Sockets,Built in Skills, and Glow Effects for Clothes

SlayerVgs - Lost City
SlayerVgs - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Suggestion Box
I haven't seen a thread on this but it would be cool if clothes had only one socket for gems AND a Glow effect as an option when you are lvl 60 and up.

This would do a few things
1. make styles look better and make you not miss the glow effects of armor so much.
2. get the builders of perfect world to make better fashions because they would be in more demand and have more options of style cause a lil glow can change a look of something that normally looks lame.
3. if you are paying 300k coins or some gold for each thing you wear you should get a little bonus from it considering thats not even with the cost of the gems.

They could also add small special skills only usable if the have the skill built into the clothes something that can have exp infused like with a genie think how much more they would sell with this just as long as they don't make the skills too strong and more of a very very small bonus for buying and building them up.

If they had to put a gem lvl limit on what you can use in the new sockets I would understand that too.

I didn't add this orginally but the gems and skills in clothes would be a good idea for just making charactors more unique with alot more setup options for gear and fashions same with glow effects.

They could also instead of making a new set of clothes every few months when they do make a good set if there was an option to have multiple selectable patterns up to 10 or so like axes or swords and such for each fashion item and unique glow colors for each pattern that doesn't have to be the same as the main glow for the clothes it would just add alot to customization and proboly sales of clothes cause they wouldn't all be the same even if they had the same color.


  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I haven't seen a thread on this but it would be cool if clothes had only one socket for gems AND a Glow effect as an option when you are lvl 60 and up.

    This would do a few things
    1. make styles look better and make you not miss the glow effects of armor so much.
    2. get the builders of perfect world to make better fashions because they would be in more demand and have more options of style cause a lil glow can change a look of something that normally looks lame.
    3. if you are paying 300k coins or some gold for each thing you wear you should get a little bonus from it considering thats not even with the cost of the gems.

    They could also add small special skills only usable if the have the skill built into the clothes something that can have exp infused like with a genie think how much more they would sell with this just as long as they don't make the skills too strong and more of a very very small bonus for buying and building them up.

    If they had to put a gem lvl limit on what you can use in the new sockets I would understand that too.

    It is called fashion, it is supposed to be eye candy, you know, like all the practical clothing you see in fashion shows?

    You get bonuses in your armor already, and they still work when you have your fashion on, so I do not see the issue.

    If you want the glow to shine through..... as long as you can toggle that I do not see any issues with that.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • SlayerVgs - Lost City
    SlayerVgs - Lost City Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Even without it being for fashion would be a nice thing to have sockets and very weak bonus skills as an option for your clothes when you get to a higher lvl as more customizations for charactor if nothing else but to make people more unique since I see the same sets of clothes on people again and again it'de be nice if you could look and say hmm they actually have a special style.

    Btw forgot to mention this but they could also add patterns to clothes and only the patterns glow as an option b:pleased