Auction Hall and Cat shop

Wilzxen - Heavens Tear
Wilzxen - Heavens Tear Posts: 95 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Suggestion Box
I got an idea, don't know if someone mentioned it before.

But what about removing Auction Hall fees for item section... not the gold section.
And remove the cat shop option.
Also add a feature where they can list items they wish to buy.
But of course put a limit on how many items they can sell or buy. To stop people flooding auction hall with useless items.

This will force everyone to use auction hall instead of afking in West Archosaur in cat shop mode. Which in turn reduces lag.
Post edited by Wilzxen - Heavens Tear on


  • Fireblood - Harshlands
    Fireblood - Harshlands Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Not sure but the fees is there to make sure not toooooo much cash is floating around the server.
    As for removing cat
  • SlayerVgs - Lost City
    SlayerVgs - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I was thinking of posting something like this too but the fees stop some cash from floating around on the server but ends up making a thousand people create catshops that clog up the cities and proboly slow down the servers and just makes stuff harder for people selling and buying all around.

    Wilzxen has the right idea but I'm not sure if they should take the fees completely out or just set a flat rate fee like 500 and increase the auction listing time to a week or so and yes I mentioned that with the idea he had about limiting how many are able to be listed.

    With the catshops they should keep them just put a lvl limit of 30 and above on them and make buyable permits that cost bout 200k for the first lvl that increases per lvl that decide how long you can have a catshop open daily it'll keep people from making mutiple alts just to sell with and from leaving a catshop open for way to long proboly wouldn't hurt to have a limit on how long a charactor can be inactive before being forced to log off either.

    Proboly wouldn't hurt to put a small space requirement between each shop too I've seen it in other games with player shops and it seems to work.
  • Wilzxen - Heavens Tear
    Wilzxen - Heavens Tear Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well the idea of removing Auction hall fee was to encourage people to use auction hall, instead of setting up catshop. And my suggestion of removing catshop was because if we made auction hall do exactly the same as catshop... we no longer need it.

    The only thing auction hall doesn't do currently, is letting you put a listing on things you want to buy. (ie. buying section of catshop). Once that is added and we remove catshop, this will solve the lag problem in west archosaur.

    Ps. This does not mean removing Auction hall fee for buying and selling gold. This can stay as it wont help reduce catshops
  • SlayerVgs - Lost City
    SlayerVgs - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I do get that and totally agree about the auction fees being removed but they shouldn't remove catshops cause they are a good feature it's just people not using them right that makes them look bad cause in a city catshops aren't needed if they have a working auction hall like you suggested but next to dungeons and areas with alot of people doing quest it's nice to have the option someone may make a catshop with potions even though they would proboly get pked pretty quick doing that it's still the fact they could try.

    Instead of removing them they should do what I said about permits with daily time limits for each lvl and kicking people that don't move for to long maybe they could even make an expensive permit that gives 30 minutes of invincibity to a catshop daily so people can sell potions in grinding areas and not overcrowd the area while providing sport to ppl just waiting for the 30 mins to run out b:laugh.
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well the idea of removing Auction hall fee was to encourage people to use auction hall, instead of setting up catshop. And my suggestion of removing catshop was because if we made auction hall do exactly the same as catshop... we no longer need it.

    The only thing auction hall doesn't do currently, is letting you put a listing on things you want to buy. (ie. buying section of catshop). Once that is added and we remove catshop, this will solve the lag problem in west archosaur.

    Ps. This does not mean removing Auction hall fee for buying and selling gold. This can stay as it wont help reduce catshops

    While there isn't a formal list of items to buy in the auction house, there is a filter item option. This lets you look through and find only one kind of item. Because of this, there isn't any real need to put such a buying list in the auction house, IMO.
    Instead of removing them they should do what I said about permits with daily time limits for each lvl and kicking people that don't move for to long maybe they could even make an expensive permit that gives 30 minutes of invincibity to a catshop daily so people can sell potions in grinding areas and not overcrowd the area while providing sport to ppl just waiting for the 30 mins to run out

    And for this, it's a nice try and was made with good intentions, but I don't think it was fully thought out. Cat Shopping takes a long time, and although I do think there should be some kind of limit on how they are used (like the often mentioned idea of setting designated areas), but I don't think that the limit should be on the amount of time spent in said shop. Especially if you would need to pay to use a catshop, it would mean that many people would take massive losses like this. Yes, it would work to help clear the streets of West Archo very nicely, it would also eliminate the players setting up shop in other places, which is what you had originally listed as a pro of the catshop.

    Don't be too discouraged though. This time limit is a good start, just try working with it a little. Think about the pros and cons of an idea, until you have one that has as many good points and as few bad points as possible.
    Be nice to people
  • SlayerVgs - Lost City
    SlayerVgs - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Lairian with the permits with a daily time limit I ment ones that are bought only once like say to list 30 minutes every day you pay a one time fee of 50k and the fee to increase the lvl of the permit would be the same up to 3 hours then the fee could start to increase the higher the lvl.

    Keep in mind I mentioned this with the thought of no fees in auction like Wilzxen said so Catshops would still be available and people could still make coins offa items they sell they just couldn't leave them for days on end especially on alts because it would be something they would have to earn to use.

    Like say someone just sells old junk they never use the auction house would be for them but if someone makes their own gear and gets real high end gear spending 300k one time to get a permit would be worth it to sell for 3 hours and the devs could even make it so people could register there own stores name that only they can use because the streets wouldn't be so crowded and the catshops would stand out more.

    If it would work better instead of daily it could be every 11 or 12 hours too just something to break up leaving catshops on for days at a time they could even make the time limit like buying a skill and needing exp to increase too whatever would make it work.
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I see your point, and it does have merit, but the problem is the some people wouldn't be able to front this cost and still make a profit, particularly lower level players that don't have any gear worth a tremendous amount of money. The part about starting with a small fee, and having it increase for more time would help with this, but it still doesn't completely fix the problem. While these players could use the auction house, not every player knows how this system works to use it effectively, which is one of the reasons why players use catshops. Yes, your idea would reduce the amount of shops out there by a large amount, but it might also serve to turn some players off of the entire buying/selling process. I might just be over thinking this one, I admit, but there are still some problems that need to be thought out with any idea, particularly such a drastic change in a system.
    Be nice to people
  • SlayerVgs - Lost City
    SlayerVgs - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    True it may turn off some of the new players from selling but that could be fixed with a better guide for auction from the start.I'de rather they made a better system thats a little hard for new players than one that lets them misuse it wouldn't you?

    Besides if they did make catshops harder to get and cut down on how many are out there they could proboly add special addons for the people that do work with the catshops alot could be something like the looks or special catshop only items that people can learn to make when they gotten good enough with the skill or just make the catshops the only place pots can be sold the pots would be enough to make a profit for alot of people that would give a good reason for devs to work on expanding the apothecare skill too.
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    There is no guide for the auction house at all. Only for the gold trading area, not the actual auctions. Putting in a guide would help a great deal though. Just selling pots would mean a player would need to make alot of them to make any kind of profit, particularly if they are removed from the apothecary's buy list., and added onto the crafting section.

    And even if the catshops are reduced, they probably wouldn't give any kind of special treatment to the people that use them. If they did, then people would ignore the cost just to get this special bonus, which might cause the number of shops to remain almost unchanged.

    As stated, perhaps a monetary cost to using the catshops isn't the way to go, but rather some other kind of restriction that prevents them from staying on 24/7 and using alts to keep playing, which is one of the major issues here. Since your monetary fee doesn't really fix this without the time limit, which would also hurt players that don't exploit this.
    Be nice to people
  • ilystah
    ilystah Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    How about removing Garfield shop and replace it with a global market system? Which is similar to Anction but you can buy in large quantity, you can sell stuff without the need for other people to bid on it, you can sell anything tradable not just a few type of item, and the tax is lower?
    It might not be a good idea for the economy though, as another game have it and the economy go into super flunctation with hyper inflation and hyper deflation go in cycle of just days. However, it is still better because 1. reduce lag; 2. keep those greedy 10k coin per iron ore people in check.