how well will PW run with my upgraded comp?

bumblebee1007 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Support Desk
Hey Guys!! just started playing PW a week ago and off to a slow start..but I play it every chance I get!! I started playing on a slow comp but I have decided to upgrade my comp mainly to improve my gameplay and surroundings..The old comp would lag once in a while but it was expected..I am in the process of building a customized computer with parts that will HOPEFULLY increase my gameplay and here's the list that I bought:

1 P5KPL-CM motherboard with an Intel G31 Chipset ( Is that Good?)
1 Intel Core 2 Duo Processor (How bout this?)
1 or 2 GB of DDR2 RAM (Not sure Yet)
1 Extreme Power Plus Supply ( I think this doesnt matter)
1 80.0 GB Hard Drive PATA/IDE cable

The graphics card itself is integrated with the Motherboard (Intel G31 Chipset)

I think this is about it..PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know what you think!!
Post edited by bumblebee1007 on


  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    1 P5KPL-CM motherboard with an Intel G31 Chipset ( Is that Good?)
    1 Intel Core 2 Duo Processor (How bout this?)
    1 or 2 GB of DDR2 RAM (Not sure Yet)
    1 Extreme Power Plus Supply ( I think this doesnt matter)
    1 80.0 GB Hard Drive PATA/IDE cable

    Ummm... You sure this isnt the specs of your old computer? This list doesnt really tell you much. Also, is it vista? Because 1-2gb ram with vista is bad.
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  • bumblebee1007
    bumblebee1007 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    YES I positive that this is the new specs...and it will be on windows 7 which is a much better version of vista...btw will pw run on Windows 7?
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The following info is my own personal opinion and does not reflect the opinions of PWE.

    If it is a genuine version of Win7 RC, then it should work fine.

    The more RAM, the better.

    Integrated video is BAD, IMHO. (I personally dislike Intel's video chipsets for 3d gaming, 2d and office work, no problems).

    Go with an nVidia (my personal fav), or ATI video chipset (their driver support is ok).

    Stay away from SiS or Via chipsets or motherboards.

    If you have to stick with that video chipset, then just try it out and see what happens. You may have to change settings in the BIOS (like if you get 2GB of RAM of more) to have a set amount of RAM to be dedicated to the video chipset.

    Hard drive size shouldn't matter, although the higher, the better.
    Although, if it runs at 7200rpms instead of 5400, you'll get better read and write times, which will help run everything better.
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  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited August 2009
    Should you choose not to upgrade your system though (or should you simply be unable to), yes, Perfect World will run on it.
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  • darkjagans
    darkjagans Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    however, running PW on the integrated GMA3100 (G31) would mean running the game on pretty much the low/lowest settings, which defeats your purpose of buying the new computer in the first place...

    i'd highly recommend grabbing at least a low-end graphics card (which should allow at least medium settings), as for which one; it will depend on where you live and your budget
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