Just Venting

Reikara - Heavens Tear
Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Venomancer
Why ~why so much hate?!

You get a cleric, blademaster, wizard, barbarian or archer who can kill almost everyone and they say you're skilled.

You get a venomancer who can kill almost everyone and they say you're overpowered!

I didn't even use my nix. b:cry

/flame /anger /hate /bunnies
Post edited by Reikara - Heavens Tear on


  • BludShot - Lost City
    BludShot - Lost City Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Dont ask me Rei... i dont hate u for doing wat u specilaize in.. hell it wuldnt matter IF you killed me with ur nix. Thats wat a veno does, she/he(lol had to do that ) uses pets..
    i dont see why they mad at veno for using pet. Just like they can get mad at me all they want for using range/crit on them... they just dumb thats all, but ya go figure..
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Ugh, I can beat people without using purge, amp, nix or bramble and they just turn around and say "you only won cuz u OP veno"

    I only had a nix since level 90 and i've been pvping waaay before that. I beat a level 92 archer yesterday without weilding any weapon. Each other time I got his HP down really far :(
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    No, the point of this is that i'm doing everything in power to be evenly matched against what people complain about.

    I beat a barbarian with a level 85 regular mob fox, I didn't purge him. It was one hell of a duel and the only way I was able to overcome his HP was by using sage spark. He still turned around and cried "OP veno"

    I'll agree that the herc and nix are a little overpowered, but not venomancers themselves.
    The fact that I can still beat some people being as evenly matched or less, they'll still turn around and say oh.. well.. you're OP veno so whatever.

    I get absolutly no recognition to the fact that I may have built my character well or that I might actually be good at PvP without the OP skills?
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    People just can't accept the fact that they lost. People will do ANYTHING to win, they openly admit it. This includes glitching, hacking, getting every class but theirs nerfed to death.

    What was it a person said on these forums once?

    "Any class that can hit me is overpowered"
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • EvilDragon - Dreamweaver
    EvilDragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    How can they even say that we are over powered?!?!
    Everyone knows that a wiz does the most dmg. And even if i fight with my pet (Cmagmite *don't laugh!! >.<) the wiz still kills me a bit faster.
    As for the archers..when they crit you, youre dead. But when they dont crit, you can win.
    A barb doesnt do that much dmg, but cuz of their high hp it takes longer to kill them. So it are mostly the "tank" barbs that lose cuz they kill to slow.
    When fighting a bm it all depends on the stuns when they stun you, you probably die.. but when stun fails and you use your own stun the bm could die.
    A cleric can heal himself (verry anoying) so with a few stacking heals he can attack and then heal few times, attack again and youre gonna die (cleric loses no hp, and you keep losing hp)

    So..no, we are not overpowerd. We can be killed!! b:chuckle
    It just depends on your build and if a debuff takes affect, thats all.
    And for those who always lose from a veno: *Your build is probably not desined to kill mages and so...*You probably dont know when to use wich skill...
    - For the crybaby's: DONT DO PVP!!! there is always a chance that you lose!!
  • LadyKilla - Dreamweaver
    LadyKilla - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    This is why I stopped caring about PvP in MMOs cuz every PvPer acts like a 12 year old when they get beat, then they cry on the forums ontill they get there way.

    Those kind of people ruined my favorite MMOs City of Heroes, and Age of Conan not just in PvP but in PvE as well cuz of the nerfs.

    I know PWI is different, seems like the devs of this game wont touch a thing related to peoples powers, and thats a good thing, but after all the BS I went through in my past MMOs, I can't go through the disappointment of getting my favorite class nerfed again and again b:angry
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    No, the point of this is that i'm doing everything in power to be evenly matched against what people complain about.

    I beat a barbarian with a level 85 regular mob fox, I didn't purge him. It was one hell of a duel and the only way I was able to overcome his HP was by using sage spark. He still turned around and cried "OP veno"

    I'll agree that the herc and nix are a little overpowered, but not venomancers themselves.
    The fact that I can still beat some people being as evenly matched or less, they'll still turn around and say oh.. well.. you're OP veno so whatever.

    I get absolutly no recognition to the fact that I may have built my character well or that I might actually be good at PvP without the OP skills?

    Conclusion: Most people are really bad at playing this type of games, and since they cannot accept that it is them that suck, they will blame it on everything else, like lag, cat walking on keyboard, not being ready, etc

    You can see that when you see two people of the same class fight.... they will still find ways to come up with excuses for loosing.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.