More Official Videos from PWI please

SuccubusGenX - Heavens Tear
SuccubusGenX - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Suggestion Box
I'd like to see some more official videos from PWI themselves in the downloads section. Mostly at the moment I'd like to see some behind-the-scenes type stuff. Get to see the various staff and what they do.
Obviously I don't expect to see "under development" stuff...unless it's quick sneak peaks to wet player's appitites for promotional purposes.
But it would be nice to see some of the people that put all this together and run it. This could be done with interviews and stuff showing a bit about what they do, maybe a bit of an insight into their favorite aspects of the game and things like that.

And that includes don't think they should escape the camera's roving :-P

I think it'd be very interesting, and it'd give players a chance to get to know the team a bit more, see that they're real people (I swear some people think the staff are "bots" and I think draw more on the comminity spirit aspect a bit more.

The staff hear our views, moans, ideas, etc all the time...I think it's time we heard their's...heh.

another cool video, and quite possibly a very useful one to PWI would be a GM identification/display one...a showcase if you will of each GM in-game character and maybe a short description of each. This would give players a chance to get to know the GMs a bit more and recognize each on passing.
I know they got the red GM logo next to their name...but there's players like myself who rarely see a GM (I've seen about 3 since I first started playing...and one of those was running so fast through an area I didn't catch the

Also perhaps included in the video a "dummy run" of what it looks like if a GM contacts a player.
All this would not only introduce the GMs to players (some players perhaps that have never played these sort of games before and don't know much about how they work), but also it would help to counter any players trying to pass themselves off as GMs (which I have heard about, it happens).

Still, I think there are many benefits to be gained from the vids.
Post edited by SuccubusGenX - Heavens Tear on


  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    This will never happen because we must preserve the privacy of our staff, nice idea though
  • SuccubusGenX - Heavens Tear
    SuccubusGenX - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Thanks for the reply, eatwithspoons, much appreciated :-)

    ok...even if my whole idea can't be used as is....I hope there's parts there that can be either used or maybe influence some other ideas along similar lines.

    I can understand the GM privacy thing...they are, after all, the "police" of PWI...heh.
    But the GM showcase later on in my idea didn't involve seeing/knowing about GM actual identity, just their characters which some players get to see anyways from time to time.

    As for other staff...well, there is a staff member talking on some of the vids already...heh. I believe that's Jonathan Belliss, Product Manager...:-P
    And he didn't even have his ninja mask on to protect his j/k

    Anyways, regardless if the ideas are used or not, thanks for reading...and the reply, and nice to meet you eatwithspoons :-)
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    We'll see what happens, personally I enjoy user created content much more.b:laugh