations, the whole war might have been tilted to the other side and many more might have died. His request that the entire family be protected did not go unheeded, of course, although many were hesitant to associate themselves with the Malfoy patriarch. But since the latter’s assistance was proving to be a great help, although they weren’t quite forgiving of his sins, they were at least tolerating him and not taunting him – much.

    Finally, it seemed as if the shouting match between the two Weasley’s were over and both were panting at their efforts. Grudgingly, they turned to the tasks at hand and eventually, dinner was served.

    A few hours later, after the arrivals have left, Draco remembered his curiosity of the wriggling mass that Granger and Weaselette had put in a used basket as they were eating dinner. As Draco turned his head towards where he last saw the red-haired venomancer, an unidentified, wet thing jumped up to him and accosted his face.

    “What the bloody hell – Ginny!” Draco yelled as he wrestled the ball of fur that was ecstatically going after his face and held it high. “Bloody – oi! Ginny!”

    Ginny came rushing down the stairs and, seeing what was happening, protested herself, “This is bloody unfair! That puppy won’t even go near me and then it goes jumping at you?”

    “OI! Before you bemoan whatever it is you’re saying, get this bloody thing off me first!”

    Ginny sighed and held out her hands. “Leopolda? Come here.”

    ‘Leopolda’ immediately noticed Ginny’s prodding hands, stopped licking Draco and looked at the redhead. Seeing her, it yelped and ran behind Draco’s legs and hid from her sight.

    Ginny cried out and said, “SEE? See?! It won’t even look at me and I’M the veno here!”

    Draco wiped drool, fur and some unidentifiable brown stuff from his face and grunted, “What I wouldn’t give to be in your place.”

    Everything that happened finally managed to penetrate Draco and the first thing he did was look closely at whatever it was accosting him moments ago. Clutching his sword close, he peered at the tiny brown dog with the white underside and tail, the latter which was currently tucked between its legs.
    Suddenly, Draco whipped his head back to the obviously envious Weasley and asked, “You named it ‘Leopolda’?”

    Ginny, for her part, looked defiant. “I’ll have you know, it’s the name of a very gracious saint, and it fits that dog well!”

    “The only thing that’ll fit this dog is a collar. And no wonder whoever that saint was isn’t well known – I wouldn’t want to be, if my name was that bizarre!”

    “Just so you know, Malfoy, you are no saint, and Leopolda is a very good name!”

    Draco smirked and drawled, “Ever wonder why the dog hates you so much? Hm... let me think, uhm, the name, perhaps?”

    That was the last thing he remembered thinking, because suddenly, he saw flying skulls before his world turned black.


    “ – damningly stupid, egotistical **** – “

    Draco’s blurred vision was suddenly clearing and his boggled mind registered that he was on the floor, and the smallest Weaslette was sitting on the floor next to him, holding an ice pack to a very painful part of his face.

    “I’ll have you know, redhead, that you just Parasitic Nova-d the most gorgeous guy you’ll ever know.”

    Ginny started and replied dryly, “Then it’s a very good thing it’s not a perfect face anymore, isn’t it?”

    Draco immediately sat up and looked around for a mirror but was immediately pushed back to the floor. He heard a solid ‘thunk’ as his head connected with the very solid floor, and he winced as stars appeared in his line of sight.

    “Oops, sorry.” She did not sound very sorry at all, and her ears were twitching – definite sign of amusement. “Now, if you have enough strength to look for a mirror – I don’t know how you can look at your slimy face for any period of time at all, but each to his own – my arm is getting kinks, holding this ice pack immediately after casting one helluva spell – although the latter was very satisfying.”

    Draco looked at her witheringly. “If that was your pot shot at comforting me, it was one hell of a miss.”

    Ginny, much to Draco’s disgust, smiled brightly and replied, “Not at all! Been wanting to do it for ages.”

    “What do you think I feel? A girl knocking me out just because I insulted a stupid name.”

    “Tsk, tsk, careful, Malfoy, since I’m guessing you don’t want a repeat performance.”

    Draco looked comically horrified, and her raucous laughter followed him until he reached his quarters.


    Later that night, something cannonballed into Draco’s chest – something very, very hard which started slobbering all over him immediately – and he came up spluttering.

    “What the – you bloody oaf! Geddoff me!” he cursed, but the bloody animal looked quite intent on drowning him in drool and did not even bother to stop.

    “Damn!” Draco finally managed to dislodge the animal from his chest and dropped it none-too-gently on the floor, while he cowered – ehem, stayed – standing on the bed, watching the dog warily as it yipped and scratched on the bedsheets.

    “Sheesh, if it really helps, how ‘bout I call you Cenminator? That’s a bloody decent, strong name – yowch!” He yelped as the dog managed to scuff his ankles and he leapt away. “What – can you actually understand me?” The dog jumped up again. “All the Malfoy men must be turning on their graves by now. How ‘bout Farng?” The dog growled. “Krixixx?” It barked. Draco coughed up a few more names, but all he managed to get was some sore spots on his ankles and an energetic fluffball yipping at his feet. “Argh! I’m naming you… Slobber, and if that doesn’t go over well with you, then you’re going to be stuck as Leopolda forever, or so Merlin help me!”

    Astoundingly, the dog quieted and panted quietly.

    ‘Should have known that the threat of being named something distasteful would have convinced this pup.’ Draco thought as he absently scratched ‘Slobber’ behind the ears.

    The dog tensed us suddenly and then, as if having forgotten something, snatched Draco’s pyjama leg and pulled him to the door.

    “What – food?” Draco grumbled as he grudgingly stood up. “This is the last time I’m tolerating you waking me at this ungodly hour, you mangy dog, or I’m tossing you to that redhead and letting her call you Leopolda!”

    ‘Slobber’ whined and continued to pull him. Draco allowed the dog to guide him but surprisingly, it did not lead him towards the kitchen; rather, the dog went straight towards the room of the only other occupant of the house.

    Upon arriving at the door, Draco looked at the dog darkly and was about to pull the now-silent animal back to his room when from behind the door he heard distinctive hiccups and sniffs.

    ‘Weaslette’s crying?’ Draco thought. He then looked at the watchful dog at his foot and realized that the animal must have heard her distress earlier and came to him for a solution. ‘Well, what am I supposed to do, throw myself out the window for her enjoyment?’

    Draco didn’t fool himself into thinking that he could in any way comfort the littlest Weasley – Merlin knows that they could barely even speak decently for a minute before they were going after each other’s throats.

    He tried to leave the girl in peace, but the dog looked none too happy at his gesture of leaving, for it immediately made a swipe for his bare feet. After silently swearing, he debated hauling the dog and making a mad dash for his room before it even managed a yelp, but his hands seem to have a mind of his own, because before he knew it, he was knocking on her door softly. He looked at his fisted hand, aghast, but there wasn’t much he could do after that, because the door was suddenly opening and a flying mass of red hair and pink cotton nightgown launched itself into his chest.

    The ‘thing’, obviously the Weaslette, was sobbing piteously into his chest and the liquid was trickling down his now-occupied chest. After a few seconds, he patted her back awkwardly and guided her back inside her room, placing himself and the girl-who-wouldn’t-let-go-of-him on the edge of the bed, with sitting with his back propped up and Ginny in between his legs, spluttering on him.

    Finally, the girl gave one big sniff and said, “H-harry, he – he got c-caught in some crossfire, and w-was c-cursed. M-mum and dad got him in touch with some good clerics, but they said he was c-critical.”

    Draco refrained from whooping in joy and swallowed audibly. Just because his mum saved the dork didn’t mean he had to like the prat. “So? Why aren’t you there now, mooning over his bedside and putting love notes under his pillow?”

    Ginny, to her credit, ignored most of his question and just answered. “Mum said there wasn’t any need for me to be there, since my being there wouldn’t help him. It’s true, but can’t I be there just because I want to? I love the guy!”

    At this, Draco felt a sudden tightening at the general area of his heart and his throat momentarily clogged up. What the - ?

    “ – also, dad said Ron and ‘Mione were already there, and they’re all the company he’ll need! I want to be there, Draco, I want to!”

    Draco swallowed again in an effort to clear up his throat and managed to raggedly reply, “Stop sounding like a petulant child, Gin, what they said goes. If you want to do him a favour, send him a letter or something and stop being a nuisance. That’ll satisfy your parents, at the very least.”

    Abruptly, the girl pushed him away roughly and looked blazingly at him. “Malfoy. Malfoy - what the hell. I should have known, what would you know of love? Nothing, because you can’t love! Out! Out of my room!”

    Ginny stumblingly pulled him from his position and roughly hauled him to the door, slamming it soundly after he left. He picked up the blearily waking dog from its spot in the hallway and went, trance-like, to his room.

    It was only after he closed the door behind him and laid down on his bed that he noticed how empty he felt, and how clogged his throat still was.


    By the next day, the house was as quiet as a tomb. The two occupants were ignoring each other with a vengeance, and Draco barely even remembered to feed the dog who was yapping after him.

    The next days were just the same, punctuated only by the visits of the Weasley matriarch to stock on their foods, and with dire warnings to both of them not to take even a toe out of the house. Ginny eagerly awaited these visits, and her first words to her mother were always, “How’s Harry?”

    Every time Draco heard her voice come alive with the mention of Scarhead, something twisted inside his gut and he always squelched it by barbed insults towards the girl, making the latter go after his throat with a vengeance.

    After Mrs. Weasley leaves, though, the house dies again, with the only noises being Slobber running around and bumping into things.

    Draco had developed a sort of fondness for the dog, mainly due to the fact that the dog adored the very ground he walks on. Adulation is always welcome, even if it only was from the dog.

    Which was more than he can say between Ginny and Slobber. The dog tolerated her enough to allow her to bring her food occasionally, but more than that and the dog scampers – towards Draco, and this added another negative notch for him in Ginny’s tally board. Not that the veno needs more notches – at the rate they’re going, she’s going to need more boards.

    One morning, without any warning at all (which Draco most certainly would have appreciated), Ginny bounced into the room, waving a parchment in her hands gleefully.

    “Harry’s fine! They’re discharging him in a week, and mum says we’re celebrating here!”

    “Oh, joy.” Draco commented drily, without even bothering to look up from his book. “Be still, my heart!”

    Incensed, Ginny marched up to him and slammed his book closed. He looked up at her disbelievingly and was awarded with the sight of her cleavage as she bended over him.

    Ginny, noticing his riveted attention, said caustically, “When you’re done.”

    Draco snapped his head back and retorted, “You were the one giving me the free show! Merlin knows I’m as deprived as I’ll even get. Besides, what do you want me to do about Potter? Whoop with joy and dance a jig?” He snorted, then continued, “Unless you’ve forgotten, Weaselette, we aren’t in the best of terms, and – “ he interrupted her just after she opened her mouth, “just because my mum was kind enough to save his hide doesn’t mean we’re best friends now.”

    Ginny snapped her mouth shut and settled with glaring down at him.
    After a few moments, Draco coughed and said, “Weaselette, in case it escaped your notice, you’re still quite... exposed.” Ginny looked down at herself and gasped, straightening herself and placing her arms defensively in front of her.

    Draco sauntered over where she was standing by the wall and leaned into her blushing face. “An invitation is always welcome.”

    Ginny opened her mouth to make a smart retort, but Draco beat him to it. He covered her lips with his own and took advantage of her slightly open mouth to take the upper hand. Using his acquired muscles, he pinned her to the spot with hardly any effort.

    Ginny resisted him, pushing him, trying to knee him, but the kiss eventually gave out from being domineering to being gentle. He wasn’t looking for control now, he wanted her – and he wanted her willing. He gave and gave, and when he was about to pull away because of her lack of reaction, she seized him by his nape and pressed his lips back and temperatures increased, so absorbed into the kiss were they that they forgot to come out for air.

    A tiny yap at their feet broke them apart, Slobber probably wondering why her two masters were meshed together on the wall (when they could be comfortably lounging on the floor. *cough*)

    Draco looked up at her, took in her unfocused eyes, and said, “Well, aren’t we repressed.”

    Ginny smiled hesitantly at this, glad that he came up with the perfect excuse to condone their behaviour. “Yes, well, we have been cooped up here. Better make do with what one has.”

    “Make do? I take offense in that.” Draco moved away from her, lest he repeat what he just did. “Let me tell you, I am quite desirable – many girls will attest to that. My conquests have been quite... legendary.”

    The redhead’s attention was caught by the last statement. “You mean you’re not... innocent anymore?”

    “Weaslette, I doubt I’ve ever been innocent. I was even led to believe my first word as a baby was ‘Kill’. But if you’re talking about my virginity, well, there was a time I can remember – but ho, that was back in the days though.”

    Ginny scrunched up her nose. “Ew, gross, Mal-ferret!”

    Draco s******ed, knowing that although Weaslette probably didn’t believe him, she was still insatiably curious. “Virgin much? Didn’t you have a boyfriend before?”

    “I’m not stupid enough to prance there in front of all who may see me.”

    “Hello? Remember the ability to sneak?”

    “Yeah, that would be romantic. Dean,” Ginny intoned dramatically, “I would shag you senseless if it weren’t for the sickening thought of doing it so near my brother’s bed.”

    “And that my virgin ignorance makes me totally daft to even get there – “

    “Malfoy, your obsession with my supposed virginity is creepy.”

    “Supposed, indeed!”

    “Oh, shut up. You can’t be an expert, you’re only a year ahead of me.”

    “She doubts me! I shall try not to take offense.”

    Ginny snorted incredulously and grabbed the book he was reading moments ago.

    “Well, wonder-shag, do me a favour and bugger off while I enjoy the comforts of my room.” Her tone lightened. “I think we’re gonna have a busy week.”

    “And I’m trying very hard not to take that the wrong way.”

    He barely ducked in time to avoid the hardbound book the flaming redhead lobbed at him, her tail flicking jauntily before the door closed behind her.


    “Wait, let me get that straight, you dumped the Scarhead Moron, the-boy-who-bloody-lived, and went running to me?” Draco said disbelievingly.

    At Ginny’s nod, Draco started pacing the room and running his hand through his tousled locks. “What am I supposed to do, congratulate you for a job well done?”

    “Well, I was kinda hoping that – “

    “Nuh-uh.” Draco shook his head. “You can’t be. There’s nothing to be had. The only thing we shared was – “

    “Some heated kisses, some lewd jokes, and custody on a dog? “

    “Exactly. Although the last part is really odd when phrased that way.”

    Ginny giggled at his look of disgust. “Leopolda is probably the best-looking daughter you’ll ever have.”

    Draco’s horror was almost audible. “If I’m ever to breed, Weaselette, I can assure you they’ll be the best-looking children you’ll ever see. They won’t have brown hair all over them and their name will never be in doubt. Stop calling her Leopolda!”

    “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you have white hair, Malfoy. Your children might just be unfortunate enough to inherit that.”

    “IdonothaveWHITEHAIR.” Draco ground out. “I have ashen blonde silky locks. Perfect for chivalrous blademasters like I.”

    “Whatever you say,” Ginny replied cheekily, ears twitching.

    Draco sighed heavily and massaged his temple. “What are you doing here again?”

    “Leopolda – “

    “Slobber is well asleep in her couch, and probably dreaming of whatever it is she thinks I’m feeding her tomorrow.”

    “Visiting you – “

    “Not working.”

    Ginny sighed exasperatedly. “If you gave me enough talking time, I probably would have said it already!”

    “Humour me.”

    “I want to give us a chance.”


    “Give us a chance, Ginny!”

    “Stop – please, stop!” Ginny cried out, running away from Draco. But it was not to be. The latter caught up to her and managed to lay her flat against the way, with him in between her and freedom.

    “Why, Ginny? I know I shocked you, but you must be bloody blind not to see it.”

    Ginny tear stained face was killing him, but he knew this has to be done. But the girl surprised him; with her folded ears and tear-stricken eyes she looked at him and said, “It’s him I need, Draco. Not you.”

    Draco’s tears were about to come, but he bent over and placed his lips over hers. She resisted, clawed at him, but he persevered and later on, she was malleable and soft under him. He pulled his lips slowly away and was a bit smug on how her lips unconsciously followed the path of his, before she shook herself free of her heated haze. Draco then kissed her forehead and whispered, “At least you know what you’re giving up.”

    After that fateful kiss, things began to change between Draco and Ginny. They still bantered and insulted, but the air was more light-hearted, and most of the words exchanged between them were more perfunctory than with the objective to wound. They weren’t friends, exactly, but they weren’t enemies either.

    It was earlier that night that Ginny dropped a bomb on Draco.

    “I want to profess to Harry,” Ginny admitted, her heart in her eyes. “I want him to know that it wasn’t just some schoolgirl crush, that I really do love him.”

    Draco’s gray eyes darkened to quicksilver, his hand unwittingly twitching to the direction of his blade. “Why the sudden decision?”

    Ginny sighed dreamily and answered, “All these years I was just building up my courage, trying to do what’s right. For me. For us. Now, I can say I finally have the guts, because Mum said that he’s been asking for me since the accident. ”

    “So Potty goes calling, and Weaselette comes running? Funny, I never expected you to be quite a lapdog.”

    Ginny whirled angrily at him. “What’s with you? I would have thought you’d be glad to see the back of me when I leave here to stay back at the Burrow! You’ll have peace at last!”

    Draco stood up and ran his fingers angrily on his hair. “People change, Ginevra. Who said I want to be alone. Merlin knows I’ve been alone long enough.”

    Ginny’s eyes softened and she said, “Oh, I’m so sorry I – “

    “Don’t give me that!” Draco shouted. “Don’t give those pitying looks, those ‘I’m sorry I didn’t think’ words – I don’t need them! What I do need is company – laughter, tears, and everything else in that package. What I do need is you.”

    Ginny’s mouth dropped as Draco stalked towards her. “Draco, what – “

    “I love you.”


    “Now you give me a chance,” Draco repeated dully.

    Ginny hedged at the stoic facade the man has put on himself. Gone was the teasing smirk, the glinting amusement.

    “I’m free, Draco.”

    At her words, life came back to his eyes – eyes now glinting almost black, madder than anything she had ever seen before. She took a step back apprehensively.

    “So this is it, huh?” Draco stalked up to her and towered over her. “You test the waters, and when you slip, you go to the pond you’re already sure of!
    Well, I’m not having it,” Draco snarled. “I was all over you, in over my head, and you dropped me flat. I begged, as I have never begged before. But it didn’t make a bloody difference; you went away and left me without a second glance!”

    At this, Ginny flew into a rage. “I was scared, Draco! All my life, I’ve dreamed of this boy, this hero,”she snorted at this, “who will come to me after his hard day’s battles to the comfort of my arms! It was a childhood fantasy, Draco, but I lived for it, lived by it! How would I know that it would also be possible to be in love with another?”

    Draco grasped her upper arms and shook her none too gently. “I’m not second best, Ginny. Never. If I’ll have you, I’ll have all of you. It won’t be because things haven’t worked out for Potter and you, not because you need someone on the rebound. So walk out of here, while I’m giving you the chance.”

    Ginny walked up to him and placed a hand on his chest and noticed, for the first time, how ragged his breaths were, how much he was shaking.

    She laid her head on his quivering chest and whispered, “I don’t need the chance to walk out of here, stupid, I walked in here, or did you forget?”

    “I’m not letting you walk out on me, Weaselette. Ever.” Draco managed, encircling her within his arms and crushing her against him. It must have hurt, but at the moment, no one cared.

    “Harry was – “

    “I’m not asking.”

    “But – “

    “I don’t care.”


    Draco thrust Ginny away from him and looked straight into her eyes. Seeing how amused they were, although serious, he shook himself and banged the back of his head against the wall behind him. “You chose a homosexual over me – a brilliant, attractive, wealthy blademaster genious?”

    “Fat lot of difference our time of separation made on your humility, ferret.”


    “Yeah, well, I was already planning on leaving him, but I was worried over his reaction. Although highly sickening, the sight of him exchanging some bodily fluids – saliva, Draco, saliva, don’t faint on me! – with my own brother gave me reason to believe that our feelings for each other were mutual.”

    “Which is?” Draco wheezed, still slightly dazed and pale.

    “Er – sisterly.”


    “Did I forget to mention Harry was wearing red polka dot undies with a matching bra?”

    The End. My original HP Fic can be found in my FF.net account~ ^^
  • O_oSakurao_O - Heavens Tear
    O_oSakurao_O - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    b:shocked how can u read this all~? mine is a oneshot, but golly, i saw one will around 10 chapters. ur not judging by quantity right? coz my insides will be displayed all over the forums in defeat if u are. b:surrender
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    .....Well, at least I knew I didn't have a chance since the beginning. b:surrender
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    b:shocked how can u read this all~? mine is a oneshot, but golly, i saw one will around 10 chapters. ur not judging by quantity right? coz my insides will be displayed all over the forums in defeat if u are. b:surrender

    She already said Quality > Quantity, but both never hurt.
    .....Well, at least I knew I didn't have a chance since the beginning. b:surrender


    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 16: The Choice
    Part I

    The Red Reaper sat down on the edge of the platform that was in the center of Archosaur. His feet dangled as he looked down with remorse. "Serenity..." he whispered through the air.

    Hojo walked to Red Reaper then stood behind him. "Hey." He sat down next to him and looked straight ahead. "You ok?"

    "Not really." Red Reaper responded. His red eyes did not leave the water below. "So we are in the future?"

    Hojo nodded. "Yes." He sighed. "I'm sorry about Serenity and the others."

    "Don't be. It was my fault." The Red Reaper looked up at moon. "If I was there, then we would have been able to complete the circle and defeat Harpy Wraith." He shook his head lightly. "If only I had one more chance. If only I could redo the..." He paused as he started to realize something. His gaze turned to Hojo. "You all came from the future and went to the past."

    "Ya, we did." Hojo responded.

    "Then is it possible for me to go further in the past?"

    "I don't know." Hojo shrugged. "You'll have to ask the Messenger of Time."

    To the Messenger of Time

    "I see." The Messenger of Time said and rubbed under his chin. "So you want to go back to the time when your comrades died that day." He gave a slight frown. "I am sorry, but the history and future would be altered greatly if you rescue them all. And if I recall, you were not near the area when most of your friends fell, Red Reaper."

    Red Reaper sighed. "Only Serenity and her sister, Hope, were still alive when I got there."

    "Then you can only choose between the ones who were still alive. However, one must die to keep the balance. Perhaps even who you decide to save and let die will greatly impact the future." The Messenger of Time added, "Choose wisely." Then he walked away.

    "I always wanted to do it over again, but... Choose between Serenity and her sister?" Red Reaper frowned. That was not what he wanted. "Hope became the next Elder of Plume. If she dies then the Winged Elves would lose their way. But If Serenity dies again and this time I can save her...." He clenched his fists tightly. "I would never forgive myself for breaking the promise I made to her. I would be breaking it twice."

    "Red..." Aqua said in a low voice. She wanted to say something to help, but what could that be?

    "I have to think about this." Red Reaper quickly replied before spreading his wings and flying off.

    "Poor guy." Foxy whispered.

    "To choose between his love or his love's sister. Who lives and who dies... That is a horrible choice to make." Fang sighed and stated in a low tone.

    "Ya..." Hojo added in a low tone as well.

    Dawn's Cry Isle

    Red Reaper was sitting down on Dawn's Cry Isle, thinking of who he should choose. "What am I going to do? This is my opportunity to save Serenity and keep my promise, but... I know she would never forgive me if I let her sister die. She would hate me." He looked up at the sky. "And what about me? If I save Hope, I will be the Red Reaper. After I saved her, I fell in the volcano and Serenity ressurected me before she died." He sighed. "So if I choose to save Serenity, then I would be my old self again. I would be... Xaldain." Peering into the water, he saw his reflection. His face was cut in half. On the left side was the Red Reaper, but on the right was Xaldain. "What would I choose? Who would I choose to live and who would I choose to let die?" He stared deeper into the water. "Do I remain the Red Reaper, save Hope, and become immortal once more? Or do I choose to be Xaldain, save Serenity, and live a normal mortal life with her?" He could no longer stare at his reflection and so he closed his eyes. "No matter what I choose, someone will die and I will lose a part of myself..." His red hair fell over his eyes. "Am I selfish if I pick Serenity to live? Am I selfish for wanting her to be alive and well?"


    "Maybe the old man can spare some wisdom." Foxy said as she walked over to the place where the old man was last.

    Everyone blinked when they saw he was gone.

    "Where did he go?" Fang asked as he looked around.

    "He probably went to take his meds." Hojo joked.

    "Hojo, this isn't the time to joke around." Aqua scorned him then crossed her arms.

    "Lets split up and look for him." Fang suggested.

    Everyone agreed then started their search.

    Windswept Grasslands

    The Red Reaper journeyed alone through the rain. He did not care about getting soaked. He only cared about what choice he should make. What should he do? He could not choose between others' lives. And he especially could not choose between the two of them. "I am to choose between the ones who were still living..." he said to himself and to the rain. Serenity was so upset with him for choosing her sister over her, but Harpy Wraith could have made her say that. Then again, Serenity's soul was still in that body so there was a chance that she did feel that way. This would not be easy at all.

    Middle of Archosaur

    Fang, Foxy, Aqua and Hojo where standing on the plateform near the Messenger of Time.

    "I can't believe we did not find him." Foxy sighed.

    "Where is that old man when you need him?" Fang asked.

    "It's odd how no one remembers seeing him at all." Aqua pondered.

    "Very odd. He always makes people sit down and listen to his stories." Hojo rubbed under his chin.

    The Red Reaper came back to the center of Archosaur where the group and the Messenger of Time were. He stood tall as he said calmly, "I am ready."
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Chapter 17: The Choice
    Part II

    "Farewell, my friends." The Red Reaper smiled at the four adventurers. He looked over his shoulder at them before going into the portal. "And thank you for everything."

    "What do you think he chose?" Fang asked as he stared at the closing portal.

    "I think I know." Aqua replied, still staring at the almost closed portal."It would be the choice any one of us would make..."

    "Huh?" Foxy blinked. "What would we choose?"

    Red Reaper stepped out the portal. He glanced around to see that he was in the West District of Archosaur. He looked down at his hands to see that they were no longer black, but peach colored again. "Yep, I am back. I remember... I should be leaving here at this time. I was waiting here for Serenity to show up so we could get married, but I overheard people saying that the Elder of Plume's daughter was kidnapped by Harpy Wraith. I thought it was Serenity but it was really her little sister, Hope. I should be heading to Burning Heart. I know what I must do now. There will be no regrets." he thought to himself.

    After finishing up in Archosaur, he quickly took flight and headed towards Burning Heart.

    "So he chose Serenity?" Fang asked.

    "He wouldn't let Hope die." Hojo said to Fang.

    Xaldain came to the battle scene where his friends laid lifeless on the ground, side by side. His two hands turned into fists. He could not do anything to save them. They were gone. His eyes turned to see Serenity fighting off several monsters. "Serenity!" he yelled and quickly shot five monsters down, using his crossbow. He ran to her side. She was crying. Of course she was crying. Their friends were all dead.

    "Xaldain!" Serenity snobbed and hugged him. "She killed them. She killed them all."

    Xaldain did not have to ask who had slauthered their friends. He turned to hear a scream. The scream came from Hope, who was held above the volcano by a spinewraith. He looked back at Serenity. "Serenity, listen to me. Whatever you do, do not look at the volcano. Everything will be fine."

    "Please save my sister." Serenity said as she watched him fly off.

    "I will." Xaldain replied as he took to the air. This was the volcano that made him the Red Reaper. He quickly retrieved Hope and avoided the spinewraith that pulled him down with it before. "Go to Plume. Hurry." he told Hope and she flew away to safety. His attention drew back to Serenity and he shot the wraith that was close to harming her, before he decended back down to her side.

    "Ya, so who did he choose to save?" Foxy asked.

    Aqua whispered, "He..."

    "You know I will always love you, Serenity. Right?" Xaldain asked Serenity.

    Serenity nodded. "I know."

    "I want you to live a long healthy life. A free life like you always wanted." Xaldain said with a smile as he caressed her left cheek with his right hand. "And I am sorry..."

    "Xaldain, what is this all ab-" She was cut off by Xaldain's sudden kiss. Their lips were pressed against one another's and time seemed to stand at a halt. Both their eyes closed as the kiss deepened...

    "Well, what did he choose?" Hojo asked.

    Aqua's eyes started to water. "He chose..."

    Xaldain's and Serenity's lips parted from one another and Xaldain pushed her away from him. "I can't let you die. I promised I would protect you. Live for me." He took out his bow and aimed an arrow at her. "Take her safely to Plume." he whispered to the arrow that had a Teleport Stone attached to it. "Knockback Arrow!" he shouted and shot the arrow once he noticed the purple mist at his feet. Serenity was too close to him. He had to shoot her to save her.

    Serenity got shot in her right shoulder and flew backwards, away from the violet fog. Her eyes widened when she saw Harpy Wraith right behind him and a sword through his heart; the sword that was meant for her. "XALDAIN!!!!!!" she screamed while tears rushed down her face. The Teleport Stone finally activated and she vanished in the air.

    "I love you." Xaldain whispered painfully. He watched as she teleported to Plume. He gave the strongest smile he could muster with the sword piercing through his chest. "Good. She's safe...", he said in a low voice before closing his heavy eyelids.

    Back to the Present

    A tear slid down Aqua's cheek. "He chose to sacrifice himself..."

    Hojo shook his head in disbelief. "How? He could only choose from Serenity and Hope."

    "No." Aqua shook her head. "The Teleport Master said that the people who were alive when he got to that very spot he could save, but one person must die." Aqua explained. "There were three people who were alive: Xaldain, Serenity, and Hope. He could not choose between the two so he took Serenity's place."

    There was nothing but silence among the four of them...

    Hojo could not take the silence anymore. "I say we take on the mission our ancestors could not finish. We must defeat Harpy Wraith."

    Fang nodded. "Agreed. We can not let Harpy Wraith take more souls."

    "And we must free everyone so they can rest in peace." Luna added. Her eyes turned firey with determination.

    "Xaldain wasn't there in time to unite with his friends. If he had, Harpy Wraith would surely have been beaten." Aqua stated after wiping her eyes of her tears.

    "Then we'll have to become stronger..." Hojo said as he clenched his fist and raised it to his heart. "For Xaldain's, Serenity's, and the others' sakes..." he said, then glanced towards the sky...

    "Harpy Wraith, YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" they all shouted before the friends ran off into the sunset.
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
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  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
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    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
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  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    All done =D. Hope you enjoy it and thank you for this contest. It's really been a blast.b:victory. Now I have no excuse for not making it a video. b:thanks
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    jokerxdude wrote: »
    All done =D. Hope you enjoy it and thank you for this contest. It's really been a blast.b:victory. Now I have no excuse for not making it a video. b:thanks

    You'd better make it a video...I'm so watching it when it comes out.




    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Wait....You ended on a cliffhanger! NOOOO I want to know what happened next!! No cop outs! >:U

    You never said anything about losing hope, you just said to hope with me!
  • Jiayin - Heavens Tear
    Jiayin - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    (Edited out the entry, PM me for stuff concerning what used to be here :x)
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Everyones entries are fantastic! I haven't seen these many stories since Gaia '04 - '07 (Rp forums =3 )
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Wait....You ended on a cliffhanger! NOOOO I want to know what happened next!! No cop outs! >:U

    You never said anything about losing hope, you just said to hope with me!

    Well...DON'T LOSE HOPE!!

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You'd better make it a video...I'm so watching it when it comes out.




    I will. b:shocked I'm going to need a big cast for this one.
    Wait....You ended on a cliffhanger! NOOOO I want to know what happened next!! No cop outs! >:U

    Rofl, that's as far as I have gotten. Or is it?b:chuckleb:quiet
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • Vixe - Heavens Tear
    Vixe - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    So is today the last day to submit entries? Also, when do we get to know who's the winner? I know that prizes are distributed no later than Saturday, but I don't recall when the winner will be announced....unless it's on the same day.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    So is today the last day to submit entries? Also, when do we get to know who's the winner? I know that prizes are distributed no later than Saturday, but I don't recall when the winner will be announced....unless it's on the same day.

    I'd also like to know. C'mon, SHOTA! FEED OUR HUNGRY KNOWLEDGE HOLES!!

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Nokia_Jade - Heavens Tear
    Nokia_Jade - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well it didn't work first time I posted. Not good o.o

    Now that that's fixed XD
    I just whipped this up. I apologize in advance. It's pretty horrible. There's some dark humor. Well, nevermind the humor part.

    There are things you just can’t turn back from. Once you’re in, headfirst, stuck in the mud, you’re going down. The world’s just going to take you down with it.

    “Hey, it’s up to you.” He tapped his staff against his shoulder, hand on his bony hip. “I mean, if that’s what you want - to lay here dead- then by all means, have at it. Who am I to interrupt you?”

    Now would have been the ideal time to scowl, but my current state objected to any such movement. In fact, it objected to any movement at all. Such was my life, I supposed. I fancied archers to an extreme; I was like a moth to the flame, the Oreo to the milk, I was like 17-year-old-virgin and Comic Con. I’d picked my path without a second thought and walked with the rest of the elves, proud and mighty out of Plume, bow in hand.

    It took all of five seconds for me to be shot dead by a Prickly Cactopod.

    Avi always said, “Your cocky attitude is going to get you killed”. He wasn’t lying. But hell, he’d never lead my life, played my part. Clearly he had no idea what he was talking about.

    And yet there I was, dead yet again, something I should have been used to forty-seven levels later.

    I mentally sighed. “Fine. Just do it and leave me be. I don’t need your buffs.”

    He let out a bark of laughter and swept his cotton-white bangs from his eyes.

    I think he enjoyed this- having power over me. I wondered if that’s what all the clerics
    were like, deep down, conscious about their smirks and their leers as they silently cackled over our corpses sprawled patiently on the Swiftwind grasses.

    Well. I hated him more than all those other clerics. He didn’t hide a thing; he let me know right up front that my death was amusing to him. It seemed to downright perk him up.

    He leaned into himself a little, glowing blue orbs emitting from his porcelain fingertips. A moment passed and like a crack of the whip my body could breathe again and air flooded into my pores, color flushed my emptied skin.

    I felt my feet leave the ground and I gasped to life again, stumbling a little to catch my balance.

    I stared at him from under my bangs, my eyes slightly narrowed. A part of me had expected him to be a gentleman about it; hold his hand out, let me use him as a crutch, whatever I needed. But no. He stood idly by watching, still smirking.

    With that I rolled my eyes.

    “Thanks,” I grunted and spun on my heel, wincing at my forty HP. It felt more like negative forty to me.

    “Ah, ah,” he chided, “what sort of cleric would I be if I just let you go back off into the world like that? You’re aching.”

    I didn’t need to be reminded.

    “I said I didn’t want your buffs,” I said edgily. He was such a jerk. They’d probably be good and poisonous and I’d just be dead here again.

    “I’m still trying to make a good impression.” He laughed.

    “You fail.”

    “We’ve only just met.”

    “Failed. I’m leaving now.” I pointed in the direction I had (just now) decided to head in and started to walk.

    All was good till he stuck his giant clown feet in my way and I went hurtling to the ground.

    Make that twenty HP.

    “What is your dysfunction?” I asked coldly, my face in the dirt.

    “So what did you say your name was, again?” I heard the familiar jingling of his magic and glowered, pushing myself up off the earth.

    “I didn’t.”

    “Don’t you think now would be a good time to do that?” He beamed. I didn’t know if he was happy about discovering my name, or having accomplished the buffs I still did not want. He made my blood boil and I wanted to rip my skin off and choke him with it just because he’d spited me. I had the sudden urge to through myself in front of an eldergoth just to get rid of his spells.

    “I’m Seras,” he offered.

    I took a deep breath and let my wings slip out, ready to flap away… maybe into the sun if he dared to follow me.

    His crystal blue eyes watched me lightly, sliding over each feather it seemed and returning to my gaze. He was quiet for a moment and I just took him in, melting a little.

    I guess he really only wanted to get to know me. And, well, I did have him to thank for giving me my life back.

    I sighed a little. “I’m Elly--”

    “You got some dirt on you.” He thrust a finger at my mint green top, making sure I saw the enormous brown splotch caked across my abdomen.

    Instantly my fists clenched and I stomped my foot into the dirt.

    “I hate you,” I snapped. “I hate you so much and I NEVER want to see your face AGAIN!”

    That was then.

    Ten levels and three bronze guardian charms later and we were attached at the waist. It wasn’t the material things that tied me to him. In fact, I refute all the more he wanted to give. I remember how he so badly wanted to put up with me, and yes, I knew I was the one that needed to be handled. No one else wanted the job, so I let him in, let him figure me out and decided what he could really like about me. He was the only one who’d ever done it. Besides Avi of course.

    My darling best friend had left me behind. Only physically of course. He’d joined Caesar and gone to fight the good war against in the west. I’d promised I’d join him one day but for the time being, I was only concerned with making myself sturdy.

    “Still weak as ever.” Seras flashed that perfected smirk at me from across the stone steps. He sat on the ledge waiting for me to finish placing newly acquired citrines in the bank for later.

    “Listen,” I said, rubbing the growing bruise on my cheek. “It was a level thirty in an fb 29. I thought I had it covered.”

    He laughed that cynically beautiful laugh and slid off, waving towards the walkway.

    Archosaur was always heavily crowded in the mornings. New shops were going up all along the streets and all classes flocked to Hou Jensin and Tu Jo to start their Crazy Stones for the day.

    The air was cool and light, unlike other parts of the world, this city was truly safe.

    “You’re sure you don’t want me to come along?” He asked and I nodded before he’d even uttered the last word.

    “You know I have to do this alone,” I told him.

    “Elly.” He shook his head. “It’s not like that. You need the company. If something goes wrong--”

    “Then I just can’t let it, can I?” I shrugged and walked towards Annabelle, my Dark Charger.

    “It’s dangerous,” he announced like it was something neither of us really knew. I nodded and smiled.

    “I’ll be fine.”

    “How can I be sure?” I’d only seen those glass blue eyes of his plagued once before. And it was a situation similar to this. He had this adorable way of worrying over me, but I was afraid his worry was rightly place. Even I was unsure how this quest would turn out. I still wasn’t strong enough to fight on my own, but having him at my side had changed everything about me. He’d protected me from the roughest times, even when I’d begged him not to. But this quest was different, it required I be absolutely alone, and that meant that my safe haven was gone.

    I smiled. “I’ll write you and soon as I’m finished. It will be over before we know it…like a really bad boss.”

    “You’re a moron, you know that?”

    “Yes. There can’t always be someone to save me,” I whispered.

    He shook his head. “There can as long as I’m around.”

    Annabelle’s steps were heavy on the sandy path. It was a lonely journey and I think even he could feel it.

    “Just you and I Anna.” I tried to smile and he brayed in response.

    My mind floated to the day I’d come home to Plume. I met Avi near the river and he’d asked me about my recent ventures. It was always so-so with Avi, it was our entire friendship. We’d been friends because we were so alike; just as indifferent, confused, and sardonic. He’d once defined us as “horrible people”, and for a long while, I completely believed he was right.

    “You look different,” he had told me.

    We’d sat for a long time and I told him everything I’d done in the past few weeks. I confessed to him the feelings I had not yet told Seras himself. I told Avi all of the things I hadn’t even confessed to myself.

    “I don’t know why I love him.”

    “You mean you really don’t know or you just can’t pinpoint it? Sounds too fairytale to me.”

    “You should know all about fairytales, Avi. We wake up every day and we’re in one.”

    “You used to be a realist.”

    “I used to be a lot of things.”

    He grinned a little. “You’re a strange girl, Elly.”

    I nodded. “Yes. He tells me too. Things like this aren’t meant to last. When they start, it’s only a matter of time before they end. It’s just a countdown.”

    “With thoughts like that, how can you say you really loved him?”

    I met Avi’s forest green eyes.

    “I don’t know.”

    “But he loves you.”

    “I don’t know.”

    “What do you know?”

    I look up at the sky, and the clouds seem to roll into grey.

    “I know that my life is not a fairytale.”

    I wished now that I’d told Avi how much I would miss him when he went away. Even though we’d grown up together, it felt weird to be so sentimental with him. I couldn’t outwardly ask him if that’s how he wanted me to react. I guess I thought he wanted me to be the same old Elly all the time.

    I didn’t know why I was anymore. Seras made me feel like I was someone worth being again, but I still had that feeling in the back of my head, like what I had with him, whatever it was, was just a ticking time bomb ready to erupt. I was waiting, any minute now, for it to leak all over the place and I’d watch the remnants of that minute happiness to seep into the ground, just as fleeting, just as finite, as the way it had dipped into my life.

    I arrived at the village on the edge of Tusk Town.

    There were only a few stragglers and they were all the same: silent and statuesque, looking like they knew where they came from and where they were going.

    I tied Annabelle up and gave him a calming pet before finding the town merchant.


    “Heard of these?” He held up a bit of parchment and I stared down at the list of things. His skeletal fingers released the list and he gestured outside the encampment. “Ridiculous things, wraiths. Clog the highways, congestion, I tell you…”

    I took a slow step back.

    There’s something not right with this place.

    “Get them and come back. The faster you’re done with me, the faster I’m done with you.”

    I checked the list again and pocketed it, glancing out at the woods.

    The skies overhead were a slate grey and the fog that hung over the tries seemed murky; a stench hung in the air, ages old, or worse, walking dead.

    My skin crawled and I gripped my bow a little tighter, feeling the wood groan under my palm.

    Calm down, Elly. It’s just as simple as any other quest. Get it, do it, go home. Plain and simple.

    I reminded myself that I was fully stocked on enough potions to see me through to the end. I was determined to get this finished now and be done with it for tomorrow. I didn’t need this to add to the dark cloud hanging lower and lower over my head these days.

    I spotted a Titanial Bondsmaid across the way and my heart pounded a few beats, pulsating in my ears. I could feel it in the pads of my fingers all the way to the backs of my knees.

    I tried to shake it off and positioned an arrow against the notch in the bow, my fingertips tugging bug on the wire.

    I took a deep breath, held it, and hoped for a quick and painless battle.

    I waited just a moment for the monster to edge around a tree and I released the arrow, simultaneously hearing the screech of my own name next to my ear.

    I spun around, my heart now working painfully against my ribcage.

    “Avi?!” I shrieked, seeing him smiling behind me.

    “Hard at work?” He laughed and raised his wand, sending a single, crushing wave of poisonous magic onto the Bondsmaid. With a scream she spun to the ground, shriveling into the grass.

    I shivered and stepped back, glancing over to my best friend.

    “What the hell are you doing down here? How did you find me?”

    “Coincidence, I assure you.”

    I frowned at him and then scoffed. “Liar. You sniffed me out, didn’t you? Twerp.”

    “Forty levels higher than you and you still batter me like we’re twelve?” He laughed and turned towards the town. “Where’s Seras?”

    “Why?” I wondered.

    “I thought that’s how it was.” His voice fell a little flat and I rolled my eyes.

    “Don’t assume. He’s not here. This quest is supposed to be soloed.”

    “El, you know he could have healed you from the outside.”

    “I do know but I thought it was dangerous for him too. And I can do it alone,” I added, a little irritated.

    “No you can’t.”

    “I can try,” I threw back and he watched me for a moment before continuing.

    “Stupid. Coming down here by yourself.”

    “I guess I’m just full of stupidity, always doing stupid things.”

    “That’s true.” He smiled. “Remember that parade we started? Gathering the mounts as
    getting everyone to ride to all of the cities. It took days. Stupid.”

    “We had fun,” I admonished.

    “We always had fun.”

    “Should we go back to town?”

    “No,” he said at once. “El, I’ve made a decision.”

    “What’s that?” I wondered, stepping forwards away from the spawning mobs.

    “After I left Caesar--”

    “When did you do that?” I asked, confused.

    “Only a few days ago. When I decided to come hunt you down.” He smiled and I smiled with him.

    “You could have just written me. But I guess that’s not our thing, huh?”

    “Oh no. We don’t have many of those do we? Not anymore.” He shrugged. “I feel so old, El. Like it’s just not worth it anymore.”

    “The leveling?”

    “Everything. I mean everything.”

    “I don’t understand.” I shook my head, my eyes on the horizon. If he wanted to seriously discuss something we could have found an inn, somewhere to sit and talk. This was unlike Avi. One to make an effort to find me out of the blue, and two, to leave Caesar behind. It was his dream to join a powerful faction like that, to be worth something in battle, just like it used to be mine. Avi had worked harder, though, and gone through with it. I knew his hard work had paid off, and to hear him even mention throwing it away…it just…it wasn’t Avi.

    “Something’s wrong,” I said.

    His eyes looked tired and he nodded gravely. “It’s off, that’s all. Not the same.”

    “Like what?”

    “Us, maybe. Definitely. Us.”

    “No, we’re alright,” I insist.

    “We aren’t.” He stroked his chin and straightened up. “You know, Elly, I was happy when you decided to come out and quest with me. We ran through this world together. No one else would have done that with me.”

    “Those were great times, Av.”


    I frowned a little, my brows furrowing. “What do you mean, ‘were’? You act like we hate each other now. We’re still friends.”

    “It’s just not worth it anymore,” he repeated. “It’s funny how quickly you jump around. I’ve watched the way your mind works, flitting from thing to thing. The way you use people, leave them behind. It’s amazing what you do in order to get just what you want in that single frame of time.”

    My eyes widened and I felt the sting resound deep in my being. I clenched my teeth tightly together, not saying a word.

    “But you hardly know what you want. You make a mess of yourself and everyone you touch. Everyone you want to bring down with you.”


    “I mean you do, don’t you?”

    It was silent for the longest time.

    “Elly I miss those times so much.” He started to walk away and my eyes got watery, my jaw set.

    “You left me behind,” I said venomously.

    He stopped again, turning to level his gaze with mine.

    “And you did absolutely everything in your power to try to get even again. We’re horrible people, El.” He raised his wand and I turned, running backwards, holding my bow tightly.

    I ducked behind a tree just as the boulder he’d sent hurtling towards me crashed into the earth.

    There was just no way.

    My odds were stacked against me and his words rang in my ears like execution bells.

    My eyes narrowed and I growled through my teeth.

    “If you had such a problem with me,” I shouted, “why didn’t you kill me before? You let me live my whole life under the impression that we’d always be amazing friends. You sat and fed me lies?”

    “You’re lying to yourself now.” He called back. “Now come out El. Do it the easy way before you hurt yourself, hurt more people in the end.”

    “I don’t use people!” I screamed and lunged out at him, holding my bow high, arrow raised. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I let the first arrow go. It hit his shoulder and I stand frozen in disbelief. But his words are on repeat in my head, reminding me again and again what he truly thought of me.

    “You were my best friend,” I breathed.

    I don’t even move as a wave of heat hits me and I’m pushed back, my bow tumbling out of my hands.

    I feel my health dwindling, just like it always did, like we always expected it to.

    But this time was different.

    I met Avi’s gaze, glaring as hard as I could.

    “You betrayed me.”

    He shook his head and lifted his wand for last time. “You betray yourself.”

    I see the flash of flaming orange light but I don’t feel the hit. There’s a sickening thud in front of me and I peel my eyes open, seeing the body slumped on the ground.

    My eyes go wide again and I feel a scream building up in me.

    “Seras,” I choke out and like a pot overflowing I can feel the nausea burning in me, ripping it’s way up my throat, fighting to get out.

    “You betray yourself,” Avi said again and straightened up, turning his back to me and walking away, as simply as he had arrived.

    I only stared at him for a moment after before letting my eyes slide back to Seras’ body.

    I get to my feet, brushing myself off. I wipe my tears off of my face and sigh.

    “A better cleric would have left me there to die.”

    I turned to leave but felt my body stop, my feet rooted to the ground. I refused to let my gaze move back to him and I focus on the road ahead. The road back. The road wherever.

    There are things you just can’t turn back from. Once you’re in, headfirst, stuck in the mud, you’re going down. The world’s just going to take you down with it. Perfect? I think not.
  • Laycious - Heavens Tear
    Laycious - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    It's still Wednesday here b:thanks

    The simplest
    Never can be achieved
    A world is twisted
    Even shattered glass is more clear
    Then what we’d like
    Forever to see
    In our minds it’s dark
    It’s always painful in my mind

    The easiest
    Never does come
    And what we want
    Stays out of reach
    The pendulum rocks

    And if only it were us
    The way we were
    The way we want
    We’d kiss that pain goodbye
    To rest those hearts
    We never kept
    What we gave up
    To get ahead

    I could live in a world like that
    I would dream of a world like that
    The simple, easy way

    In the world you offer
    Not a single tear
    The reality shies away

    The way we ache, in an ornery life
    Unwinds the games we play
    We shake loose
    This mortal coil, we free ourselves of stress

    I forgot his stares in the eyes of monsters
    Here I am everything
    Or nothing at all
    It’s a matter of disowning routine
    Entering beauty

    And leaving behind those pains, the horror, the wrongs

    I could live in a world like that
    I would dream of a world like that
    The simple, easy way
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    It's long, so I've posted it in the fanatics forum:


    (And yes, I know I'm on Sanctuary, but I have an irrational need to write. I've made an alt on Heaven's Tear, WarrenWolf, and if I should win anything I'll find some other worthy individuals to donate the proceeds to.)
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • Ansutien - Heavens Tear
    Ansutien - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Quality, not Quantity, I'm sure. And someone could write a million pages but not follow the guidelines, so they would lose.
  • Bartack - Heavens Tear
    Bartack - Heavens Tear Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Part 3: A Warriors Farewell

    First Company arrived at the Anglers Village shortly after noon on the sixth day. The news they received upon their arrival was devastating. The City of Fortune had been destroyed and dashed beneath the waves. The Count and a few survivors remained defiantly amongst the ruins. The casualties were immense, with bloated bodies still washing up upon the shore. Having found what they came for, the wraiths were apparently finished with their assault. The Mantaips had reportedly released an ancient evil from the earth beneath the temples of Fortune. Keldren took the news of his hometowns destruction quite hard. He sat quietly in his dark tent. A stern, emotionless scowl hung from his face. Anari and Tai’Chien sat by him as a few surviving refugees reported the details of the battle. After several reports, Baloor pulled open the flap “Master Keldren, sir, the scouts have retuned, we have news from Captain Summers and of the enemy lines.” Although Tai’Chien gave Baloor an unwelcome glare, she kept her mouth closed in respect for Keldren. Baloor, not unaware of Tai’Chien, quickly added “I shall be waiting outside, when you are ready sir.” Keldren stood and dismissed himself from the tent “I am ready now, Baloor.”

    Outside, Keldren and Baloor walk away from the tents and down to the shore, seeking some solitude in the humid evening air. The camp was still bustling with activity and preparation for the arrival of Second Company and Captain Summers. Keldren did not want the men to overhear the report, should it be as bad as the intelligence they received when they arrived. “So, Baloor, tell me first what you have learned about the enemies movements.” Baloor stood erect and official to deliver his report “Sir, the scouts along the northern beach have reported the enemy force re-mobilizing, supposedly in preparation to attack Angler Village. It seems the wraiths have received word of your coming, and some over-ambitious commander is attempting to receive credit for you demise.” Keldren’s face remained as grim as when he left the tent. He stared out over the dark waters towards place where his home once stood. “Another attack so soon…we shall have to evacuate the village, save for any able-bodied volunteers.” Keldren stroked his chin “I am assuming with the mention of ‘over-ambitious’ that the news is not all bad?” Baloor let out a slight grin “The wraiths are short on numbers, and more than a day away from being prepared for battle. If we can keep them away from the shore, they will also lack support from the Mantavips.” Keldren, always suspicious of good news, countered “The refugees all have a story about some giant creature; they claim it was loosed by the Mantavips, some kind of snake that slithered into the ocean. Perhaps the wraiths are confident in using that monster to overpower us?” “Hmn, perhaps, but I get the feeling this battle is merely supposed to be a distraction. That they want to keep something from the Empire.” Baloor rumbled, the talk of war exciting some primitive nerve. Keldren continued to stare out over the sea.”And you think that they would sacrifice a small army to keep it from us? Well,you are probably right, old friend, you always are. Now, tell me the message from Captain Summera.” Baloors grin broadend “The Captain should be here by sunrise, he wishes to join the battle head on.”

    “I am not going! I wish to fight, do you think me incapable?” Anari stood tall and defiant “You cannot keep pushing me out of harm’s way, Keldren! I am a warrior, born and trained!” Keldren’s face remain passive, his voice calm “And what of our daughter, who will you trust to look after her? I will trust no one save for you, Anari, for above all others I know you will keep her safe.” Anari suppressed a scream of frustration. She knew Keldren was right; she could not leave her child with another anymore than she could take her into battle. “I know, I know” tears began to swell in her eyes “just remember, she needs you too. I see that distant look in your eye, Kedren,the rage your trying to hide. I know you want revenge. I know you want to hurt them for what they did to your home.” Anari’s voice became more pleading “Just remember, you need to be careful, you have a family now, and with us you have a responsibility to be here for us.” Keldren’s distant stare never left his face, his voice still eerily calm “I have a responsibility to the Empire as well, and as long as the Empire is safe, you shall be safe.” Keldren turned to look Anari in the eye, she could see the rage festering in his gaze “And yes, I will hurt them for what they have done. For all they have done.” Anari slumped, knowing Keldren’s fierce loyalty to the Empire, combined with his newly enflamed hatred of the wraiths, would consume his mind completely. She loved him desperately, and believed that he loved her. Yet always in the back of her mind, she questioned if his sense of duty led him to her. She had protected him on the battlefield, and wondered if he married her as a means to repay her, to in turn protect her. “I’m sorry Anari, I don’t mean to make you cry, not now before I leave.” Keldren offered a now rare smile and kissed Anari’s cheek “You know I shall return, I always do.” He bent down to kiss his daughters little head as he took her in his arms “I must return, for how could I leave you, precious one.” Keldren and Anari embraced one last time. “If ever you are lost, look for me and I will always guide you home.” Anari whispered in her husband’s ear.

    That night, after Keldren had departed with a small band of soldiers to scout out the enemies preparations, Anari sought comfort from her old friend and companion Tai’Chien. The baby was asleep and the two drank warn tea into the night, telling stories of times past. Although her mood had lightened a bit, Tai’Chien noticed, Anari’s face still wore a shadow of worry. “Keldren will be fine, dear, he is one of the Empire most powerful allies. His power over the elements rivals anything I have ever seen in all my long years.” “I know” Anari replied “I simply can’t help but worry, it’s in my blood I suppose.” Tai’Chien emanated a musical laughter, remembering Anari’s mother “Ah, yes, I remember the time I took you to Plume, and your mother sent a rider out the day before we were to arrive just to be sure you were ok.” Anari allowed herself a chuckle, and leaned her head on Tai’Chien shoulder. “Thank you, dear friend, for always being here for me.” Tai’Chien picked up a comb and began to brush Anari’s hair. As Anari closed her eyes, the winged elf began to sing softly, the words were foreign and heavily accented. After a time she paused and whispered “That’s a dear, no go to sleep, we have much to do in the morning. I shall accompany you and always keep you safe.” But Tai’Chien had misread Anari’s mood. She was no longer in need of comfort, but acknowledgement. “You needn’t have to take care of me, Tai’Chien, I am not a child anymore.” “Oh, of course not dear, now let’s get you ready-“Anari had had enough mothering “I am not your daughter, Tai’Chien! I am sorry, but I am also quite capable of taking care of myself.” Tai’Chien flushed deep, and cast her eyes to the floor “I know, Anari, I do. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply you were incapable of anything. I shall go now, as I need to make preparations myself.” Tai’Chien left Anari’s tent, and hurried back to hers. She was disturbed by their last conversation, for Anari was close to a revelation Tai’Chien had been unaware of. She truly had been treating Anari as her daughter. The memories of her own child and husband flooded her heart, and left her empty in sadness. But Tai’Chien shed no tears, for she had not wept since her family had been killed by a raid of Untamed Barbarians.

    Keldren wandered the shore, heading north. He moved like a ghost in the moonlit night, searching the dark waters off of the shore. He could feel one of them nearby. It was a dangerous game he was playing. Keldren had sent his scouting party ahead without him. He knew his odds were better if he tempted the creature alone, and the others would only have gotten killed. Out of the corner of his eye he cought a glimpse of a great shadow moving swiftly beneath the sea. With a gush, a great Mantavip roared out of the water and thrust its spear at Keldren. But the enormous pike struck only sand, for the great mage had vanished and re-appeared farther back from the beach. Keldren knew that as long as he could stay out of range of the beasts spear, he could best it with magic in spite of its own fantastic abilities. But before he could counter, the great wraith slipped back beneath the waters with an evil laugh, and the dark shadow under the water fled northward. Enraged at the creature’s cowardice, and feeling robbed of his revenge, Keldren swiftly pursued his prey.

    As Anari slept, a dark shape slithered into her tent. It surveyed the area with keen, gleaming eyes. Yes, It thought, this is where it would feast tonight. The woman was quite powerful in her own right. But the child, charged with magical energy, was quite tempting. But the creature knew it could not eat here, other would notice, and would come to disrupt its meal. It would use the woman then, to get what it wanted. Hovering over Anari’s bed, the long snake cast its gleaming eyes at her, and let out a terrible hiss. Anari woke with a start, staring at those horrible eyes. She wanted to scream, wanted to fight, but was unable to move. The voice of the great beast hissed in her head “Come, my child, you mussst come. Bring your babyyy. Yesss, you mussst come.” Anari felt her panic leaver her, replaced with a new feeling of revelation. She must do what this creature asked her to. It was so simple, so sensible. Anari arose and scooped up her child. “Come, come, yesss come. Quickly, quetly, come.” And with that, Anari left with the creature and wandered off into the darkness.

    Keldren once again leapt back as the Mantavip rose suddenly from the sea to pierce him with his lance. This time he was ready for the beast, and let loose a hail of fire in its direction. Striking the creature it reeled back in pain, howling curses to its horrible god. But before Keldren could conjure another blow, the beast smiled through its searing flesh “Hah! I’ve already won, mortal!”it bellowed and vanished again beneath the waves. This time, the shadow of the Mantavip fled swiftly out to into the ocean and vanished. Keldren’s anger quickly melted away to dread. The beast wasn’t just playing with him, it was luring him away. Keldren ran as fast as he could back to the encampment, panic striking his heart.

    As dawn began to break, Tai’Chien arose from a sleepless night and headed to Anari’s tent. As she approached the open flap of the tent, Tai’Chien began to feel uneasy. There were strange tracks leading from Anari’s home. She entered the domicile and called for her friend, but no answer came. The bed and the crib were both empty and unmade, and Anari’s great sword remained in its resting place. Everything was wrong. Tai’Chien fought back panic as she ran out of the tent. She found the odd tracks again and followed their path to the edge of the encampment. But the track led on, and to the north, towards the enemy. Tai’Chien fled back to the officer’s tent and threw back the flaps. “Keldren! Is he here? Has he returned yet?” Baloor looked up in shock, interrupted from his morning meeting with the other commanders. “Why, no, Lady Tai’Chien. The other scouts said he went off on his own to do some invest-““Anari and the child are missing! Come, we must search for them! Put that big nose of yours to use, and hurry, they may still be alive!” A look of worry plays across Baloor’s face “Missing? But how-“ “They were taken, you idiot! In the night! There are tracks of some creature, we must follow them! We must find them!” Baloor looked stricken “But I cannot leave the men now, not on the verge of battle. I must be here when the Captain arrives, there is so little time…” The great loin trembled with frustration. “You stupid Felgar! Don’t you understand!?” Tai’Chien pounded her fists into Baloors chest “If any harm comes to them I will skin your hide you worthless cat!” She hastily exited the room and stopped only at her own tent, to retrieve her dusty old bow and a quiver of arrows. Tai’Chien took to the skies and followed the footprints northward.

    Anari walked tirelessly through the night. All was well and peaceful. All except a strange, persistent noise. It was the sound of a crying baby, strange that one would cry in such a serene setting, she thought. “Quiet, quiet, we mussst be quiet.” Urged the voice in her head. Anari placed a hand over the babies face, and felt a gentile suckling on her fingers. The exhausted baby fell back asleep. It all seemed so pleasant again. But for a moment, her mind wandered, something was wrong. The child wasn’t happy, didn’t want to go. In the back of her mind, she felt that she should not bring it with her. Anari quickly stooped, and set the sleeping child down on a tuft of grass. She then began to follow her master once more.

    Tai’Chien continued to follow the trail, peering down with sharp eyes. Every flap of her wings brought more desperation. At last, amongst a thicket of grass and weeds, she spotted a red swath of cloth. As she lowered herself to investigate, an arrow buzzed her head, missing merely a few inches. Tai’Chien dove from the sky towards the thicket for cover, she did not want to get caught alone in the open. As she dove under the brush, she again glanced at the red cloth. An audible gasp escaped her lips. The red cloth was a blanket, and wrapped inside was Anari’s child, whimpering with hunger. Tai’Chein fought the urge to go to her, and peered around from beneath her cover. Knocking an arrow, she loosed the missile into the eye of one of her assailants. A few hundred years, it seemed, had not rusted her aim. She quickly dispatched two others, and crept from the brush, to better assay her situation. This action brought a report of more arrows in her direction. Tai’Chien quickly moved out of the line of fire and back under cover. Cursing, she loosed a few more herself. The wraiths kept coming, there were many of them now, and the numbers kept growing. Tai’Chien cursed to herself, she could not go to the child now, it would draw their fire to her. She popped up again, and dispatched three more archers in a hail of arrows and fury. Two wraiths had swung around behind her, and began to close in on her position. As she turned to face the threat, she saw both wraiths split in half. Baloor came running in through the mist of blood, wielding an enormous axe. “I thought you were too buisy to help.” Tai’Chien hissed at him “Or was the thought of killing too much to avoid?” “My Lady, I did not dishonor myself simply to kill a few demons.” He growled. Tai’Chien, taken aback from Baloors open display of anger nodded toward the red blanket “Oh, then, you came here to rescue Sho-““I came here for you.” He bellowed. For the first time, Tai’Chien found herself looking into the Barbarians eyes. She did not see the reflection of the savage beast she had expected, but the soul of a genuine heart. “Now go!” Baloor commanded “I can hold them off! Just go!” as he turned and began to charge the amassing enemy, he called out behind him “Perhaps someday, you shall think better of me, my Lady!” Baloor leapt into the air and in a flash of light, took upon himself the form of the Divine Beast, the great white tiger. He landed upon a foe, tearing him with claw and fang, and let out a deafening raor. A freny built up around him as he leapt from wraith to wraith, ripping flesh and bellowing in his great voice. Tai’Chien recovered from her shock, and quicky ran to sweep up the child. As she took off into the skies, she could hear less and less of Baloors mighty taunts, and more of the enemies cheers, mixed with the sickening sound of metal upon flesh and bone. When the field grew silent, Tai’Chien wept. For she knew Baloor was dead.

    As the terrible snake found a proper place, he tuned to face Anari. He was angry about losing the child, but figured such a helpless creature could not be hard to find later. As the creature stood rose above her, Anari stood still. All was right, all was good. The snake opend its maw, and bore down upon his meal, swallowing her whole. For the next few hours, he would absorb her strength and spirit.

    Keldren stopped running for a moment. Something felt wrong. An evil presence hung over the area like thick fog. Quickly, he climbed down from the embankment and walked upon the shore. It was not the Mantavip, but something even fouler. What appeared to be the trunk of a large barren tree, slowly coiled down to the sand. A great ancient serpent with piercing eyes gazed greedily and warily at Keldren. The creature could sense his immense power, but questioned its ability to overtake it. Besides, it had not had proper time to digest its last meal. “Come, mortal, come and sssit with meee…” It hissed. Keldren could feel the tug of the serpent’s power in his mind, but remained in place. This trickery would not work on him. “Are you’re the beast from the depths of Fortune? Answer me!” Keldren commanded. “Aaahhh” the creature sighed in revelation “sssomeone here recognizesss your voice.” As Keldren gave the snake a confused look, the creature rose up and extended it underside. The scales and flesh peeled away to reveal the form of Anari. Her hands were fangs, her hair a bundle of serpents and her eyes were slotted and yellow. Keldren’s heart sank into his chest. The Mantavip was right, he had lost. His family had been devoured by the very creature he had pursued. “Help me! Help me!” the visage of Anari mocked “Just lisssten to him, and he will ssset me free.” The creature lied. Keldren’s despair turned to rage. How dare this demon mock his wife! As he prepared to avenge the murder of his family, something inside the snake gained power. Anari was not yet completely gone, and the snakes attempt to use her to mock her husband gave her a moment of defiance. Her visage regained her gentile auburn eyes. “Keldren, destroy us, for the good of the Empire. You must destroy this creature!” she pleaded to him. Keldren, the great unstoppable weapon of the Empire, the man who’s loyalty ever remained unquestioned, stretched forth his sword. And laid it upon the sand. “Find me.” He whispered. And before the creature could regain control to strike him down, he embraced his wife one last time.
  • Bartack - Heavens Tear
    Bartack - Heavens Tear Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Epilogue: An end to all things

    This story is not about death and loss, but the richness of love in our lives.

    The army of Captain Summer won a resounding victory against the wraiths at Angler’s Village. The Captain, now a General, commissioned the construction of the lanterns upon Mount Pike, now called Mount Lantern.

    It is no mystery as to how the city of Misfortune came to be named.

    The great snake, Cenminator continues to search the Broken Jade Shore, for what no one knows for sure. Popular legend has it that the spirit of Anari still searches for her husband. It is rumored to be untamable by the wraiths, for even they fear it.

    Tai’Chien flew the daughter of Keldren and Anari to her relatives in Eitherblade. She stayed with the child for ten years, but the call of battle began to swell in her once more. She was last reported seen falling the defense of Broken Bridge Village from the wraiths, an Untamed town.

    As for the child? Well, lets just say she grew into a powerful wizard in her own rights. But her story has already been told, though not in these pages, and it is now her turn leave this world.

    Thank you for the stories, Shota
  • reckoninghavoc
    reckoninghavoc Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The Beginning

    The long grass sways as the wind blows through, carrying the sound of hoof beats as a group of four near the village. The leader of the group, Mekar leads his band to the village center. He has been gathering warriors for the yearly tournament, traveling far to recruit only the best. As the group nears, sounds of merriment could be heard. Shouting a word of greeting, Mekar says, “We have traveled in search of great warriors for the tournament. I have brought a few from my home town Evul, but we are in need of more, especially those skilled in the art of Segnale.”

    As Mekar was speaking, a beautiful woman comes out of the crowd. She speaks boldly, “I am Rae, leader of this tribe Gifft, and I also have been training some of my people to enter this tournament. If the arrangements please me, we can consider joining together to our advantage.” Rae escorts Mekar and his band into a nearby hut as Rae herself goes in followed by two others.

    “We have found that Segnale skills are much prized and valuable during the tournament, which is why three of us four practice the art,” said Mekar. “Davee, Toni, and myself train this way,” as Davee smiles slightly and Toni winks when his name is mentioned.
    Mekar points to a hefty man built like a bull, “And this is Robb, he is our body shield”, Robb grunts in response.

    Rae smiles cordially as she responds, “That’s good, because me and my apprentice also practice the Segnale ways.” Patting the shoulder of the boy next to her, she says “This is Fan, I’ve had him under my wing for a while now so he knows what he’s doing. Over there is Rain, he is my trusty ranger” pointing to a smirking man, twirling an arrow between his fingers.

    After much deliberation, Mekar and his band set out with Rae and her two trusted friends. There was much weeping since the village loved their leader so, but promises of returning soon quieted the disheartened, proving so much more the village’s trust on their leader’s word.

    It would be a short trip, since the tournament was just a couple of days away. That night, the two groups shared a fire but kept a distance. As Mekar went over strategies, merry laughing overlapped their talks, the Gifft tribe having fun after a long day’s journey.

    Davee peered curiously over to the other group, enticed by the sense of camaraderie even he could feel from this side of the campfire. He observed a sense respect and awe as Rae recounted a story, with Fan and Rain hanging on to her every word. Her eyes shone with life as the fire flickered in reflection, Davee felt an unfamiliar wanting to be right there by her side.

    Waking early the next morning, Davee heard soft scuffling in the nearby brush. He saw Rae and her apprentice Fan training together. He watched silently as they moved in unison, Fan copying her every move as she directed the way. Davee felt a pang of wanting, to be the one next to Rae and sharing his knowledge with her. He snapped out of his daze as Fan accidentally slipped on a loose branch, interrupting the exercise. “Are you okay?”, Rae asked with concern. “Yea, yea I’m fine, just got distracted” as Fan dusted himself off. Clearing his throat to seem like he just arrived, Davee said “There’s a nearby meadow to the east you can practice in, I go there on my spare time to brush up on my blade mastery.” “Oh, good morning Davee. Thank you for that nice bit of advice, we might be going there later when Fan gets his footing,” Rae said as she smirked at the glowering Fan. Smiling his slight smile, Davee responded “The pleasure is mine, milady.” Taken slightly off guard by his response, Rae blinked a few times before smiling politely and ushering the suspicious Fan towards the meadow.

    Later that night, as the two parties settled around the campfire Davee moves towards the Gifft tribe to bridge the gap. “So how did you come about to becoming a leader of the tribe?” Davee inquired to Rae. “Is it that taboo to have a female leader?” Rae said as she raised a brow. “No, no of course not,” Davee stuttered as he tried to keep his cool. “Sorry for sounding defensive but I do get that a lot,” Rae said apologetically. “During the famine, many were lost including our tribe leader. Since he did not have an heir, I was appointed by my people.”

    “What about you?”, inquired Rae. Davee cocked his head, “What about me?” “I have seen how you are, you are different from those I know in the Evul nation. Where did you originally come from?”, Rae pursued. “I don’t know, as far as I remember I have been a wanderer. I have only been with Evul for a few months, I like it here so far and most people from this tribe are good, with some exceptions..” as Davee glanced at the direction of the guffawing Toni. “Yea, I don’t like that guy either” agreed Rae. As the night drew to a close, Rae and Davee went their separate ways though still very much on each other’s minds.

    The following morning, Davee woke up at first light hoping to catch Rae before she started her morning exercises. As if reading his mind, Rae comes out from her tent, yawning as she stretches her limbs. She smiles as she sees Davee approaching, as if she was expecting him. “I was hoping to join you in your morning training,” Davee asked knowing the answer already but still anticipating her response. “Well, Fan is still sleeping and I don’t mind having a new training partner,” she said with an open smile.

    Thus was the routine for the next few days, Rae and Davee sneaking off to various training sites, Rae teaching Davee new techniques as they enjoyed each other’s company. Using the ruse of preparing for the tournament, Rae and Davee shared many private moments that drew them closer than either of them thought possible. Sharing their first kiss under the moonlight before the day of the tournament, the couple spent the night in each other’s arms.

    Walking together hand in hand the next morning, as Davee and Rae approached camp there was an unsettling feeling in the air. Fan rushed to Rae’s side, “Mekar has been found dead!” he said out of breath. Shocked, Rae and Davee ran to the leader’s tent, where Mekar laid with an arrow in his chest. “Where is that ranger of yours?!” shouted Toni as he glared at the couple. “I just got back, don’t jump to conclusions” Rae responded with a furrow on her brow. “Go fetch Rain, Fan” as the boy ran off, Toni continued to rant. “When we woke up, Mekar was dead! And you two were off somewhere conspiring so that you would gain control of the group,” pointing an accusing finger at Davee. Looking bewildered, Davee shook his head as Rae responded, and “He did no such thing, stop accusing before we figure out what really happened.”

    Fan came back, with still no sign of Rain anywhere. “You see, that ranger of yours did it!” shouted Toni. The Evul tribe advanced on Rae and Davee, trying to capture them but Rae and Davee quickly fled the scene, still bewildered to what had happened. The local authorities were notified and the couple had now become wanted fugitives. Seeking shelter at a local small town, Rae sent a messenger to secretly contact Fan. Later that night, Fan came with the messenger as Rae greeted him. “What news do you have of Rain?” as Rae asked anxiously. Fan shook his head, “I am afraid master, that I still find no sign of him. I have seen both him and that man of the Evul nation speaking secretly while you were away,” Fan glared accusingly at Davee. “I think they have planned this from the very start and will continue to cast the blame on you both.”

    Rae, shocked at the sudden news, sat stunned. Davee said in affirmation, “That sneaky rat Toni was always trying to fight for leadership with Mekar, so this is not hard to believe.”
    “I cannot return..” Rae said trailing off. “Please tell my people I have fallen in combat, for it will surely crush them to think I will not return,” Rae said to Fan “Let them know I thought of them in my last thoughts, for I cannot return without causing harm to our village.”

    Fan left with a brave face, knowing his beloved leader will never return but he must carry out her last wishes. Taking Rae’s hand, Davee took them to the new world where they would start anew. He married her, forever joining them together to spend their lives in perfect world.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    And thus, the entries are over...? Man...what a turnout...can't wait to see the results!!


    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...