Dr3am recruiting adult players, level doesnt matter

Valkyrior - Lost City
Valkyrior - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Guild Banter

Dr3am (lvl 2) recruiting new social playing adults to the faction. Minimum age to get an invite is 20. Reason we do this is that we have to set a barrier somewhere so we get the average age up. And +20 years old works really good for us. We are a bunch of social players from ages 20 to 45 from all over the world, most with families or some on they way making a new family.

What else makes us unique?

A bank system that works
We are using a bank system, where our members getting points for helping other members or when you tribute to the bank. For those points you will be able to get 3 star eq or molds from the bank.

A intern max level system
Its fun to play with your friends. No matter if the play more or less, we wait for our friends to catch up, so we can do quests together, play together, have fun together. After all, we are faction, not just a chat.

Only adults
Once again, we are all adults in Dr3am. Its easier to relate to people around your own age, around your own stage of life, than it its to relate to teenagers.

Our website
Are you still curious on what we do, what we can do for you and what you can do for us, check out our website. You find it at www.SweetDr3am.com

See you in game, bye!
Post edited by Valkyrior - Lost City on


  • autumnn
    autumnn Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I have been a member of Dr3am for a long time and it is a great faction. Everyone is very helpful. There is always someone more then willing to help with quests and bosses.
    I have been in other factions but none of them came close to Dr3am. In this faction you will feel welcomed as part of a team.
    Join Dr3am you won't regret it.
  • Foatamorgona - Sanctuary
    Foatamorgona - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Before dr3am i was on a dif server and have been in other factions, and at one point almost quit game.I was always alone had no help and really didnt understand the game much as no one would help me. When I joined this faction evryone one was so friendly and threw this faction i made alot of new friends. Our leader has gone out of his way to help everyone so much and make it a fun place to be. In any faction like life there has been some ups and downs but hes never givin up on the faction or anyone else. The systems that he has set up for the faction work very well and just make sence. I look forward to seeing some new faces! Questions? Feel free to pm me in game:) See you in there!
  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    this link isnt working XD...bm lvl 44, 20+...from central america...let me know when u fix that link
  • Valkyrior - Lost City
    Valkyrior - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    The link appears to work now. Maybe just some server problem while you tested it.
  • grazor76
    grazor76 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Well where do i start...

    I been a part of Dr3am for manny years. It is not just a Fraction or Guild,

    Dr3am is more then just playing a game, It like having a New family !! everyone gets along so well . We all try our best to help each other out the best we can.

    We do not try an make trouble with other Fractions , We help them " DAM we help anyone "

    If your looking for a honest Faction to join then Dr3am is for YOU.

    The Faction Would have to have one of the Best LEADERS I have EVER seen, an known. His Name is Jimmy and let me tell you a few things about Him..
    Jimmy Goes out of his way to help everyone, know matter how big or small the problem is hes always there to help, Not only that his sence of humer is fantastic, jimmy is one of those guys We all love an respect.....
    what more can i say about this man.Well If you want to meet him JOIN US...

    Every Player in Dr3am I have met In dr3am I have the most respect for, as you get to love them right away. The best thing i have to say about everyone is there scene of humor... LOL what a BALL we have ^^^

    Great Mates for ever is what you get when you join Dr3am . and I meen Forever..........

    I guess what im trying to say is this is a bloody GREAT Faction, an I would not join another Faction EVER.. "well unless it was an all girl Faction an i was the only male " Then hmmm :p

    Come ONE come ALL give us a fair go.. come an see for your self.

    you wont be disapointed you will just never Leave...................


    Ray charter in game " Healing_HOOD "
  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    well...ur link its working know...i just have a question, im from panama, central america n my english is pretty broken...its something that will give me some kind of troubles/issues if i wanna b in ur faction? besides thet fact that im not going to b so active on the faction chat n sometimes ill have some troubles trying to explain myself...

    if dont...can u give more details about the bank system?...

  • kexet64
    kexet64 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Adult ppl come 2 us we r friendley n always helping out. I been a member 4 a wile n i love this faction, every1 helps out all the time. N if u need help just ask... I start 2 play this game a wile ago n feel like im 2 old, i found Dr3am n realized that im not 2 old b:pleased

    Come n join us u wont be dissapointed...promiseb:cute
  • Valkyrior - Lost City
    Valkyrior - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    well...ur link its working know...i just have a question, im from panama, central america n my english is pretty broken...its something that will give me some kind of troubles/issues if i wanna b in ur faction? besides thet fact that im not going to b so active on the faction chat n sometimes ill have some troubles trying to explain myself...

    if dont...can u give more details about the bank system?...


    We got members all over the world, and our main language is english. But from what I can see from your writing you know more english than you think, and it wont be a problem to communicate with us.
  • Valkyrior - Lost City
    Valkyrior - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Forgott to answer your question about bank system. Its all written down at our Policy page at our website. However, Im just gonna copy/paste it:

    Bank system
    Dr3am uses a point system for using the bank, to gives those who helps out a reward. With the points you gain you can buy stuff from the bank. You can see the contents of the bank in the forum.

    How to earn points
    - Every material donated to the bank gives 1 point.
    - When helping killing a boss for a Dr3am member, you earn boss level / 10 points, rounded down. so if you kill a boss lvl 65, everyone in party gets 6 points.
    - TT runs gives the party 25 points for each TT material dropped. Other drops gives 1 point. In the end the partys points will be divided among the party members, rounded down.
    - Donating 3 star equipment gives you equipments level * 10 points
    - Donating molded equipment gives you equipments level * 20 points
    - Recruiting one new member to the faction gives 3 points. Has to be a main char.
    - When doing a Call of Duty quest within the guild gives the tab holder the current level of FB in points. FB 19 gives 19 points, FB 29 gives 29 points, and so on. All high drops (3 stars and molds) in a Call of duty goes to the bank.
    - From speciall faction events, more about that later

    What does things costs
    - Materials costs 1 point each (if you want an item crafted, it costs as many points it costs in mats)
    - TT-equipments costs 25 points for each TT-mat needed, plus other materials needed.
    - 3 star equipment costs the equipments level * 10 points
    - Molded equipment costs the equipments level * 20 points
  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    srry about that i read it after i posted here...what it really caught my attention was the projet 60...r u guys still doing it? i mean im just lvl 45 but i play after work maybe 4 to 5 hours like 4 days per week so i think that maybe in a month i b at lvl 60 n i wanna be part of it.

    im currently in a faction called serpents n i want 2 stay at least for 5 lvls more (i have some friends over there) but i definitely wanna be part of dreams...so i hope that in the next couple of weeks u still have some room for me in the fac and the project 60 XD

    again thanx for all the info
  • kexet64
    kexet64 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    If ur over 20y n under 120y join us plz coz we having fun n im the oldest in the faction. We help all n have funb:victory
  • Valkyrior - Lost City
    Valkyrior - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yes, we are still doing the Project 60, and planning to do it for a long time. And when we have enough players at 60 we are going to raise the barrier slowly, so it will still be time to catch up, even if falling behind.
  • JasmineSoul - Sanctuary
    JasmineSoul - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Wow, this sounds great. I'm 39 yrs old and lvl 52 veno. I can't find a faction 'cept the ones where the conversation is the Jonas Brothers, lol. They've also not understood that alot of the time it looks like I'm on, but actually just have a catshop going. I've not done my fb29 or 39 or 51 yet due to I cannot find any help. Anyway, I'm off to bed right now, but wanted to put my "application" in for this faction. Sounds just what I've been looking for. b:victory
  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yes, we are still doing the Project 60, and planning to do it for a long time. And when we have enough players at 60 we are going to raise the barrier slowly, so it will still be time to catch up, even if falling behind.

    hello again b:chuckle

    srry for being such a pain in the **** b:surrender but i really luv that idea (project 60) n i wanna check some points with u

    1.r u guys planing TW's? why im asking? cause if that is the case, they going to lvl up a lot n eventually they r going to become unbeatable (nef n leg)...n our lvl is going 2 be pretty low...

    2. if im planing to make money why not make money at lvl 70? 80? 90?....

    3.after we complete the project, r we going to repeat it at lvl 70? 80? (i will luv that) that drives me again to the point #1

    4.what about my schedule? i mean, im currently playing 8pm - 12am maybe till 2am panama time, but in a couple of weeks ill be playing like 1am - 5am mabye 6am (panama time) like a friend of mine (sepphirot) that also wanna join the fac, so maybe when i get online u guys will be not ther n ill not have anyone else besides my friend to work on the project with.

    5.if we r going to 2 this r we doing it in groups like in smalls groups 5 to 10 persons? or all the fac at the same time? lvls 60-

    ok sorry again b:thanks...just wanna b on the same page as u guys, again just save me an spot XD

    Souji...hopefully a future Dreamer b:laugh
  • JasmineSoul - Sanctuary
    JasmineSoul - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Oh, wait, you are on Lost City. ****, I'm sanctuary...

    Oh, well. b:sad
  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited August 2009
  • Valkyrior - Lost City
    Valkyrior - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Im sorry for the late reply, but better late than never ^^

    1. Eventually yes, but thats not main priority, first is to have fun together every day of the week. Not only on weekends.

    2. You need money at lvl 60 too ;)

    3. Yes, the project is going in steps.

    4. We got players all over the world, shouldnt be a problem

    5. Doing all faction at once isnt realistic, even if thats the dream/goal. But we will move the lvl cap up when enought players reached it (say 10-15, maybe 20), then the others still get time to catch up, to the next cap.

    I hope those questions satesfy you a little. If you wanna know more, just try pm me in game, Valkyrior, and we have a little chat.
  • Valkyrior - Lost City
    Valkyrior - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    BTW, Soujiro, do you have a char on Lost City? Your avatar says sanctuary...
  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    plz dont tellme that this fac is at lost city server b:cry
  • Valkyrior - Lost City
    Valkyrior - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Dr3am is on Lost City. Seems like we have to make a Sanctuary section if more ppl from that server wanna play our way.
  • Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary
    Soujiro_Z - Sanctuary Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    thats an exellent idea...
  • Adelin - Lost City
    Adelin - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'm interested! What do I do? I can't find you ingame
  • Meuffles - Sanctuary
    Meuffles - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    hi....im new here and i kinda want to join your faction.....how do i find you in the game?
  • Valkyrior - Lost City
    Valkyrior - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Im using world chat few times everyday, sometimes I hang around in FB_HELP chat room. I will also try pm you when Im on.

    See you soon ^^