Is Everyone on PWI a Swindler?



  • vampirenite
    vampirenite Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    From what I gather the OP's problem is primarily impatience.

    It sometimes takes me days to sell something. Other times the same thing at the same price takes only a few hours.

    Often times I just dump the items at an NPC if it doesn't sell after a while.

    I see so many stupid newbies who sit at their catshop spamming the chat channels expecting people to flock to their shop and buy. During that time they could have made 2x more by grinding and selling to an NPC.
  • Xymantha - Dreamweaver
    Xymantha - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    my two cents on the issue here is that people do like to **** the prices of stuff, and I can understand perfectly the issues that the OP seems to be experiencing. I have seen people selling DQ items (or anything for that matter) for 10x the NPC sale prices. Whether people buy at those prices or not is beyond me. I never sell at those prices, and I would never buy at those prices either. I personally made 500k coin overnight when I hit about 35 and started selling all the DQ mats I had stockpiled throughout the game. I only sold my stuff at 1.5 times the suggested price (hence 3/4 value if NPC were to sell it). As for auction house... yeah people **** prices in there ridiculously. Do those items get bought? Perhaps if someone REALLY wants it and has the money to throw away on a piece of ****. I've personally sold some 2 and 3 star items (with sockets) for about 8k, while seeing someone else trying to sell a single star item (of the same kind) without sockets for 300k. Where's the logic in that? None at all.

    but yeah... pretty much right now I'm perfectly fine with not doing any sort of trade with any other players unless they are a faction member.
    I'm a man
  • Tayrin - Lost City
    Tayrin - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Be descriptive. Make sure your shop name is descriptive of what you're selling (and price if you can fit it in).

    Be consistent. Same spot, same stuff, same prices. People will start buying from you instead of doing a long, futile search of poorly named, over priced, random cat shops.

    Be patient. Some nights I make no money. Other nights I make 2mil. If you only set up a CS a couple times, you won't have enough time to hit a good selling spike.

    Location. Either where a lot of people will be using your items, or where a lot of other CS are selling the same stuff. Around teleporters could also be good.
  • Ichimokusan - Sanctuary
    Ichimokusan - Sanctuary Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Posting a condensed version for people who cannot read is non-sensical; he or she would not be able to read the condensed version if illiterate - Microsoft Sam to the rescue!
  • pezizgood
    pezizgood Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Thak you very much, Tayrin. Very helpful.
    Posting a condensed version for people who cannot read is non-sensical; he or she would not be able to read the condensed version if illiterate - Microsoft Sam to the rescue!

    Lol, I mean't people who were incapable of reading because of their own stubborness or lazyness.
  • mooman321
    mooman321 Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Good thread. Lots of tidbits to pick up if you take the time to read it. I found the majority of it to be true.

    I will add one point to the location arguement. This is primarily for those who are doing thier first "clearance" of old low level mats they've saved. It happens around I guess low 20s, when you hit lvl 3 on all your crafting skills.

    Think: Who has the money to spend 2k on iron or 1k for an herb and who needs it? Newbies...nope. BUT.... higher lvl players who suddenly decide they want to learn a craft have the money and need the mats. They're too high to get the drops, and too lazy to farm the herbs.

    Set up in the starting cities near the appropriate NPCs and you wil sell that stuff in one night.

    On the rant side of the thread:
    I hate not having a decent grande exchange if you will (was that allowed?). The catshops piled up around arch are a major pain for people whose comps barely meet the min sys reqs. I dread walking through there.

    Couldn't they confine catshops to an "instance" located in each town?
    The room could have areas marked for buy/sale of various items, and one for MISC. I really think a lot of potential "customers" of this game guit when they reach arch because of lag.
  • WyldeStryke - Sanctuary
    WyldeStryke - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Excellent idea mooman! I love the idea of restricting trade at least to certain areas, and a separate "instance" is even better. It would certainly help the Arch lag problem. It might be problematic in creating it's own black hole of lag.

    As a still newbish player to PWI, I found the economy to be about the hardest thing to grasp. You really do have to consider it as a whole both ingame and cash shop. Much good info has been posted in this thread. I'd really have to suggest to any player to take the time to do some research on these forums, the database, and ingame, before getting too involved in merchanting or AH usage or gold arbitrage. It really also behooves one to consider the demographics (both IRL and ingame) of other players. Think about your potential market, the time it takes you to merchant/ stock merchandise, and compare that to how much you can make in that same time by just vending to NPC. Try to figure out how much your time is worth. Keep this in mind at all times. Efficiency goes a long way towards maximizing profits.
  • Rygeor - Sanctuary
    Rygeor - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I agree with most of whats being said. alot of people just are greedy.
    I personnally hate the catshops because of the lag in arch, and the vast rip offs that can occur. Auction house for me is better, for certain items.
    No matter where you go, people will try to rip off anything they can.

    I find that the Gold Trading is also at times quick to make a buck. If you have the coin to spare. Almost overnight for me one day prices jumped about 12K per gold.
  • Kiexcolo - Sanctuary
    Kiexcolo - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Don't forget the people who try to sell the free lvl 30 wings for 100K.

    And I once saw a cat shop selling sadness card for a mil. Anyone who buys that would be sad indeed.
  • DarkYin - Dreamweaver
    DarkYin - Dreamweaver Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Don't forget the people who try to sell the free lvl 30 wings for 100K.
    Those are worth, what, 300 stamina at most? b:laugh
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Those are worth, what, 300 stamina at most? b:laugh

    Aerogear stamina is not the same as genie stamina..... You need far more stones to fill up to 600 than you need to get a genie to 100000.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • DarkYin - Dreamweaver
    DarkYin - Dreamweaver Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Aerogear stamina is not the same as genie stamina..... You need far more stones to fill up to 600 than you need to get a genie to 100000.
    Hm. So how much is 300 aerogear stamina worth? b:question
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hm. So how much is 300 aerogear stamina worth? b:question

    You get one points of stamina for every stone level. So for level 1 chi stones you get 1 stamina point per stone, for level 5 chi stones, you would get 5 stamina points, Perfect Stones give you 10 stamina and you get 30 stamina per mirage.

    So 300 aerogear stamina would be worth 30 perfect stones, or 10 mirages.

    I get the same sick feeling when refilling my skymanta as I get when I fill up my car...
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • DarkYin - Dreamweaver
    DarkYin - Dreamweaver Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hm... at 100k, that's not too bad.

    But at the same time, it's crappy level 30 wings, so the market is probably small. b:laugh
  • Aeropajita - Heavens Tear
    Aeropajita - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well, first the last part... if u plan on getting feedback from people who dont like to read... well thats tough!, but ok if u r willing to be a mazochist... advice PUT THE CONDENSED VERSION FIRST b:chuckle

    Personally I lost many monies to indecent sellers wanting to catch a noob, I fell for it and sometimes if the item is unknown to me I might still fall for it. But then theres a learning curve for trading too, so I move on. I can say that in HT server its the same thing, but u can use the local/trade/world channel to announce what u r selling, sometimes i dont bother putting up a CS, i just YELL what Im selling at fair price and most of the time I get a sale. for the DQ mats, yes is very much like u put it, but hey is a free trade market!. It happened to me that I needed a DQ 41 mat, only 1 piece (the toughest to get seem to be the Dull Claws) and I searched all WestArch and only 1 CS had it... for 4k, darn I waited like an hour but ended buyin it, judging it was overpriced (the other DQ 41 mats were less than 3k in other shops), later that day i sold other DQ for 4k to a guy who didnt want to go to compare prices (didnt had the time). I think high prices have some kind of clients, many people dont have the time to grind mats, so they prefer to buy them, exchanging time for money, maybe they are the ones supporting PWI through buying ZEN who knows! others are noobs, but they will learn too, and later they will be versed in the ways of trading, lol.

    So keep on trying, put a nice self explainatory name of what u r selling and the price, YELL what u r selling, and if u r going afk put a nice autoreply phrase telling u r a regular seller at that location (follow some nice advices already given by many guys here); u can also go the other way and invent or lie in ur store name to attract people, ull get some sales, but gain a bad, its up to you, Good Luck!b:bye