Gearing and enhancing it?

Thrill - Dreamweaver
Thrill - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
edited July 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
Hi there,

I have some questions about PWI's gear system. First off, I come from World of Warcraft, where the system is based on gear colors (and itemlevels). For those that don't know this system: The quality of the item is based on the color of the item, from:

Grey (inferior) > White > Green > Blue > Purple > Orange (Legendary).

Which is pretty easy to follow - generally, the further your item goes to the right side, the better it is (in simple terms).

Now, I'm a bit confused in how this goes in PWI.

1) Colors? For example, there are the colors. Atm I think it goes like this (please correct me if I'm wrong here):

White > Blue > Purple > Legendary > Twilight (TT/HH)

2) And then there are Stars. If I'm correct, the more stars the item has, the higher the white stats are on the item - Where a 1* item has for example +15 pdef, a 2* item of the same name has higher pdef than the +15, and/or you get some blue stats extra (like +matk/dex/etc)?

But now, how do I measure the quality of two items when I have to factor in these 2 rules? Do I look at the color, or the stars? or both? I'm not sure really.

Sofar I've seen white items with 1*/2*. And I'm not sure if I saw some Blue 2* item when inspecting someone. But do Stars apply to every "color items"? (Meaning, can you get 3* HH/TT/Legendary items etc, or does it only apply to white/blue/purple etc?)

Also, I've seen some white 2* items being better than a blue 1* at my level, so I'm confused how I should be looking at it.


3) Sockets? From what I've read, weapons can have 2 sockets and armor 4. When crafting items, it is entirely random if your item will get sockets and if it occurs, also random is the number of sockets it will receive.
If your item doesn't get any sockets, you can buy them from the boutique and apply them to your item, but the amount cannot exceed a total of 2 sockets on weapon and 4 on armor, right?

- Which items can be socketted however, can neck/belt/rings/bracers/cloak be socketted, or is it just head/chest/leg/boots?

- Also, is buying them (whether it be Boutique or AH) the only to obtain these, or will you be able to craft/loot them from some bosses/whatever/questrewards aswell?

How to enhance Items?

If i'm correct, there are 2 ways to enhance your items - Refining and Imbuing.

Refining should only be done with endgame gear, which in most cases is TT/HH gear? Doing it on lowerlevel gear (which I mean pre-60 or maybe even pre-80?) is silly, since you'll be replacing that gear with endgame gear later, making it enormously costly during the lower levels? (again, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Also, refining is done with Mirage Celestone, which can only be obtained as quest rewards? (Fragments etc)

On Molds?

If I'm correct, molds are recipes that drop from Bossmobs only? And they only drop in FBs? And how do they work exactly? Are the 1 time use only or can I keep craftiung said item once I've obtained the mold (and I'm of required crafting level ofc)?

I'm still miles away from getting to this point ofcourse, but I've always been a critical person when it comes to creating/leveling/building/gearing chars, hence the wall of text up here.

If anyone could answer some/all of these questions, it would be most appreciated. b:victory
Post edited by Thrill - Dreamweaver on


  • bluefox213
    bluefox213 Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Hey....I understand the confusion...I had that too when I started out...and im still a noob...and dont know lots of this game

    tho a few of your question i can answer

    Your right bout the colors...that are the item

    In order of good / bad items...

    worse > good
    1 star > 2 star > 3 star(purple) > legendar(gold) > TT/HH (green)

    1 and 2 star can be both white and blue....the blue name will only mean it has bonus...white has no bonus
    3 star = always purple and 2 star is never purple...
    if for example a sword 1 star has this:
    15-20(normal dmg)
    2 star:
    3 star:
    it doesnt have to be that the purple (3 star) is better....could be that the 2 star has VERY good bonus and 3 star has none bonus....
    but most comon is that the 3 star is better(3 star weapons shine blue)

    the legendary items need molds to be made these drop indeed of fb mobs(im level 50...never found 1 yet ;) so quite rare)
    if you have a will need the require crafting level(practice by making items) than you take the mold + the required crafting materials to archosaur there will be forges where u turn the mold into the weapon/armor ;)

    the TT/HH goes the same way as legendary only you dont need a mold but TT= twilight temple materials....which you can get obviosly at the twilight temple....this is for level 60 +++
  • Breathe - Lost City
    Breathe - Lost City Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    From Worse to Best:

    1 star -> 1 star blue (Blue means it adds a stat, like +5 dex)-> 2 star -> 2 star blue -> 3 star -> Legendary -> Twilight Temple

    2) Correct.. when looking at items I usually look for 1 blue star or higher. I also put additional stats above stars.

    For instance, a 1 blue star with + 73 magic and a bonus of +2% crit is alot better than a 2 blue star with +77 magic and a bonus of +50% endurance.

    3) Correct. Things that cannot be socketed: Necklace, Belt, Rings. Not sure what the other part of your question is asking.

    4) Correct. It is useless lower levels because you level quick, also refining low level gear doesn't give as much bonus to it. I started really +'ing equip at 80+ gear.

    Mirage stones can also come from other things, such as Cube rewards, World Quest, and TT bosses.

    5) Yes.. they have a small small small chance of dropping from regular mobs, but you're better off running FBs. One time use.
  • Lady_Selan - Sanctuary
    Lady_Selan - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Based on bonuses alone, Twilight and legendary may alternate on which is more powerful. Most powerful on the tree will be the Warsoul.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Based on bonuses alone, Twilight and legendary may alternate on which is more powerful. Most powerful on the tree will be the Warsoul.
    dont put in items that are near impossible to get on other servers, and impossible period, on international PW. Thats like sayin GM gear is the best cause it exists and youll get pple asking 'How do you get GM gear' and the answer is apparent.b:surrender
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  • Thrill - Dreamweaver
    Thrill - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Sorry for the late reply. Thanks alot for your replies to my questions. Finally got rid of some confusion.