Perfect World Materials Map

Beren - Dreamweaver
Beren - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
edited October 2011 in The Crafting Nook
This is the start of a proper map of farmed materials in Perfect World international, these materials always regenerate anchored to the same spot, so it is easily able to be mapped. Knowing the locations of materials is in everyone's interest whether you are a wholesaler or craftsman. Knowing the locations will save you time and money. But the task is to massive for one man or women to complete. We need your help.

With a legend on the right hand side which includes the type and level of farmed material. Each type and level is associated with a color. The large format allows for very close approximation of location (Within 1 xxx, xxx grid location). I have already added some materials that were farmed just northwest of City of the Plume.

Now everyone should download the image and add in where you find your materials with Microsoft paint. Every time you find a material find your location on the in game map and then mark the spot on the map in paint with the associated color. Then upload the image full size via image shack or another image host and post the link on this thread. Multiple maps can be combined, and soon we will have a complete or nearly complete map of all materials in the Perfect World! Add 5 or add a 100 it doesn't matter all is welcome as long as it is correct. Be sure to write the general location of your updates in the thread to make it easier for map combining. Happy Farming Everyone.

Here is the most current image . . .
Post edited by Beren - Dreamweaver on


  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    well the mats are in proportion to the lvl mobs that are there , there is a map with general locations of mob levels, each 20 or so can be used to figure what mats are there with some overlaps
    also lvl 5 mats wont be on that map they are all in heaven/hell maps

    also you can use pwdatabase for a specific mat mine and itll show lots of coordinates for them
  • Beren - Dreamweaver
    Beren - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I am aware of these resources, but once completed this will be the ultimate key of all farming materials. Coordinates are very difficult to follow compared to a pinpoint on a map . . . i know that general trends will show locations of mats in relation to mobs but we are looking for really good points. I am updating the link about to include some area east of allies camp now and am really hoping everyone will jump on this opportunity to make an open source and beautiful map for all to use.
  • Beren - Dreamweaver
    Beren - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The PWI images of materials locations are two small, and the map they use not detailed enough. Using the full zoom map will make it much easier to find the materials and having the image avalible on your desktop instead of on the internet is a positive as well.
  • Beren - Dreamweaver
    Beren - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    plus there is a opportunity for some people to expand and make regional maps as well with more in depth material information. But for now I think this is a great idea. Having a singular map with all the infomation is a farmers dream come true.
  • Jonnykins - Dreamweaver
    Jonnykins - Dreamweaver Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    I've found the pwidatabase perfectly fine for the locations, you can click on the map to make it bigger and more detailed
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    The process your proposed has technical issues that makes it infeasible. The image you posted has jpeg compression (.jpg) and this is the format most people would use. Jpeg is not a perfect reproduction and editing a jpeg file and resaving it as a jpeg always causes a loss in quality. After a dozen or so such edits the original image is lost among too much noise and distortion.

    Its a similar problem to making a successive copies of a video cassette. If you really wanted to do this you should take the coordinates of each mine from pwdatabase and use those to annotate the map.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator -
  • Beren - Dreamweaver
    Beren - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i had a bmp image but it was double the pixels and it was a crazy 250mb
  • Beren - Dreamweaver
    Beren - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    that wouldn't lose quality but its way to hefty to deal with on a normal basis i could send it to people using pando but then it would lose a lot of the potentional for a lot of people working on it :(
  • yozh
    yozh Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    You can find detailed map of resource locations as well as herbs locations and some other locations here:
  • hadrie1
    hadrie1 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    very nice idea, thanks
    would be awesome if it were to be completed
  • LTraveller - Dreamweaver
    LTraveller - Dreamweaver Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Low-res maps and coords lists are available on pwdatabase. Example:
    High-res maps, in theory, can be generated programmatically. If you know exact coords for two pixels near opposite picture corners, then it should be possible to write a program which will load image, find corresponding pixel coords for any mat coords and draw a circle (or whatever else) at that location, then save the file.

    Edit: perhaps it isn't even necessary to do image manipulation by hand: +
    If anyone can provide a link to high-res map and a pair of coord pairs, I can give it a try.
    LTraveller, lv85 veno
    NamiOto, lv80 full support cleric
    RoamingAdmin, 7X fist/axe BM
    Ion_Cannon, 6X full mag wizard

    (full support: healing + fire support)
  • gouraudpalm2
    gouraudpalm2 Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i am a flash programmer (work as freelancer), it will try to make a flash with this map concept.

    later i will post a beta example for feedback.
  • LTraveller - Dreamweaver
    LTraveller - Dreamweaver Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Here's the result generated using first prototype: combined hi-res map showing locations of lv.1 mats; data sources: (coords) (map)

    logs = red
    pig iron = blue
    sandstone = white
    coal dust = black
    salvia root, golden herb, ageratum, nectar = green (4096*5120, 1277KB)
    Anyone interested in continuation of this project? Maps for other mat combinations, source code?
    LTraveller, lv85 veno
    NamiOto, lv80 full support cleric
    RoamingAdmin, 7X fist/axe BM
    Ion_Cannon, 6X full mag wizard

    (full support: healing + fire support)
  • LTraveller - Dreamweaver
    LTraveller - Dreamweaver Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lv.2 mats:

    rough lumber = red
    high-carbon steel = blue
    gravel = white
    coal = black
    herb = green

    Plenty of gravel and coal in the Endless Sea, according to pwdatabase :)
    LTraveller, lv85 veno
    NamiOto, lv80 full support cleric
    RoamingAdmin, 7X fist/axe BM
    Ion_Cannon, 6X full mag wizard

    (full support: healing + fire support)
  • Firelance - Dreamweaver
    Firelance - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Here's the result generated using first prototype: combined hi-res map showing locations of lv.1 mats; data sources: (coords) (map)

    logs = red
    pig iron = blue
    sandstone = white
    coal dust = black
    salvia root, golden herb, ageratum, nectar = green (4096*5120, 1277KB)
    Anyone interested in continuation of this project? Maps for other mat combinations, source code?
    Lv.2 mats:

    rough lumber = red
    high-carbon steel = blue
    gravel = white
    coal = black
    herb = green

    Plenty of gravel and coal in the Endless Sea, according to pwdatabase :)

    Now we just need to think of a way to put them on same map...
  • LTraveller - Dreamweaver
    LTraveller - Dreamweaver Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    That's simple. The only problem -- you need enough noticeably different colours for all mats.
    LTraveller, lv85 veno
    NamiOto, lv80 full support cleric
    RoamingAdmin, 7X fist/axe BM
    Ion_Cannon, 6X full mag wizard

    (full support: healing + fire support)
  • Firelance - Dreamweaver
    Firelance - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    That's simple. The only problem -- you need enough noticeably different colours for all mats.

    That's what I'm talking about.
    I'm thinking, use the same colors, just add a number to them.
    IE, 1st tier metal = A circle with 1 inside, 2nd tier metal = A circle with 2 inside.
    Or we can use different shapes, ie first tier = circle, second tier = square, third tier = triangle.
  • LTraveller - Dreamweaver
    LTraveller - Dreamweaver Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Personally, I find separate maps (one for each material level) more convenient: you open a file and see where to zoom to at once. Circles with digits inside won't work very well: you'll have to zoom to at least 100% to see them, and JPEG compression will distort these digits quite badly. Encoding material levels with shapes? that'll require a little more coding; I'll probably try to do it later.

    Here are the maps for remaining two levels (lv.5 mats can't be found in this part of the realm).

    Lv.3 mats: red = Willow Stake, blue = Manganese Iron Mine, white =
    Rubstone Mine, black = Fine Coal Mine, green = lv.3 herbs

    Lv.4 mats: red = Peartree Stake, blue = Hsuan Iron Mine, white =
    Corundum Mine, black = Volcanic Coal Mine, green = lv.4 herbs
    LTraveller, lv85 veno
    NamiOto, lv80 full support cleric
    RoamingAdmin, 7X fist/axe BM
    Ion_Cannon, 6X full mag wizard

    (full support: healing + fire support)
  • Firelance - Dreamweaver
    Firelance - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Suggestion, add legend.
  • Atiba - Heavens Tear
    Atiba - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Very nice thread =] was very helpful lol. Ty for sharing =D.
  • Magathor - Dreamweaver
    Magathor - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Thanks for the link yozh thats an awsome map
  • Roxaspro - Dreamweaver
    Roxaspro - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    yes it will help alot
  • CharmedArrow - Sanctuary
    CharmedArrow - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2010

  • Karveon - Harshlands
    Karveon - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    eh cant u just add numbers instead of colours?

    like 1 for logs, 2 for pig iron etc...

    and nice work btw.
  • reapersdream
    reapersdream Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    guess this thread died before he finished....the TB area's arn't on the map and thats one of the best places for low lvl appoths.
  • Cazara - Raging Tide
    Cazara - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    actualy this map is better all the work is done for u and all u have to do is know if the mats r mid grade and so on this also gives u other locations
  • Aremnese - Dreamweaver
    Aremnese - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    can someone make a heaven and hell mats map? THAT would be awesome since the ones on pwdatabase are seperated mat maps and i cant save the image nor can i save the source html since the coordinates are inserted by scripts.
  • Michalko - Heavens Tear
    Michalko - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Lv.2 mats:

    rough lumber = red
    high-carbon steel = blue
    gravel = white
    coal = black
    herb = green

    Plenty of gravel and coal in the Endless Sea, according to pwdatabase :)

    wow this helps alot, no wonder your name is Traveller :P lol
    thx to Dorset for the Sig :)