what's up with the weekend blow sale?

OlivarraX - Heavens Tear
OlivarraX - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
edited July 2009 in General Discussion
i just payed few $ to get a boa now, i go to cash-shop and.... TADA! boa's not there!

what's up? announcement said it will be there from idk-what-day to sunday 11:59 p.m., and there you go, it's 2:54 p.m. and theres no boa?

really i want my boa, i have payed $ to PWI to get it, and they don't give it to me!

Post edited by OlivarraX - Heavens Tear on


  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    They screwed up. GM Xarfox admitted it on another thread. Must have made an error in the end time or something. Everything disappeared around 1am this morning.

    The thing that pisses me off is that no one is on to respond to my ticket (been waiting for 14 hrs now and the weekend is almost over), or fix it.

    What kind of multimillion $$ company that has most of its players and cash sales on the weekend has the fewest employees working on the weekend? *Facepalm*
  • OlivarraX - Heavens Tear
    OlivarraX - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    ok, yep i see they apologize....

    but i think PWI team cannot play with it's costumers money like that.

    really, i don't accept its apologizes, but i think i can't do anything but wait for next "future" (as they say) sale.


    PD: and WTF "future"? can't they be more specific? "in ABOUT a week, month, year, decade, milenium, etc...."
  • KitraAZ - Sanctuary
    KitraAZ - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Oh good I wasn't the only one who did that to I was gonna get it this mornin and what do you know not there -.- Oh well Im saving my gold for another mount.
  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    but i think PWI team cannot play with it's costumers money like that.

    PD: and WTF "future"? can't they be more specific? "in ABOUT a week, month, year, decade, milenium, etc...."

    Totally agree, this is real money we are paying. It is like buying a movie ticket then being told they oversold and you can't get in after you have planned your entire weekend around it. Then having nobody around to give you a refund or even tell you when you can see the movie.

    And BTW I'm here ranting because I have no idea if the issue will be fixed in the next few minutes or not till next week and my Sunday hours for outside activities has been wasted. (I was planning to get my Nix and spend the rest of the day leveling it.)

    PS: A lot more info and ranting by other players here:
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I agree i still wanted my chance to get the coolest mount ever, mr. Pigsworth.
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Relax folks, it's not like Zen expires. Yes, it was a mistake/accident - GMs are human, mistakes happen. Your Zen will still be there ready to use when they 'fix' the issue and put the mounts (and battlepacks) back on sale. You're acting like it's gone forever and the money is wasted... sheesh.

    It's only wasted Zen if you blow it all on **** before they resume the sale. In which case, it's your own bloody fault then, isn't it? ;)
  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Relax folks, it's not like Zen expires. Yes, it was a mistake/accident - GMs are human, mistakes happen. Your Zen will still be there ready to use when they 'fix' the issue and put the mounts (and battlepacks) back on sale. You're acting like it's gone forever and the money is wasted... sheesh.

    It's only wasted Zen if you blow it all on **** before they resume the sale. In which case, it's your own bloody fault then, isn't it? ;)

    The point is my TIME was wasted. I hadn't planned on using real cash for my Nix until the sale. I planned to spend today leveling my Nix. Now I am just short of the number of feathers I need and the day is wasted. I could have gone to the beach, mall or a host of other activities.

    Cash spenders value their TIME which is why they spend cash instead of grinding in game for all their coin/gold.

    This is the USA (and western world) not China where time is cheap. Unfortunately the decisionmakers at PWI are still in the Eastern mindset.

    People spend big money to get things expedited in the US, many want it now. I hope someone at PWI gets the message.
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    The point is my TIME was wasted. I hadn't planned on using real cash for my Nix until the sale. I planned to spend today leveling my Nix. Now I am just short of the number of feathers I need and the day is wasted. I could have gone to the beach, mall or a host of other activities.

    And so instead of doing these things once you saw the sale was accidentally (emphasis on the accident part) cut short, you decide to complain on the forums, when you could instead have gone to the mall, the beach, gone out to dinner and a movie, or made any number of other plans. Life happens - deal with it and move on.
    Cash spenders value their TIME which is why they spend cash instead of grinding in game for all their coin/gold.

    Not true. Some of us see a game genuinely worth supporting, and do it for that reason. Some for both, or for other reasons not yet named Over-generalize if you like, but know that you will be wrong in doing so.
    This is the USA (and western world) not China where time is cheap. Unfortunately the decisionmakers at PWI are still in the Eastern mindset.

    I would be making a mistake to assume one way or the other if you've been to China or not. But I doubt I would be wrong in thinking that the Chinese dislike having their time wasted too, and PW wouldn't be particularly successful if they assumed it was alright to do so.
    People spend big money to get things expedited in the US, many want it now. I hope someone at PWI gets the message.

    You mean like the apology Xarfox issued already? Or would you prefer to go knock on the VP's door and waste his time with your whining?

    Summary: Your Zen isn't wasted, you wasted your time (not PWI), and you can't have it now Veruca.

    EDIT: Yeah, I know I'm wasting my time arguing on these forums. But c'mon, the Veruca Salt reference is totally there.
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Kepharas I totally agree that the wasted time was her own fault, however; PWI is a business. When you go to a store and they do not have what they advertised generally they issue you a raincheck. So its no big deal. NP I can come back at a later date and get what I wanted next week when they have it again. However; with PWI not only are they NOT issuing rainchecks, they are not stating when it will be available again.

    Yes, it was an accident. Human errors happen. One might even say its incompetence. However; if a big book store like barnes and nobles advertised books and then never had the ones they advertised people would quit shopping there.

    There are always other MMO's willing, ready and able to take another MMO's player base. From your stand point "go already, get on out". But the company needs to have the stand point wow you're our customer and we can do what we need to in order to keep you. If 20 people a day left, and only 10 new ones started playing, and only half of each batch spend money in the CS thats a 50% loss for the ones who left. It does eventually hit the pocket hard. As much as everyone keeps pointing out its a business and they need to make money lets not forget its a business and to stay in business they also need to run it efficiently.

    In short, its not whining. Whining is what little kids do when they don't get their way. Its a viable complaint against a company who offered something then not only didn't have what they offered, but 24 hours they offered it at a cheaper price than the people got it for a day beforehand. Which makes the point all the more valid.

    /huge wall of text.

    And so instead of doing these things once you saw the sale was accidentally (emphasis on the accident part) cut short, you decide to complain on the forums, when you could instead have gone to the mall, the beach, gone out to dinner and a movie, or made any number of other plans. Life happens - deal with it and move on.

    Not true. Some of us see a game genuinely worth supporting, and do it for that reason. Some for both, or for other reasons not yet named Over-generalize if you like, but know that you will be wrong in doing so.

    I would be making a mistake to assume one way or the other if you've been to China or not. But I doubt I would be wrong in thinking that the Chinese dislike having their time wasted too, and PW wouldn't be particularly successful if they assumed it was alright to do so.

    You mean like the apology Xarfox issued already? Or would you prefer to go knock on the VP's door and waste his time with your whining?

    Summary: Your Zen isn't wasted, you wasted your time (not PWI), and you can't have it now Veruca.

    EDIT: Yeah, I know I'm wasting my time arguing on these forums. But c'mon, the Veruca Salt reference is totally there.
  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    And so instead of doing these things once you saw the sale was accidentally (emphasis on the accident part) cut short, you decide to complain on the forums, when you could instead have gone to the mall, the beach, gone out to dinner and a movie, or made any number of other plans. Life happens - deal with it and move on.

    Actually I am sitting around posting here because I have been *hoping* to get a response to my ticket. That is why a vague answer by the GMs is a problem.

    If Xarfox had said you won't get any response for a minimum of 24 hrs and the Sale issue will not be solved till next weekend, that would have clarified matters and I could have easily made the decison to go and do something else.

    Also, I do happen to know something about how PWI operates and about Chinese from China mentality and their original user base in China.

    I like the game, or else I would have quit long ago. But unlike others that sit around accepting whatever is force fed to them, I like to try and make a difference. My comments are meant to help improve the game and the profitability of the company which in turn means more content etc for the players. b:victory
  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Kepharas I totally agree that the wasted time was her own fault, however; PWI is a business. When you go to a store and they do not have what they advertised generally they issue you a raincheck. So its no big deal. NP I can come back at a later date and get what I wanted next week when they have it again. However; with PWI not only are they NOT issuing rainchecks, they are not stating when it will be available again.

    No, they haven't yet. But it's early, and also the weekend. It's entirely likely we'll have an 'official announcement' Monday. I actually feel somewhat bad for the OP, since the Boa and other mounts are limited edition and currently unavailable except from other players willing to sell. I feel no sympathy for those planning on purchasing battle packs, as those are still available, simply at their normal non-sale price. As far as rainchecks go... for what? Your rain check is your Zen - it will still be there unless you the consumer decide to burn it on something else. Zen is not refundable.
    Yes, it was an accident. Human errors happen. One might even say its incompetence. However; if a big book store like barnes and nobles advertised books and then never had the ones they advertised people would quit shopping there.

    It's a far cry to go from one "oops, sale ended early" to "never having what is advertised." When was the last time PWI goofed up this way? I've been playing since February and this is the first time I've seen a sale end earlier than advertised.
    There are always other MMO's willing, ready and able to take another MMO's player base. From your stand point "go already, get on out". But the company needs to have the stand point wow you're our customer and we can do what we need to in order to keep you. If 20 people a day left, and only 10 new ones started playing, and only half of each batch spend money in the CS thats a 50% loss for the ones who left. It does eventually hit the pocket hard. As much as everyone keeps pointing out its a business and they need to make money lets not forget its a business and to stay in business they also need to run it efficiently.

    Hypothetical numbers are good for proving a point, but they're purely hypothetical. Right now the player base will have to settle for whatever apology and fix comes our way. Again, you're treating this as a repeat mistake, not a one-time "oh ****! We goofed!" Which is something I just don't get. b:puzzled
    In short, its not whining. Whining is what little kids do when they don't get their way. Its a viable complaint against a company who offered something then not only didn't have what they offered, but 24 hours they offered it at a cheaper price than the people got it for a day beforehand. Which makes the point all the more valid.

    The OP has a valid complaint. For his sake and for others who wanted the mount, I again sympathize. I hope that the mount sale is resumed in short order - next weekend (FULL WEEKEND) would be highly appropriate. My bone of contention is with vampirenite and anyone else who wants to QQ about battle pets. Those goodies are still available, just a trifle more expensive. It's not like SoF or Feathers are in short supply from the catshops either. And that argument just comes across as one big "Waaaaaah!" b:cry
    My comments are meant to help improve the game and the profitability of the company which in turn means more content etc for the players.
    Sorry to disillusion you, but they don't. I grant you, you're more coherent than some of the other complaints I've read, and for that you have my respect. However, tripe about wasted time and one-off metaphors (the movie ticket analogy is utterly flawed) doesn't help the game, its players, or its profitability.

    As a final correction, my standpoint is not "Go on, get out already." It's simply, "Be patient and wait for the fix." Somebody genuinely screwed up here, and although we don't yet have a time-frame on when it will be corrected, well... as they say, patience is a virtue.
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    No, they haven't yet. But it's early, and also the weekend. It's entirely likely we'll have an 'official announcement' Monday. I actually feel somewhat bad for the OP, since the Boa and other mounts are limited edition and currently unavailable except from other players willing to sell. I feel no sympathy for those planning on purchasing battle packs, as those are still available, simply at their normal non-sale price. As far as rainchecks go... for what? Your rain check is your Zen - it will still be there unless you the consumer decide to burn it on something else. Zen is not refundable.

    No, the raincheck isn't the zen. If they choose to (which may or may not happen)not put the mounts back in the shop then those who specifically bought Zen for the mounts rightfully will be angered. It will be money they may not have spent had the mounts not been there. Zen is not refundable, but I think in this case it should be. If the buyer of the zen bought it for a new mount which they took out at an unscheduled time and chose to ask for a refund I think they should get it. Any other reputable business would work that way, PWI shouldn't be an exception.

    It's a far cry to go from one "oops, sale ended early" to "never having what is advertised." When was the last time PWI goofed up this way? I've been playing since February and this is the first time I've seen a sale end earlier than advertised.

    Ok its not just this they've goofed up on. Most recent before this? All the glitches with the update/patch that STILL aren't fixed. That of course was of no monetary value to the consumers, however; they have failed in the past to provide what should be expected of them. This is NOT the first time goofs have happened in the CS. I've been playing since Dec of 2008. I've seen plenty.

    Hypothetical numbers are good for proving a point, but they're purely hypothetical. Right now the player base will have to settle for whatever apology and fix comes our way. Again, you're treating this as a repeat mistake, not a one-time "oh ****! We goofed!" Which is something I just don't get. b:puzzled

    Again, this isn't the first time they've irritated/made mad their customers over these issues.

    The OP has a valid complaint. For his sake and for others who wanted the mount, I again sympathize. I hope that the mount sale is resumed in short order - next weekend (FULL WEEKEND) would be highly appropriate. My bone of contention is with vampirenite and anyone else who wants to QQ about battle pets. Those goodies are still available, just a trifle more expensive. It's not like SoF or Feathers are in short supply from the catshops either. And that argument just comes across as one big "Waaaaaah!" b:cry

    Now here is a valid point where I definitely agree with you. The mounts are gone, PERIOD. The pet packs can still be bought IN and OUT of game. Just for more.

    Sorry to disillusion you, but they don't. I grant you, you're more coherent than some of the other complaints I've read, and for that you have my respect. However, tripe about wasted time and one-off metaphors (the movie ticket analogy is utterly flawed) doesn't help the game, its players, or its profitability.
    I agree, if anyone sat here wasting time, it was of their own fault. My father would say playing this type of game period was a waste of time. LOL! But sitting here waiting for a ticket to be answered when no one is on the job isn't just silly, its being a glutton for your own punishment.

    As a final correction, my standpoint is not "Go on, get out already." It's simply, "Be patient and wait for the fix." Somebody genuinely screwed up here, and although we don't yet have a time-frame on when it will be corrected, well... as they say, patience is a virtue.
    Ah yes, a virtue some of us never learn. I am patient as I didn't charge any zen for mounts or packs :) I didn't intend to buy one when I saw they were coming out and still don't intend to. Panther mount FTW!!!!! :) I am pretty patient, but again; I did see the validity of the original complaint.
  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    Sorry to disillusion you, but they don't. I grant you, you're more coherent than some of the other complaints I've read, and for that you have my respect. However, tripe about wasted time and one-off metaphors (the movie ticket analogy is utterly flawed) doesn't help the game, its players, or its profitability.

    Lol, well please enlighten me as to why wasted time doesn't matter to adults with limited time. And why is it my fault if I expect a reasonably quick resolution and therefore wait around.

    Ok here is another analogy:

    You have a date. They don't show up at the appointed time. You call, no answer, so you leave a message. Eventually you get a txt from a friend who says your date screwed up, forgot, but will be there soon. Most people would hang around because the expectation is that your date is going to appear soon. Several hours later ... still no show. The next day you get a message, "sorry, forgot about the date, then I just felt too tired to turn up when I remembered, but hey how about a date next weekend."

    Wouldn't anyone in that situation be irritated? Wouldn't it be likely you would say no thank you to the future date?


    What makes you think that feedback from paying players doesn't affect the decisionmaking of the management?

    What you are saying is that this forum and the fact that GMs read our suggestions is all bull?

    What makes you think that more satisfied paying customers won't make the company more profitable?

    What makes you think that higher profitability won't be partially plowed back into game improvement?
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lol, well please enlighten me as to why wasted time doesn't matter to adults with limited time. And why is it my fault if I expect a reasonably quick resolution and therefore wait around.
    Because its the weekend and pretty much no one is there to respond to anything. I was surprised we got the few we did from Xar. So sitting here waiting for something that isn't going to happen is mute.

    Ok here is another analogy:

    You have a date. They don't show up at the appointed time. You call, no answer, so you leave a message. Eventually you get a txt from a friend who says your date screwed up, forgot, but will be there soon. Most people would hang around because the expectation is that your date is going to appear soon. Several hours later ... still no show. The next day you get a message, "sorry, forgot about the date, then I just felt too tired to turn up when I remembered, but hey how about a date next weekend."

    First off, you can not compare a company in which you know NONE of the owners or staff to a real personal real life relationship. There is NO comparison. Secondly, thats called being stood up. Happens all the time and it is NOTHING like a business.

    Wouldn't anyone in that situation be irritated? Wouldn't it be likely you would say no thank you to the future date?
    Of course, cause likely you aren't going to get any further enjoyment out of that person. However; regardless of what happened this weekend you can and will still enjoy playing pwi.

    Oh btw.. if said man bought you a new set of earrings, you'd totally get over it.


    What makes you think that feedback from paying players doesn't affect the decisionmaking of the management?
    Of course it does, somewhat.

    What you are saying is that this forum and the fact that GMs read our suggestions is all bull?
    They read them, but with the analogy you just gave its hard to really take it seriously.

    What makes you think that more satisfied paying customers won't make the company more profitable?
    Of course it will, but I've found in this game no matter WHAT they do no one is every "satisfied" otherwise there would be no complaints and since I see them daily that makes my point valid.

    What makes you think that higher profitability won't be partially plowed back into game improvement?
    This is why we are getting an expansion soon. Yay! But everything worth having usually comes at some cost. Plow away PWI.. I'll be awaiting to reap the benefits.
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    It's a far cry to go from one "oops, sale ended early" to "never having what is advertised." When was the last time PWI goofed up this way? I've been playing since February and this is the first time I've seen a sale end earlier than advertised.
    The Chinese New Year's Event left hundreds of players with hundreds of now-worthless firecrackers they'd spent a very long time collecting for exactly the same reason: the event ended a day earlier than advertised.

    When people complained because they'd just lost out on some very valuable in-game items (I *loves* me my Crispy Pies!) they were told too bad, but they'd instead get an opportunity to exchange them anywhere from 1/4 (the lucky ones) to 1/64 (the not-so lucky ones) their full value because the event would not be extended. So people went ahead and did what they were told.

    And then the event was extended after all, thus **** the people who took their word at face value at a special 2-for-1, double-whammy, gotcha-again!, discounted price.

    So in other words, this has happened before, since you started playing. This is the third time. The charm, so to speak.
    My bone of contention is with vampirenite and anyone else who wants to QQ about battle pets[/b]. Those goodies are still available, just a trifle more expensive. It's not like SoF or Feathers are in short supply from the catshops either. And that argument just comes across as one big "Waaaaaah!" b:cry
    The "trifle" of which you speak works out to $74.60.

    I know it's not your intention to sound like you're standing on a "market-savvier than thou" soap-box, but that's how you're coming across.
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ok forget the analogies. Lol.

    My point is I changed my plans both monetarily and timewise because of the Sale.

    I was not expecting to spend any money for quite a while. But the sale tipped my decision and I was halfway through getting my Nix feathers at 1am this morning when this happened and immediately submitted tickets. It wasn't as if I could easily back out of my expenditure.

    By the time Xarfox responded on the forum the tickets had been in for about 14 hours. His/her tone was yes it will be fixed soon. I even PM'd him as he requested.

    I had no idea until now that a company that makes most of its money on the weekend has the fewest employees on the weekend. It is illogical and poor management.

    And no I have not been literally sitting at my computer the whole time. The point is I had misplaced faith that PWI would come through for me.
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ok forget the analogies. Lol.
    This post should have been your first :) much better.

    My point is I changed my plans both monetarily and timewise because of the Sale.
    Never do this! Real life is more fun! Especially going to the beach!

    I was not expecting to spend any money for quite a while. But the sale tipped my decision and I was halfway through getting my Nix feathers at 1am this morning when this happened and immediately submitted tickets. It wasn't as if I could easily back out of my expenditure.
    This is exactly the reason I previously posted that I feel anyone who bought zen this weekend should be able to get a refund. I rarely spend zen especially in high quantities. I would have been very upset had I bought it specifically for a sale and then got sideswiped like you did. I understand this point.

    By the time Xarfox responded on the forum the tickets had been in for about 14 hours. His/her tone was yes it will be fixed soon. I even PM'd him as he requested.
    Again, I was even shocked he responded at all. Staff is very limited if any on the weekend. The forums are usually monitored by mods and rarely if ever you see a GM here saturday or sunday.

    I had no idea until now that a company that makes most of its money on the weekend has the fewest employees on the weekend. It is illogical and poor management.
    Now this point I will totally agree with. That would be the equivalent of wal mart having 2 lanes open on saturday instead of 20. I agree it is illogical and poor management. However; it at this time is the way they choose to do business, and unfortunately sooner or later that is going to start costing them customers.

    And no I have not been literally sitting at my computer the whole time. The point is I had misplaced faith that PWI would come through for me.
    Never ever trust anything online! Don't you know that the internet is where:

    Men are Men
    Women are Men
    And children are FBI agents
    b:avoid Trust NO1!!!!

  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I know it's not your intention to sound like you're standing on a "market-savvier than thou" soap-box, but that's how you're coming across.

    Would it make a difference if I mentioned the amount of Zen I happened to charge just BEFORE the sale? I was impatient, and missed out on over 20 gold in bonus CS cash. I'm no more savvy than the next guy, I'm just not complaining about it.
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Would it make a difference if I mentioned the amount of Zen I happened to charge just BEFORE the sale? I was impatient, and missed out on over 20 gold in bonus CS cash. I'm no more savvy than the next guy, I'm just not complaining about it.

    We all saw that coming, it was predicted here on the forums. The worst way to do business IMO. Had they done it the same time as the mounts everyone would have been in a win win situation. Gold would have went up still but not much. And people could have got their stuff for way cheaper! And they likely would have sold way more. Today when ppl saw that there was quite a few mad. And some even refusing to buy gold again. WTG!!!
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Actually I am sitting around posting here because I have been *hoping* to get a response to my ticket. That is why a vague answer by the GMs is a problem.

    If Xarfox had said you won't get any response for a minimum of 24 hrs and the Sale issue will not be solved till next weekend, that would have clarified matters and I could have easily made the decison to go and do something else.

    Also, I do happen to know something about how PWI operates and about Chinese from China mentality and their original user base in China.

    I like the game, or else I would have quit long ago. But unlike others that sit around accepting whatever is force fed to them, I like to try and make a difference. My comments are meant to help improve the game and the profitability of the company which in turn means more content etc for the players. b:victory

    So your unhappy that Xarfox ON HIS DAY OFF. Took time away from his family and what ever else he had planned today. Got online to see what was going on and let us know what was going on. The GMs work 5 days a week and you don't care if they get a day off?? You would rather them wast their time off to fix something that can wait till monday? I'm sorry but he didn't have to come give us the explination he did. Most players know we gotta wait till monday.

    You had plans and your time was wasted. So was the GMs time cause they had to work on their day off cause someone screwed up. For someone who says about adults time your acting like a child being soo impatient.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • BratFury - Heavens Tear
    BratFury - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,293 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    So your unhappy that Xarfox ON HIS DAY OFF. Took time away from his family and what ever else he had planned today. Got online to see what was going on and let us know what was going on. The GMs work 5 days a week and you don't care if they get a day off?? You would rather them wast their time off to fix something that can wait till monday? I'm sorry but he didn't have to come give us the explination he did. Most players know we gotta wait till monday.

    You had plans and your time was wasted. So was the GMs time cause they had to work on their day off cause someone screwed up. For someone who says about adults time your acting like a child being soo impatient.

    For the first time in a long time Tig I gotta disagree. I am more than happy to give Xar his day off. He deserves it. But, PWI's failure to plan does not make it our emergency. Lots of businesses run 7 days a week, its called part time help! That or they could give them days off and rotate and some of them not have the weekend off. But in the grand scheme of things its not our fault Xar had to(chose to or whatever)take time from anything. Its the company he works for. They should not only plan better but should have at least one GM at work at all times JUST for stuff like this.

    PWI is a business. Its not run out of some guys barn back on the last acre of 40 somewhere buried deep in the woods. It is a business where people actually get up and go to work and clock in. It has grown VERY quickly, and I think especially with this mishap they need to realize that weekend help is needed. NOT wanted, but NEEDED! We are filling the owners pockets, the least he could do is pay 1 more person to work 2 days a week.
  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    So your unhappy that Xarfox ON HIS DAY OFF. Took time away from his family and what ever else he had planned today. Got online to see what was going on and let us know what was going on. The GMs work 5 days a week and you don't care if they get a day off?? You would rather them wast their time off to fix something that can wait till monday? I'm sorry but he didn't have to come give us the explination he did. Most players know we gotta wait till monday.

    You had plans and your time was wasted. So was the GMs time cause they had to work on their day off cause someone screwed up. For someone who says about adults time your acting like a child being soo impatient.

    Well first how do you know Xarfox has weekends off? If there is a schedule of GM workdays I'd like to see it. If he took time to respond on a day off great for him and thanks Xarfox. I never asked for him specifically to respond. I just wanted someone from PWI to respond in a timely manner.

    It would make sense for PWI to arrange work schedules so that the usual 40hr workweek mirrored the player traffic and customer service traffic. Of course that would be unpopular with the existing staff, but hey this is a business and many businesses seem to handle weekend and evening staffing fine.

    Besides my guess is that it was a simple time setting error on the server. Even a skeleton crew of IT staf should have been able to reset the time and relaunch the sale as soon as it was found missing.
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    For the first time in a long time Tig I gotta disagree. I am more than happy to give Xar his day off. He deserves it. But, PWI's failure to plan does not make it our emergency. Lots of businesses run 7 days a week, its called part time help! That or they could give them days off and rotate and some of them not have the weekend off. But in the grand scheme of things its not our fault Xar had to(chose to or whatever)take time from anything. Its the company he works for. They should not only plan better but should have at least one GM at work at all times JUST for stuff like this.

    PWI is a business. Its not run out of some guys barn back on the last acre of 40 somewhere buried deep in the woods. It is a business where people actually get up and go to work and clock in. It has grown VERY quickly, and I think especially with this mishap they need to realize that weekend help is needed. NOT wanted, but NEEDED! We are filling the owners pockets, the least he could do is pay 1 more person to work 2 days a week.

    But he still came and gave us some sort of explination. Yes we need 24/7 GMs. My thing was the fact that the explination wasn't enough for some people. I also hopped on and found a zhen sale. Thats two things to try and make up for it till they get to work monday. I was just saying the GM have plans too its not just our time and money wasted. PW really needs weekend GMs. But we can't blame Xarfox for the company deciding not to have weekend GMs.

    I wouldn't care about complaining about the lack of what a GM does if we had weekend GMs. I was just aggitated that when someone works on their day off. People act as tho what they did wasn't good enough that they should have done more. No they shouldn't. Xarfox shouldn't have had to even do anything today. There should have been another GM there that was shedualed to work. There should have been one there to be ready for something to go wrong and fix it in a timely fashion. I commend Xarfox for his dedication to his work. What ever he had to say about it today was good enough. Now the person running the company need to get his head out his butt and hire some GMs for the weekend.

    Well first how do you know Xarfox has weekends off? If there is a schedule of GM workdays I'd like to see it. If he took time to respond on a day off great for him and thanks Xarfox. I never asked for him specifically to respond. I just wanted someone from PWI to respond in a timely manner.

    It would make sense for PWI to arrange work schedules so that the usual 40hr workweek mirrored the player traffic and customer service traffic. Of course that would be unpopular with the existing staff, but hey this is a business and many businesses seem to handle weekend and evening staffing fine.

    Besides my guess is that it was a simple time setting error on the server. Even a skeleton crew of IT staf should have been able to reset the time and relaunch the sale as soon as it was found missing.

    It has been said time and time again the GMs are off on the weekends. It is said almost everytime there is an issue on the weekends. Let me go find where Aryana said it. Too many threads :(
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Kaligrrl - Heavens Tear
    Kaligrrl - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    LOLZ!! /\^.^/\

    "The Internet..where men are men, women are men, and children are...FBI agents. Oh boy, I nearly spilled my Tea-Quila reading that one! And it's so true, too. *giggling madly*
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hello All,

    I posted something similar in another thread but please allow me to reiterate.

    Due to a scheduling error, the sale ran shorter than was initially intended.

    You will see these items on sale again in the near future to make up for this anomaly.

    Now for those who have bought ZEN and are waiting for these items to come back, rejoice, you got a bonus 15% on top of whatever you charged. Those who will be charging their ZEN when this "rain check" sale occurs may not be as lucky. ;)
  • Feyrnd - Sanctuary
    Feyrnd - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    Hello All,

    I posted something similar in another thread but please allow me to reiterate.

    Due to a scheduling error, the sale ran shorter than was initially intended.

    You will see these items on sale again in the near future to make up for this anomaly.

    Now for those who have bought ZEN and are waiting for these items to come back, rejoice, you got a bonus 15% on top of whatever you charged. Those who will be charging their ZEN when this "rain check" sale occurs may not be as lucky. ;)

    ouchh... you should have ZEN sale again when the battle pack re-sale in this "near" future. well at least i wish for that, because i wanted to buy ZEN yesterday to buy battle pack, but because the battle pack is gone from sale, i cancel my intention to buy ZEN all together >.<
  • Paladin - Harshlands
    Paladin - Harshlands Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Relax folks, it's not like Zen expires. Yes, it was a mistake/accident - GMs are human, mistakes happen. Your Zen will still be there ready to use when they 'fix' the issue and put the mounts (and battlepacks) back on sale. You're acting like it's gone forever and the money is wasted... sheesh.

    It's only wasted Zen if you blow it all on **** before they resume the sale. In which case, it's your own bloody fault then, isn't it? ;)

    They make too many mistakes imho.. Duke Rose set anyone? Bugged Smileys Anyone? They really need to test their patches before implanting to be honest. What would happen if they release a patch that makes the whole character database damaged, it could happen o.O
  • boca12
    boca12 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I feel no sympathy for those planning on purchasing battle packs, as those are still available, simply at their normal non-sale price.


    lol i have bought credits before i start the game.
    Log in and no cheaper battle packs there.
    I dont care do u feel sympathy for this but its my money and i would not spend that money if battle pet packs are not cheaper then usual so i have right to complain and u have no right to tell me not to do that so stfu.
    btw i dont have complains about gm they will make another sale soon i just dont understand ppl like u bcs u dont want to complain for dmg done to u but u can complain about other ppl complains even if they have reason for complains.
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    So your unhappy that Xarfox ON HIS DAY OFF. Took time away from his family and what ever else he had planned today.

    What makes you believe it was his day off? PWI is a company running 24/7, so they must have employees present 24/7 too, even if they likely run with reduced crew on the weekends. And like many IT jobs, there is probably a clause in their contract stating that they can be called back to the job in case of crisis. It's annoying but likely part of the job's description.

    Xarfox (one of the higher admin of PWI) acknowledged the problem. Why don't you people wait and see what they will do to fix it before complaining?


    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear
    Ladydeadlock - Heavens Tear Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    boca12 wrote: »

    lol i have bought credits before i start the game.
    Log in and no cheaper battle packs there.
    I dont care do u feel sympathy for this but its my money and i would not spend that money if battle pet packs are not cheaper then usual so i have right to complain and u have no right to tell me not to do that so stfu.
    btw i dont have complains about gm they will make another sale soon i just dont understand ppl like u bcs u dont want to complain for dmg done to u but u can complain about other ppl complains even if they have reason for complains.

    lol dudes chill y'all.... sale will be back soon so just save your gold untill its back... it was obviously not on purpose (would be stupid thing of them to do since they get money for it so..) Mistakes happen, you didn't loose your money, sale will be back soon as told..
    *Semi retired*
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