need help w/ controls

Julian__ - Harshlands
Julian__ - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
edited July 2009 in General Discussion
i know all the key and mouse controls but how about the other cool features?

Like wearing your boxers :x how do you do that stuff?
Post edited by Julian__ - Harshlands on


  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i know all the key and mouse controls but how about the other cool features?

    Like wearing your boxers :x how do you do that stuff?

    Ah, the age old question about wearing boxers.
    Once you have reached the decision to wear boxers over briefs, there are a few ways to put them on.
    The following is a short sample of different ways to be able to put them on.

    1. Sit on the edge of the bed approach.
    This one is when one sits at the edge of the bed and carefuly puts the boxers on, using this method allows you to put both legs at the same time. Once the boxers reach to where you sitting, you have to do a little jump to pull them the rest of the way up. Alternatively you could stand up and finish pulling them up

    2. The balancing act.
    Warning - do not use the both legs at same time approach.
    On this one you balance on one leg as you carefuly put a leg in each of the holes of the boxers. once you have both legs inside, you can just pull them all the way up

    3. The lean on something
    Warning - also do not try to lift both legs at same time to put them in the boxers
    This one follows the same approach as number 2, except you get to hold on to something, like a chair or a wall. You have to be able to manuveur the boxers with one hand, as you weave your legs in them. Once both legs are in, you can just use both hands to pull them up

    4. Sit on the floor.
    Same as number one.

    5. In game
    On your inventory window (press B) click the box that says SPECIAL
    As long as you not wearing any "custom clothes", and you are a male character, you will be wearing boxers.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Julian__ - Harshlands
    Julian__ - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ah, the age old question about wearing boxers.
    Once you have reached the decision to wear boxers over briefs, there are a few ways to put them on.
    The following is a short sample of different ways to be able to put them on.

    1. Sit on the edge of the bed approach.
    This one is when one sits at the edge of the bed and carefuly puts the boxers on, using this method allows you to put both legs at the same time. Once the boxers reach to where you sitting, you have to do a little jump to pull them the rest of the way up. Alternatively you could stand up and finish pulling them up

    2. The balancing act.
    Warning - do not use the both legs at same time approach.
    On this one you balance on one leg as you carefuly put a leg in each of the holes of the boxers. once you have both legs inside, you can just pull them all the way up

    3. The lean on something
    Warning - also do not try to lift both legs at same time to put them in the boxers
    This one follows the same approach as number 2, except you get to hold on to something, like a chair or a wall. You have to be able to manuveur the boxers with one hand, as you weave your legs in them. Once both legs are in, you can just use both hands to pull them up

    4. Sit on the floor.
    Same as number one.

    5. In game
    On your inventory window (press B) click the box that says SPECIAL
    As long as you not wearing any "custom clothes", and you are a male character, you will be wearing boxers.
    ok so what other specials are there except F1,2,etc. just all the cool things that arnt F's and keyboard and mousepad and i meant just in-game
    like tell me the other specials
  • kaine17
    kaine17 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009

    b= inventory
    f= friends
    g= guild/faction
    q= quest
    e= emotion/actions
    x= flip
    c= character info
    r= character skills
    t= squad/party
    m= map
    wasd= move
    tab= switch between the 3 columns on the f1 f2 shortcut thing
    `= switch between the ones on 1, 2 ... etc

    I can't remember the rest, but you won't need them much anyway
  • kaine17
    kaine17 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    oh yeah and o or alt-o is cash shop
  • Julian__ - Harshlands
    Julian__ - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    i said i already know keyboard and mouse controls but thanks anyways i just wanna know all the specials
  • Tiaque - Sanctuary
    Tiaque - Sanctuary Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Edit: just reread the question.

    My apologies >< Anyway, there's really not that many special buttons. If you click on another player, then right click their picture, you get a nice drop down menu. There's also the quest window...

    A lot of it's really hard to explain. Just explore your options - nothing you click on will actually hurt anyone, though be wary of the report **** button.

    Chat controls:

    !! before what you say = squad chat (colored green)
    !~ faction chat (blue)
    !@ world chat (yellow)
    $ trade chat (orange; level 30+ only)
    "In the end, its not about LA vs robe - which is better? Its about knowing your character and how to play it." ~Blosque, Sanctuary

    Director of Tsunami
    Contact me in-game if you're looking for a new home!

    Ayjia (5x veno), Celys (4x full support cleric), Eirel (3x claw blademaster)
  • Julian__ - Harshlands
    Julian__ - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    "space" = jump
    p = pet bag
    r = skills
    mouse wheel or scroll bar = zoom in/out
    right mouse button = rotate camera
    f9 = screenshot
    L = help
    i knew all of that except screenshot..... i wanna know the controls that ARE NOT keyboard/mousepad controls like the fun ones like boxers :x
  • Tiaque - Sanctuary
    Tiaque - Sanctuary Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yeah, I reread the question and editted things. My apologies >< I ususally don't skim on new players' questions.
    "In the end, its not about LA vs robe - which is better? Its about knowing your character and how to play it." ~Blosque, Sanctuary

    Director of Tsunami
    Contact me in-game if you're looking for a new home!

    Ayjia (5x veno), Celys (4x full support cleric), Eirel (3x claw blademaster)
  • NecroNancy - Sanctuary
    NecroNancy - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    maybe the word "Features" need to replace the word "controls". ??
  • Julian__ - Harshlands
    Julian__ - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Yeah, I reread the question and editted things. My apologies >< I ususally don't skim on new players' questions.
    thanks :) im waiting for my DVD cuz i could only play PW for 3 days and then it got deleted by the what are the special controls? i know about the right-click player portrait but what about the inventory specials....i know that there's boxers but what else?
  • Tiaque - Sanctuary
    Tiaque - Sanctuary Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hope you enjoy it ^^

    Really, the easiest way to figure things out is to just start pressing buttons and clicking things in diffferent ways. The UI in this game is very user-friendly, and it'll be very hard to get yourself in trouble just by experimenting.
    "In the end, its not about LA vs robe - which is better? Its about knowing your character and how to play it." ~Blosque, Sanctuary

    Director of Tsunami
    Contact me in-game if you're looking for a new home!

    Ayjia (5x veno), Celys (4x full support cleric), Eirel (3x claw blademaster)
  • Julian__ - Harshlands
    Julian__ - Harshlands Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hope you enjoy it ^^

    Really, the easiest way to figure things out is to just start pressing buttons and clicking things in diffferent ways. The UI in this game is very user-friendly, and it'll be very hard to get yourself in trouble just by experimenting.
    uh thanks i guess thats all for this forum thread.....ill get the DVD a GM said it'll be about a week

    andd bye b:thanks b:bye
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    uh thanks i guess thats all for this forum thread.....ill get the DVD a GM said it'll be about a week

    andd bye b:thanks b:bye

    Bye bye, hope you enjoy the game, and good luck with the all boxer shorts thing, at least you already made the right choice of going for boxers instead of briefs.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.