Mount idea!



  • Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver
    Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    this is true. some how it'll work out for the best. the standing on it would be pretty cool in battle tho <.< then to ride it other wise.

    Very much so. Trying to cast a spell at something whilst sitty down would be really hard, especially since all the animations are standing up. Though, one thing, is would it have a saddle, or would it be bareback? I could only imagine it being bareback, but maybe you have an idea of a saddle for it...?
    "The moon rises, the rain falls... A most beautiful sight..."
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Bareback. Pegasus are never shown with a saddle since they are wild and part of ones imagination. A saddle would represent limits.
  • Monochrom - Sanctuary
    Monochrom - Sanctuary Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Wow 18 "yes" and 3 "no" "no" from me.

    But well, guess I don't like that "Pegasus" idea because i can't stand horses, the way they look like etc. So it would look kinda ugly to me, but that's just my opinion. Guess it's more a thing for girls.

    What about something for guys then? Since everyone knows that there are snakes which can swim, why not a swimming, or even flying Boa? I'd prefer that.
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    -.o I'll have you know horses arnt just for girls. Some of the best riders are male. But i see where you are coming from. As to being a boa, dragon etc. Put up your own poll for people to comment. Its a way to really get it out there. Personally, i think the boa is ugly. Not for how it looks but for how it moves >.<
  • Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver
    Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    -.o I'll have you know horses arnt just for girls. Some of the best riders are male. But i see where you are coming from. As to being a boa, dragon etc. Put up your own poll for people to comment. Its a way to really get it out there. Personally, i think the boa is ugly. Not for how it looks but for how it moves >.<

    Mmm, I will agree with you, horsies are not just for women, I personally love horses, heck, I live next to a horse farm, but that is besides the point.

    As for the Boa comment, I LOVE the boa, BUT... how it jumps is very abstract...

    Now on subject... I still support this idea because it would be VERY revolutionary to have a completely versatile mount of both aerial fighting, and ground manuevers. Very... outside of the box, if they made this possible, I'd personally try my hardest to aquire one.
    "The moon rises, the rain falls... A most beautiful sight..."
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Thats why i have this and want people to vote and comment as to which way they voted. If we can let the Game devs know what players are interested in thats out of teh ordinary, there is no reason why they can't do it. I know it takes a lot of work and time to get coding etc done again. But I'm willing to wait a lil while for it to come out. I'd personally save up to get this for a mount. Heck, i saved for the razor sting when they got it on dream weaver. Cause you dont see it all the time etc. They could use this much the same way possibly.
  • Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver
    Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Mmm, very much so.

    Now, just kind of wondering, how big would the wing span be? Like, the Hellfire Drake's size or maybe like the SwiftShadows (not sure if that's what it's called, the blue hawk)?
    "The moon rises, the rain falls... A most beautiful sight..."
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Good question. The only thing i can think of as a draw back to this idea would be size. When looking at the normal horse you are pretty much in the middle of its back on the saddle. Thus if some one were to be behind you.... not much room. In order for there to make enough room the horse would have to be enlarged a bit, which would include its wing span.

    The span of the drake and hawk seems a bit big for one little horsey. Maybe have it at half that width or 3/4 of it. With flying stuff its wing span needs to match its body mass. If the wings are to big it'll look really odd, same for to small.
  • Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver
    Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Mmm, I do have a suggestion for how the wings would come out. What if, they came from it's shoulderblades? That might work out for the wing problem..
    "The moon rises, the rain falls... A most beautiful sight..."
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    -nods- that would work. keep it out of the way of the main character view as well then.
  • Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver
    Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Mhm, precisely. Now, I also wonder as well, this is just an idea thrown out there. But whenever you land, wings fold correct? Well, what if it kind of encased the player's legs?
    "The moon rises, the rain falls... A most beautiful sight..."
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    that would be nice, so long as you wernt a lower fashion addict XD. But that would be nice, be able to tell it apart form a regualr horse that way, maybe add some customization (sorry if i spelled that wrong, which im pretty sure i did XD) as in standing, the "defult" movements of the head and front feet/tail etc would be there but maybe add in the wings to stretch out now and then or to ruffle etc.
  • Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver
    Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    True, I am a fellow fashion freak XD but hey, it would be nice to have something different. As for the ruffling of the wings, very nice thought.

    Now, would it be as active and moving as say, the Vicious Raptor or more docile such as the Horse mounts? With wings and whatnot, there are tons of capabilities of actions that it could perform rather than just stand there.
    "The moon rises, the rain falls... A most beautiful sight..."
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I would think more doscile. After all they are looked at as elegant. Maybe a mix of both? Could move a bit more then the hornse but not constant like the raptor. Maybe even have a cycle of movements? One will be wings then head a bit later. Lots of possiblitys.
  • Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver
    Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Mmm, very much so. The Ninetailed Fox mount (funny how it only has three tails) is very glowy and beautiful looking, while it barely has any movement whatsoever. But it still retains all of its elegance and glory of being a very rare mount. So I can see to where it'd be a lot more docile and calm rather than being all jumpy and hyped up like the raptor.
    "The moon rises, the rain falls... A most beautiful sight..."
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    mmhmm. i like the glow on that mount and the cute lil trail that follows it. but a little more movement is nice. And another thing, with the passenger pose, im curious as to what you all would preffer? under different settings.

    M/F= "Defult" pose thats used now? or something new?

    F/F= hands on hips or on the Pegasus' back? Perhaps take something from an anime and have your weapon agaisnt thier tummy? Would be bad idea if you used swords though <.<;

    and finially M/M= hold onto the shoulders, waist or simply have your hands more so ont he back of the horse?
  • Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver
    Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    True, that fox barely has any movement whatsoever, but it still looks pretty ^_^ But hey, that's besides the point.

    As for the poses, I agree, with those ideas. I still want everyone to be able to carry everyone >.>
    "The moon rises, the rain falls... A most beautiful sight..."
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Same ^_^ and 5 pages so far too! yay!
  • Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver
    Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lets see... what other things shall we discuss...

    Hmmm... would the actual horse be the same size as a regular one? Or possibly the size of a Hellfire Drake?
    "The moon rises, the rain falls... A most beautiful sight..."
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    a lil bigger then the nromal horse. Something as big as the hell fire would be a pain to ride on. Thats one thing i dont like about some of the riding mounts like the nein beast, jag etc is that some players sink into it with thier legs. Id like to be able to see my legs sitting normally on the mount. And especially with the jag, its annoying being the passenger. As you are carried you actually sink into the mount a bit, mainly when staying still. So if there was some way to avoid that kind of clipping, that would be a great benifit.
  • Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver
    Kei_Letal - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    True, especially if it's a mount as big and proud as this one. If the legs clipped through the wings while they were folded, that would be a huge problem, and would be quite the annoyance.
    "The moon rises, the rain falls... A most beautiful sight..."
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Not to mention look rather tacky.
  • Posieone - Sanctuary
    Posieone - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I think this is a great idea. Like some have said it should go with all the classes not jus limited to one. Also they could make diffrent looking ones to appeal to a guys taste and one to a girls taste so that everyone is happy with the look(for those who are concerned about that). I really hope this idea will be put into the game at somepoint(I would def. save up for something like this). And Im sure if they decide to use this idea they can fix any problems that may come up.
  • SPC_Senge - Dreamweaver
    SPC_Senge - Dreamweaver Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    This is definitely one of the best ideas I've heard in the Suggestion Forum so far. I know a lot of people think that other species have intruded enough upon the Untamed's natural animalistic abilities, with the all class pets and mounts. But this is an awesome idea nonetheless.
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Thank you both, I'm gad you like the idea. ^_^ I really hope more people will support it and get this into the game for players to enjoy, specially since its a bit out of the ordinary. tyvm again for the nice comments ^_^
  • Gangryou - Heavens Tear
    Gangryou - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    It would have to be slower in the air like 2.5 - 3.0 since the current flying mounts spurred only fly at max of 3.0

    3.2 now to 5.2
  • DivineCurler - Dreamweaver
    DivineCurler - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I could see this working =D. Would probably have to limit the speeds though to make it fair. Like make the ground part 9 or something and make the flying like 1.5-2. Wouldn't know what kind of designs to make yet. Pegasus sounds cute =D
  • SlayerMaster - Heavens Tear
    SlayerMaster - Heavens Tear Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I am between yes and no. I go for yes because I think it would be cool and I go for no because I would rather have a flying pig. So one more yes and one more no.
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Yeah the speed would have to be limited a bit. Maybe make it a certian starter speed then widget/spur it or something. Kinda up to pw team on those limits. As to a flyign piggy, if we get a pegasus then we can sure as heck get a thread and get them to do a piggy. <.< will give a whole to meaning to when pigs fly.

    Ty for the comments and please tell others to check this out and add in thier comments ^_^
  • Hycinth - Dreamweaver
    Hycinth - Dreamweaver Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    C'mon people! Thank you for the Yes votes but PLEASE Post as well to keep this thread near the top! And make sure to tell friends and faction mates so we can keep the YES votes going! ^_^ Ty again.