Cap vit at what number?

SilverSmash - Sanctuary
SilverSmash - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Blademaster
Hello i was wondering what number i should cap my vit at. Im a pvp axe bm also.

Im currently going 3 str 1 vit 1 dex per even levels and 3 str 2 vitodd levels. So if i cap my vit at a certain point i just add str and dex and not ever add a point in vit again?
Post edited by SilverSmash - Sanctuary on


  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hello i was wondering what number i should cap my vit at. Im a pvp axe bm also.

    Im currently going 3 str 1 vit 1 dex per even levels and 3 str 2 vitodd levels. So if i cap my vit at a certain point i just add str and dex and not ever add a point in vit again?

    it appears most bm cap at 50.
  • StrangeScar - Lost City
    StrangeScar - Lost City Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    weird, i think my vit is at this point about 97 winout equips, and im 63, yet i beat most of my enemies exept for barbs with certain build (equal lvls) and even with 97 vit, i wear hp soulgems for more.
  • Themax - Heavens Tear
    Themax - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Vit at 30 without equipment and I don't plan to add any more of it. Yay high Dex Axe build ! b:victory
    Inactive on HT

    Rerolled on HL
  • Dakaruch - Lost City
    Dakaruch - Lost City Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Less then 50 vit is asking to be **** by archers and magic classes.
    And actually, imo, a lot of vit and HP does no bad to anyone, and makes it harder to get killed in mass pvp if you have charm.
    As it goes for accuracy and crit, **** that, acc can easily be fixed with 1 or 2 misty rings, if you need more crit just get xmas blessing, use rank ring(rank 5 gives +2% crit) etc. Dex build is good, but you can do just as good with high vit. Capping at a defined number is irrelevant imo, stop adding vit once you think that your current HP is enough, and that actually works for you.
  • Xakarus - Dreamweaver
    Xakarus - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    What about PvE axe bm? Where should I cap my vit?
  • Ghost_eyes - Lost City
    Ghost_eyes - Lost City Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    weird, i think my vit is at this point about 97 winout equips, and im 63, yet i beat most of my enemies exept for barbs with certain build (equal lvls) and even with 97 vit, i wear hp soulgems for more.

    Id love to see you up against a high dex opponents like a archer or fist bm.

    all you will see is "Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss"

    Why would you level your vit so high? bms already have enough vit. Go buy a reset note buddy ^^
  • Delmarte - Lost City
    Delmarte - Lost City Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Id love to see you up against a high dex opponents like a archer or fist bm.

    all you will see is "Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss"

    Why would you level your vit so high? bms already have enough vit. Go buy a reset note buddy ^^

    I don't really agree. I hear that misty forest rings more than make up for the lack of accuracy. Besides, you can add amber shards to your weapons. There, accuracy w/ survivability. Still, I get the flip side of the argument and see why accuracy and evasion are so important. But vitality and strength give perfect returns for BMs while the other two stats don't.

    magic = more MP, more mdef, more matk = 33% uneccessary
    dexterity = more crit%, more evasion, more accuracy, more ranged patk = 25% uneccessary but essential for some weapons.

    Dexterity is most valuable for it's accuracy, and there are simple ways around it. Frankly I don't plan on capping my vitality at all.

    But I could be missing something. I'd like to hear more from both sides, please? b:thanks
    If I'm here I'm bored or procrastinating. b:cute
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    accuracy rings solves the problem, at least I have heard that so many times.
  • Xakarus - Dreamweaver
    Xakarus - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    What about PvE axe bm? Where should I cap my vit?

    Anyone? (10 char)
  • XBerserkZ - Sanctuary
    XBerserkZ - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Anyone? (10 char)

    i am wondering about the same thing as well.

    what i'm looking for is, i won't see "miss" poping up very often, but i need enough hp so i can take on 10-20 physical mobs and stand through it.

    pvp isn't going to be my focus until, maybe, 80.

    current stats with equipments
    146str 49dex 54vit
    and i have 2360 hp unbuffed
  • Filet - Heavens Tear
    Filet - Heavens Tear Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I don't really agree. I hear that misty forest rings more than make up for the lack of accuracy. Besides, you can add amber shards to your weapons. There, accuracy w/ survivability. Still, I get the flip side of the argument and see why accuracy and evasion are so important. But vitality and strength give perfect returns for BMs while the other two stats don't.

    magic = more MP, more mdef, more matk = 33% uneccessary
    dexterity = more crit%, more evasion, more accuracy, more ranged patk = 25% uneccessary but essential for some weapons.

    Dexterity is most valuable for it's accuracy, and there are simple ways around it. Frankly I don't plan on capping my vitality at all.

    But I could be missing something. I'd like to hear more from both sides, please? b:thanks

    Ghost eyes is exaggerating a bit. But your belief that two misties can completely make up for the accuracy is a bit skewed. You can only socket your weapon with acc, but you can socket every piece of your armour with hp. Dex build bm will have around 10% more crit than a vit build bm, which is a significant amount of damage. They don't need to rely on accuracy powders, so they can use other pots to help them in pvp.

    Also whether a stat gives a perfect return or not is insignificant. It matters which stat gives more beneficial results. Yes strength gives a perfect return, and if you went along with your perfect return idea then don't put anything into dex and all str and vit right?
  • alkaiza
    alkaiza Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Scenario for misty rings,
    - even with 2 misty rings its not a 100% hit to a high dex character even though it gives a +100% accuracy and misty user do not hit the same as high dex char. Only accuracy pots can (almost) make all atks land.
    Misty rings give 50% accuracy, its a percentage so meaning it relies on ur base dex so if u cap ur dex below 100 2 misty rings may match or may not match up dex players accuracy and eva but still wont guarantee a 100% ,nor a 90% neither a 60%(maybe) since high dex means high BASE accuracy and evasion, most misty rings user are blinded by when they see that their accuracy matches that of dex build chars they think they will hit the same or almost the same as them, keep in mind that the reason why dex build chars hits more than u do is dat he has high accu and ur eva is low, and the reason why u miss is dat ur accu is low and his eva is high, so even if u double ur accuracy and have matched up the dex builds eva it doesnt mean u will hit the same as that dex build does, since still his accu is high and ur eva is low, and u will still miss coz even if u match up a dex builds eva, thats still like 50-50 right? So putting too much hope on ring is dangerous, so does potting >.< coz in a duel(if u use one) ,pk,tw ur not the only who uses pots
  • alkaiza
    alkaiza Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Anyone? (10 char)

    if ur going pve and pve only axe type bm dont cap vit, vit is the one of the most important stats in pve, get aoe axe skills, and get pve useful genie skills, pve is an easy path even a mess up build can do pve may suck at it but still he can(coz if he doesnt what the hell is doin playin the game? Online dating? lol)
  • Maximus - Harshlands
    Maximus - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    No BM should never cap his vit, PvP or PvE, unless its temporarily. I.E. to get more str/dex for your next weap/armor.
  • Themax - Heavens Tear
    Themax - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    alkaiza wrote: »
    Scenario for misty rings,
    - even with 2 misty rings its not a 100% hit to a high dex character even though it gives a +100% accuracy and misty user do not hit the same as high dex char. Only accuracy pots can (almost) make all atks land.
    Misty rings give 50% accuracy, its a percentage so meaning it relies on ur base dex so if u cap ur dex below 100 2 misty rings may match or may not match up dex players accuracy and eva but still wont guarantee a 100% ,nor a 90% neither a 60%(maybe) since high dex means high BASE accuracy and evasion, most misty rings user are blinded by when they see that their accuracy matches that of dex build chars they think they will hit the same or almost the same as them, keep in mind that the reason why dex build chars hits more than u do is dat he has high accu and ur eva is low, and the reason why u miss is dat ur accu is low and his eva is high, so even if u double ur accuracy and have matched up the dex builds eva it doesnt mean u will hit the same as that dex build does, since still his accu is high and ur eva is low, and u will still miss coz even if u match up a dex builds eva, thats still like 50-50 right? So putting too much hope on ring is dangerous, so does potting >.< coz in a duel(if u use one) ,pk,tw ur not the only who uses pots

    Do not reveal beauty of a high dex built BMs, let them go high vit - easy food for us .b:chuckle
    Inactive on HT

    Rerolled on HL
  • Delmarte - Lost City
    Delmarte - Lost City Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ghost eyes is exaggerating a bit. But your belief that two misties can completely make up for the accuracy is a bit skewed. You can only socket your weapon with acc, but you can socket every piece of your armour with hp. Dex build bm will have around 10% more crit than a vit build bm, which is a significant amount of damage. They don't need to rely on accuracy powders, so they can use other pots to help them in pvp.

    Also whether a stat gives a perfect return or not is insignificant. It matters which stat gives more beneficial results. Yes strength gives a perfect return, and if you went along with your perfect return idea then don't put anything into dex and all str and vit right?

    Ok, I see your point. But I wasn't suggesting not using dexterity at all because of course weapons require it (I'm a poleblade, so in my case especially). I also wasn't suggesting capping dexterity either. Basically I'm suggesting not to cap ANYTHING (except magic of course.) I'm saying I don't think you would have to dump everything into dexterity after stopping your vitality. Use the misty forest rings and keep adding dexterity, but don't neglect vitality.

    So now that I've clarified my views does that make more sense?
    If I'm here I'm bored or procrastinating. b:cute
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I am a high dex main weapon axe user. I no longer use charms. And can aoe grind just fine by properly using physical marrow, sutra, spark eruption, and the apothecary hp/mp recover for 10 minute pots. You just have to figure out how many mobs of each type you can take. It's not difficult.

    I capped my vitality at 36. With all my gear i have 60 vitality. All my gear is sharded with HP shards. All my gear is +'d. I have TT 80 full set.

    I have all TT weapons now. Spear, Fists, Sword, and i find uses for each. Working on getting them upgraded to 80. Looking at going with legendary 80 fists....still thinking hard on that one.

    I have plenty of HP about 4.5k hp. Unbuffed with equipment.

    In PvE i believe it's more important to hit and kill then it is to have more hp. Hp can be replenished with proper preparation.

    Thank you for your time and have fun.

  • Yulk - Heavens Tear
    Yulk - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I say DON'T cap your VIT, after all BMs are melee classes anyways, don't cap anything except your MAG b:laugh

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • No_biggie - Heavens Tear
    No_biggie - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    accuracy rings solves the problem, at least I have heard that so many times.

    lol yeah accuracy rings solve everything but of course they are not easy to get. Misty Forest ring costs 115 Mysterious Chip and 5.75M to make OR you can buy for around 7M and the TT ring at 90 will give you +30% but you need 2 gold mats at around 1.3m to 1.5m and 8 dust of stars which would mean you need to be LOADED and at a decent level to even get those rings. and theres another one at lunar called chaos something with +50% but thats even harder to get -_- i have not seen one of those rings yet
    Because everyone likes little green men with huge heads b:victory