Phoenix stats

Brael - Dreamweaver
Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
edited August 2009 in Venomancer
I'm missing levels 1 and 2 because I didn't think about it at the time. I'll update this as it's higher. At 17 the pet crossed over to 501+ loyalty, it started around 200 when I fed it so 100% attack until 17. Interestingly enough, at 17 it was 272 attack before 20% and after it crossed that 120% mark it went to 327 (which is what I recorded for the list). This means there's some decimals/rounding at work in there that we're not seeing. Here's what I recorded, and these stats are unbuffed, right out of the pet window:

100% attack
Level	HP	Attack	Phys	Mag
3	183	49	252	302
4	221	61	352	422
5	258	74	452	542
6	296	87	552	662
7	333	101	652	782
8	371	115	752	902
9	408	130	852	1022
10	446	142	952	1142
11	483	162	1052	1262
12	521	179	1152	1382
13	558	197	1252	1502
14	596	215	1352	1622
15	633	234	1452	1742
16	671	253	1552	1862
17	708	272	1652	1982
63	2433	1867	6252	7502
67	2583	2068	6652	7982
71	2733	2278	7052	8462
82	3146	2909	8152	9782

120% attack
Level	HP	Attack	Phys	Mag
17	708	327	1652	1982
18	746	352	1752	2102
19	783	378	1852	2222
20	821	404	1952	2342
21	858	432	2052	2462
22	896	459	2152	2582
23	933	488	2252	2702
24	971	517	2352	2822
25	1008	547	2452	2942
26	1046	578	2552	3062
27	1083	609	2652	3182
28	1121	642	2752	3302
29	1152	674	2852	3422
30	1196	709	2952	3542
31	1233	742	3052	3662
32	1271	778	3152	3782
33	1308	814	3252	3902
34	1346	850	3352	4022
35	1383	889	3452	4142
36	1421	926	3552	4262
37	1458	966	3652	4382
38	1496	1005	3752	4502
39	1533	1046	3852	4622
40	1571	1087	3952	4742
41	1608	1129	4052	4862
42	1646	1172	4152	4982
43	1682	1215	4252	5102
44	1721	1260	4352	5222
45	1758	1304	4452	5342
46	1796	1350	4552	5462
47	1833	1396	4652	5582
48	1871	1443	4752	5702
49	1908	1491	4852	5822
50	1946	1540	4952	5942
51	1983	1590	5052	6062
52	2021	1639	5152	6182
53	2058	1690	5252	6302
54	2096	1742	5352	6422
55	2133	1795	5452	6542
56	2171	1848	5552	6662
57	2208	1902	5652	6782
58	2246	1956	5752	6902
59	2283	2011	5852	7022
60	2321	2067	5952	7142
61	2358	2124	6052	7262
62	2396	2181	6152	7382
63	2433	2240	6252	7502
64	2471	2299	6352	7622
65	2508	2359	6452	7742
66	2546	2420	6552	7862
67	2583	2481	6652	7982
68	2621	2542	6752	8102
69	2658	2606	6852	8222
70	2696	2670	6952	8342
71	2733	2733	7052	8462
72	2771	2799	7152	8582
73	2808	2864	7252	8702
74	2846	2931	7352	8822
75	2883	2998	7452	8942
76	2921	3067	7552	9062
77	2958	3135	7652	9182
78	2996	3205	7752	9302
79	3033	3274	7852	9422
80	3071	3346	7952	9542
81	3108	3417	8052	9662
82	3146	3490	8152	9782

I'll update this in the future when it's higher level.

HP are going up at a constant 37.5 per level, physical at 100/level, magic at 120/level, attack is the odd one. Levels 10, 20, 30, etc have a smaller attack gain than other levels, as do 12, 22, 32, etc but not to as much of an extent.

Edit: Also, for anyone curious how those resists work out to mitigation amounts.
Physical resist is 56% at level 1 (assumed), 65% at level 2 (assumed), 67% at level 3, 68% at level 4, 69% at levels 5 through 7, 70% at levels 8 through 22, and 71% from 23 and above.

Magic resist is 60% at level 1 (assumed), 69% at level 2 (assumed), 71% at level 3, 72% at level 4, 73% at levels 5 through 9, and 74% at levels 10 and up.
Post edited by Brael - Dreamweaver on


  • _wtf_lmao - Heavens Tear
    _wtf_lmao - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    do you know the herc stats? i wanna compare and contrast and try 2 pick what is best for me
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Not per level, no. The herc however is going to max out by the mid 20's (I forget the exact level) at 86% physical and 83% magic buffed, so there's a big gap in tanking power. In general, if you want more dps go for the nix, if you want more tanking go for the herc. They're both quite good grinding pets I think, the nix will get you a little more exp and can be used in the air while the herc can tank bosses and be used indoors. The nix is also better in pvp, while the herc will get you more coin provided you put in the time to farm.
  • _wtf_lmao - Heavens Tear
    _wtf_lmao - Heavens Tear Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    hmmmm...i like them both,and i think i would have good uses for both of them, i think i might go for the nix first, because of there stats and i hear they are good grinding pets, and as you said, the nix gives good exp so im probably gonna get a nix :)
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Sorry for the self bump. Updated levels 65 through 82, hopefully it's useful for anyone that's wanting to try and figure out attack formulas.