If you can start a new PWI server....

Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver
Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Tideswell (East)
So if there is a new server what is your plan? Let's share some thoughts:

I want to start real quick with a wizard and level up fast in the beginning so I can hog many FBs.....umm and then....


So I also intend on playing an Arcane Wizard of the squishiest kind so that I will have to kite like there is no tomorrow. I would like to start on dreamweaver as a new character but starting a new alt on an old server is just lacking motivation for me.

As far as TW goes, I would probably join a faction with friends from Dreamweaver, but not be officer since I am pretty pushy when I start trying to recruit....pushy and not so convincing....so quite negative effect ....

All in All i am just bored...so if you have time to spare ...share some of your big plans :)
Post edited by Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver on


  • Shibusen - Dreamweaver
    Shibusen - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'd have a wiz as main again and just a few lvls behind a venomancer to make money...
  • Larxene - Dreamweaver
    Larxene - Dreamweaver Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    So if there is a new server what is your plan? Let's share some thoughts:

    I want to start real quick with a wizard and level up fast in the beginning so I can hog many FBs.....umm and then....


    So I also intend on playing an Arcane Wizard of the squishiest kind so that I will have to kite like there is no tomorrow. I would like to start on dreamweaver as a new character but starting a new alt on an old server is just lacking motivation for me.

    As far as TW goes, I would probably join a faction with friends from Dreamweaver, but not be officer since I am pretty pushy when I start trying to recruit....pushy and not so convincing....so quite negative effect ....

    All in All i am just bored...so if you have time to spare ...share some of your big plans :)

    Is it me or does this sound familiar to a character on Dreamweaver server b:chuckle
  • Eremedy - Dreamweaver
    Eremedy - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hehe, having heard the whole history and pre-history of the Dreamweaver server (I still remember the pleasant lecture a honorable man gave me) - this is exacly the same path the people took when DW came out.

    At least one of them was even a wizzard :)

    Still I find that plan a bit stupid. You would just create another Calamity with that plan (on the whole - because that's partly how this giga-faction was started).

    Ofcourse I would (in some way) be honored being one of the highest levels and most experienced in the server (guess many people like popularity), still in a way I find that a childish and a way too easy way to achieve it.
    Why, for example, Calamity and the other few factions are doing so good - just because they knew what they were doing from the beginning of DW times. Well, there is nothing wrong with that, but still I smell greed :)

    Well, after this post someone might want to smell envy too I guess - but I really don't care about that anymore. I was one month too late and I'm not even trying anymore :)

    For now - the only reason I would go to a new server would be IN CASE my friends in DW were to go there. In this case I could, of course, make up all the mistakes I made with my first (and current main) - because now I know all the smart ways to level and make money in the lower levels aik... But again it would take another 2 months to get to 60-70. Maybe another 4 to get to where I am now (especially considering I WILL have to go get a job soon or RIGHT NOW!).

    As a conclusion - I am happy where I am... And if there was a new server to be opened, I'd hope our server wouldn't die.
  • Olee - Dreamweaver
    Olee - Dreamweaver Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    if a new server would start, If I join it , it would be mainly because of the fun.... yeah its so fun at start, I renember when this server was all a race, first molds, first fb19s, firsts factiones.. firsts fb29s.... I was so much fun , fbs19s with lvls 17-20, fb19s untamed wined, mainly all fbs are wined for the ppl than starts in a new server. that for me is fun and that was the reason I joined here at first day =P , and if I have a chance I dunno if I would go for it again, but if u guys didnt live a fresh start like that, u may should think about it in a future :)

    I dunno if I went off-topic dont think so, if I did sorry b:surrender
  • Peacefulelf - Dreamweaver
    Peacefulelf - Dreamweaver Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I didn't even know there was a dreamweaver until 3 weeks after...If a new server started i would probably once again be a lvl 20 when there are already 70+ b:cry

    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    On new server I would start a veno. Herc on first day/first hour, FTW.
    Then when my veno would hit 8x, stop and roll a wizz to have fun.
    From that point on I would use the veno just to farm/craft stuff I need for wizz.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • roman6
    roman6 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    10 characters
  • Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver
    Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Personally I do not want a Calamity on a new server. I would like many of strong factions waging wars against one another.

    In DW, I had an opportunity to join Cala before, but i figured that it will only ruin the game as we all know that MOST PPL on this server aim to join Calamity. I am pretty much the same, I have given up (^^ factionless and chilling)....all high levels are basically writing college applications to join Cala....there is no way they can fall at this rate... I used to be in EQ hoping to contain Cala, but I dont know....they are just too powerful....

    I was just thinking that if Cala continues to strive and own....ppl might start quiting.....That means all the land funds go to none otherthan the great Cala. BUt wat will this lead to? All this amazing gear....but no one to brag to about :) but themselves.

    Just a thought
  • Coldflash - Dreamweaver
    Coldflash - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    New servers are overrated. What do old players come to new servers for? To become the dominate faction to rule the server. I came from sanctuary to here, even if a new server opened I couldn't do that low levels for the umptenth million time...
  • Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver
    Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I never said to dominate... Besides DW is my first server, so I made many mistakes and still in the learning process. Therefore, I think it is right for me to ponder on a new server. I have missed chances of RB due to sword BM, so I want to start some new toon with RB gamma opportunity. I am not asking the GMs for a new server exactly, but looking at what ppl will do if one arrives. I tried an alt, but i have to say motivations for me are at a minimum with stuck up players lording over me and bragging about this and that.

    My intention in a new server would not be to dominate others of course >< I never try joining a dominating faction.
  • Coldflash - Dreamweaver
    Coldflash - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I never said you would be part of the domination, but in all reality that's exactly what will happen with every new server. Some people will move solely to dominate, others will move because they are fed up with the politics of the old server, yet others will move because their friends moved.
  • Shibusen - Dreamweaver
    Shibusen - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Dang, I felt a lot of Calamity hate in this threadb:shocked
  • Coldflash - Dreamweaver
    Coldflash - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Dang, I felt a lot of Calamity hate in this threadb:shocked

    I don't hate them >.> <.< I just really really REALLY don't like them XD and not because they're conquering the map either, that I could really care less about.
  • Seraphim - Dreamweaver
    Seraphim - Dreamweaver Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hehe, having heard the whole history and pre-history of the Dreamweaver server (I still remember the pleasant lecture a honorable man gave me) - this is exacly the same path the people took when DW came out.

    At least one of them was even a wizzard :)

    Still I find that plan a bit stupid. You would just create another Calamity with that plan (on the whole - because that's partly how this giga-faction was started).

    Ofcourse I would (in some way) be honored being one of the highest levels and most experienced in the server (guess many people like popularity), still in a way I find that a childish and a way too easy way to achieve it.
    Why, for example, Calamity and the other few factions are doing so good - just because they knew what they were doing from the beginning of DW times. Well, there is nothing wrong with that, but still I smell greed :)

    Well, after this post someone might want to smell envy too I guess - but I really don't care about that anymore. I was one month too late and I'm not even trying anymore :)

    For now - the only reason I would go to a new server would be IN CASE my friends in DW were to go there. In this case I could, of course, make up all the mistakes I made with my first (and current main) - because now I know all the smart ways to level and make money in the lower levels aik... But again it would take another 2 months to get to 60-70. Maybe another 4 to get to where I am now (especially considering I WILL have to go get a job soon or RIGHT NOW!).

    As a conclusion - I am happy where I am... And if there was a new server to be opened, I'd hope our server wouldn't die.

    The dynamics of every server and every game is, in time, there will always be a top guild, a top player, a top cash spender, blah blah blah.

    Conquerer of Lost City, 1st faction to take land.
    Radiance of Heaven's Tear (When they controlled 34 territories)
    Nefarious of Sanctuary, 1st faction to take land.
    Calamity of Dreamweaver, 1st faction to take land.
    Kingdom of Harshlands, 1st faction to take land.

    The people who "dominated" Lost City and HT came from PW-MY. The people who dominated Sanctuary from LC/HT. Harshlands are hardcore grinders from LC. and Dreamweaver from Sanctuary/PW-MS.

    No faction was born a "giga" faction. Calamity was founded by a core group of players from Sanctuary, Outlaw faction. Arcanic, Allisun, Zelkex, minigod, MissBehaving, Dece, ReeperOfEvil. Of the original seven, Arcanic (myself), and minigod are still here. Four have left game, and Zelkex was removed and restarted on Lucretius.

    In the end, the original members I started with are gone. The "core" members that have joined before we had land, before we were powerful, are still here.

    To be honest, not many high levels are attempting to join Calamity. One 80+ applicant per week on average with an acceptance rate of below 40%. Had Calamity recruited purely based on level with the intent to "dominate" the TW map, they could safely have 41 or 42 of the top 50 at this point. As a faction leader. I have told countless high level players to think it through, discuss with their faction leader before making a decision.

    As usual we will always continue to turn away players who want to join for a paycheck, "be with the best", and have nothing more to offer beyond another body in TW. Maybe that will prove to be Calamity's downfall, and maybe one small mistake will cause Calamity to crumble - much like Radiance. Or maybe Calamity's stability is related to it's founding idealogy, Quality> Quantity and recruiting based on a guild event that takes 10-50 minutes a week does not account for the atmosphere during the other 6 days and 23 hours.

    But since I went heavily off topic.

    If a new server were to come out, I would most definately not go. The dynamics of all RPGs are the same. Kill, get a higher number so you can kill harder things, meet people. Get to the point where killing, training, becomes excessively pointless due to game dynamics, retire.

    As many leaders can tell you, leading a faction may or may not be worth it. Watching a guild grow, work together, prosper, and helping each other adds deep satisfaction, and keeps me interested even in endgame.
    I spent 12 hours a day dealing with FBs, TT, Bosses, Drama control, Cross faction alliances, Recruiting, Interviewing, Officers, Forum building, Forum management, Vent Management, Event organization, TW strategy, TW pay, Holistical TW planning, during weeks one, two, three, and four. The amount of effort needed to successfully run a good faction in the "early days" when things are not for certain was enormous and indeed very very very stressful. Doing all that while we were pioneering Rebirth Gamma not for our own levels, but to pass the knowledge on to faction.

    Looking back and seeing how I once was an ambitious person who thought "fresh start, this will be fun and easy and I'll be at the top with everyone else and we'll have alot of fun since everything is brand new" made me realize how naive I was.

    The gap between what we think and reality is certainly huge.

    Think: Ill just complete Rebirth Gamma first with people and we'll be the top in no time!

    Reality: After over 16 fails of Rebirth Gamma, the party that finally completed the 2nd Gamma in Calamity (1st being a Calamity party also) immediately split up so they could teach more people and pass on the knowledge to faction. (Another 15 failed runs) Hours of watching youtube videos, researching guides, saying 'Okay we failed wave 3, how do we pass it this time? Okay we passed wave 3, how do we pass wave 4?' was time consuming, frustrating, and very irritating.

    Think: We'll just take level 2 City of Plume to show how strong we are, We are all high level its easy!

    Reality: 17 hours of prep work, including 2 hours of browsing slideshows, pulling up guides from Nefarious, Legendary, Conquerer, QQMe, as well as spending 5 hours on a vent conference with QQMe leaders to discuss possible problems, tactics, and necessary preparations. Another 24 hours spent by Calamity grinding herbs to make necessary apothecary preparations, and 3 hours of briefing again and again full strategy so every member was informed. Just takes 1 person not following instructions to reset a boss.

    If its not about being the top or ambitious, players would not want to move to new servers. There is always a misconception that being first means its easy like a walk in the park. All the strong people hop into one faction, egos never collide, drama never happens, and everyone grinds insanely, enjoys it, and never loses motivation. Everyone is organized, respectful, obedient to authority and helpful.

    But its not. Fun, being first? Challenging? Yes. Easy? No.
    If there is one thing I learned about new servers, you reap what you sow.
  • Shibusen - Dreamweaver
    Shibusen - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Thanks for posting your book here Sera, now I don't have to go to the libraryb:victory <3
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Thanks for posting your book here Sera, now I don't have to go to the libraryb:victory <3
    what he said ^
    The dynamics of every server and every game is, in time, there will always be a top guild, a top player, a top cash spender, blah blah blah.

    Conquerer of Lost City, 1st faction to take land.
    Radiance of Heaven's Tear (When they controlled 34 territories)
    Nefarious of Sanctuary, 1st faction to take land.
    Calamity of Dreamweaver, 1st faction to take land.
    Kingdom of Harshlands, 1st faction to take land.

    The people who "dominated" Lost City and HT came from PW-MY. The people who dominated Sanctuary from LC/HT. Harshlands are hardcore grinders from LC. and Dreamweaver from Sanctuary/PW-MS.

    No faction was born a "giga" faction. Calamity was founded by a core group of players from Sanctuary, Outlaw faction. Arcanic, Allisun, Zelkex, minigod, MissBehaving, Dece, ReeperOfEvil. Of the original seven, Arcanic (myself), and minigod are still here. Four have left game, and Zelkex was removed and restarted on Lucretius.

    In the end, the original members I started with are gone. The "core" members that have joined before we had land, before we were powerful, are still here.

    To be honest, not many high levels are attempting to join Calamity. One 80+ applicant per week on average with an acceptance rate of below 40%. Had Calamity recruited purely based on level with the intent to "dominate" the TW map, they could safely have 41 or 42 of the top 50 at this point. As a faction leader. I have told countless high level players to think it through, discuss with their faction leader before making a decision.

    As usual we will always continue to turn away players who want to join for a paycheck, "be with the best", and have nothing more to offer beyond another body in TW. Maybe that will prove to be Calamity's downfall, and maybe one small mistake will cause Calamity to crumble - much like Radiance. Or maybe Calamity's stability is related to it's founding idealogy, Quality> Quantity and recruiting based on a guild event that takes 10-50 minutes a week does not account for the atmosphere during the other 6 days and 23 hours.

    But since I went heavily off topic.

    If a new server were to come out, I would most definately not go. The dynamics of all RPGs are the same. Kill, get a higher number so you can kill harder things, meet people. Get to the point where killing, training, becomes excessively pointless due to game dynamics, retire.

    As many leaders can tell you, leading a faction may or may not be worth it. Watching a guild grow, work together, prosper, and helping each other adds deep satisfaction, and keeps me interested even in endgame.
    I spent 12 hours a day dealing with FBs, TT, Bosses, Drama control, Cross faction alliances, Recruiting, Interviewing, Officers, Forum building, Forum management, Vent Management, Event organization, TW strategy, TW pay, Holistical TW planning, during weeks one, two, three, and four. The amount of effort needed to successfully run a good faction in the "early days" when things are not for certain was enormous and indeed very very very stressful. Doing all that while we were pioneering Rebirth Gamma not for our own levels, but to pass the knowledge on to faction.

    Looking back and seeing how I once was an ambitious person who thought "fresh start, this will be fun and easy and I'll be at the top with everyone else and we'll have alot of fun since everything is brand new" made me realize how naive I was.

    The gap between what we think and reality is certainly huge.

    Think: Ill just complete Rebirth Gamma first with people and we'll be the top in no time!

    Reality: After over 16 fails of Rebirth Gamma, the party that finally completed the 2nd Gamma in Calamity (1st being a Calamity party also) immediately split up so they could teach more people and pass on the knowledge to faction. (Another 15 failed runs) Hours of watching youtube videos, researching guides, saying 'Okay we failed wave 3, how do we pass it this time? Okay we passed wave 3, how do we pass wave 4?' was time consuming, frustrating, and very irritating.

    Think: We'll just take level 2 City of Plume to show how strong we are, We are all high level its easy!

    Reality: 17 hours of prep work, including 2 hours of browsing slideshows, pulling up guides from Nefarious, Legendary, Conquerer, QQMe, as well as spending 5 hours on a vent conference with QQMe leaders to discuss possible problems, tactics, and necessary preparations. Another 24 hours spent by Calamity grinding herbs to make necessary apothecary preparations, and 3 hours of briefing again and again full strategy so every member was informed. Just takes 1 person not following instructions to reset a boss.

    If its not about being the top or ambitious, players would not want to move to new servers. There is always a misconception that being first means its easy like a walk in the park. All the strong people hop into one faction, egos never collide, drama never happens, and everyone grinds insanely, enjoys it, and never loses motivation. Everyone is organized, respectful, obedient to authority and helpful.

    But its not. Fun, being first? Challenging? Yes. Easy? No.
    If there is one thing I learned about new servers, you reap what you sow.

    very moving, but kinda long...my eyes burn...
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Eremedy - Dreamweaver
    Eremedy - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well, first of all - Seraphim sure can write his thoughts well and the reading was truly enjoyable (again). My apologies of being awfully rude and not thinking it all through, but after reading this...

    And no doubt the system of Calamity and it's doings are the most organized I have seen around (so far) in this server and game (I haven't attended other servers, so I wouldn't know).

    But never have I mentioned (in that sense) that it was EASY to achieve it. In a sense it was easier - BECAUSE you all were forced to act in the way you did. Of course I wasn't truly aware of the deep side of organizing and learning on youtube. I never knew, how you managed to keep back drama (so far I have seen some in ALL factions I have attended).
    Well, and that all is very inspiring.

    So for them who want to get better, might have a few things to remember in Seraphim's post. Or you people can just let your pride get on the way and act on stupid.

    Still you can't deny you (and your fellow-comers) didn't have a few advantages coming to the new server. Of course it was hard to start and do the quests that would require help from higher people.
    Some FBs would take unbelieavably long.
    You would have to wait 10 levels until you can go and gank Jewels... Manta... Kong... But I guess you all knew that and were prepared for that kind of a patience too :)
    But this time you had the chance to do things right. You had learned from the previous server, from your previous main or toons, you understood how the system works here. When to grind, when to do quests, when to sell items, when to buy gear (or not to) etc. That means - a lot of coin and time saved. Which is a big motivation-element too.
    And once again - you had no other way but to help yourself and your friends to move on. That is, again, another motivation-element.

    All the patience... Maybe that's the reason why the "first wave" aka "pre-historic generation" might have some misunderstandings with the people who came a bit later.
    Them new people truly lack patience. As if we were spoiled by the help of higher levels.
    That's what makes some of us different in a way. New people have a different kind of thinking, they are not the first, they can never be - therefore they think the greater ones HAVE to help them and they can just slack off by gaining, begging, asking, asking, doing their own thing.

    Everyone who wishes, could go through the same path. Do their FB19s with level 19 people. Wait patiently 10 levels to kill Jewels with friends. Yet... No one does that. They just want more, faster, bigger, better. AKA no patience.

    YET... Going to a new server - they who would want to go - all would be prepared for that (as supposedly you all were too). At least when they have brains.

    Anyway, having read this Historyc Novel by Seraphim I kind of understand it all better. Understand how come them be so big. In a way started to think that doing what they do - they actually deserve what they have too. Guess they didn't sit under the banana tree waiting for the banana to fall into their mouth.

    But it looks like everyone else is doing that right now!!!

    Now it's just up to other Factions to take advantage and learn how to play a faction. Calamity is unbelievably strong and might keep growing and growing. Still I don't think it's impossible to beat them. People just need to be smart and start acting and seriously working on it...

    After having been in a few random TWs I have learned that things are way more chaotic than they should be. People doing their own stuff, no plans, no leaders, no persons who take orders. Just random... And that sucks.

    As much as I have heard, ENVY is doing pretty good - they don't have many high level people, yet they beated XBushidoX and HDT (who DO have high level people, but no certain battleplans, as it seemes). Guess they, too, know what they are doing, yet they'd be outnumbered by bigger fations I'm afraid.

    SO IT'S NOT because of the level number or the coin to buy gear and skills. Another thing is required to do well in TW and that is...
    Make a decent plan. If you can't - you're not suit to be a leader. In this case you can never beat a well-planned war. You need to think...

    It's all offtopic, sorry, but just am eager to reply to this Seraphim guy :)
  • Eremedy - Dreamweaver
    Eremedy - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'd make this Seraphim's post compulsary to read to ANY player who is planning to participate in TW planning on this server b:laugh

    That'd make things way easier.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    @Mizou: I think you need glasses, you're complaining after every post longer than 10 lines b:chuckle

    Good thinking Seraphim to share/show everyone what it takes to build a guild like Calamity. I think everyone that wants to build a successfull guild / TW strategy should take notes like Eremedy said, what Sera pointed out is the least one has to do to build from ground up a faction as powerfull and successfull as Calamity.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Coldflash - Dreamweaver
    Coldflash - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    /sigh Dang it Seraphim, now you're forcing me to respect you a little more...I admit my distaste for you and calamity is a little aged as I haven't been in the game too much recently, but maybe I never gave you as much credit as I should have, I only saw people mindlessly flocking to calamity. Oh well, not like I plan to stick around too long anyway. However, if I ever do come back more permanently I'll be watching and listening to the attitudes of calamity...
  • Olee - Dreamweaver
    Olee - Dreamweaver Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I dunno, just wanted to say than lot of ppl didnt come for power, came mainly because something new, without gold bug than banished our friends, and made rich other ppl, because of lag... etc and all who thinks than they would start in a new server for power.... do that makes u feel better ? if power makes u feel better something is going in a bad way...b:bye
  • Seraphim - Dreamweaver
    Seraphim - Dreamweaver Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    That is very true Olee. Alot of players came to escape gold bug (PWI marketing at it's finest again), for fresh starts without drama, to escape a two coloured map, and to be anything more than "middle."

    But well established players restarting and leaving behind entire sets of equipment, friends, and faction members leads me to believe that ambition is probably a great contributing factor. Not power Olee, ambition.

    Power in an online game, controlling tons of members, being respected or feared is exceedingly pointless. Being first to run FBs, obtain gear, pioneering dungeons, and build a faction from scratch is ambition.
  • Olee - Dreamweaver
    Olee - Dreamweaver Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Ambition for what ? for be the best and thats power at somepoint isnt it ? I dont think thats a reason for start again, ambition/powers however u want to say but for me this is a online game, so what ? Im not going to live of this in a future so ambition... what is that ? I will allways try to enjoy the game, and as a big part does, but those who wants to be super mega strongs in a game, just for gain respect,fans and be the best, I would tell to them than if u want to be a hero no1 will renember ya because u had a great wep or because u was the highest lvl, and yeah thats the ambition/power we're speaking about I guess, not like all is like this but much wanna be heros or make the rest see them as hero, I think that persons should take off their heros mask and go enjoy the game, as this game has great things, u can make friends, u can play with them, help them, get to know each other, and not only grind, TT, TW, RB... etc b:surrender at end, u guys should see this as a GAME and not anyother thing, who cares whos the best, whos the worse, try to play and do whatever makes u enjoy the game thats what I would say so.

    ps1 Sorry if any1 does not understand this, or just he doesnt want to, I allways try to explain it the best I can and so I dont think I went off-topic this time.

    ps2 No, Im not on drugs effectsb:laugh

    Oh btw this isnt a anti- X message, or a anti - X faction , this is about some type of persons I have meet in the 9-10 months I have been playing PWI and as all came about power, I just said what I think about power or yeah ambition I dont care how you say it:)

    Cu Olee
  • Bebisito - Dreamweaver
    Bebisito - Dreamweaver Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I wouldn't join a new server. I'm not the faster leveler in the world.. and it takes me a lot of effort to do what I do here lol.
    Besides, I like this character. b:victory
  • Ari_m - Dreamweaver
    Ari_m - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    If a new server were to occur, I'd probably join. DW was my first ever experience of MMORPG and I made a lot of mistakes. I would try to fix my mistakes on that new server and start anew. I would still play on DW ofcourse with the effort and time I put into this character. Again, this'd be if a new server were to occur. There's my two cents ^^
  • Eremedy - Dreamweaver
    Eremedy - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well, to me it looks like this map is becoming quite "monochromatic" too :)
    But I'll leave this subject and keep hopeing that some more people will put brain into gear and think about possible (intellectual) ways to stop this from happening.

    Those who would go to a new server just because they messed up their stats - stop that stupid talk, grind some coin, wait for the market price to go down again and buy a reset scroll or few - that ought to fix the prob :)

    As for a "new beginning" to redo the whole story without the mistakes... Well I can say the same thing... You don't need it when you have alread put a lot of effort, time (and maybe even money) into this current play. Just do a bit more to achieve the thing you think you could by starting over (and you'll realize that starting over might be even harder). Because unlike money, exp and motivation there is one thing you will never get back - the time you have used to create your current toon and levelled and built and trained it.

    As the levelling gets slower in the higher levels, people will catch up anyway :)

    Dreamweaver and all the famous and infamous people in it - you are all VERY dear to me. I can't leave you for any other banana trees b:kiss
  • Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver
    Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I would like to respond to Seraphim:

    First, Dreamweaver well-played, and post well-written. It is a great honor that Leader of Calamity would comment on such a humble post.

    However, I would like to point to some redundancies you said about little recruitment and a low success rate. The fact is all the high levels have already gone to Calamity; about 5 spots left and what? level 75 as lowest level I believe. No room for improvement as for levels basically, the little recruitment is for replacing the few that leaves. But do not get me wrong, you have played leader perfectly. You leave some room incase politically important players wishes to join. E.g. LightWish moved to Calamity instantly I believe after he left EQ. Oh, why the lack of online application? or interview? Simply because he was an influential player who strategized everything for EQ TWs.

    Your rhetoric is commendable, I do not expect less from the leader of Calamity. But pardon me, please refrain from suggesting that all your players were always hand-picked with quality as a requirement. Before defeating EQ in TW, Calamity recruitment was solely level-based. I have checked myself asking if I could join (at 70ish), and it was a yes with no interview/online application. The person World Chatting the recruiting did not even ask any other personal questions regarding my goals in game and such. And please do not pretend that factions that TRY will be able to RB at an effective rate. Calamity has taken many of the RB-able players already, especially the limited number of barbarians available, so even if factions try to RB, it is going to be a pain.

    I do not believe all the players are only thinking of levels. Like many of the players, I only have enough time for 1 character, and I have made some critical errors in choices but unable to create an alt at this stage. Having leveled to 82, I believe it is fair to say I do not just want to move to a new server to dominate people, many players who leveled to 82 (without RB) probably will not bother moving. However, I am a newbie to online gaming, made mistakes by lending gear and coins that never returned, dropping items on ground by mistake and having others steal them (an relog right after) …etc. And oh yes, although my Sword BM does well in pvp and duels, they miss RBs and are rather abundant in game that zhen squads often have too many pullers. Unless you are very hardcore and well geared, I think Sword BM is a difficult class.

    I am saying there is no harm of thinking of a new server…afterall, it is the GMs decision. I am not directly asking for GMs to make one or asking when it comes out. Those have already been addressed. This post is for addressing thoughts, and not for people to justify why moving to a new server is “bad”. There are many new players who might feel less motivated seeing everyone else at higher level. I tried starting an alt for an hour or so and observed high levels basically lording over lower levels via duels and trash talking. It is alright if the players knew each other, or if lower levels initiate the duels, but I find it laughable having total strangers at level 60plus asking me for duels (alt at level 5).

    All in all, starting a new server with new class new characters does not affect the players lording over the old Servers, except maybe… the large factions have the need to dominate eh? All that coins for good gear? refine 10? but no one to look at it but amongst yourselves? That fact that a fair number of you responded in detail saying how “going to new server is a bad idea” suggests to me that you fear the leaving of current players. Meaning that you understand what the non-dominating members are going through, and you might have done the same if in their shoes. Remember, this post never asked the people who are intending to stay in old servers about their reasons for staying.

    Just my thoughts. (Wow this is almost as long as Calamity Application Essay—I think I might be able to get in with this….)
  • Faildom - Harshlands
    Faildom - Harshlands Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'd reroll an arcane BM so i can fail even more than I do now b:surrender
  • Seraphim - Dreamweaver
    Seraphim - Dreamweaver Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    In response to Sesshomaru

    It should not be an honour for me to take time and respond to a post. Beyond the pixel title and the e-glory I'm just another guy sitting in front of another computer. No formalities need to be addressed ;)

    Our highest level players in Calamity are not absorbed from other factions, but rather are some of our oldest players.
    Qultor, 97, Calamity since day two.
    Amarah, 95, Calamity since day six.
    Dunno, 95, Calamity since day five.
    oQ_Qo, 95, Calamity since day six.
    ProGrinder, 95, Calamity since day two.
    swordman, 94, Calamity since week fourteen.
    Fyara, 94, Calamity since day three. Brief stint in EQ.
    CHILI 93, Calamity since day one.
    DaCapo, 93, Calamity since day two. Brief stint in EQ.
    ReginCute, 93, Calamity since day nine.

    There once was a time Calamity was tied with Equinox. Equinox had grown at a phenomenal pace merging players from BloodPact, Dominion, Titans. The level distribution was similar, and Equinox even had higher average level players than Calamity for almost two weeks (Between week 5 and week 7). Both factions were afraid to attack each other, and were bound by a mutual land pact. What happened? Did Calamity steal all of EQ's and Armagadeon's high levels?

    A player is more than just a level, and a class. A player has a play style, an attitude, endgame motivations, and a specific support group. When the faction realizes that about the player, the player will realize that they mean more to the faction than just a level and a spot for TW. It is this realization, and self sacrifice that have contributed to our continued success. Rebirth Gamma generation one players taught generation two. Generation two spread the knowledge to generation three. Six generations of rebirth later, we are are still teaching, still leveling with the same alarming speed and conviction as generation one, and still sacrificing for the benefit of the faction - not self-aggrandizement.

    Calamity has had the interview process since day one. Applicants were screened, talked to whether through game or through forum. Lately we have pushed for all applicants to go through forums for review prior to faction review. In the past, we held correspondence with potential applicants through whispers, or chatroom in game, and used forum if they were unable to contact us or as an alternative medium. Lightwish certainly was no exception. He has expressed his disproval with Equinox leadership for almost 7 weeks prior to him joining Calamity. He kept prior correspondence with me through whispers, and has told me many times, I wish to leave, I just dont know when. Regrettably I was not online when he was invited, as the best course of action would have been to let the drama settle before the invitation process. We have never recruited based on level or with a TW objective but rather to grow the faction with respectful and humble players. A demonstration of Quality> Quantity. These numbers are fairly accurate +/- 10

    Week one: 62 players
    Week two: 82 players (First land capture, 40+ new applicants)
    Week three: 88 players
    Week four: 97 players (Immortal had around 155, BloodPact 170)
    Week five: 104 players
    Week six: 98 players (Covenant)
    Week seven: 112 players
    Week eight: 125 players
    Week nine: 133 players (Equinox was already at 200)
    ....Week seventeen: Calamity finally hits 200 players.

    We have never recruited anyone without an interview. Worldchat is only for referral puposes to either forum or to myself. For seventeen weeks, Calamity only had one person conducting interviews and background checks (Minus a one week break). If you didn't get in touch with me, chances are you passed the prescreening for literacy and level (You'd be surprised at how many KAN I JOINZ UR FACTIONLOLZ whispers I get ...) but missed the interview altogether.

    Back to topic since this again, is a very lengthy post addressing Sesshomaru and not his thread.

    Sesshomaru wrote "That fact that a fair number of you responded in detail saying how “going to new server is a bad idea” suggests to me that you fear the leaving of current players. Meaning that you understand what the non-dominating members are going through, and you might have done the same if in their shoes. Remember, this post never asked the people who are intending to stay in old servers about their reasons for staying. "

    If this thread is about offering opinions on whether we would stay or leave, why are you censoring the opinions of players who wouldn't leave? You also state that the server fears losing current players. That is the obvious.

    No server in their right mind would tell it's playerbase "I don't care if you play here or not, it doesn't matter to me." Look at Harshland forums. Alot of panic is there about the server dying due to PK. No player would want to see their server shrink.
    No player in their right mind would tell a friend "You can leave to the new server, I dont really care."

    And if a friend told me he was going to a new server, I would say as I have said many times, "Think it through. Look at what you gain and what you lose and make sure its what you want." I would get a response about ambition, challenges, making new friends, and trying to break out of the "middle."
    But I'd be damned if I wasn't allowed to offer my opinion on why I would stay.
  • Bubimir - Dreamweaver
    Bubimir - Dreamweaver Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The dynamics of every server and every game is, in time, there will always be a top guild, a top player, a top cash spender, blah blah blah.

    Conquerer of Lost City, 1st faction to take land.
    Radiance of Heaven's Tear (When they controlled 34 territories)
    Nefarious of Sanctuary, 1st faction to take land.
    Calamity of Dreamweaver, 1st faction to take land.
    Kingdom of Harshlands, 1st faction to take land.

    The people who "dominated" Lost City and HT came from PW-MY. The people who dominated Sanctuary from LC/HT. Harshlands are hardcore grinders from LC. and Dreamweaver from Sanctuary/PW-MS.

    No faction was born a "giga" faction. Calamity was founded by a core group of players from Sanctuary, Outlaw faction. Arcanic, Allisun, Zelkex, minigod, MissBehaving, Dece, ReeperOfEvil. Of the original seven, Arcanic (myself), and minigod are still here. Four have left game, and Zelkex was removed and restarted on Lucretius.

    In the end, the original members I started with are gone. The "core" members that have joined before we had land, before we were powerful, are still here.

    To be honest, not many high levels are attempting to join Calamity. One 80+ applicant per week on average with an acceptance rate of below 40%. Had Calamity recruited purely based on level with the intent to "dominate" the TW map, they could safely have 41 or 42 of the top 50 at this point. As a faction leader. I have told countless high level players to think it through, discuss with their faction leader before making a decision.

    As usual we will always continue to turn away players who want to join for a paycheck, "be with the best", and have nothing more to offer beyond another body in TW. Maybe that will prove to be Calamity's downfall, and maybe one small mistake will cause Calamity to crumble - much like Radiance. Or maybe Calamity's stability is related to it's founding idealogy, Quality> Quantity and recruiting based on a guild event that takes 10-50 minutes a week does not account for the atmosphere during the other 6 days and 23 hours.

    But since I went heavily off topic.

    If a new server were to come out, I would most definately not go. The dynamics of all RPGs are the same. Kill, get a higher number so you can kill harder things, meet people. Get to the point where killing, training, becomes excessively pointless due to game dynamics, retire.

    As many leaders can tell you, leading a faction may or may not be worth it. Watching a guild grow, work together, prosper, and helping each other adds deep satisfaction, and keeps me interested even in endgame.
    I spent 12 hours a day dealing with FBs, TT, Bosses, Drama control, Cross faction alliances, Recruiting, Interviewing, Officers, Forum building, Forum management, Vent Management, Event organization, TW strategy, TW pay, Holistical TW planning, during weeks one, two, three, and four. The amount of effort needed to successfully run a good faction in the "early days" when things are not for certain was enormous and indeed very very very stressful. Doing all that while we were pioneering Rebirth Gamma not for our own levels, but to pass the knowledge on to faction.

    Looking back and seeing how I once was an ambitious person who thought "fresh start, this will be fun and easy and I'll be at the top with everyone else and we'll have alot of fun since everything is brand new" made me realize how naive I was.

    The gap between what we think and reality is certainly huge.

    Think: Ill just complete Rebirth Gamma first with people and we'll be the top in no time!

    Reality: After over 16 fails of Rebirth Gamma, the party that finally completed the 2nd Gamma in Calamity (1st being a Calamity party also) immediately split up so they could teach more people and pass on the knowledge to faction. (Another 15 failed runs) Hours of watching youtube videos, researching guides, saying 'Okay we failed wave 3, how do we pass it this time? Okay we passed wave 3, how do we pass wave 4?' was time consuming, frustrating, and very irritating.

    Think: We'll just take level 2 City of Plume to show how strong we are, We are all high level its easy!

    Reality: 17 hours of prep work, including 2 hours of browsing slideshows, pulling up guides from Nefarious, Legendary, Conquerer, QQMe, as well as spending 5 hours on a vent conference with QQMe leaders to discuss possible problems, tactics, and necessary preparations. Another 24 hours spent by Calamity grinding herbs to make necessary apothecary preparations, and 3 hours of briefing again and again full strategy so every member was informed. Just takes 1 person not following instructions to reset a boss.

    If its not about being the top or ambitious, players would not want to move to new servers. There is always a misconception that being first means its easy like a walk in the park. All the strong people hop into one faction, egos never collide, drama never happens, and everyone grinds insanely, enjoys it, and never loses motivation. Everyone is organized, respectful, obedient to authority and helpful.

    But its not. Fun, being first? Challenging? Yes. Easy? No.
    If there is one thing I learned about new servers, you reap what you sow.

    well sera really, if u do all that things u deserved to be top and be respected by any player on the game. Grats on that if its trueb:victory
    Lost everything in PK! Olee im still mad at u!b:angry