Anyone else feel overwhelmed when starting out?

xueicidujel Posts: 5 Arc User
edited September 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
I can't find anything in the cities, monsters keep killing me, the menus seem infinite, and I have no clue what to buy or what things do.

Wikis aren't helping.

Beginner guides aren't helping.

I'm playing alone.

Post edited by xueicidujel on


  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Try this out

    It lists all of the beginner quests and where you need to go. Have you seen the auto routing function?

    You can enter coordinates and it will mark them on your map and let you run there automatically. Also clicking on the green names in the quest log will usually take you to the right location.

    On top of that, if you have more in-game questions try posting in the server forum that you're on, there are usually a few people willing to help out.
  • xueicidujel
    xueicidujel Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Thank you!
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Actually, I thought the game was pretty easy and user friendly in the beginning.
    Is this your first time playing a game like this? The setup is pretty similar to other games out there, so you shouldn't be having too hard of a time if it isn't.
    Hmm.. well, first of all, the coords assistant is your best friend. If you haven't discovered it yet, it's right under the minimap on the top right (the icon looks a bit like an arrow? not in game at the moment so here's hoping my memory doesn't fail.) It'll give you a list of npcs in the city, double click them and you'll get an arrow pointing you in their direction.
    Your other best friend is your quest log (Q). It will list your current quests as well as those available to you. The best thing about this is, you're able to click on the name of npcs and monsters and you'll autopath to them (the downside being that the autopath doesn't recognize obstacles, so you'll need to do some steering of your own if you keep running into things - lol).
    I'm not sure what level you're at now... if you're absolutely and totally new, one of your first quests will give you a set of armor and a weapon. You'll continue to get weapons up until 19 from quests and the supply stash (and throughout the game, but not as consistently), so don't worry too much about those. As for armor, for lower levels I'd recommend just going to the tailor - you aren't going to find any low level armor in the AH until maybe mid 20s and 30s. Your supply stash is a box that you get at level 5 which will give you various rewards throughout the game, and you'll get a pretty OP weapon (relatively speaking) at level 5 (if I remember correctly) and 15, so you shouldn't die too often if you're using those.
    Your next step would be to check out the guides for you characters in their respective forums. Pressing C will bring up your character window, where you can allot your stat points, and each city has a skill trainer you can go to to upgrade your character's skills.
    If you're on Heaven's Tear, feel free to contact me in game and I can help you out if you're still having trouble... but I think once you get adjusted to things, you'll find that the game is pretty self explanatory.
    Also, apologies if you already knew about what I said above, but I just figured I'd cover the bases :P
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • xueicidujel
    xueicidujel Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Thank you for the advice.

    It's my first mmorpg.
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    It's my first mmorpg.

    Ahhh - that's probably the issue more than anything PWI related.

    I remember feeling overwhelmed the first time I started a MMO as well.

    To be completely honest, I've found starting out in PWI better explained and easier to do than in any other MMO I have played.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Thank you for the advice.

    It's my first mmorpg.

    Which server do you play in?
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    It's my first mmorpg.
    It is my second and I found it to be pretty easy.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • xueicidujel
    xueicidujel Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Harshlands. Today, I think I'm getting the hang of it. I'm level 4 and doing quests.

    How do I find groups of peoiple to play with or does that come later on?
  • Sandclaw - Dreamweaver
    Sandclaw - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Harshlands. Today, I think I'm getting the hang of it. I'm level 4 and doing quests.

    How do I find groups of peoiple to play with or does that come later on?

    It's good that you're starting to get the hang of things. (Not sure if this is a late reply or not, but: )

    People to help you in PWI are reletively easy to find. For instance, if you need help on killing certain monsters for a quest, look around for someone killing the same monsters. Highlight their avatar, double-click, and their icon with their name, faction, and class should appear at the top of your screen. Right click the picture of their head, select the 'Invite' option, and they may choose to help you out with the quest. Group questing is alot easier.

    Eventually, you should be invited to join a faction. Then, if it has alot of people and is an active faction, you should find help on quests even easier.
    I cannot into Lithuania.
  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Highlight their avatar, double-click, and their icon with their name, faction, and class should appear at the top of your screen. Right click the picture of their head, select the 'Invite' option, and they may choose to help you out with the quest. Group questing is alot easier.
    That really annoys me when people do that. I make an effort to talk to people and ask them if they want to squad before inviting them - it's only polite. Perhaps I'm showing my age on that one b:surrender
  • Brucutu - Dreamweaver
    Brucutu - Dreamweaver Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yes, the interfce and multitude of options and keyboard commands really blew me away (in a bad way, mind you) at first. Geez, what is this, a flight sim??

    It took me a looooooong time before I started playing seriously simply due to the complex interface.

    I honestly think PWI devs could learn a thing or two from WoW as far as interface design goes.

    Add to that the fact that I was almost a resident of Cyrodiil, and I just wouldn't look past anything besides Elder Scrolls (Oblivion, specifically).
  • Sandclaw - Dreamweaver
    Sandclaw - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    I honestly think PWI devs could learn a thing or two from WoW as far as interface design goes.

    It depends on what MMO's you play.. Or played. I actually played PWI before trying out WoW, and I realized I had gotten used to PWI's interface and controls. After the trial, I just decided that I would stick with PWI, considering I've played the International version for a a couple of months now, and had the Chinese version before hand.

    I guess you're just used to WoW, because considering PWI was one of my first MMO's, I got used to it quickly.

    (My client is taking SOOOOO long to update PWI.... b:surrender )
    I cannot into Lithuania.
  • xueicidujel
    xueicidujel Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    It's good that you're starting to get the hang of things. (Not sure if this is a late reply or not, but: )

    People to help you in PWI are reletively easy to find. For instance, if you need help on killing certain monsters for a quest, look around for someone killing the same monsters. Highlight their avatar, double-click, and their icon with their name, faction, and class should appear at the top of your screen. Right click the picture of their head, select the 'Invite' option, and they may choose to help you out with the quest. Group questing is alot easier.

    Eventually, you should be invited to join a faction. Then, if it has alot of people and is an active faction, you should find help on quests even easier.

    Awesome, I kept typing in names to chat lol

    I'm not too sure what a squad or a faction is, care to explain?
  • Cidalphous - Harshlands
    Cidalphous - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lets see if my avatar changes...
  • Sandclaw - Dreamweaver
    Sandclaw - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    I'm not too sure what a squad or a faction is, care to explain?


    A squad is a group of people, ranging from 2-6 players, who can do quests together. If everyone in your squad is killing a monster for a quest that either just you, just them, or all of you are doing, they're kills count, too. Say you're in a squad with your friend. You have to kill 20 Sharptooth Wolflings. He kills one, you kill one. That's 2/20 of the mobs down.

    You'll soon find out that squad's are essential. You'll need some people to help on you're FB: Call to Duty quests.


    Your faction is your best friend.. Or, consists of those who BECOME your best friends. The icon above a players name(if they have one) followed by another name is their faction name. Like, above my head is my name: Sandclaw, and right above that is the little faction icon and the name of my faction, DarkSouls. Factions are a group of people, and they consist of players of all shapes and sizes. The faction leader usually has a level requirement set for joining. Factions take part in all kinds of things, from Territory Wars, to boss battles. Members are normally keen on helping their friends.

    Keep your eyes on the World Chat for people advertising their factions. If you see one that you fit the requirements for and you want to join, whisper the person. You'll eventually get invited to one, and you'll see how much easier it is from there on out. Factions also may offer help with your questions.

    Hope this helps! b:victory
    I cannot into Lithuania.
  • Lady_Satsue - Lost City
    Lady_Satsue - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Expanding on Dyskrasia's idea you should also notice a "find quest" option at the bottom of the quest screen.

    When auto-pathing, if there are a lot of obstacles, be sure to start auto-pathing. Then stop and check the map. There will be 1-? amount of flags on your map. (If you are auto-pathing to monsters there is usually a few locations for them) This will greatly help you plan the most efficient path.

    One of the biggest aides I can offer is when you reach LvL 5. When you reach this LvL you should automatically receive a quest "Learn a Manufacturing skill". There are for options: Blacksmith, Tailor, Crafting and Apocrathy. To make these items you will need to go to the NPC (non-player character) that corresponds with the skills you want to learn. (If you want tailor go to any tailor and there should be a "manufacture armor" option when you talk to her)

    Now you will probably find that doing all of these at once is quite a task. All of these skills will require materials as well so here is a list of some of the materials you will need as a beginner.

    Pig iron, sandstone, coal and various herbs. are commonly needed but you can mine those at anytime so you don't necessarily have to stock up on these. Monster(mobs) drops are what you want to collect. So they will be mentioned next to each skill. All items (not potions) will need "jades" as well you can purchase these at a merchant but they are a common drop. The first two you will rely on are the first two in the merchants trade screen.

    Blacksmith: Grease is essential and can be primarily found from the LvL 2/3 beetles that you should find close to any starting city.

    Tailor: Animal fur and cotton thread* are essential to tailor. Animal furs will drop from many of the beginning "hairy" creatures (wolves and lynx primarily). Now I have heard a lot about cotton thread but it is semi-rare so you diffidently want to stock up on this.

    Crafting: Cotton thread is often needed. I am not sure what else.

    Apocrathy: All herbs will be used for this. My recommendation at LvL 1 apoc is nectar and golden herb. At LvL 1 these can make "Life powder" which increases your health regeneration by 50/sec! for ten minutes. This will keep you alive through thick and thin and is faster regeneration than meditating. Also, both nectar and golden herb are used in the next LvL of Apoc.

    This may be a lot to take in so my best advice is to go to the NPC's that you want to learn about and choose there manufacturing option. Click on the items you would want to make and it will show you what exact resources you'll need. For tailor, blacksmith and crafting the order of items from top to bottom is warrior, archer, and magician based. This means if you were a warrior you would likely want to focus on the top row of items you can manufacture. When you click on the item you want to manufacture in the manufacturing screen at the bottom of the screen it will show you the LvL of that skill you need as well as the resources. If you move your cursor over the resources it will give you the exact name of that item. I hope this helps you and my last piece of advice is this. Once you find out what resources you need don't sell them. This is another reason that doing all skills at once will be difficult. The reason for this, however, is because the lower LvL mobs drop the resources you will need in a LvL 1 skill. Yet, when you get higher the drop rate of lower mobs dramatically decrease. It starts to drop at 4 or more LvLs under you. This can also be true in reverse. Harder mobs will drop more stuff and give exp bonuses. I am not sure at what LvL higher they do this though. I really hope this helps and isn't too confusing. If you have any questions at all you can go to a postbox. When you open up the postbox you will have two options. "Check mail" and "quest related" choose check mail. At the bottom of that screen will be "Write Mail" button. Simply send any question you might have to Lady_Satsue and I will be more than happy to help you out or clarify all the things I have said.
  • Lady_Satsue - Lost City
    Lady_Satsue - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    By the way the write mail option will only work on the same server as the person your writing to. If you chose a different server than Lost City it will not matter to write me so hopefully others from different servers will help you out.

    About choosing your server. Before you log in where you enter your pass and name should be "Choose Server" option. There are two things you need to know about this.

    PvP/PvE: In a PvP server, once you hit LvL 30, you will be able to attack and be attacked by other players. PvP=Player Vs. Player. In PvE you will not have this option. You can only do friendly duels or fight in the arena and neither will put you in risk of dropping your items.

    Ping: The lower the Ping the faster the server will run. This is very good to keep in mind as a very high ping might not run well on your computer. My computer happens to be quite capable. If that is the case with you this will not matter as much. It is still good to keep in mind though.
  • Sandclaw - Dreamweaver
    Sandclaw - Dreamweaver Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    That really annoys me when people do that. I make an effort to talk to people and ask them if they want to squad before inviting them - it's only polite. Perhaps I'm showing my age on that one b:surrender

    Sorry if I seemed rude there b:surrender

    Though normally I don't even invite people. They invite me. I should go by your approach. b:embarrass Though normally I never do random people. My faction, is of course, my best friend. xD

    But I was really only explaining how to make a squad to Xueicidujel. (Really, sorry for sounding rude.)
    I cannot into Lithuania.
  • Lady_Satsue - Lost City
    Lady_Satsue - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    In my opinion there are only a few times where it is appropriate to team up.

    1. There are a lot of people killing the mob that you're after and you can't get a kill in. This will help you and the others around you.

    2. Bosses are often required to be fought with multiple people. This is one of the best things about joining a faction. Often factions are more than willing to help you and a good one will allow you to keep all the drops.

    If you see people advertising to help with your FBs (Call to Duty quests) then be sure to ask if they will allow you to keep all the drops. Even this isn't guaranteed but it is less likely that they will. Most like to help out for the easy XP. I hope this helps expand on inviting people to form a squad.
  • Lady_Satsue - Lost City
    Lady_Satsue - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Now this is purely my opinion but I believe that it is best to turn item pick up on "free" in a squad. I have met a lot of frustration when I am doing the most killing and not getting any of the valuable drops at all. It is also good for when you are doing your FB to ensure that you get all your drops.
  • Cidalphous - Harshlands
    Cidalphous - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Thank you Sandclaw and Lady Satsue!

    I'm really starting to like PW.

    And, one more question, what is a mob? I looked under common abreviations with no avail.
  • Lady_Satsue - Lost City
    Lady_Satsue - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    A mob is a monster. It is a pretty general term. Here is a term you might here in game and it's translation.

    I have been grinding mobs for hours.

    I have been fighting monsters for hours. =P

    Okay not much of a translation but there it is.
  • Chaialyn - Dreamweaver
    Chaialyn - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Thanks for this. It's definitely my first MMORPG and I'm still getting used to it. Every clear explanation helps!
  • Emyru - Heavens Tear
    Emyru - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    thanks for posting that guide
  • bastach
    bastach Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I can't find anything in the cities, monsters keep killing me, the menus seem infinite, and I have no clue what to buy or what things do.

    Wikis aren't helping.

    Beginner guides aren't helping.

    I'm playing alone.


    Speaking as someone who just started playing, I have to disagree. I found the wiki pretty informative and helpful. There are a few things I have not figured out however.

    I do find the majority of the player very unhelpful when asking questions in game, though there are exceptions to the rule.

    I am shocked however at the rather large number of players several lvls above the zone or area lvl that KS from the noobs. I have actually been followed around but players trying to KS. It's ok I'm taking names and come lvl 30 I'll be looking for ya *weg*

    Over all I found it fairly easy to figure out, though I can see for a 1st time MMO gamer it may be overwhelming.