BM PvP Tactics



  • Divine_Death - Dreamweaver
    Divine_Death - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I can't infuse my genie with anything!

    My current settings on my genie is Infuse with EXP cubes, but I don't have any EXP cubes , instead I would like to infuse her with Spirit, but I can not choose that option , I click on that but nothing happens !

    What am I doing wrong ? Help me please.

    Wrong forum...? b:laugh

    Change the trade state to non-trade.

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Oulia - Heavens Tear
    Oulia - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Wrong forum...? b:laugh

    Change the trade state to non-trade.

    Ah I suspected that it was my trade status.

    Sorry for the offtopic and thank you for the help.b:bye
  • Blossomfall - Harshlands
    Blossomfall - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Awesome thread. really helpful b:victory
    And thanks to complexx for the cool guide b:cool
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    complexx wrote: »
    b:cute Nice Topic. I always feel like the Wr section of the forums sucks balls.

    Here's my advice. Comes from 9x+ pvp. Not under. Also from a Axe User. Everything else blows in pvp.

    Yeah, nothing interesting has happened in this forums in a long time. Reason why I stopped posting that much. Congratulations on the GX by the way :P

    As same as complexx, I'll post for 90+ PvP, because anything lower than that is just stupid. And this comes from a Spear user, being more spefic, Hell Spear user, because any that went Heaven shouldn't be PvP'ing anyways (or should be using Axes).

    Warriors vs. Warrior: My favorite I think. In Lost City there is this "Thunderstormania", where every Warrior and their mothers think that Thunderstorm is godly. In my opinion, very very overrated.

    First, since this skill became so popular, Physical Marrow is a bad idea when you're fighting against a Warrior that has it, you should have 11k+ pdef at level 90 anyways, so you should be fine without it.

    Second, take the fight to the air, Dragon+Thunderstorm sucks in the air, you are nullifying the triple damage effect that the skill gets in the ground.

    Third A, once you get skilled enough, when you know that the other Warrior has Thunderstorm, whenever they use Dragon quickly use Magical Marrow, once Thunderstorm hitted you for a laughable damage you switch to Physical Marrow (because you have enough time to use it because of the time it will take the Genie to fill the Energy again and the cooldown of Dragon).

    Third B, use your range to the advantage. The range of your Spear will nullify the double damage effect that Thunderstorm has when one is close to the target. So keep using Leaps (while slowly building Chi), to keep the distance from the opponent, in a moment they will use Dragon, and since it has a little range, they will be out of the area to activate the effect of double damage whenever the opponent is close.

    Problem solved, now, how to kill? Easy, wait for 60% HP then just Roar -> Hell Triple Spark -> Get 10 Chi (with normal attacks or Hell Tiger Maw) -> Occult Ice (when roar effect is 1 second from going off) -> Will of Bodhisatva -> Kill.

    NOTE 1: Keep using Mo Zun's Taunt to slow their Chi building.
    NOTE 2: If you're level 99 and they are fully buffed, just use Monarch Spear to debuff them.

    Warrior vs. Barbarian: You will be surprised how fast Barbarians can die. Wait for 60% HP then just Roar -> Hell Triple Spark -> Get 10 Chi (by normal attacks or using Hell Tiger Maw) -> Occult Ice (when roar effect is 1 second from going off) -> Will of Bodhisatva -> Kill.

    They can turtle, use immune potion, Tree of protection, whatever. If they keep using defensive moves, then just ignore them. They shouldn't be able to kill you.

    If you're level 99, debuff them with the Monarch Spear, once the effect hits use Roar and use the combo to kill them. Also, use this Spear while building Chi for Triple Spark, to buy you more time. And keep using Mo Zun's Taunt.

    Warrior vs. Wizard: Another overrated fight. As complexx said:
    Complexx wrote:
    Mages before 9x are easy like baby. 90-100+ mages bit of a different story. Any smart mage stacks pdef in sockets rather than hp. They have a buff that gives pdef so they center their build around stacking more and more of it. (Just like barbs stacking hp) Always always always use marrow in 1 v 1 pvp with mages, they have 1 spell that does half physical. Mages use undine strike combined with extreme poison like it's going to get them laid irl.
    Also time your stuns when they have distance shrink on cool down. If you are pvping a smart mage they will kite all day while nuking and seal you when your about to stun.

    First thing, always keep your Magical Marrow on. This will reduce their damage by a lot (if you're using magic defense ornaments), and you should have at least 7~8k+ HP selfbuffed, this make it impossible for them to kill you (specially if you're fully buffed), unless they really overgear you.

    They like to use Distance Shrink + Ultimate. Whenever they do that just use Tiger Learp towards them, keep moving while counting 2 seconds and then use Lighting Chaser, this will cancel their casting, then just either Stun/Mo Zun's Taunt.

    If they Triple Spark then you can try to keep then on Stun Lock (unless they use a pill), or you can just drop and kite until the effect is off.

    To kill them normal skills can be enough, with the combinations of criticals and/or berserker effects. You can wait for 60% -> Roar -> Tick Charm -> Use Glacial Spike -> Occult Ice -> Farstrike -> (If necessary use normal attacks) Dead

    or the other combo: Wait for 60% HP then just Roar -> Hell Triple Spark -> Occult Ice (when roar effect is 1 second from going off) -> Normal Attack -> If somehow they are still alive after Occult Ice, they will Distance Shrink/Drop/etc, then just use Farstrike, this should kill them, unless of course, it misses. -> Dead

    NOTE 1: If you're level 99 and they are fully buffed, use Monarch Spear to debuff them.
    NOTE 2: If you're 99 and building Chi, use Monarch Spear.
    NOTE 3: If you're building Chi, keep using Mo Zun's Taunt.

    Warrior vs. Cleric: Everything that complexx said.

    To add to that, it is the same as what I wrote about Wizards. Just don't forget to include Will of Bodhisatva whenever you're going to kill them with a combo, because they like to Sleep.

    Warrior vs. Archer: Tricky fight.

    If you're fully buffed and you have Magical Marrow level 5~6, use it. Otherwise don't use any Marrow at all. They shouldn't be able to kill you unless they triple spark or overgear you.

    You can use the combo complexx posted:
    Complexx wrote:
    Lions Roar > Pop Accuracy powder > 1-2 quick attacks (Oceans edge (For slow proc) / Aeloians Blade.) Normally I just do one attack and wait for the stun to wear off so I can nail them with > Drakes bash > Either double spark / Dragons / Quickest attacks. With the accuracy powder not lasting very long you're whole goal is to stun them while doing damage, Drake bash, Heavens flame isn't going to miss with that powder so it's just like **** a squishy.

    Just replace Hell Tiger Maw for Ocean's Edge/Aeolians Blade.

    Or you can use Accuracy Pill (if you're having problems), tick charm, use Glacial Spike and normal attacks, if they try to go away use Farstrike, that should finish them.

    Don't forget to Stun them with Roar/Occult Ice before trying to use a combo on them.

    Or you can simply use the Hell Triple Spark combo posted before. Everything depends on the opponent/situation.

    NOTE 1: If you're level 99 and they are fully buffed, use Monarch Spear to debuff them.
    NOTE 2: If you're 99 and building Chi, use Monarch Spear.
    NOTE 3: If you're building Chi, keep using Mo Zun's Taunt.

    Warrior vs. Venomancer: Phoenix does **** damage to us, so don't be scared of it.

    Robe: Just use your normal skills, stuns, etc. If they somehow give you problems then use the pill that makes you immune to wood attacks for x seconds.

    Heavy Armor: The famous "Dragon+Thunderstorm" combo. Or use the Hell Triple Spark or if you have 2 Spark pills then: Triple Spark -> Use 2 Spark pill+Tick Charm -> (Hell) Glacial Spike -> Farstrike -> Kill.

    Light Armor: Your only choice is the Hell Triple Spark combo. Unless you have Hell Glacial Spike, then use it after ticking Charm and then Farstrike. Don't forget to stack Hell Draw Blood and (Hell) Piercing Winds on the veno.

    NOTE 1: If you're level 99 and they are fully buffed, use Monarch Spear to debuff them.
    NOTE 2: If you're 99 and building Chi, use Monarch Spear.
    NOTE 3: If you're building Chi, keep using Mo Zun's Taunt.


    1.- I know that Occult Ice has a chance to miss, reason why it should be better to use it before each combo, in case it misses then you can just try again. But I like to use more Roar than Occult ice as starting status, so it is up to you to choose what you like more. Using Occult Ice at the beggining is much safer.

    2.- Use (Hell) Aeolian Blade and in case you have it, Hell Meteor Rush to keep stunning your opponent.

    3.- Use smack for whenever Farstrike doesn't kill the opponent and they just have little HP left.

    I guess I missed some stuff, but will fix later (or not).
  • complexx
    complexx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yeah, nothing interesting has happened in this forums in a long time. Reason why I stopped posting that much. Congratulations on the GX by the way :P

    Thanksb:cute Yeah i've spent more time posting than in game, even that isn't much. The game itself lost the majority of its fun to me.
    Getting ready for a i o n (Lol@filter), and of course real life stuff.


    Sinnerz Lost City PvP.
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Same here, Elyos Gladiator FTW b:cute
  • The_DjokeR - Sanctuary
    The_DjokeR - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    First of all, Awesome guide Lyndura (as usual XD)b:victory,Thnx a lot!Anyway i hav a few questions i need to get clarified..

    1) This may be a noob questionb:surrender, but when u say Dragons + Thunderstorm combo, R u referring to Heaven's Flame as Dragons?

    2) This is regarding the genie skill occult ice. At lvl 10 it has a 60% chance to stun the target for 6 secs.It also requires 7 genie water affinity points. My question is whether this is necessary, coz ur using 7 affinity points and it still only has a 60% success rate with no damage dealt. Wouldn't it be better to get extreme poison or sum other status effect skill instead?

    3)Last one, In ur opinion (complexx & Lyndura) wat would be the best genie skill combination for a pvp BM.

  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    1.- Yes, Dragon is Heaven's Flame.

    2.- Extreme Poison is a must. And with a well built Genie Occult Ice has 70% chance to hit, which on my experience is pretty good. It completely freezes your opponent, meaning they can't move, they can't attack, they can't drop, they can't potion, they can't do anything.

    3.- Both of us already posted several genie skills used in PvP.
  • complexx
    complexx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    3)Last one, In ur opinion (complexx & Lyndura) wat would be the best genie skill combination for a pvp BM.


    3.- Both of us already posted several genie skills used in PvP.

    b:cute This of course.

    Sinnerz Lost City PvP.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I would rather go attacking the castors and lets them deal with the melee types.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Moobysnax - Lost City
    Moobysnax - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lynduraa, if you haven't already pls put yours and Complexx's post in this thread in your BM guide b:victory