Whats your current HP?



  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Been some time since I last played due to the fact that I'm in the army now but from what I remember I had about 2550 hp with lvl60 gears. LA build.
  • Q - Dreamweaver
    Q - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    w/o buff is about 3.2k

    w/ buff 4.1k almost 4.2k i think?

    w/o gear its something really low like 1.8k lol

    20 base vit w/o any gears.
  • LiLiLin - Dreamweaver
    LiLiLin - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hp with nothing on 1510
    Hp wtih gears but no buff 2350 b:surrender
    Hp with barb buff 3000-3100ish

    Build ..? 5vit and rest mag b:thanks
    3 more weeks until I'm free b:surrender

    b:cute I wana be Lv80 so badly
  • Arzalea - Sanctuary
    Arzalea - Sanctuary Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    HP with EQ- 2824
    HP w/o EQ - 1810

    w/ Barb buff, I have no idea.

    My refines are really minimal.
  • Slake - Lost City
    Slake - Lost City Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    ppl... Its not as hard as rocket surgery to figure out your Barb buff Hp... Just multiply your current HP by 1.3 and thats what it will be with a lvl 10 hp buff. :P


  • Aeneas - Harshlands
    Aeneas - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    4.7k unbuffed
    little over 6k buffed
  • Feito - Dreamweaver
    Feito - Dreamweaver Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Wow. Everyone's high leveled... b:shocked

    My current HP with gear and no buffs= 975
    No gear= 770
    Gear and barb buff would probably be=1267
    Build: LA

    I don't know how I'm doing it, even though I gave in and bought charms recently.
    InStyle is the greatest faction on Dreamweaver! b:victory
    Feito is...
    [x] Still a LA Cleric
    [x] in possession of a BURNING TIGER SPIRIT b:angry
    [x] Sipping some F--KING tea
    [ ] Totally KICKASS
    [ ] Extremely wealthy
    I've got some ways to go!
  • Sorbik - Lost City
    Sorbik - Lost City Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    7k unbuffed
    9k buffed
    94 full vit
  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lvl 70 Cleric

    - Around 2113 hp unbuffed
    - Close to 2800 buffed I think, maybe more
    - Light Armor

    As a note most of my gear only has one or two sockets right now, but as soon as they have a socket stone sale or when they implement the patch so I know how many are needed I'll be upping them all to 4 and filling my gear with hp shards b:victory

    Also my strength just hit 80 (with gear adds) so I'll be swapping out my arcane head gear for the Rejuv quest helmet adding another 200 hp.