3 New Classes

Seraki - Dreamweaver
Seraki - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Suggestion Box
It occurs to me that the race to class ration is always the same. Each race has one psychical and one mystical class. I'm suggesting that each race have a stealth-like class.

For humans you could have assassins, the purpose of these would be to easily kill enemies with a variety of tactics for quick killing. Their skills would be focused on dealing damage and decreasing the attack of their enemies. They could wield : Dual Blades, Dual Swords, Blades, Swords, Fist Weapons, and Bows.

For Untamed you could have hunters, the purpose would be a baiter as of sorts. They treat their enemies like prey, they do this by using their skills to trap, slow down, and stun their enemies. They could wield: Dual Blades, Dual Swords, Blades, Swords, Fist Weapons, Bows, and Crossbows.

For Winged Elves you could have rouges, the purpose of rogues would be to cripple the enemies with quick damaging blows, then getting out before they take more damage then necessary. Their skills would help them to decrease the radius of an aggressive monsters field of attack (you can get closer without them coming after you,) also the could have a skill that would temporary disallow creatures to attack them (for only thirty seconds.) They could wield: Dual Blades, Dual Swords, Blades, Swords, Scythes, Spears, Clubs, and Fist Weapons.
Post edited by Seraki - Dreamweaver on


  • CornHilario - Heavens Tear
    CornHilario - Heavens Tear Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    or u can look at it this way instead: each race has a class that uses two different types of the armours heavy light and arcane.




    maybe we can fill in the blanks with classes that use those types of armour.
    maybe humans can have light armoured monks, which deals close ranged magic dmg, sort of like the opposite of archer's long range physical. untamed can also have a light armoured "magical tank?" of sorts, maybe a shaman? and elves can have heavy armoured paladins, sort of a combination of the barb and cleric classes.
    One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them

    MS paint ftw. Disclaimer: my suit is actually gray, not black.

    ♥: The best f♥♥king censor ever. Always remember to show
    love to eachother on the forum even when you are cussing eachother out.
  • Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver
    Sesshomaru_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    New classes will be great. However, please make sure they are more or less balanced, and that the style of play is not similar. Repetitive classes are not worth the effort
  • Chobsi - Heavens Tear
    Chobsi - Heavens Tear Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    or u can look at it this way instead: each race has a class that uses two different types of the armours heavy light and arcane.

    Sorry to be naggy but shouldn't it be 3 different types of armor? >.<
    "Chobsi the only thing your good at is making your character look good, otherwise your fail"
    "Did that 95 BM just kill himself to your Herc? Mmm..Yep"
    "Oh that thing I thought was a statue, it 1 shot me, switch to your cleric please"
    "So that Hercules guy from the disney movie really aged well.."
    ~Chobsi b:cute
  • Seraki - Dreamweaver
    Seraki - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    The armor idea isn't really a fari argument (but I like the comparison.) Because, there are no class requirements for armor, just stat requirements. And, though it would be completely unheard of a wizard could equip a heavy armor, like mithril or ring. I made the classes like a did for a balance. So, yeah. Winged Elves have no classes that let them use swords like Humans or Untamed. That being said, Humans and Untamed don't have a class that let them use bows like Winged Elves. So in my own way, I'm trying to keep a balance as it were. I thought Winged Elves should be able to do what I can. (I had a dream, lol.)
  • Hemoglobin - Lost City
    Hemoglobin - Lost City Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    or u can look at it this way instead: each race has a class that uses two different types of the armours heavy light and arcane.




    maybe we can fill in the blanks with classes that use those types of armour.
    maybe humans can have light armoured monks, which deals close ranged magic dmg, sort of like the opposite of archer's long range physical. untamed can also have a light armoured "magical tank?" of sorts, maybe a shaman? and elves can have heavy armoured paladins, sort of a combination of the barb and cleric classes.

    Paladin FTW

    Then again, Im a wiz and I wear LA..
  • Belokk - Sanctuary
    Belokk - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    **** the light darkness FTW XD
  • Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear
    Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear Posts: 998 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    yeah I kinda miss a stealth class for pw, but it would be hard to implement one without making everything unbalanced..

    Thanks to Torhn for coloring!
  • turtlewax
    turtlewax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    To quote a sig from another forum:

    It's rogue, dammit, rogue!
  • Seraki - Dreamweaver
    Seraki - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    turtlewax wrote: »
    To quote a sig from another forum:

    It's rogue, dammit, rogue!

    Sorry, I have that problem with this word a lot. Whatever... so like, who likes the idea ?
  • Sillmeriia - Sanctuary
    Sillmeriia - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I agree having an assasin would be a cool class and they could have skills or magic that could make them invisible to the enemy for a short while or even skills to scale walls like a ninja
  • Eremedy - Dreamweaver
    Eremedy - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    comparing to other unnamed games... magic...
    humans do black magic
    elves do white magic
    untamed do red magic

    humans do melee
    elves do ranged
    untamed do melee

    so basically we have it all... there is a slight glimpse of a "rogue" in all classes for humans and elves it would be the physical... and for the untamed it'd be the veno.

    there could be one other solution tho... and partly it is represented while you turn level 89 and you choose demon or sage.

    what would be actually cool is to have such characters as ghost-like beings or spirits... maybe they could be of any class, any being, just a little more advanced to the user's choice... but partly this too is represented by how you choose to play (if you are a sword bm or axe... full dex archer or not... high damage cleric or defence etc...)

    what i think you people would like to SEE, is new "faces". new appearences... new skills and the effects (personally i actually already am sick of the current skill icons and fx)... new new new :)

    all the classes that are wished for, could, in a way, be explained with what we currently have... like paladins - we can make "Light Armor" clerics (heavy armor would aready be a bit ridiculous imo)... etc etc etc
  • Wolfieboy - Sanctuary
    Wolfieboy - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    It would have been cool if they have added a sword and shield man too. And i really like the rouge idea, but they should have the chance to become invisible in like 30 secs.
  • Shredclaw - Sanctuary
    Shredclaw - Sanctuary Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    A lot of this sounds cool, but as was said before, you can make a good replacement for most of these new classes by going with a different build for the existing classes.
    I used to wonder why I would have these scary dreams every month. About the wolf, who kept running through town. And as I wondered, I also thought about how I couldn't remember having those dreams before being bitten by this very big dog...

    But now I know the truth.
    And I am not afraid.
  • Gangryou - Heavens Tear
    Gangryou - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    bump good idea, wouldnt a high dex bm be sort of an assassin
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    We already have a super stealth class....
    It's called the max-dex/light-armor/fist-BM

    BM's get the highest evasion rate of any class per dex point they put in.
    They do low damage, but make up for it by critting constantly and never getting hit by other phy-atk players.

    They also can do firedamage which makes them kick **** against Heavy Armor users.

    They hit so fast that their Chi bar will fill up twice before other classes fill theirs once.

    Lyundra might say that at 7x when people all equip the +accuracy rings they are worthless, but there are +evasion equips too and lets not forget the genie skill sandstorm b:victory Lowers accuracy of opponent by 70%

    How do they do against casters though? Well, they have interrupt techniques and hit ridiculously fast. Plus their light armor gives them slightly better defense against magic than the heavy users. b:laugh

    And don't think I'm biased, because I am not a fist BM. I use swords.
    I do however plan on learning fist skills eventually though so I can max my chi quickly and Myriad Sword Stance ppl. b:victory

    Peace I'm Out. ;D
  • Amaze - Lost City
    Amaze - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    once again, this is just like a combo of the other races
    oh my god was i that dumb
  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Geeze, finally someone that doesn't think that a fist user is weak! >_> Possibly one of the most underestimated types of BM although I would be happier if they added a few harder hitting skills. Because of our low damage per strike we do have somewhat of a hard time taking on barbarians >_> but a barbarian on a charm is irritating for another barbarian or a BM to take down anyways.

    The crit rate is nice though b:dirty

    buuuut, if you added an "Assassin" class, it could be more like a perfection of the fist BM. Or they could simply add new fist skills that could even out the playing field a little more. >_> BM's really don't have much going for them when there's a barb to tank, clerics to heal, and archers and wizards to damage deal from a distance.

    But that's just for humans, I'm not sure about the other classes. Wing elves with swords would be interesting to see but they would have to be vastly different than blademasters to work. b:laugh give them rapiers and a european fencing style xD b:surrender sorry, just a random thought.

    As for the untamed.... they have Venomancers >_> venos pet tank, damage deal, heal themselves, heal their pet >_> they don't need another class.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Lairian - Sanctuary
    Lairian - Sanctuary Posts: 8,209 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    If I ever roll a BM, I'll be sure to try out making it a fist user b:victory.

    If there is a new class for each race, I think it should still adhere to the basic underlying themes of each race (Elves=ranged/support, Humans=damage, Untamed=defense/damage taking (these are just what I've observed from what the basic uses for the classes are, and do not hold true in all cases, so please don't flame me for saying this)). If a stealth based class would be implemented for each, here's what I would have, based on the 'roles' each race has:

    Elf: Scout= A class that specializes not only in stealth, but in speed. They run ahead of the rest, using stealth to keep themselves safe, while letting all other players know the layout of the mobs, and if there's anything worth knowing up ahead (best if used in PvP areas, like TW, or when everyone in a squad is new to a particular instance). They don't deal much damage, and in combat spend most of their time slowing down, paralyzing, or otherwise disabling the enemies movement more than straight damage.

    Human: Assassin/Rouge= You should know about this one. It sneaks up on enemies, and uses one shot buffs to deal heavy spike damage, then retreat before the enemy can retaliate. Capable of both damage and debuffs, they can deal heavy damage, but need to do it with a single strike, as once they deal their damage, they'd be vulnerable to enemy counter attacks. If they are unable to retreat for whatever reason, they can fight with some ability, but don't have very many skills for direct combat.

    Untamed: Hunter= I'm gonna use the OPs idea for this one. A class that can sneak around (maybe follow the scout to plan things), and set traps in strategic locations. These traps would have a variety of effects, from damage, to blinding, to poison, and others. While in combat, they can deal lite damage, but do it very fast, having various buffs that enhance attack rate (lowest per hit damage, but fastest attack rate).

    These could stand to be balanced out a bit, but this is just what I think would fit each race best.
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