too much?

Starr - Harshlands
Starr - Harshlands Posts: 331 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)
no flaming please. stay on topic. if you have nothing to add to the topic, please be mature and dont post. k thnx

i feel like there is a little to much to do every day on PW with the new daily and increasing prices. gold is never going to go below 200k as long as perfect hammers and cube 1 mil boxes stay in game. last i checked gold was at 235k. mid and high mats are soon going to be cheaper to cash shop (funny that) and you pretty much have to be online 8 hours a day to stay competitive.
1.5 hours wq
3 hrs gv
1 hr BH
2+ hours farming mats ( subs/wines)
1 hr cube
2 hrs grinding for coin

that is a rough estimate. probably some of finish those much faster than i do. guess that is 10.5 hours. sure i know you dont have to do all of those, but if you want to attempt at being at competitve player at all, you have to complete most of those.

to me it seems that there is no time left to really enjoy playing the game. unless of course you cash shop all your mats and coin. then a few hours less "work". my interest in logging in has gone from very excited to meh who cares if i miss a day or two.

maybe it was the massive amount of events piled on each other. i really dont know. but my thoughts are near to quitting. no real loss to the server as all i did was farm plants and play with fashion. was just wondering if this was a pms side effect or others are feeling a bit frustrated.

*hi Xulin b:cute*
the good Starr
Post edited by Starr - Harshlands on


  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    True. Plus time u need doing HH.
    I came back like 4 days ago.. I saw 0 pking since that.
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I am obviously not on your server but have to comment on this since it is happening on in our server too...

    b:cry There are a lot of "daily" items now. And the Gold prices are very high making it difficult to catch up in the coin game. You cannot even find charms and dolls...when you do the prices are extremely high.

    But I am with you in this:


    PS: Pk'ing has dwindled on this server too
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • MD - Harshlands
    MD - Harshlands Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    95% of game players arent mature btw

    in fact, why you want to stay upper class and try to be "number one" lol.....u can spend about 2-3hrs/day and talk with friend on vent instead....

    it just sounds funny to me when ppl said "grow up, immature more" etc yadi one give a fk, period.b:chuckle

    But hey, as long as you have fun in game, its all goodb:thanks
  • Repth - Harshlands
    Repth - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    They just want you to log in every day. They want you to play the game as much as possible and the more you play, the higher the chance you will buy something from the Cash Shop.
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    95% of game players arent mature btw

    in fact, why you want to stay upper class and try to be "number one" lol.....u can spend about 2-3hrs/day and talk with friend on vent instead....

    it just sounds funny to me when ppl said "grow up, immature more" etc yadi one give a fk, period.b:chuckle

    But hey, as long as you have fun in game, its all goodb:thanks

    Cause 99.9% only care about ur lvl.
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
  • Starr - Harshlands
    Starr - Harshlands Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I am obviously not on your server but have to comment on this since it is happening on in our server too...

    b:cry There are a lot of "daily" items now. And the Gold prices are very high making it difficult to catch up in the coin game. You cannot even find charms and dolls...when you do the prices are extremely high.

    But I am with you in this:


    PS: Pk'ing has dwindled on this server too

    ok good to know i am not alone b:pleased i dont cash shop at all. so i guess i will just be forced to quit. cant afford 800k charms and 80k dolls especially when hh mats are selling for next to nothing. that is if you can even find the subs mats.

    MD i think you are kind of missing the point of the thread. as a major cash shopper you may not be able to understand others frustrations with this issue.
    the good Starr
  • Xheart - Harshlands
    Xheart - Harshlands Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    i hear you, i got the exact same feeling

    few weeks ago i was so happy about getting a bit higher slowly but surely, had great plans to get this and that, my big issue was the 69 cape, then my friend gave me one and told me to pay him back later so i was like hell yeah ill farm pay him back and this is going well!

    then 2784625423 events came, 225k+ gold came, event pots came, new dailies etc

    now i dont even log ingame, if i do its to aoe with a friend for like 1 hour every 3 days, i stopped doing dailies and now cant wait to get my new comp in a few months to find something to play, why? not because the game lost its fun, i still enjoy the pvp in this game and all

    but having to spend countless hours every few days JUST to pvp and have fun? time sink much, i spent 3.5 years working on my perfect char on my last mmo, 3.5 years and it felt like nothing, i was just happy, and finally reached endgame without anything to add to it, literally, so then i just focused on pvp and its all i did and its all i HAD to do, no dailies BS, time sink BS, having to farm for 6 hours every 3 days just to pvp, i could just log....pvp for hours and log off....and i could do that every day without having to buy a single thing or spend time doing ANYTHING else than pvp (reason i quit is simply since its an 8 years old game, population got a bit too low) but not once have i felt like i was spending too much time for nothing, you couldnt FEEL it

    in here, dam, i gotta tell you, logging in to PWI these days feels EXACTLY like going to work at 8 in the morning, its just that depressing, in fact, i call in sick every day now (PWI not the actual job lol)

    it wouldnt be so horrible if we could just save everything and have major blasts on week-end with TWs......oh wait, TWs dont happen :s

    and yeah MD, people like you wont understand, you just CS your way out of all the annoying things in the game so you miss the point of this

    final note is i like the game itself alot but the way its run and how they want you to just spend SO much time on it for lil fun is killing it for me, and fast, i mean, i dont bind stuff anymore but the new shater thing is ruining it for so many people, my cleric friend is trying to save for some gold boots, what does he have to do? pvp charmless all the time cause he cant afford anything, he went full bound to save some money too, first pvp fight he got into he shatered his wings which costed 12 or 14 mirages to repair and hes full bound....GG PWI :s the 100% focus on CSing is getting too absurd, that is all

    PS im gonna log in now, gonna try to find some people to pvp, i wont then ill log off and try again some other day....and i havnt even played this for THAT long that makes you wanna quit before you even reach endgame = fail
  • Onesht - Lost City
    Onesht - Lost City Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Just do what most of have done, quit. b:bye
  • aeroxtert
    aeroxtert Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    sigh this server is so dead
  • taz860
    taz860 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    hey my little boi/girl pw is a game not ur job,real live or what ever.
    if u player 10+ hours each day pls try to get some help.
    u dont get anything here if u hit 100 , or siva ?
    just chill and play this game for fun couz its made for that.
  • Endless_life - Harshlands
    Endless_life - Harshlands Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I agree
    cash shopping is getting out of hand
    i admit i do cs but not that much
    i only cs with my charms are about to die
    since getting it ingame is like crazy
    i always have one dolls but no one really tired to pk me b:pleased cause im a nice guy

    but gold prizes are crazy high now
    i was going to buy a wedding pack the other day cause i make some money selling chips
    but when i saw the prize of gold my eyes was like b:shocked

    PWI is **** now
    you have to pretty much have to pay to lvl or anything
  • Starrr - Harshlands
    Starrr - Harshlands Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    half the replies i have seen the idiots dont even understand the point. the point is this game is feeling more like a job than a game. it has very little entertainment value anymore and it is being pushed very quickly toward a forced pay game. even if they dont technically charge you just to log in its still the same thing the way this game is going.

    adding items which anyone with a half a brain could figure out that they would force up gold prices on every server to a minimum of 200k was done with no thought whatsoever of the basic economy of the game.

    maybe the woman will finally let me quit soon. i only log in because she makes me. whats the point in doing anything when the basic game mechanics will just be changed to favor those who cash shop even more every few months.
    Staring at the wall is much more rewarding than playing PW.
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    CS + WQ = 40 min.

    After 86 there is not such a thing as daily GV. Cube may be fast or as long as 1 hour and you can get the 1M thing + at 9x you can sell your pages of fate as veno as you get only lame attack fox form skills.

    The new daily is BS. lol i could get double the exp and **** load more coins in the time i'd have to kill those bosses. I'd never ever do it.

    HH = save for weekend when you can actually play with other people for 4+ hours. (make a stall while you sleep buying subs. I doubt any hardcore HH farmer wastes time farming for mid mats)

    Money issues = Rise the price of HH mats. With the anti-hacking system implemented HH prices shouldn't be on the floor as they were.

    Only ppl that should be crying about money are mages. (more expensive than cleric + not cost efficient for farming) But ppl should have known that before deciding roll a mage.

    If you are 2 nub to manage yourself efficiently, do what most nubs do. Join KD for an easy TW salary.

    P.S: This must be new to you only if you started on this server but all server turn up like that for a long time.
  • Xheart - Harshlands
    Xheart - Harshlands Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    CS + WQ = 40 min.

    After 86 there is not such a thing as daily GV. Cube may be fast or as long as 1 hour and you can get the 1M thing + at 9x you can sell your pages of fate as veno as you get only lame attack fox form skills.

    The new daily is BS. lol i could get double the exp and **** load more coins in the time i'd have to kill those bosses. I'd never ever do it.

    HH = save for weekend when you can actually play with other people for 4+ hours. (make a stall while you sleep buying subs. I doubt any hardcore HH farmer wastes time farming for mid mats)

    Money issues = Rise the price of HH mats. With the anti-hacking system implemented HH prices shouldn't be on the floor as they were.

    Only ppl that should be crying about money are mages. (more expensive than cleric + not cost efficient for farming) But ppl should have known that before deciding roll a mage.

    If you are 2 nub to manage yourself efficiently, do what most nubs do. Join KD for an easy TW salary.

    P.S: This must be new to you only if you started on this server but all server turn up like that for a long time.

    well no HL isnt my first server but i mean compared to the other stuff i played for so long this still dosnt feel like it has been a long time

    hows **** btw.
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    well, i can say this. After you spent 2 week farming HH90 and money for refine/shards (combined with the money you have saved all the way from lvl 1 to 90 as old players do) you are done. You enter, do HH with friends during weekend. Sell 1M+ mats and that supplies you with all the dolls an charm you need for PvP. (If your team are not tards and die every other minute)

    As i have said before. After i got my HH 90 refine+shards i have not farm HH for profit (only time was belieal healing getting gold mats for team mates they spared me a few green mats) and still manage to have 10M sitting around in my character atm. No matter how the ingame economy is, you can always make easy money. If ppl doesn't even try leaving over night stalls it's their fault. I have yet to waste any RL cash on this server.

    Besides, it's not like you are gonna charm **** a lot with all the PvP going on in HL server haha b:chuckle

    I forgot. That other game is so good, too bad china server = $5 for 30+ hours which actually add up fast. xD Just waiting for US full release now. I'm GvGing/HAing on GuildWars meanwhile.
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Only ppl that should be crying about money are mages. (more expensive than cleric + not cost efficient for farming)

    b:cry So True QQ b:cry
  • Xheart - Harshlands
    Xheart - Harshlands Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    well, i can say this. After you spent 2 week farming HH90 and money for refine/shards (combined with the money you have saved all the way from lvl 1 to 90 as old players do) you are done. You enter, do HH with friends during weekend. Sell 1M+ mats and that supplies you with all the dolls an charm you need for PvP. (If your team are not tards and die every other minute)

    As i have said before. After i got my HH 90 refine+shards i have not farm HH for profit (only time was belieal healing getting gold mats for team mates they spared me a few green mats) and still manage to have 10M sitting around in my character atm. No matter how the ingame economy is, you can always make easy money. If ppl doesn't even try leaving over night stalls it's their fault. I have yet to waste any RL cash on this server.

    Besides, it's not like you are gonna charm **** a lot with all the PvP going on in HL server haha b:chuckle

    I forgot. That other game is so good, too bad china server = $5 for 30+ hours which actually add up fast. xD Just waiting for US full release now. I'm GvGing/HAing on GuildWars meanwhile.

    oh i agree once 90 in endgame gear it isnt as bad, its less of a time sink on dailies and all that but think about it, if the game sucks and is too demanding time wise and throws **** sales all the time that ruins everything, not many will ever reach that point

    what this game also lack is lvl ranges for pvp, that opens up a whole new game where people can create twinks etc, but that kind of stuff isnt implented on easymode games such as mmos of this era (lol click to equip anything without effort, just meet the lvl req)

    fact of the matter is the game is too much of a time sink with the messed up economy and event to even be worth WANTING to play it, thats what the problem is, yeah lets do dailies for 5 hours a day and hit 90 so we get 1 fight every 3 days.....see what i mean

    oh yeah from what you saw so far did you already find anything OP or unbalanced in ****? also, buy me my new comp 5 months early pl0x :(
  • Fireblood - Harshlands
    Fireblood - Harshlands Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Only ppl that should be crying about money are mages. (more expensive than cleric + not cost efficient for farming) But ppl should have known that before deciding roll a mage.
    b:cry So True QQ b:cry
  • Sobee - Harshlands
    Sobee - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
  • Nurfed - Harshlands
    Nurfed - Harshlands Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    Only ppl that should be crying about money are mages. (more expensive than cleric + not cost efficient for farming) But ppl should have known that before deciding roll a mage.

    I'm about to spend 17 mil worth of skills in the next few hours once I get my 99 culti done.

    Buying sage BIDS skill book for (12 mil) from Nei.


    I'm going to be so broke after this QQ
  • Saveless - Harshlands
    Saveless - Harshlands Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'm about to spend 17 mil worth of skills in the next few hours once I get my 99 culti done.

    Buying sage BIDS skill book for (12 mil) from Nei.


    I'm going to be so broke after this QQ

    But you'll be soooooo OP. Shaddup.
  • Cholla - Harshlands
    Cholla - Harshlands Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    1 hr BH
    2+ hours farming mats ( subs/wines)

    If I understand properly, how things work, this should be something like bi-weekly, rather than daily.

    I believe you can accept a bounty hunter quest one day, and then another the next day, and then another the next day and so on. I have not talked with anyone about how things worked for them when he handed the same boss out two days in a row, but I know people are stacking them up and then doing runs that satisfy several hunter quests.

    Also, if you squad with good people, I feel you should only cover a sixth of the subs for a bounty hunter run?
  • Belial - Heavens Tear
    Belial - Heavens Tear Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    When there isn't enough stuff to do, people complain that the dailies are boring and too few. When there are plenty of things to do, people complain that there is not enough time to do these things in.

    I enjoy the new dailies. There's no way I will be able to do all of them all the time (FB89 bosses b:surrender) but when I have time and the patience to get on with it, I can get a nice chunk of XP. The wines are not prohibitive in a squad of six people, but with such a squad it is also possible to clear the FB quite fast.

    If you are worried that you cannot compete because you do not spend 8 hours doing your dailies, you are already 'not a competitive player' since there are people who do their dailies in less time and then many other things in those 8 hours.

    I'm going to enjoy the game. I've got my pick of daily quests to do and if I can do them all, great - if I can't, then no big deal :).
  • Starr - Harshlands
    Starr - Harshlands Posts: 331 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    CSIf you are 2 nub to manage yourself efficiently, do what most nubs do. Join KD for an easy TW salary.

    in case you failed to notice, i am in guild with you lol. and i guess i am to nub to manage myself so i decided to just stop logging in for awhile.
    the good Starr
  • Belial - Heavens Tear
    Belial - Heavens Tear Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    in case you failed to notice, i am in guild with you lol.

    *chortle* (sorry that really did make me laugh)

    I do understand how you are feeling Starr in some ways - while I was levelling to 90, I sometimes felt this way too (that's before al these new quests as well) - too much to do, not enough time.

    From my point of view, I play this game to relax and spend some time with a great bunch of people whom I was fortunate to meet through Nocturne. I hit 90 last week, my personal goal and since then, I've not thought twice about dropping a WQ if I couldn't be bothered with it - they always did bore me tremendously.

    Just because I'm not levelling so fast doesn't mean I can't enjoy playing the game and helping my friends. Too many people treat levelling itself as some kind of job and that's what takes the fun out of it.

    Try to back to the times you really enjoyed this game or the friends you have made, and consider whether it is worth playing for that, rather than because you can't fit everything in.
  • Loltank - Harshlands
    Loltank - Harshlands Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    *chortle* (sorry that really did make me laugh)

    I do understand how you are feeling Starr in some ways - while I was levelling to 90, I sometimes felt this way too (that's before al these new quests as well) - too much to do, not enough time.

    From my point of view, I play this game to relax and spend some time with a great bunch of people whom I was fortunate to meet through Nocturne. I hit 90 last week, my personal goal and since then, I've not thought twice about dropping a WQ if I couldn't be bothered with it - they always did bore me tremendously.

    Just because I'm not levelling so fast doesn't mean I can't enjoy playing the game and helping my friends. Too many people treat levelling itself as some kind of job and that's what takes the fun out of it.

    Try to back to the times you really enjoyed this game or the friends you have made, and consider whether it is worth playing for that, rather than because you can't fit everything in.

    Post of the Year
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I have not "played" in 6 weeks now. GG PWI HL server. It is so inactive, it's not even funny.
    You can do everythign easy and get money if you have a group of ppl that knows the game. But you reach semi-end game (90) get geared up for nothing. PPl will fight you only from safe zone or in forums.

    But i think this tread was about being too hard/expensive to get to 90, not about how lame the PvP action is.
  • BlowMe - Harshlands
    BlowMe - Harshlands Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I have not "played" in 6 weeks now. GG PWI HL server. It is so inactive, it's not even funny.
    You can do everythign easy and get money if you have a group of ppl that knows the game. But you reach semi-end game (90) get geared up for nothing. PPl will fight you only from safe zone or in forums.

    But i think this tread was about being too hard/expensive to get to 90, not about how lame the PvP action is.

    Yea the airtime goes fast lol.

    Back to topic, when I started (with no experience whatsoever), I found the game semi-okay. Questing grinding no issue. PVP mechanics were a joke, hence I quit.

    How long have these guys in been in the market for 2-3 years? Yet they can't fix simple bugs but rather worry about how much their stocks are selling for lol.

    My point to the OP, if you are not avid cash spender, look for a different game. Last time I logged on, the server did look dead.
    PWI - retired.
    JD - retiring Sept 22nd.b:shocked
  • Juggernaut - Harshlands
    Juggernaut - Harshlands Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The biggest problem I've had, (and what I think the OP was talking about) is that I don’t have time to do everything needed to level up, and still have time to have fun, pk, fun instances, etc...

    It used to be I could just do CS and WQ and then goof off a bit, grind if I feel like it, maybe go pk, run HH, do Cube if I had the mirages, or whatever else I felt like. But now, I can barely afford my CS every day, and forget trying to run cube, its way to expensive now to get a charm, and I can't farm mirage stones cause I'm busy farming mats so I can do my bounty hunter quest.

    I don't spend hours and hours in front of my computer, and I'm finding it impossibly hard to keep up with the dailies, and still have time for the FUN in this game.

    The gold prices are just making this game not fun. That’s the bottom line. And yeah, as mentioned before, the Perfect Iron Hammer is the biggest cause of this at the moment. Why can't there be an in-game way to acquire the hammer? Like replace the random 10k coin bonus from doing WQ (rather useless reward) and instead you get an Iron Hammer. That would sure help.

    As for the bounty hunter daily, it has now become a chore to farm mats all day to get wine so we can do this new quest. If you don't want to farm mats, you have to either get lucky and hitch on to someone’s tabbed fb, or beg someone to let you mooch off the wines they farmed. Maybe some of the bosses should be non-instance bosses such as Mantavip or Kong? That would eliminate the need for mind-numbing mat farming, and might actually encourage some pvp at those spots on LC and HL.

    Bleh.. Something has to give out soon, otherwise I have a feeling a lot of players are going to quit. It’s already started.
  • Ajani - Harshlands
    Ajani - Harshlands Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    Bleh.. Something has to give out soon, otherwise I have a feeling a lot of players are going to quit. It’s already started.

    22-09-09 b:bye
    PVP: 3800 kills in the name of KD lawl
    Retired as of 18/11/09
    Back as of 22/11/10
    Archer retired as of 26/12/10
This discussion has been closed.